Wednesday, September 30, 2009

American Government 9/30/09

In Class - Continue class discussion on how the media shapes public opinion. Answer questions 1, 2, and 5 from yesterday's handout. Pass out 6 week progress report. This is due signed by Friday.

Homework - None. QOW due by Friday. Chapter 8 Questions due by Friday. Signed grade sheet due by Friday.

World History 9/30/09

In Class - Turn in Standard Check Questions (Chapter 3, Section 1). Guided notes: Causes of the French Revolution. Hand out 6 week progress report. This is due by Friday, signed by your parents.

Homework - Chapter 3, Section 1 and 2 Quiz. Due tomorrow at the beginning of class. Signed progress report due by Friday.

American Government 9/29/09

In Class - Discuss factors that shape public opinion. Notes on the back of video handout. Begin watching documentary: News War. See how public opinion and the media is affected by government and how the government is influenced by the media. Look for answers to questions while watching the video.

Homework - None. QOW due by Friday. Chapter 8 Questions (see posting from 9/28) due Friday as well.

World History 9/29/09

In Class - Turn in test corrections (I will take these through the Friday). Introduction to the French Revolution. Class notes: Social Structure of France prior to the Revolution. Short Video: French Revolution. Take notes over the video.

Homework - Read Chapter 3, Section 1 and answer the standard check questions (4) on page 111 and 113. Due tomorrow at the beginning of class.

Monday, September 28, 2009

American Government 9/28/09

In Class - Discuss the relationship between media outlets and politics.

Homework - Read Chapter 8, Sections 1-3. Answer the following questions to turn in by Friday, October 2.

Questions: 1) What is public opinion and what factors shape it?
2) Define an opinion leader and give three specific, modern day examples.
3) What are the mass media? What evidence can you give that the mass media influences public opinion?
4) How is it that a random sample gives a fairly accurate representation of public opinion?
5) Go online, and find the approval ratings of President Obama starting in January 2009-September 2009. Be sure to provide the website of where you found your information.
6) Why is the internet considered a medium?
7) How do the media influence the public agenda? Provide specific examples.
8) What limits are there on media influence?

QOW - With regards to media outlets (internet, television, newspaper, magazines, or radio), what do you think is their overall purpose? Inform, entertain, influence? Also, how has the role of media outlets changed over the past five or ten years? What do you think?

World History 9/28/09

In Class - Hand back tests. Test corrections: Write down the question (of the multiple choice questions you missed), indicate the section heading (in red), sub-section (in black), page number and the correct answer. I would like this before you leave, however, I will accept this by tomorrow.

Homework - Read Chapter 3, Section 1.

NOTE - Extra Credit due today!

Saturday, September 26, 2009

American Government 9/25/09

In Class - Work Day: Complete current event notebook (11) with complete citations. Political cartoon analysis (6) from Monday and classwork on Wednesday. Current Event Notebook due by 3:00 or else it is considered late, unless you have spoken with me.

Homework - QOW due by 11:59 tonight.

World History 9/25/09

In Class - Test over Chapter 2. Turn in completed review sheet for extra credit on your overall test score.

Homework - None

NOTE - Extra credit from the posting on 9/21 is due on Monday.

Thursday, September 24, 2009

American Government 9/24/09

In Class - Work Day. Turn in political cartoon analysis (6) from Monday. Use class time today to work on your current events, finish analyzing these political cartoons, or something else constructive.

Homework - Current Event Notebook (11) due tomorrow by the end of the day. QOW posting due tomorrow by 11:59 pm.

World History 9/24/09

In Class - Hand back yesterday's homework (Chapter 2, Section 3 Quiz/Primary Source/Standard Check Questions). Hand out review sheet for test. This review sheet, if completed, can be used as extra credit towards your overall test score. HOWEVER, IT MUST BE COMPLETE! Use class time today to work on this sheet.

Homework - Test tomorrow over Chapter 2.

NOTE - Extra Credit opportunity (see posting from 9/21) is due on Monday.

Wednesday, September 23, 2009

American Government 9/23/09

In Class - Groupwork: Political Cartoon Analysis. As a group, discuss the five questions. Turn this in. Hand out political cartoon project. Discuss. Project is due on Thursday, October 29.

Homework - Political cartoon analysis (6); these were handed out on Monday. QOW due by Friday. Current Event notebook due on Friday.

World History 9/23/09

In Class - Hand back papers; put these in your notebook. Discuss Chapter 2, Section 2: Spread of Enlightenment Ideas. Discuss standard check questions from Chapter 2, Section 3. Turn in homework (Chapter 2, Section 3 Quiz/Primary Source/Standard Check Questions). Review sheet available after school today.

Homework - Study for test over Chapter 2 on Friday. Extra Credit assignment due on Monday, September 28.

Monday, September 21, 2009

American Government 9/21/09

In Class - Video clips: California prisons, immigration and health care?, and the issue of race. Watch these clips and then discuss. Hand out homework (political cartoons). Analyze these political cartoons and focus on the main issues presented. Each cartoon should have a paragraph explanation of the main issues discussed including your thoughts and opinions. This is due by Thursday.

NOTE - Current Event Notebook (11) is due on Friday. Current event topics:,8599,1916427,00.html

Question of the Week - Take a look at the following picture gallery:,29307,1922169,00.html
The pictures themselves come from the Tea Party Protests concerning the issues raised by the Obama Administration. In your views, do you think protests, such as these, are helping or hurting the American debate on health care and other issues? What are your thoughts and opinions?

Be sure that you proofread and make logical arguments based on the pictures. Furthermore, do your own work. Plaigarised material will result in a zero!

World History 9/21/09

In Class - Continue watching "Amazing Grace." ICW - What are some of the arguments proposed in the House of Commons that are against the abolition of the slave trade? List and explain two arguments. Hand out homework (Chapter 2, Section 3 Quiz/Primary Source/Standard Check Questions); due Wednesday.

Homework - ICW response due tomorrow at the beginning of class. Chapter 2, Section 3 handout due on Wednesday.

NOTE - Test over Chapter 2 on Friday. This is the last grade before the 6-Week grading period ends!

EXTRA CREDIT OPPORTUNITY - Do some research online about modern day slavery or "human trafficking" as it is known today. Find three articles, print them out, summarize each article (6-8 sentences with proper MLA citation), and then write a one page reaction regarding this issue. This assignment is due by Monday, September 28 by 2:40 PM. This assignment is worth up to 60 points, but only quality work will be considered to receive full credit. Any questions, feel free to come by and see me. Don't have a computer or printer at home? I am available for tutoring Monday-Wednesday and Friday mornings starting at 6:15.

Friday, September 18, 2009

American Government 9/18/09

In Class - Mental health day.

Homework - Current event notebook due next week (Thursday or Friday). You should have a total of ten (10) current events thus far (eight on the topic of torture, one on the article concerning Ted Kennedy, and one that I handed out on Monday concerning Barack Obama's health care reform address).

World History 9/18/09

In Class - Mental health day. Work on homework, if not completed, (Chapter 2, Section 2 Quiz/Primary Source and Guided Notes). Turn in before you leave.

Homework - Enjoy your weekend.

NOTE - Next week marks the end of the grading period. Tutoring available before school from 6:15-7:15 on Monday-Wednesday, and Friday. Test over Chapter 2 next Friday (9/25).

Thursday, September 17, 2009

World History 9/17/09

In Class - Continue "Amazing Grace." In class writing: From what you saw yesterday and what you view today, predict whether or not William Wilberforce will have a difficult time passing his abolition bill through the House of Commons. This is due before you leave.

Homework - Chapter 2, Section 2 Work.

NOTE - If you missed the quiz from Tuesday (Chapter 2, Section 1: Enlightenment Philosophes), you must show up tomorrow (tutoring before school beginning at 6:15).

American Government 9/16/09

In Class - Video Clips (ACORN scandal? and Jimmy Carter's statement on racism in America). Discuss these video clips.

Homework - None.

World History 9/16/09

In Class - Handout homework (Due Friday: Chapter 2, Section 2 Quiz/Primary Source and Guided Notes). Introduction to "Amazing Grace." View the movie "Amazing Grace" and watch how the Enlightenment ideas helped abolish the slave trade in Great Britain.

Homework - Chapter 2, Section 2 work due Friday.

NOTE - I offer tutoring on Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, and Friday. Come for extra credit and extra help.

American Government 9/15/09

In Class - Test. No not really, but this is a test about how much you know about the United States' government and history.

Homework - None

NOTE - There will be no QOW for the week. Also, there will be no current events for the remainder of the week either. I will collect your current event notebooks next week before the 6-week grading period ends.

World History 9/15/09

In Class - Turn in homework (Chapter 2, Section 1 Quiz/Primary Source and Handout) Short review for the quiz over Chapter 2, Section 1. Take the quiz. Discuss answers.

Homework - Read Chapter 2, Section 2.

Monday, September 14, 2009

American Government 9/14/09

In Class - Short discussion on Obama's Health Care Reform Speech from last Wednesday (9/09). Turn in notes and one page written summary highlighting the key points of his speech.
Hand out current event for today by Joel Klein (TIME Magazine). Summarize article and place in your current event notebook.

Homework - None.

QOW - We will begin a new topic of discussion for the next couple of weeks. Based on the number of responses I read while grading your survey projects, I have narrowed it down to a few topics. I will discuss those with you tomorrow in class. For now, look for the question of the week posting tomorrow. Because of the late posting, I will extend the due date for this week's QOW until Saturday.

World History 9/14/09

In Class - Turn in homework from Friday (Chapter 2, Section 1 Quiz/Primary Source and Enlightenment Handout). Group Work: Enlightenment Philosophes. Class Notes: Enlightenment Philosophes.

Homework - Short quiz over Chapter 2, Section 1. Study your notes from today's class period, and you will do just fine.

NOTE - Test retake from Chapter 1 is before and after school today. In order to retake the test, you must complete the chapter review, page 50 #1-17.

Sunday, September 13, 2009

American Government 9/11/09

In Class - Class discussion: issue of torture. Remember, you must participate in order to receive points. Turn in one page reaction to Obama's speech on education.

Homework - On Monday, one page write-up and notes of Obama's speech on health care reform (see my posting from Wednesday for a link in case you missed it).

World History 9/11/09

In Class - ICW (In Class Writing): Remembering September 11. Brief discussion, turn in writing assignment. Preview Chapter 2, Section 1: The Enlightenment. Short Video: The Enlightenment. Take a few notes: we will add to these on Monday.

Homework - Handout: Chapter 2, Section 1 Quiz and Primary Source (Two Views on Education). On the back, read the material on the left and answer the five questions based on the reading. Due Monday at the beginning of class.

NOTE - If you are interested in re-taking the Chapter 1 Test, it will be Monday morning before school beginning at 6:15 AM. Space is limited. If you cannot attend in the morning, I will be available after school on Monday only for this retake. In order for you to re-take the test, you must complete on page 50, #1-17. This is your ticket in the door. Will you get credit for doing this assignment? The answer is yes, you will have an opportunity to re-take your test.

Friday, September 11, 2009

American Government 9/10/09

In Class - Discuss President Obama's Health Care address from Wednesday night. Work day: prepare arguments for our class discussion tomorrow in class over the issue of torture.

Homework - One page write-up from Obama's speech on education due tomorrow at the beginning of class. Prepare for the class discussion tomorrow.

World History 9/10/09

In Class - Discuss SMART goals. Motivational speech (at least I hope) concerning your education and ways to achieve success. Analyze quotes from the board and write what they mean to you and your success in education.

Homework - None

NOTE - There will be a test retake over Chapter 1 on Monday, September 14 before school. Space is limited (37) so show up early. In order to take this test, your ticket in the door will be the completion of page 50 (in your textbook) #1-17. This must be turned in before you take your test!

Wednesday, September 9, 2009

American Government 9/9/09

In Class - Turn in homework (4th period only). Watch President Obama's speech on education. Take notes and write a one page reaction. In your reaction, be sure you respond to the following questions: What was the overall message of the speech? Were there any lines in particular that caught your attention? Why? What does he say about responsibility? What does he articulate about your education in relationship to your future?

These are just some questions to consider to help you get started in your writing. The full text of the speech is available at:

Homework - One page reaction due on Friday, September 11. Keep on track with your current events: 1 per day. Also, watch Obama's address to Congress tonight (5 pm, pacific time) or find a video online (I will post this later when it comes available). The context of the speech will be about health care reform (something you should all be familiar with). Take notes over this speech and write a one page reaction. This is due by Monday, September 14.

Video and full text of President Obama's Health Care Address:
To view the video, scroll all the way to the bottom for the MSNBC full video.

World History 9/9/09

In Class - Test over Chapter 1. Turn in review sheet with your answer sheet.

Homework - None

Extra Credit Opportunity - Watch the following speech President Obama gave concerning education. Take notes and write a one-page reaction discussing the relevant themes and overall message of this speech. This assignment is due by Friday, September 11. This assignment is worth up to 40 points of extra credit.

American Government 9/8/09

In Class - Briefly discuss President Obama's speech on education. Group work: take your two arguments (homework from last Friday) and discuss these in groups. Then, take a look at the handout with arguments of why torture should be used to gain intelligence from detainees. Write a short paragraph telling me why these arguments solidify the argument of why torture should be used or why these arguments do not. Turn in before you leave.

Homework - Current events on the issue of torture. Check out the following articles (and yes, you may use these as your current events!),8599,1918137,00.html,8599,1668707,00.html,9171,994180-1,00.html

QOW - There is no question of the week for this week. We will pick this up next week.

Tuesday, September 8, 2009

World History 9/8/09

In Class - Hand back papers. Discuss review sheet. Finish notes from Friday (6th Period). Work day: work on the review sheet for tomorrow's test over Chapter 1.

Homework - Complete review sheet for Chapter 1. Study for your test!!!

NOTE - Extra credit available for tutoring tomorrow morning before school 6:15-7:15. Also, come in during tutorials for tomorrow for extra review.

Sunday, September 6, 2009

American Government 9/4/09

In Class - Continue and finish watching documentary: The Torture Question. Discuss.

Homework - For Tuesday, I want you to come up with two solid arguments (write them down) that justify the United States' use of torture or "alternative interrogation techniques" on suspected terrorists. Have these for Tuesday. QOW due tonight by 11:59.

World History 9/4/09

In Class - Class Notes: Chapter 1, Sections 3-5 (Judaism, Christianity, Developments of Democratic England). Hand out review. This review sheet is for the test on Wednesday over Chapter 1.

Homework - Review sheet for Chapter 1 Test. Work on this over the weekend. I would like for you to have most of this done by Tuesday. It will be due on Wednesday with your test.

Thursday, September 3, 2009

American Government 9/3/09

In Class - Continue to watch the documentary: The Torture Question. Discuss the role of the presidency in times of war and the role of the Geneva Convention in terms of how to treat prisoners/detainees.

Homework - Stay current on your current events. QOW due by tomorrow.

World History 9/3/09

In Class - Hand back the questions from yesterday's classwork regarding Ancient Rome. Discuss the answers as a class. Continue to discuss the answers from the handout (Chapter 1, Sections 3-5 Quizzes).

Homework - None. Test next Wednesday over Chapter 1.

American Government 9/2/09

In Class - In groups, come up with your own definition of torture. Then, discuss the scenarios from the handout: What is torture? After you have discussed and explained why you believe these are examples of torture, grab a copy of the excerpts from the Geneva Convention. Take a look at the scenario again and see if any of your responses change based on the evidence from the Geneva Convention. Begin watching video: The Torture Question. I want you to take a few notes from this video on the same sheet of paper as the scenarios.

Homework - Stay current on your current events. QOW due by Friday.

If you want to take a look at the video we are watching in class, here is the link:

World History 9/2/09

In Class - Turn in yesterday's homework/classwork (video summary of how it relates to the death of Julius Caesar). Today will be a work day because of my absence. First, copy the seven questions from the board on Ancient Rome (Chapter 1, Section 2). Answer these questions and turn in before you leave. When you are complete, work on the handout (Chapter 1, Sections 3-5 Quizzes and the Primary Source). This is homework for tomorrow.

Homework - Complete handout. Test over Chapter 1 on Wednesday, September 9.

Tuesday, September 1, 2009

American Government 9/1/09

In Class - Discuss Question of the Week and the new topic of discussion: torture. Watch short video clip about torture and the War on Terror. Turn in survey questions and one page write-up. If not turned in today, I will still accept this tomorrow, but I will take off two letter grades.

Homework - Current event. Topic: torture. Be sure your current events are within the last year, but you may do some additional research to further your knowledge on the topic.

Articles to check out: - Dick Cheney opens up waterboarding debate - Top prosecutor orders probe into interrogations

World History 9/1/09

In Class - Class notes: Roman Law. Discuss the assassination of Julius Caesar. Video: Watch how the video relates to the assassination of Julius Caesar.

Homework - Summarize video and analyze the similarities between the video and the death of Caesar. This is due at the beginning of class tomorrow.