Sunday, September 30, 2012

US History 9/28/12

In Class - If you need to retake the test, then you can do so in class today.  Begin watching Division, from America: the Story of Us. 

Homework - Civil War 150 Internet assignment due on Friday, October 5.  Issues Connector assignment will go in your notebook.

American Government 9/27/12

In Class - WHIPS postponed until I have internet access.  Mental health day.

Homework - Update your blog.

World History 9/27/12

In Class - Complete notes on the Enlightenment.  Summarize these notes.  Hand out Chapter 2 Packet (Section 1-3 Quizzes, Standards Check (2), and Primary Sources (3)).  This is due on Thursday, October 4.

Homework - Chapter 2 Packet.

US History 9/27/12

In Class - Review Chapter 2 outline.  Discuss significant events that led to the division of the north and south.  Hand out Issues Connector: State vs. Federal Rights.  Complete this for tomorrow.

Homework - Issues Connector Handout.

American Government 9/26/12

In Class - WHIPS have been postponed until I get my Internet back online.  We will catch up asap.  For those of you that haven't gone, still be prepared to present on your assigned date.  Discuss documentary and video clips from Monday and Tuesday.  Hand out political cartoon assignment (due Wednesday, October 3).

Homework - Update your blog.  Class discussion next Wednesday.

World History 9/26/12

In Class - Class notes, the Enlightenment.  Focus on how each philosophe contributed to ideas and concepts of change.

Homework - Review Chapter 2.

US History 9/26/12

In Class - Hand out Issues Connector assignment (due tomorrow).  Discuss Civil War Internet Project: Civil War 150 (click on the title to access the link).  Follow the directions and complete this by Friday, October 5.

Homework - Review Chapter 2 and complete the Issues Connector handout.

Saturday, September 29, 2012

American Government 9/25/12

In Class - Watch the short video clips concernig the Islamic Cultural Center controversy.  In small groups, discuss the topic and then write a well-organized paragraph concerning your group's perspective on why the center should or should not be built.  Turn in.

Homework - Update your blog.

World History 9/25/12

In Class - Watch the episode "Revolution," from America: The Story of Us.  Take notes as you watch the video.  Summarize and turn in.

Homework - Watch the news.

US History 9/25/12

In Class - Watch America: The Story of US, "Westward."  Take notes while you watch the video.  Summarize and turn in.

Homework - Watch the news.

Monday, September 24, 2012

The Word - Mutually Assured Coercion

From the Colbert Report with Stephen Colbert, September 14, 2010.

American Government 9/24/12

In Class - Watch the short documentary The Man Behind the Mosque.  While watching the movie, take down some notes regarding the major arguments.  Prepare to discuss this tomorrow in class.

Homework - Continue to research the topic and update your blog.

World History 9/24/12

In Class - Begin reading Chapter 2, Section 1.  Take notes over the section and then create a five question multiple choice quiz.  Turn in before you leave.

Homework - Review Chapter 2, Section 1.

US History 9/24/12

In Class - Begin reading Chapter 2, Section 1.  Take notes over this section and then create a five question multiple choice quiz.  Turn this in before you leave.

Homework - Review Chapter 2, Section 1.

Friday, September 21, 2012

The Qu'osby Show

From the Daily Show with Jon Stewart, February 18, 2011

Tennessee no Evil

From the Daily Show with Jon Stewart, August 25, 2010.

Team Mohammed vs. Team Jesus

From the Daily Show with Jon Stewart, August 19, 2010.

Municipal Land Update: Ground Zero Mosque

From the Daily Show with Jon Stewart, August 10, 2010.

American Government 9/21/12

In Class - Turn in yesterday's article, hopefully complete with underlined/highlighted information regarding the key arguments for both sides of the issue.  Discuss in class.

Homework - Update your blog.

World History 9/21/12

In Class - Continue with test corrections.  If you want to retake the test, then you have Monday and Tuesday before school to do this.  Preview Chapter 2.

Homework - Finish test corrections.

US History 9/21/12

In Class - Preview Chapter 2: Manifest Destiny, the Civil War, and Reconstruction.

Homework - Read Chapter 2, Section 1 for a short quiz on Monday.

Thursday, September 20, 2012

American Government 9/20/12

In Class - Introduction to our new topic.  Hand out article Islamaphobia: Does America have a Muslim Problem.  Read through the article and highlight any key arguments for and against.  A completion grade will be taken for your notes.  Prepare yourself for some group discussions tomorrow in class.

Homework - Read article.  Update your blog.

World History 9/20/12

In Class - Motivational speech #36 - The only place success comes before work is in the dictionary.  Hand back Chapter 1 Tests: test corrections.

Homework - Review Chapter 1 Test.

NOTE - Chapter 1 Tests may be retaken on Monday and Tuesday of next week before school only.  I will average the two scores together.

US History 9/20/12

In Class - Motivational speech #28 - You've got to work!  Hand back tests - Test corrections.

Homework - Review Chapter 1.

NOTE - The Chapter 1 Test can be retaken Friday, Monday, and Tuesday before school.  I will average your two scores together.

Innocence of Muslims

The movie that started it all.  Directed by Sam Bacile, this anti-Islamic film has been the source of anti-American sentiment across the Middle East.  This is the abbreviated version.

Wednesday, September 19, 2012

American Government 9/19/12

In Class - WHIPS and short discussions.  Mental Health Day.

Homework - Update your blog and watch the news.

Assigment due on Friday.  If you check this blog, then you will get a head start.  Click on the title link and read the article Islamaphobia: Does America have a Muslim Problem?  Take notes focusing on the key examples and arguments from both sides of the issue.  If you wish, printing the article and highlighting these arguments will be acceptable as well.  On Friday, I will take a completion grade for the notes.  Also on Friday, we are going to do some small group discussions regarding the topic so prepare yourself.  Notes check will be at the beginning of class. 

World History 9/19/12

In Class - Mental Health Day.

Homework - Watch the news.

US History 9/19/12

In Class - Briefly discuss test scores from yesterday.  Those absent yesterday or on Monday are taking this in class.  Mental Health Day.

Homework - Watch the news.

Tuesday, September 18, 2012

Not all heroes are human

American Government 9/18/12

In Class - WHIPS.  Short discussions.

Homework - Click on the title link and respond to the survey regarding our next classroom topic.  Watch the news.

World History 9/18/12

In Class - Test over Chapter 1.

Homework - Watch the news.

US History 9/18/12

In Class - Test over Chapter 1.  Staple review sheet to the back of your answer sheet.

Homework - Watch the news.

Monday, September 17, 2012

American Government 9/17/12

In Class - Get caught up on the WHIPS.

Homework - Watch the news.

World History 9/17/12

In Class - Short video concerning the US Ambassador to Libya and his death.  Discuss the role of the anti-Islamic video that spurred the violence.  Continue to grade the Chapter 1 Review Test.

Homework - Chapter 1 Test tomorrow.

US History 9/17/12

In Class - Work on Chapter 1 Review Sheet (due tomorrow at the beginning of class). 

Homework - Study for the Chapter 1 Test (review the Chapter 1 Outline).

American Government 9/14/12

In Class - Presentation - Reality Check: San Joaquin Valley College.

Homework - Watch the news.

World History 9/14/12

In Class - Continue working on Chapter 1 Review Test.  Begin grading in class.

Homework - Review Chapter 1 for the test on Tuesday.

US History 9/14/12

In Class - Continue to discuss the Articles of Confederation and the Constitution.  Short video: the Constitutional Convention (1787).

Homework - Review Chapter 1 Outline for the test next Tuesday.

Thursday, September 13, 2012

Class Discussion Reflection 9/13/12

Both of my American Goverment classes engaged in class discussions regarding the upcoming presidential elections.  Althought the topic was the same, each class brought something new and dynamic to the table.  Even though some of the topics are controversial, it was so nice and relaxing to hear students have a civil and productive coversation. 

I love my students.  Although there were some awkward moments of silence, once students became familiar with their surroundings and comfortable (I know many weren't) with the environement, the discussion was filled with educational and rational arguments.  This is something new for them, and I realize that many will have to overcome their fears of speaking in front of their peers.  But like anything in life, this is a skill worth mastering.  Not just speaking, but thinking.  The ability to think is a skill that is overlooked too often in high school.  If you know how to think, you will go far in life.

I appreciate my students; their curiousity and inquisitive behavior always brings a smile to my face.  What can I say, I love what I do, and my students play a big role in that.

American Government 9/13/12

In Class - Class discussion: the presdential election.

Homework - Update your blog.  We will continue with the WHIPS on Monday.

World History 9/13/12

In Class - Group Work: use your notes and handouts to answer the review questions from Chapter 1. 

Homework - Review for Chapter 1 Test on Monday.

US History 9/13/12

In Class - Watch the US History Rap video.  Take notes, short review quiz from th video. 
Homework - Review Chapter 1 Outline.  Test over Chapter 1 next Monday.

Good look into the questions surrounding the Libya attack

From This is good resource that asks some interesting questions regarding the attack in Benghazi, on the US consulate.  Was the attack planned?  Was Al-Qaeda or a sympathetic group to the terrorist organization responsible?  Does 9/11 have any influence as to the timing of the attack?

American Government 9/12/12

In Class - WHIPS.  Discuss the situation in Libya concerning the death of US Ambassador to Libya Chris Stevens.  Discuss rules and expectations for tomorrow's discussion (presidential election).

Homework - Prepare for tomorrow's discussion.  Word Clouds (from are due posted on you blog by 11:59 tonight.

World History 9/12/12

In Class - Discuss chart and how the Greeks, Romans, Jews, and Christians influenced Western civilization including their faith, law, reason, and responsibility of the individual.

Homework - Review Chapter 1.

US History 9/12/12

In Class - Continue to discuss chart - Articles of Confederation from Chapter 1, Section 3.

Homework - Review Chapter 1 outline.

Tuesday, September 11, 2012

Patriot Day

It's that time of year again.  A day of reflection, remembrance, and service.  I struggle with this time of year knowing that on this day eleven years ago, our world changed.  At that moment, it was difficult for me to comprehend.  I was a college student, twenty-two years old on this historic day.  I have never seen such a range of emotions.  I saw professors with looks of amazement trying to stay calm and answer questions.  I saw tears.  Many were shed by me.  And although I never imagined a day like this would ever happen, it did.

Thinking back and reflecting upon these events, I can't help but try to see the positives.  Never in my lifetime have I seen a nation unify in a time of such tragedy.  People around the United States stepped up to the challenge by donating blood to refill local blood banks.  Volunteers worked around the clock collecting donations to help the victims' families.  But perhaps the most vivid act of service was the men and women who were first responders to the scene: the fire fighters, police officers, EMT's, and others.  People doing their job without a second of hesitation in the face of great uncertainty and tragedy.  9/11 was a tragic day, but again, without this event, we would never have witnessed the ultimate sacrifice many gave to their country on this day: their life. 

We must honor and remember those that died on this day.  We can give back.  Today is a day of service.  Give back to your community.  Use your time, talents, and energy to provide someone with an uplifting experience.  Help unify this country.  Although we disagree with a great many things in this country, one concept is certain: the American spirit of hard work, determination, and strength will always prevail.  Let's celebrate the lives lost by giving back and truly embrace the nature of September 11.

Thanks for reading.

Great Resource for 9/11

This is from (History Channel).  It is an interactive website that gives you the opportunity to see different raw footage from different buildings and vantage points around Ground Zero.  This site also includes photos, video, and audio from that historical day.

American Government 9/11/12

In Class - Watch the documentary "102 Minutes That Changed America." Copy down discussion questions: 1) What do you remember on September 11, 2001? 2) While watching the video, discuss how the video captures the moment (emotions). 3) Why is the study of the events on September 11, 2001 important to not only US History but to world history?

Homework - Answers to Discussion Questions due tomorrow at the beginning of class.  Word Clouds of Mitt Romney's speech and President Obama's speech along with a quality compare and contrast analyss are due posted on your blog by Wednesday at 11:59 pm.

I still need some of your blog URL's.

World History 9/11/12

In Class - Watch the documentary "102 Minutes That Changed America." Copy down discussion questions: 1) What do you remember on September 11, 2001? 2) While watching the video, discuss how the video captures the moment (emotions). 3) Why is the study of the events on September 11, 2001 important to not only US History but to world history?

Homework - Answers to Discussion Questions due tomorrow at the beginning of class.

US History 9/11/12

In Class - Watch the documentary "102 Minutes That Changed America."  Copy down discussion questions: 1) What do you remember on September 11, 2001?  2) While watching the video, discuss how the video captures the moment (emotions).  3) Why is the study of the events on September 11, 2001 important to not only US History but to world history?

Homework - Answers to Discussion Questions due tomorrow at the beginning of class.

Monday, September 10, 2012

The Daily Show 9/20/01

Jon Stewart's first show back after the 9/11 attacks.  A powerful and emotional monologue delivered by Stewart claiming that we shouldn't despair but rather look towards the freedoms that unite us as Americans.

John and Joe

Teacher strike in Chicago leads to another unplanned day off for students

CNN Poll: Obama up 6 points over Romney

American Government 9/10/11

In Class - WHIP.  Begin watching "102 Minutes that Changed America." 

Homework - Update your blog.  Word Clouds for Mitt Romney's RNC speech and President Obama's DNC speech is due posted on your blog by Wednesday.

World History 9/10/11

In Class - Group work: Complete the chart regarding the Greeks, Romans, Jews, and Christians concerning the role of the individual, religion, and their impact on Western civilization.

Homework - Complete the Chapter 1, Section 5 Quiz and primary source (Magna Carta).  Test over Chapter 1 on Friday.

US History 9/10/11

In Class - Grade Friday's homework (Chapter 1, Section 3 and 4 Quiz).  Report score.  Discuss the Articles of Confederation and its weaknesses.

Homework - Complete the chart regarding the Articles of Confederation and the primary source (Declaration of Independence).  Test over chapter 1 on Friday.

102 Minutes That Changed America

Saturday, September 8, 2012

If Moderate Voters See This, Then it is Over for Obama

You be the judge.  Watch this video.

Friday's Class Continued


Use this website to complete your "Word Clouds" for both Romney and Obama.  This is due posted on your blog by Wednesday, September 12.

President Barack Obama's 2012 DNC Speech

In case you missed it, click on the title link to view the video.

Mitt Romney's RNC Speech

In case you missed it, click on the title for the link to the video.

American Government 9/7/12

In Class - WHIP.  Discuss President Obama's DNC speech.

Homework - QOW response due by 11:59 tonight.  Word Clouds for both Romney and Obama are due posted on your blog by Wednesday, September 12.  Also include a comparison and contrast of the speeches including major themes and ideas.  Update your blog.

First Class Discussion will be on Wednesday, September 12.  Come prepared to discuss election topics and issues.  See rubric for grading.

World History 9/7/12

In Class - Discuss the role of religion in Ancient Rome: Greco-Roman and Judeo-Christian ideals.  Discuss handout (ppt. slides) on the impact of Christianity in Ancient Rome.  Discuss answers from Section 3 and 4 quiz.

Homework - Complete the Chapter 1, Section 5 quiz and primary source (Magna Carta) for Monday.

US History 9/7/12

In Class - Short quiz over the American Revolution.  Hand out Chapter 1, Section 3 and 4 Quiz, Chart on the Articles of Confederation, and Primary Source.

Homework - Complete the section quizzes for Monday.

American Government 9/6/12

In Class - WHIP.  Continue discussing the election and DNC.

Homework - QOW response due by Friday at 11:59 pm.  Watch President Obama's speech tonight.  Work on your "Word Clouds" for both Romney and Obama (key words and phrases for their speech).  Update your blog.

World History 9/6/12

In Class - Continue discussing Ancient Rome and its impact on Western civilization. 

Homework - Read Chapter 1, Sections 3 and 4.  Complete the section 3 and 4 quiz (handout from yesterday) for tomorrow.

US History 9/6/12

In Class - Inside La Sierra Mentor Activity.

Homework - Short Quiz tomorrow over Chapter 1.

Thursday, September 6, 2012

President Obama's First Term Report Card

Are we better off now than four years ago?  This seems to be the ultimate question at the moment.  Check out this article and see how the president has done in his first term.

American Government 9/5/12

In Class - WHIP.  Contine to discuss the DNC, upcoming speakers, and key politcal issues of the DNC.  Are we better today than we were four years ago?  Short video: The Daily Show (click on the title link)interview with Tom Brokaw about the recent political culture at this year's conventions.

Homework - Mitt Romney Word Cloud (post this on your blog).  QOW due by Friday, September 7.  Update your blog.

World History 9/5/12

In Class - Review Chapter 1, Section 2: Ancient Rome.

Homework - Review Chapter 1, Section 2.

US History 9/5/12

In Class - Review Chapter 1.

Homework - Review Chapter 1.

Tuesday, September 4, 2012

American Government

I am only following 40 blogs.  I have 71 students.  You do the math.  If you go to your blog and notice that I am following you, then you are ok.  If not, then this means I do not have your blog URL.  This is a problem and grading for me will become more difficult.  I need these blog URL's ASAP!!!

American Government 9/4/12

In Class - WHIP.  Preview the DNC.  Classwork: Begin watching (for those that haven't done so already) Mitt Romney's RNC speech.  Write down words, phrases, or themes repeated throughout his speech.  You will create a "Word Cloud" through and post this on your blog.  We will do the same with President Obama's speech on Thursday.

Homework - QOW due by Friday, September 7 by 11:59 pm (see earlier post).  Word clouds for Romney and Obama's speeches are due next week (post these on your blog).  Be sure to update your blog as well.

World History 9/4/12

In Class - Motivational speech #64: Average is not acceptable.  Classwork: Complete Chapter 1, Section 2 Handout.  Pass out Chapter 1, Sections 3-5 Quizzes and Primary Source "The Magna Carta."

Homework - Review Chapter 1, Sections 1 and 2.

US History 9/4/12

In Class - Turn in homework assignment (Chapter 1 Packet) if completed and receive extra credit.  If not, I will take this tomorrow with no deductions.  Class Notes: The American Revolutionary War.

Homework - Read Chapter 1, Section 3.  Review chapter 1 outline.  Test over Chapter 1 on Friday.

Funny Picture

Democratic convention will highlight differing visions between the parties

Monday, September 3, 2012

Candidate Match Game

American Government QOW -

Click on the title link above and play the candidate match game featued by USA Today.  By Friday, complete the game, list the winner (according to your responses) and the percentage.  Write a detailed analysis of your responses by picking two or three issues to analyze.  For instance, whic issues are most important to you?  To voters? 

You do not need any outside sources for this QOW.  This is simply your opinion on the issues.  This is due by Friday, September 7 by 11:59 pm.

Who's the Boss?

Tony Danza took a break from the Hollywood scene to teach 10th grade English.  Interesting article in my opinion.

American Government 8/31/12

In Class - WHIP.  Discuss Mitt Romney's RNC speech.  Remember, if you haven't had an opportunity to watch his speech, click on the title link above.  Write down any key words, phrases, ideas mentioned in his speech.

Homework - Short reflection (posted on your blog) about the public opinion surveys.  What was interesting about the experience?  What did you learn?  What surprised you about the responses?  This is due by Sunday evening at 11:59 pm.

Be sure to update your blog!

World History 8/31/12

In Class - BA team-building.

Homework - Chapter 1, Section 2 handout is due on Tuesday, September 4.

US History 8/31/12

In Class - Continue watching "The Story of Us, Revolution."  Take notes as you watch.

Homework - Chapter 1 Packet due on Tuesday, September 4.