Wednesday, August 19, 2009

American Government 8/19/09

In Class - Continue examination of health care reform. Pass out handouts: Article on glossary of terms for the health care debate and statistics of health care (keep these as you can use these to help you for your current events and discussion on 8/28). Video clips: "Karen Dove" from the documentary "Critical Condition." Copy questions from the board and complete as homework for tomorrow:
1) Prior to viewing these clips, how would you rate the level of urgency that Americans have to reform health care? Scale of 1-10; 1 being low, 10 being high
2) How does the inability to receive medical care affect people beyojnd their physical health?
3) In your opinion, should health care in the United States be a right or a privilege?
4) What is the purpose of government and how does it relate to health care?
5) After viewing these clips, would your rating for Question 1 change? Why or why not?

Video clips can be found on the following site:

Homework - Complete answers to reflection questions. Due tomorrow at the beginning of class. Be sure you are keeping current on your current events. Question of the Week due by Friday.


Killcycle said...

So you DID post the questions on your blog.

Maggii<3 said...

heyy mr.palo i left you class so now i gott economics frist do u want your book bakk or do i justt trin itt in at the end of the semester