Sunday, March 24, 2013

American Government 3/23/13

In Class - Continue watching The Torture Question.

Homework - WHIPS next week.  QOW due Friday, March 29.


Unknown said...

No, it will not save lives becouse anyone who gets tortured will say anything you want to hear just the the torturing stops. We just need to do this the old fashion way, investigate from the inside so we recieve the information strait from the source.

Unknown said...

Harsh interrogation techniques are highly risky and practically pointless. It is impossible to tell if the information being received is accurate, and like the document said, "interrogators often are using harsh techniques on the wrong people." as far as I'm concerned, harsh interrogation is equal to desperation, and shows that the side using techniques lacks grounds and is desperate, as well as those being interrogated. These torture techniques only scare the victim into spitting out any info the interrogator wants to hear, even if it is completely false.

michelle martinez said...

i feel like their no need for torturing. its a pointless cruel thing and your just as worse as the person being interrogated. there's other ways of getting information out of somebody. we don't have to get to that level of cruelty.

McKayla Gordon 23 said...

There is no reason for someone to tourtue another person. Tourtue is a very harsh way to handel something and no one should ever be put under those circumstances they are complety uncalled for.