In Class - Short video clip discussing Islamic Cultural Center. Discuss the implications of the arguments both for and against. Pass out articles regarding this controversy in New York City and the proposed building of an Islamic Cultural Center near Ground Zero.
Homework - Survey questions need to be completed and brought to class on Wednesday. Read articles (from Friday, Is America Islamaphobic) and three articles from today. Be prepared to discuss these in class tomorrow.
QOW - Do some outside research on your own and develop a solid argument for and against the proposed Islamic Cultural Center being built in lower Manhattan. After weighing out the evidence, which argument do you agree with? Why? Be sure to have a minimum of two outside sources with a citation (MLA format - use the handout I gave you today). This is due by Friday, August 26 by 11:59 pm.
Also, to gain access to the Online Databases (through the library). Go to the school's website Click on the Library link. Click on ProQuest. Username: lashs Password: eagles. Scroll down and click on ProQuest Platinum. Start your search. Use the online databases because it will help you cite your work.
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Joselynn Aguilar. p.3
This week’s question of the week definitely had me thinking. I don’t know whether to be pro or con towards the fact that a mosque might be built just two blocks away from ground zero. When the topic was first discussed in class the number one thing that popped into my head was why there? If I had to decide, I’d say that they shouldn’t even consider building a mosque anywhere near ground zero. "If the Japanese decided to open a cultural center across from Pearl Harbor, that would be insensitive," (Sipos). By building this mosque it showing that the Islamic feel in control and can get away with anything (in my eyes). It’s insulting to many Americans for Muslims being allowed a place of worship when 10 years ago they brought devastation to this country. I’m nowhere near racist, but I do believe that people deserve respect. Although not all Muslims are bad or responsible for the 9/11 attacks, it’s very insensitive to do such a thing as to build a mosque near ground zero. Americans can never forgive nor forget what happened in American that brought many families to hardship just 10 years ago. If a mosque was to be built, it could possibly bring many Muslims to peace with themselves and realize that not everyone hates them. No matter what, a group of people won’t be happy with the final outcome on whether or not a mosque is built. The number one question is who are they willing to satisfy?
"Mosque madness at Ground Zero -" New York News | Gossip | Sports | Entertainment | Photos - New York Post. N.p., n.d. Web. 24 Aug. 2011.
" No Mosques At Ground Zero." No Mosques At Ground Zero. N.p., n.d. Web. 24 Aug. 2011
Jillian De Magno. p.3
The idea of building an Islamic cultural center in lower Manhattan is a controversial subject. First and foremost, religious freedom is important and is one of our amendments. It is only fair that cultures and religions have equal rights. A mosque can be built if people are willing to go there and put it to use. The current issue about building the mosque near ground zero is that it may be portrayed as a disrespectful act to those who have lost someone on 9/11. However, this is also disrespectful to the Muslim culture if we do not allow a mosque to be built: “there were 40 to 50 Muslims who lost their lives at the World Trade Center. ‘Why shouldn’t they have a mosque there?’ he asks.” (Sherer). Americans are not in favor of building a mosque near the site of 9/11 because it is as if we are “praising and glorifying the attackers” (Tharoor). Despite the ten years that has passed, it will be hard for people to cope with what happened; Building a mosque near ground zero is like a remembrance of the tragedy America faced. The mosque will not be built at the actual place where the bombing occurred: “the site is not at Ground Zero. ‘It is two blocks north of the World Trade Center site,’” (Adler). However, the majority of Americans are “oppose the mosque according to polls” (Tharoor). There is no doubt that there are opposing thoughts and opinions about this topic.
Personally, I am undecided on what position I stand on building an Islamic cultural center near ground zero. Building a mosque there would be a permanent reminder of 9/11 and that might be a disappointment to some Americans. I believe it is too early to be building something with such significance to one of America’s greatest tragedies. I do respect other religions and cultures; however, having a mosque in lower Manhattan may greatly offend individuals. Building a mosque would not be such a bad idea, America just needs more time to think about the outcome of its actions. I think there is no rush in building a cultural center. In time, Americans will not have a big emotional connection to 9/11, as the people today have. Society portrays building a mosque near ground zero a negative aspect, however, there are also other positive attributes in having one.
Adler, Ben. "The Mosque That Is Nowhere Near Ground Zero." The Daily Beast. Newsweek, 18 Aug. 2011. Web. 24 Aug. 2011.
Scherer, Ron. "Ground Zero Mosque: Spate of Terror Plots Fueling Fears -" The Christian Science Monitor - 20 July 2010. Web. 24 Aug. 2011.
Tharoor, Ishaan. "'Ground Zero Mosque' Protests Cloud 9/11 Remembrances - TIME." Breaking News, Analysis, Politics, Blogs, News Photos, Video, Tech Reviews - Time. Web. 24 Aug. 2011.
The proposed creation of the Islamic Cultural center brings about much controversy. In my opinion, I am for the most part against it. My veto against this plan isn’t based on any prejudice against the religion itself, but more of the unfortunate association it has with the 9/11 attacks, being built an eyesight from Ground Zero. I have to agree and repeat the generalized opinion of that “sensitivity chip” that appears to be missing concerning the building of this mosque. It’s not Islamaphobia that brings about this opinion, but the foreboding presence it brings to the victims of the 9/11 attacks. This is exhibited to a majority of New Yorkers, with 52 percent to 31 percents polling against the building. The wording of the question was also put forth so as not to be biased in any way, describing it as “a proposal by a Muslim group to build a Muslim mosque and cultural center two blocks from Ground Zero." Religious leaders also voiced their opinion on the subjects. The majority, including Dr.Babu Suseelan, and Dr. Richard Land, President of the Southern Baptist Convention’s Ethics and Religious Liberty Commission, saw the proposal as a disrespectful nod to the events of 9/11. Even the Muslim community reasons against Park51 Much of the community agreeing on the idea that the Cultural Center is not a chance for “cultural exchange”, but as a way to further hash open wounds that, almost a decade later, still exist in our minds. Such Muslim public figures as the now reigning Miss USA, Rami Fakih, and Zhudi Jassar, President of the American Islamic Forum Democracy agree on that the mosque’s controversy lies not on religion, but the tragedy it was affiliated with. The mass of Muslims themselves see the mosque’s close proximity as a “deliberate provocation”, rubbing the noses of 9/11 victims, thus being construed as created in bad faith, which is an act forbidden in the Qur’an itself. The building of this mosque resembles the situation we painted in class this week. How would it look if the families of Nazi’s wanted to build a museum in Auschwitz, or if the Japanese wanted to build a memorial for lost troops at the sight of Pearl Harbor? It would seem somewhat greatly disrespectful. This doesn’t mean that I am against the religion of Islam, thus ignorantly assuming its affiliated with terrorism, but more to do with show a bit a of sensitivity to a city still reveling in the country’s most tragic event. Consequently, my opinion lies against the building of the mosque, so close to the Twin Towers. Perhaps they could move the Cultural Center somewhat further away, but, as it stands now, I am against the construction of it.
Saletan, William. “Muslims Keep Out.”Slate: n.pag. 2 August 2010. Web. 25 August 2011.
Waller, J. Michael. “More Muslims Speak Out Against Ground Zero Mosque.” Big Peace: n.pag. 24 August 2010. Web. 25 August 2011.
A real big issue in the U.S. is the muslims wanting to build a mosque at ground zero. There are some people that believe it should be built because they have the first amendment right to do so. Others believe it shouldnt be built because it is believed to be an insult to the victims of 9/11. The huge question is why should it be built in the same place that many of our fellow Americans have died. Personally I believe that it shouldn't be built because of the simple fact that it's going to cause too much controversy. Innocent lives will be in harms way< we all know how Americans get when we strongly disapprove of something. Many people blame 9/11 on the islamic religion because of a few muslims scarred our country forever. People are looking at the wrong reasons to why the mosque shouldn't be built.
Zoll, Rachel. "NYC Mosque debate will Shape American Islam" Aug. 29 2010. Web Aug. 25 2011
I am defiantly against them Muslims building a Mosque two blocks away from where the Twin Towers stood. I have nothing against the Muslims, but there is an entire city, why choose ground zero? "It is sick that they are using 9/11's 10th anniversary to raise money to build a Mosque" (Jay Sekulow). I believe that if the Muslims are going to build the Mosque there they should pay every cent themselves. It is also said that, "U.S. taxpayers money is funding mosque development around the world," (Caroline May). I don't think that people are being discriminant towards the Muslims. I believe it would the same case with Pearl Harbor and The Holocaust. If the United States did the same thing to the Muslims they would be in the same stand point as we are right now. I also believe that if they chose another location they would have no problem building a Mosque.
May, Caroline. "U.S. Government Funds Mosque Renovation and Rehabilitation around the World." The Daily Caller. Caroline May, 24 Aug. 2011. Web. 25 Aug. 2011. .
Sekulow, Jay. "No Ground Zero Mosque." American Center for Law and Justice ACLJ. Jay Sekulow, 22 Aug. 11. Web. 25 Aug. 2011.
I personally disagree with the Mosque being built three minutes away for ground zero, where the twin towers was attacked on 9/11 But, I feel like I need to research more to actually decided for sure what my argument is. In my point of view so far, I feel like they are mocking the people who died during that tragedy attack, that America is scared from forever.
I don’t understand out of all places they could build they picked two blocks for where 9/11 was. I learned that the mosque building was actually up and running for a year now. What confuses me is why are we now reacting? And why is it getting so big? And why haven’t we heard about it any earlier?
So until I get more answers I’m still varying with disagreement and agreeing.
From my research the statistics are:
A lot more voters are paying attention to the plans to build a mosque near the Ground Zero site of the 9/11 terrorist attacks in New York City, and they don’t like the idea.
A new Rasmussen Reports national telephone survey finds that 85% of U.S. voters say they are now following news stories about the mosque planned near Ground Zero. That’s a 34-point jump from a month ago when only 51% said they were following the story.
The new finding includes 58% who are following the story very closely, up from 22% in mid-July.
Now 62% oppose the building of a mosque near where the World Trade Center stood in Lower Manhattan, compared to 54% in the previous survey. Twenty-five percent (25%) favor allowing the mosque to go ahead, and 13% more are not sure.
Sixty-eight percent (68%) of the Political Class, however, favor building the mosque near Ground Zero. Seventy-seven percent (77%) of Mainstream voters are opposed.
Davidson, Vicki McClure. " As More Americans Learn about Ground Zero Mega Mosque, More Are Opposed to It… NYC Greek Orthodox Church Destroyed on 9/11 Still Not Permitted to Rebuild or Relocate .” Business & Economy, Freedom of Speech, Government, International Relations, Social and Political Climate, Videos, Audio Files. 23 Aug. 2011.
Sekulow, Jay. "No Ground Zero Mosque." American Center for Law and Justice ACLJ. Jay Sekulow, 22 Aug. 11. Web. 25 Aug. 2011.
Destinie Klimkewicz
period 3
i disagree because i think its disrespectful to the 9/11 victims that died. if they really wanted it built they wouldnt care were it was built at as long as they have it built. i dont mind it being anywere else as long as its not there. i have no disrepect torwards muslims.
Nancy Kobrin, PhD, Joan Lachkar, PhD. "The Hudna at Ground Zero: What do Muslims Really Want?"
August 25, 2011
Tharoor, Ishaan. "'Ground Zero Mosque' Protests Cloud 9/11 Remembrances - TIME." Breaking News, Analysis, Politics, Blogs, News Photos, Video, Tech Reviews - Time. Web. 24 Aug. 2011.
alyssa islas p.3
This isnt the first time i have heard about this whole mosque issue. I keep trying to ask myself is it right or is it disrespectful to build a mosque next to ground zero. I have'nt been able to decide yet. I keep coming back to my religon, me being a christian has alot to do with my argument just because of my beliefs. In our bible it says there should be no other god before god himself. I fell that if i say it is right that they build a mosque that i am simply saying it is okay for non beleivers to go ahead and worship other god's before God. Then if i say it isnt okay how am i giving other people their rights? I have nobody trying to tell me that i cant go to church and worship freely and happily every sunday mornings and wendsdays nights.
For several years we have had our freedom, anyone as a U.S citizen has all their rights. Heres an example you can look at for my argument.
My father is a bald mexican with tattos. He isnt a gangbanger but simply because he has a bald head and hes mexican with tattos are we (americans)simply going to juge him and think that hes just like every other bald mexican with tattos who is part of gang and hes poor and only lives off the money he makes from selling drugs or he tags all over walls and throws up gang signs and has a weapon and has a ton of felonys on his record or that he even has a record???
what i am saying is why juge every muslim just because of what other muslims have took into par with their actions of causing 9/11.
yes,i know, i should be totally against this because of my relgion but too be honest im not relgious i will abide by the ten commandments and god's word because it's my life and i have to be accountable for my actions and doing's. In the word it says do not prosecute the prosecuters.
Works Cited
Fisher, Ian. "Pope's Visit to Turkey Coming at Critical Time." International Herald Tribune: 5. International Newspapers. Oct 04 2006. Web. 26 Aug. 2011 .
Works Cited
Matthews, Richard. "AN UNHOLY PROSPECT: Turning the Terrorism Fight into a Global Religious War." The Atlanta Journal: A.18. U.S. National Newspapers. Oct 11 2001. Web. 26 Aug. 2011 .
Kathryn Yurcak, Period 3
The issue about whether or not to build an Islamic cultural center so close to ground zero is a huge controversy in America right now. This topic has the caught the attention of many Americans who are both for, and against the building of this mosque. Those opposing this issue, which is almost 61% of the population according to a recent TIME magazine poll, claim that this would be an “insult” to the victims of 9/11. Although I agree that it would be somewhat disrespectful, some are taking the issue out of proportion and even labeling this mosque as a ”terrorist command center”. Personally, I think these accusations are absurd. Americans have definitely become as some would put it “Islamaphobic”. We see a Muslim and some people automatically think terrorist. Americans insist on boasting about freedom of religion, and yet when this factor actually comes into play, we say “you can build it… just not here”. The truth is, our country was founded on the base of freedom of religion and of its time it was one of the only countries where people were free to practice their religion where they pleased. These are rights that are supposed to be guaranteed. Although I believe allowing the building of this mosque would show improvement towards America’s religious tolerance, I still don’t believe it would be the best idea to go through with it, considering there’s such great controversy, it would upset more people than it would please and I believe Americans simply just aren’t ready for something like this.
Altman, Alex. "TIME Poll: 61% of Americans Oppose 'Ground Zero Mosque' - TIME." Breaking News, Analysis, Politics, Blogs, News Photos, Video, Tech Reviews - Cable News Network, 19 Aug. 2010. Web. 26 Aug. 2011. .
"Arguments against Mosque near Ground Zero Don't Make Sense -" Daily Tribune : Breaking News Coverage for Southeastern Oakland County, Michigan. 08 Aug. 2010. Web. 26 Aug. 2011. .
This week’s question about an Islamic mosque being built in lower Manhattan can be seen as a wrong thing to do, as well as something right to do. People seem to have different feelings about the matter. Some like Paul Sipos, member of Community Board 1, said a mosque is a fine idea -- someplace else. Which raises the question, where is a good place for it then? For those who believe it’s the right thing to do, stand by with the fact that it is their god given right to have one. But to no surprise the citizens who lost loved ones in the 9/11 attack are the most outraged by this plan. "It's a slap in our face!" said Nelly Braginsky, who lost son Alexander. Many see two sides that are miles apart from the same coin. My thoughts personally are that they have the right to build there and should. I understand that 9/11 changed the world, and how we all see Muslims. But we need to stop being caught up in post 9/11 drama and understand that just because they are of the religion does not put them in the category of those who attacked the U.S. It is because of this profiling that we as a country are not stepping forward but instead taking steps back.
By: Andrea Peyser
I personally feel that the mosque should have the right to be built near ground zero. People say that it is a home for Terrorism but that is just putting the Muslim religion into a group and as Martin Luther King once said "Every man must decide whether he will walk in the light of creative altruism or in the darkness of destructive selfishness." which is exactly what the United states of America is suppose to uphold. You can not just put people into a group and label them what you want because every person has their own idea. Muslims are just another person and I know that that 9/11 was caused by radical leaders of the Muslim religion, but it could have been anyone to do that its based on the individual not the group. To not build the Mosque at ground zero would be going against our right to Freedom of Religion and you can not just pick and choose which laws you want to follow. America needs to not put personal emotions into the laws because then we would be promoting false hope for all. America is known for its freedom and to restrict one religion is like restricting all religion.
Sekulow, Jay. "No Ground Zero Mosque." American Center for Law and Justice ACLJ. Jay Sekulow, 22 Aug. 11. Web. 25 Aug. 2011.
Adler, Ben. "The Mosque That Is Nowhere Near Ground Zero." The Daily Beast. Newsweek, 18 Aug. 2011. Web. 24 Aug. 2011.
Vincent Bacani P. 3
The building of a Muslim Cultural Center has placed the United States in a controversial situation. First of all, I believe that the American Muslim Community has the right to build their mosque in Manhattan. The First Amendment supports religious freedom, if Americans do not want the mosque to be built, doesn't that prove that America is not the land of the free, and that it shows how intolerant they are of Muslims. Many people believe that if we build this center, it will be a celebration of 9/11 and it will glorify the Jihads, but in fact, most of the Muslims from the east do not want for the Mosque to be built, even the infamous and now deceased Osama Bin Laden. If there are already Mosques that have been built in the New York Area, how come a new one has become very controversial? How come that Americans are starting to react now? It's all because the media has demonized the Islam religion. Their Religion has been stereotyped, most people now believe that every muslims are extremists and ready to kill and dominate Americans. Even though most Muslim Community Centers are at peace with their town or city for over 20 to 30 years. Although, we must understand that Americans have discriminated other religions also since the 19th century until now, it is just human nature, to be afraid of something we do not understand. We must also put into consideration, the feelings of the families whose relatives were victims of 9/11. But by building the Mosque ,America will prove strength, that they can overcome the fear that the Radical Muslims have created on 9/11.
Work Cited.
Kauffeldt, Jonas. "Pro & Con : Should a Mosque be built near the 9/11 terror attack site?" AJC. Opinion. Wed, August 18,2010. Web. August 25, 2011.
Saletan, William. "Islam is Ground Zero." Slate. Frame Game. Mon, August 16, 2010. Web. August 25, 2011.
Katrina Gawrys
Mr. Palo
26 August 2011
I have been thinking about the mosque being built, and I think that the Muslims should have known that this controversy would happen. Until I had some things brought to my attention about all the plans for the Mosque., for instance how they want to dedicate the Mosque on 9/11. In the Muslim culture it is normal to build a Mosque on a site that was conquered and it seems that is what they are doing in this case. I think that is wrong. I was already thinking that the Muslims should have been more sensitive about the whole thing. I do not think all Muslims are bad. Some are great, but over all I do not think it should be built in that location.
The Learning Network
“High up in the air you have a 13-story mosque, outshining the memorial itself,” Mr. Doyle said. “It’s almost a slap in the face.”
Times Magazines
Many opponents of the Park51 project claim that the mosque itself isn't the problem; it's the idea of building it so close to the World Trade Center.
Read more:,8599,2011400,00.html#ixzz1WCCGkh4v
Katrina Gawrys
Mr. Palo
26 August 2011
I have been thinking about the mosque being built, and I think that the Muslims should have known that this controversy would happen. Until I had some things brought to my attention about all the plans for the Mosque., for instance how they want to dedicate the Mosque on 9/11. In the Muslim culture it is normal to build a Mosque on a site that was conquered and it seems that is what they are doing in this case. I think that is wrong. I was already thinking that the Muslims should have been more sensitive about the whole thing. I do not think all Muslims are bad. Some are great, but over all I do not think it should be built in that location.
The Learning Network
“High up in the air you have a 13-story mosque, outshining the memorial itself,” Mr. Doyle said. “It’s almost a slap in the face.”
Times Magazines
Many opponents of the Park51 project claim that the mosque itself isn't the problem; it's the idea of building it so close to the World Trade Center.
Read more:,8599,2011400,00.html#ixzz1WCCGkh4v
Period 3
With all honesty, I think a mosque should be built nearby Ground Zero. It’s not doing any harm. It’s also a community center. Everyone can enjoy it. Why is everyone basing their opinion on a religion and people who are part of it? The world trade center attack happened almost 10 years ago. People need to grow up, move on, and get over it. They’re mourning over an event that already happened. The damage is already done and there’s nothing we can do about it. There was never a single thing we could have ever done about 9/11. Even if we knew, we couldn’t have prevented it. This whole notion is ridiculous. People shouldn’t even get involved. It’s not even their problem to deal with or decision to make. The government doesn’t even care what our opinion is on it. This is just another thing to stir things between the people and cause destruction. If it wasn’t, then we wouldn’t be having this argument. Building a mosque is not disrespectful in my opinion. It’s disrespectful that people are blaming all Muslims for blowing up the twin towers. They weren’t all involved. A group of people are being discriminated against for no reason. There is absolutely no reason to be angry or blame a certain group of people for possibly one person’s fault. A specific religion doesn’t necessarily describe you; it’s the person you are and your personality. These people are innocent and should be left alone. They did nothing wrong. The mosque is blocks away from ground zero. People make it seem like its inside or right next to it. If ground zero is a sacred place, then why are the twin towers being rebuilt? It’s halfway done by now. A place of prayer near the twin towers is a good thing. Christians can go and pray at the mosque too. They can come against the evil spirits there. It’s a community center and a house of prayer. Muslims can pray too that the twin towers won’t blow up again. Everyone can since it’s a house of prayer. This isn’t a bad thing at all, and it’s a place for everyone to come together. People are making it a bigger issue than it needs to be. It would be ironic and funny to have a mosque built blocks away from ground zero. It makes the area more interesting. People should look at it from another perspective. They should also see it as a money making business. So much money could be made and the sight seeing would be incredible. I think building a mosque could bring healing and closure to the 9/11 attack. It’s time to move on and forgive. Unforgiveness makes a person bitter and unhappy. No one should be miserable forever. It’s completely horrible and not a way to live. People should put themselves in a Muslims shoes and wonder what it feels like to be hated by the world around you for something you didn’t even do.
O'Hare Padraic. "House of prayer near Ground Zero? Yes!" The Washington Post. 21 July 2010. Web. 26 August 2011.
Gladstone. "3 Reasons the Ground Zero Mosque Debate Makes No Sense." 20 August 2010. Web. 26 August 2011.
Should a mosque be constructed near ground zero? Separate sources I read bring up great arguments for and against the building of the mosque.
I read and heard that by denying the mosque, we are supposedly taking away people's right to worship... But are we? In reality, we're just saying that we don't feel right with them building a worship center near the site of terrorist activity. Yes, this still infuriates many Muslims and pro-mosque activists...
PRO-MOSQUE: "The Muslims who want to build this mosque didn't fly airplanes into skyscrapers. They don't support terrorism."
"We don't need constitutional protections to be agreeable, after all."
Pro-mosque people seem to be -in a way- trying to call anti-mosque supporters insensitive.
ANTI-MOSQUE: "...taking advantage of the American people’s desire to be tolerant to get support for their project..."
"The people who hate our country with every fiber of their being will be heartened by this incredible “victory” over America."
It is true that those in their homeland will be thrilled by the fact that we could possibly allow a mosque to be constructed in Manhattan. Will they really try to take advantage of us? Who knows. And yes, people are being brainwashed into believing that if you're not for the mosque, you're intolerant.
I am personally not for the the mosque, simply because I don't know whether we can trust all mosque supporters. I do not believe we are revoking Muslims' freedom of religion or speech; They can still do what they want, but not near such a landmark as the WTC. (I wouldn't even be thrilled with other locations of worship built near the area.) This is simply my opinion, and I know that mosque supporters will be furious and consider me narrow-minded, but these are just my thoughts.
Hawkins, John. "Four Reasons There Shouldn’t Be a Mosque at Ground Zero." John Hawkins. Web. 26 August 2011.
Parker, Kathleen. "Why the Ground Zero Mosque Should Be Built." Web. 26 August 2011.
The proposition of an Islamic Cultural Center being built minutes away from ground zero rises a lot of controversy. I am mainly opposed to the situation. I do agree with Muslims having the right to freedom of religion just like any other religion in America. I do not agree with the fact that the Mosque would be built 2 blocks from ground zero. It seems that most people would agree that it shows disrespect to the 2,751 people that lost their lives. Even though, about 50 Muslims lost their lives also, it was their kind that caused the destruction to the trade center. If they want to have a mosque to practice their religion, I believe that it should not be nearly as close to the spot where 9-11 took place. I do not at all believe that not wanting the mosque so close to where the past tragedy was held, shows any form of discrimination. Others might disagree and say that we are condemning all Muslims due to the mistakes of other Muslims, which is not at all true. The issue all comes down to the desire for religion and respect and I believe that both can be granted with compromise.
Gladstone : 3 Reasons the Ground Zero Mosque Debate Makes No Sense | : 20 August 2011 ; 26 August 2011
Ratnesar Romesh ; Ground Zero: Exaggerating the Jihadist Threat ;,8599,2011400,00.html
Wednesday 18 August 2011 ; 26 August 2011
I want to clear the air first and foremost. Islam isn’t a violent religion; however it promotes the use defensive warfare to fight against the enemy, and is more likely to encourage violence against other religions and races. It is an incredibly ancient religion, the Qur’ans’ teachings are age-old, and quite frankly most Muslims do not live out every little detail of the Qur’an. Here is where we get radical Muslims, who belong to sects such as Sunni Islam who wage jihad, and people like Osama Bin Laden who ran Al-Qaeda, and the Taliban. Bin Laden became restless and turned his attention to other places where Muslims were being corrupted, where he stumbled upon the U.S. He was an extremist who believed in a strict form of Islam, and terribly opposed the United States, subsequently deciding to side with Khalid Shaikh Mohammed to carry out the attacks on 9/11.
So getting to the initial question, I don’t see the harm in building an Islamic community center two blocks away from Ground Zero. It is a place to gather for the American Islamic community. It has a swimming pool, various basketball courts, and a fitness area. Oh, and did I mention the “mosque”? We are given the right to practice which ever religion we so desire. Muslims should be able to worship without hesitation. I do empathize with the Ground Zero mosque opposition, these people aren’t insensitive loonies. It was an unfortunate event, and there are thousands of Americans hurt by this proposition. How could our government allow this foreign influence on our lives, they are supposed to protect us. But what about my freedom of religion, come on America?
Gjelten, Tom. "September 11 Attacks." Microsoft® Student 2008 [DVD]. Redmond, WA: Microsoft Corporation, 2007.
Microsoft ® Encarta ® 2008. © 1993-2007 Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
I am against the mosque being built 2 blocks away from ground zero. I think it's disrespectful and wrong for the Islam nation to want to do something like that, something us americans find hurtful. I am in favor of them building their place of worship, i have nothing against them practicing their own religion, it just should be practiced somewhere else. On the other hand, i'm kind of skeptical about the center being built period, no matter where it is. I feel like citizens of this country have to think of what happened on 9/11 and really contemplate on supporting the islam nation building their own empire here in the U.S.
We cant be gullible, we have stay alert all the time.
Dante Garcia p.3
The question of the week left me stumbling over my opinions. Whether it was their rights of the 1st amendment or just plain old consideration of others and sensitivity of so called "hallow ground". An opposition in itself is the fact of sensitivity. In the beginning protesters of the ground zero mosque tried to establish that it was because of the Muslims religion condemning the all of being Jihadist. This eventually was contradicted in the fact that it was so called unconstitutional of the first amendment. Therefor the opposition was begun with sensitivity to those killed on 9/11. In other ways there is opposition due to violent threats from Islamic people over simple things. For example a Danish newspaper published a political cartoon and although it was in fact offensive they had received violent threats from Islamic worshipers. An in fact a large amount of people are in fact opposed to due a mosque simply being built near their house or in the city for that matter. They oppose a religion in itself for the mistakes of one group and not them all. Although there are many oppositions there are few arguments for the ground zero mosque. It seems a large amount of people have become Islamiphobic. Although it is insensitive the denial of the cultural center would be in direct violation of the first amendment entirely. In his mayor bloombergs speech he spoke of religious freedom and in fact encouraged it being built. Our country lately seemed to have been violating simple amendments. I personally am on the border of my decision but i will simple have to go with the matter of right or wrong in justice. In justice i believe that the ground zero mosque should be built due to the fact it is in their constitutional rights. As well as the fact of you cannot simply judge one whole for one pieces actions.
Marci A. Hamilton,"Don't let mosque opposition push First Amendment over slippery slope",21 August 2010,WEB. 26 August 2011
Sally Goldenberg and Carl Campanile, " Pro-mosque Mike KOs compromise",, 25 August 2010, WEB. 26 August 2011
I think that they should not put a mosque at ground zero.That they should do it somewere els,just not at ground zero.A some of the people dont agree.For the mosque being at the graound zero.some people think that is not even going to be a true mosque.Some muslims dont agree about the mosque being in ground zero to.Some people would say that if was a defrent religion for the chruch.Obama has said that they should built elsewhere.That the mosque will make some people not very happy.
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