Wednesday, August 31, 2011

Ground Zero Debate Continues

"Municipal Land-Use Update," Wyatt Cenac.  The Daily Show.  August 10, 2010.

Interesting and comedic look at the issue regarding the controversial topic of whether or not a mosque or Islamic Cultural Center should be built in Lower Manhattan.  Enjoy.

American Government 8/31/11

In Class - Short video clip concerning the Islamic Cultural Center in New York.  Group work: continue to discuss the questions from the handout.  Begin preparing arguments that could be brought up for Friday's discussion.

Homework - Political cartoon analysis, 4 Square Chart, and Double Entry Web Journal are due on Friday.  Continue/start blogging.  Start preparing arguments for Friday's discussion.

World History 8/31/11

In Class - Continue working on group work: dividing sections 3, 4, and 5.  Visually represent the most important aspects of your section as it relates to the standards.  You will present these tomorrow in class.

Homework - Short cycle assessment is on Friday (over Chapter 1).

US History 8/31/11

In Class - ICW: What is the one thing in your life you would fight "tooth and nail" to protect or prevent from being taken away?  Short video: Pathway to The Constitution.  Discusses the Articles of Confederation and its weaknesses, the federalist and antifederalsit point of view, Constitutional Conventions, and the specifics of the Constitution (Articles) and Bill of Rights. 

Homework - Finish Section 3 Quiz and Primary Source.  Short Cycle Assessment is on Friday.

Tuesday, August 30, 2011

American Government 8/30/11

In Class - Watch God in America: Of God and Caesar (Part 6).  Hand out group discussion questions.  Watch the video and be prepared to discuss these in groups.

Homework - Political Cartoon Analysis, 4 Square Chart, Double Entry Web Journal due on Friday.  Start blogging.  Also, the first class discussion will be this Friday over the Islamic Cultural Center Controversy.

World History 8/30/11

In Class - Group Work: Divide Chapter 1, Sections 3-5 into groups.  Write the standard on the paper and then I want you to draw your notes using specific information from the textbook that relate to the standards.  Hand out homework (Standards Check: Documents of Democracy and Influence on US Constitution.

Homework - Packet from Chapter 1, Sections 3-5 Quizzes, Primary Source Analysis, Standards Check is due tomorrow.

US History 8/30/11

In Class - Class presentations (number 3 on the primary source analysis).  Turn in homework.  Discuss Paul Revere and the epic poem by Henry Wadsworth Longfellow and how popular culture turned Paul Revere into a revolutionary icon.  Hand out homework (Chapter 1, Section 3 Quiz, The Constitution).

Homework - Complete handout for tomorrow.

If you get a chance, go on YouTube and search for Robert Wuhl and Assume the Position.  Interesting look at some US History.

Monday, August 29, 2011

Big Mohammed's House

"Big Mohammed's House," The Daily Show with Jon Stewart.  John Oliver, May 5, 2011.

Video portrays John Oliver's interview with Aldersgate UMC Pastor in Virginia on how this Christian church is opening it's doors to accommodate Muslims.

American Government 8/29/11

In Class - Short video clips (see other posts).  Brief discussion.  Work Day: work on the Two-Sided Web Journal, 4-Square Chart, and Political Cartoon Anlaysis.  These are due on Friday.

Homework - Start updating your blog.  Written work is due on Friday.  First class discussion will be on Friday.

NO QOW for this week.

World History 8/29/11

In Class - Work Day: Work on the packet from last Friday (Chapter 1, Sections 3-5 Quizzes, Primary Source (Magna Carta), and Standards Check).  This is due on Wednesday.

Homework - Packet due on Wednesday.

US History 8/29/11

In Class - Work Day: work on the primary sources (Common Sense and Boston Tea Party).  I will collect this tomorrow.  Be prepared to present #3 as to what you came up with and why.

Homework - Prepare for a short presentation (from primary sources) and complete answers to primary sources.

American Islamic Forum for Democracy

At home with American liberty and freedom.

Anti Ground Zero Mosque Advertisement

Friday, August 26, 2011

American Government 8/26/11

In Class - Short video clip (click on the title link).  Class work: Work on Double Entry Web Journal, 4-Square Chart, and Political Cartoon Analysis (due next Friday).

Homework - QOW due by 11:59 tonight.  Start blogging.  Class discussion next Friday.

World History 8/26/11

In Class - Short class quiz: Ancient Rome.  Hand out PowerPoint notes pages on Ancient Rome.  Hand out packet: Chapter 1, Sections 3-5 quizzes, primary source "Magna Carta," and Standards Questions.

Homework - Packet due on Wednesday.

US History 8/26/11

In Class - Short Quiz - Causes of the American Revolution.  Video notes: American Revolution.

Homework - Primary Source Analysis: "The Boston Tea Party" and "Common Sense."  Due next Tuesday.

Thursday, August 25, 2011

American Government - Islamic Cultural Center Controversy Political Cartoons

Click on the link above.  Go to Cartoon Search (Left Index).  Let the searching begin.

American Government 8/25/11

In Class - Public Opinion Religion Poll.  Respond to questions concerning the class's viewpoint of Islam in America pertaining to 1st Amendment rights.  Short video clip (click on the title link).  Small discussion.

Homework - QOW due on Friday.  Blog!  Start working on Political Cartoon Analysis and continue with the reading (articles I gave you in class). 

First class discussion is on Friday, September 2.  Topic: First Amendment Rights and Islam in America.

World History 8/25/11

In Class - Turn in homework from yesterday (creative representation of ten word summary and two paragraph writing assignment.  Begin reading Chapter 1, Section 2 and class notes: Ancient Rome. 

Homework - Read Chapter 1, Section 2.  Possible quiz tomorrow.

US History 8/25/11

In Class - Continue class notes: Causes of the American Revolution. 

Homework - Review causes of the American Revolution: Quiz tomorrow.

Wednesday, August 24, 2011

American Government 8/24/11

In Class - Listen to the NPR news program discussing the role of the NYPD to increase their levels of involvement against terrorism in the United States.  Discuss how these efforts may violate certain rights guaranteed by the Constitution.  Group Work: Discuss and analyze the results of your public opinion surveys.  Write a group synopsis of your results including how certain factors (age, gender, race, religion, career, ethnicity, education) influenced how people responded. 

Homework - Start blogging.  QOW due by Friday.  Start working on the handouts from yesterday.

World History 8/24/11

In Class - Continue to discuss the revolution in Libya.  Relate the current event to history pointing out tyrannical leaders and the role of questioning authority.  Discuss yesterday's homework. 

Homework - Finish your classwork from today (your epic ten word statement). 

American History 8/24/11

In Class - Listen to the news report ( concerning the new levels of security the NYPD are creating in order to protect citizens.  Write down everything you remember.  Discuss as a class.  How does this topic relate to our look into the Constitution?  Do we have to give up some basic rights in order to protect our national security?

Homework - Bring your textbooks to class tomorrow.

American Government 8/23/11

In Class - Explain the E-Portfolio and how to post an annotated works cited.  You must include on your own personal blog, the name of the article or resource (for the title), the link to the online resource, and also the article name (yes again) in "quotes" followed by the author's name, the publication, and date of publication.  You are then to include a short summary of the article (2-3 sentences) highlighting the main points.  You are to post articles/videos/resources/pictures/political cartoons concerning the topic we are currently discussing in class.

Hand out Two Column Web Journal, Four Square Chart, and Political Cartoon Packet.  No due date for these as of yet.

Homework - Complete your public opinion questions and answers (ten per person).  You will need this for tomorrow's class.  Start Blogging!!!

World History 8/23/11

In Class - Discuss the Civil War (Revolution) in Libya.  Discuss the implications of tyrannical rule and how it relates to this current event.  You are to write ten sentences for the following prompt: Why is it important and significant to educate yourself about current events and how does these events affect you?  Also, come up with a ten word or less quote that summarizes your thoughts.  Be creative.

Homework - Writing assignment due tomorrow at the beginning of class.

US History 8/23/11

In Class - Quiz over Colonies, influence of religion and key members of the Great Awakening, the Enlightenment.  This is open note/open book.

Homework - Complete quiz to be turned at the beginning of class tomorrow.

Tuesday, August 23, 2011

Muslims around the world monitor mosque debate

"Muslims around the world monitor mosque debate."  Ashish Kumar Sen.  The Washington Times, August 18, 2010.

Islam in America is an ever growing issue that has sparred a nation-wide debate over the building of a mosque in lower Manhattan.  The divide in public opinion has reached a variety of public and political perspectives on whether or not the Islamic Cultural Center should be built.

Monday, August 22, 2011

American Government 8/22/11

In Class - Short video clip discussing Islamic Cultural Center.  Discuss the implications of the arguments both for and against.  Pass out articles regarding this controversy in New York City and the proposed building of an Islamic Cultural Center near Ground Zero.

Homework - Survey questions need to be completed and brought to class on Wednesday.  Read articles (from Friday, Is America Islamaphobic) and three articles from today.  Be prepared to discuss these in class tomorrow.

QOW - Do some outside research on your own and develop a solid argument for and against the proposed Islamic Cultural Center being built in lower Manhattan.  After weighing out the evidence, which argument do you agree with?  Why?  Be sure to have a minimum of two outside sources with a citation (MLA format - use the handout I gave you today).  This is due by Friday, August 26 by 11:59 pm.

Also, to gain access to the Online Databases (through the library).  Go to the school's website  Click on the Library link.  Click on ProQuest.  Username: lashs Password: eagles.  Scroll down and click on ProQuest Platinum.  Start your search.  Use the online databases because it will help you cite your work.

World History 8/22/11

In Class - Discuss multiple choice answers from Friday's quiz.  Video Notes - Alexander the Great (Positives and Negatives Chart).

Homework - Read Chapter 1, Section 2.

US History 8/22/11

In Class - Standard 11.1.2 - Class notes: Causes of the American Revolution.

Homework - Read Chapter 1, Section 3.  Quiz tomorrow over everything we have covered thus far.

Friday, August 19, 2011

American Government 8/19/11

In Class - Turn in brag sheet and Cal grant application.  If you didn't turn this in today, then I need it by Monday.  Answer questions regarding the blog and the QOW.  Group Work: Finalize your group's questions and select five influences of public opinion (age, gender, religion, political party, education, job...) to ask the people you interview.

Homework - QOW is due by 11:59 tonight.  No late work accepted!!!  Email me your blog URL.  Interview questions are due by Wednesday, August 24.  Begin reading article concerning Islam in America.  Have this done for Monday. 

World History 8/19/11

In Class - Open note/book quiz over Chapter 1, Section 1.  Turn in answer sheet when you are complete.

Homework - Watch the news.

US History 8/19/11

In Class - Discuss Religion Quiz (yesterday's homework).  Turn in printed copy of results.  Finish notes from God in America.  Summarize notes.  Discuss yesterday's homework (pink sheet of guided notes).

Homework - Quiz on Monday over religion in the colonies.  Key vocab: Enlightenment, Great Awakening, Puritans, John Winthrop, George Whitefield, Jonathan Edwards, Anglican Church.

Thursday, August 18, 2011

American Government 8/18/11

In Class - Continue group work from Tuesday (public opinion questions).  Finalize these questions today. 

Homework - Email me your blog URL (you need this to respond to the QOW).  QOW due on Friday by 11:59 pm.  Fill out Cal Grant (Green Sheet) and Brag Sheet for scholarships.  These are due tomorrow.

World History 8/18/11

In Class - Group Work: Discuss in groups yesterday's homework (primary sources and standards check).  Discuss and turn in.

Homework - Quiz tomorrow over Chapter 1, Section 1.

US History 8/18/11

In Class - Turn in homework from yesterday.  Continue to watch God in America.  Continue taking notes on how religion and religious pluralism was rampant throughout the colonies.  Handouts: Important religious leaders throughout the colonies.  Hand out guided notes (for Chapter 1, Section 2).  Complete this for homework tomorrow.  Short quiz tomorrow.

Homework - Guided notes (colonies and their leaders/comparing and contrasting the Enlightenment and Great Awakening).  Also, complete the religion quiz (how much you know) from the following web site:  Print a copy of your results, email them to me, or save it to a flash drive.  Turn this in tomorrow.

American Government 8/17/11

In Class - Short video clip: Wolf Blitzer, CNN - interview with President Barack Obama.  Discuss as a class.

Homework - QOW due on Friday.  I need your blog URL ASAP.  Email me.

World History 8/17/11

In Class - Public Speaking Forum (Performing Arts Building).

Homework - Primary source analysis and Standards handout (Chapter 1, Sec. 1)

US History 8/17/11

In Class - Hand out Chapter 1, Section 2 Quiz and Primary Sources: The Autobiography, Benjamin Franklin and John Winthrop.  Discuss Primary Source Analysis.  You are to use to Survey the source, read the Questions, Read, Recite, then Respond.  Highlight the evidence in the text that gives evidence to answer the questions.  In the margin, then write the number of the question next to the evidence.  On a separate sheet of paper, answer the questions in complete sentences with specific details/evidence from the text.  Begin watching God in America.  Take notes. 

Homework - Finish primary source analysis and Chapter 1, Section 2 Quiz.  Due at the beginning of class tomorrow.

Tuesday, August 16, 2011

American Government 8/16/11

In Class - Turn in signed syllabus.  Continue to discuss the role of public opinion in politics.  Group Work: In your groups, you are to develop five questions regarding any political topic you want.  These questions will serve as the basis of the mini-project.  Bring these to class on Thursday as we will continue to work on these in class.

Homework - You need to create your blog and email me (see syllabus for email addresses) your blog URL.  This needs to be done this week.  Also, QOW response is due by 11:59 pm on Friday, August 19. 

If you are having problems creating your blog, see me ASAP.

World History 8/16/11

In Class - Continue class notes from yesterday (Alexander the Great/Hellenistic Synthesis).  Hand out homework (Western Ideas of Tyranny and Primary Sources: Excerpt from the Republic, Plato and excerpt from Politics, Aristotle.  Discuss the process of how I want you to complete the primary sources (underline/highlight the evidence that answers the questions, right the number of the question the evidence answers in the margin, then answer the questions).  This is how I want these done all the time.

Homework - Handout due on Thursday.

US History 8/16/11

In Class - Turn in signed syllabus (if you haven't done so already).  Class discussion on the role of religion during the colonial period and how religion shapes today's society.

Homework - Watch the news.

Monday, August 15, 2011

American Government 8/15/11

In Class - Short Video Clip (from Jon Stewart's The Daily Show).  Discuss the role of public opinion.  What shapes public opinion? 

Homework - Signed syllabus due by tomorrow.

QOW - Considering all of the current topics troubling our great nation, what topic is the most important for our government to address right now? 

Develop arguments using a mimimum of two sources, which you will cite using MLA format.  In order to leave your response, simply click where it says "Comment" at the bottom of this post and begin typing.  Be sure to put some thought into this, organize your thoughts, use proper grammar, spelling, and be sure to proofread your work.  Remember, this is not informal writing (ie. Facebook).  I expect quality work.  If you have questions, please refer to the syllabus for the rubric concerning the QOW.

World History 8/15/11

In Class - ICW - Analyze the quote from Aristotle.  What does it mean.  Class Notes: Ancient Greece.

Homework - Signed syllabus due tomorrow.  Read Chapter 1, Section 1.

US History 8/15/11

In Class - ICW - short video clip concerning human behavior in times of crisis (stage collapsing at Indiana State Fair).  Class Notes: Enlightenment and Causes of the Revolution.

Homework - Signed syllabus due by tomorrow.  Read Chapter 1, Section 2 for tomorrow.

Sunday, August 14, 2011

American Government 8/12/11

In Class - Short video clip (CNN) from John King's State of the Union: interview with David Axelrod (President Obama's Chief Strategist), the upcoming campaign, and how jobs is the main priority.  Discuss.  Hand out syllabus, expectations, rules and procedures.  Discuss and answer questions.

Homework - Signed syllabus is due by Tuesday, August 16.  I need your blog URL ( emailed to me by Tuesday, August 16.

Articles to Check Out:
"Tim Pawlenty quits after third-place straw-poll finish," Andrew Malcolm, LA Times. August 14, 2011.

After the straw poll in Iowa, Minnesota Governor Tim Pawlenty stops his campaign to seek the Republican nomination for president in 2012.  The Republican debate may have caused this.
"Gallup: Obama job rating sinks below 40% for first time," Michael Memoli, LA Times. August 14, 2011.
For the first time, President Obama's approval ratings have fallen below 40%, according to a recent Gallup Poll.  Voters believed that the deal to raise the debt ceiling amidst other issues have influenced these numbers.,0,2481281.story
Check out more stories of your choice:

World History 8/12/11

In Class - Continue to discuss the syllabus, expectations, rules and procedures.

Homework - Signed syllabus is due on Tuesday, August 16.

US History 8/12/11

In Class - Continue to discuss the syllabus, expectations, procedures and rules in class.

Homework - Signed syllabus due on Tuesday, August 16.

Friday, August 12, 2011

American Government 8/11/11

In Class - Discuss the video and writing assignment from yesterday.  Lecture/discussion on the significance of military strategy and how it affects government, politics, and foreign policy.  Also discuss how historical events shape and mold US foreign policy in the War on Terror.  Syllabus will be handed out tomorrow in class.

Homework - Brainstorm three governmental or political topics you would like to discuss/analyze/examine throughout the semester.

World History 8/11/11

In Class - Discuss video and writing assignment from yesterday.  Lecture/discussion on the relevance and significance of history of how we use the past to examine and analyze the present.  Hang onto your writing assignment (this will go in your notebook).  Hand out syllabus and discuss.

Homework - Signed syllabus is due on Tuesday, August 16.

US History 8/11/11

In Class - Discuss video and writing assignment from yesterday.  Lecture/discussion on the relevance and significance of history of how we use the past to examine and analyze the present.  Hang onto your writing assignment (this will go in your notebook).  Hand out syllabus and discuss.

Homework - Signed syllabus is due on Tuesday, August 16.

Thursday, August 11, 2011

American Government 8/10/11

In Class - Turn in writing assignment (President Obama's Back to School Speech).  Begin watching Kill/Capture.  This video discusses the significance of the new military plan in Afghanistan.  While watching the video, take notes on specific ideas and key themes related to what you already know.  When the video is over, write a solid paragraph (6-8 sentences) answering the following question: Is the kill/capture method doing more harm than good?  This is due at the beginning of class tomorrow.

Homework - Writing assignment due tomorrow at the beginning of class.

World History 8/10/11

In Class - Turn in writing assignment (President Obama's Back to School Speech).  Begin watching Kill/Capture.  This video discusses the significance of the new military plan in Afghanistan.  While watching the video, take notes on specific ideas and key themes related to what you already know.  When the video is over, write a solid paragraph (6-8 sentences) answering the following question: Is the kill/capture method doing more harm than good?  This is due at the beginning of class tomorrow.

Homework - Writing assignment due tomorrow at the beginning of class.

US History 8/10/11

In Class - Turn in writing assignment (President Obama's Back to School Speech).  Begin watching Kill/Capture.  This video discusses the significance of the new military plan in Afghanistan.  While watching the video, take notes on specific ideas and key themes related to what you already know.  When the video is over, write a solid paragraph (6-8 sentences) answering the following question: Is the kill/capture method doing more harm than good?  This is due at the beginning of class tomorrow.

Homework - Writing assignment due tomorrow at the beginning of class.

American Government 8/9/11

In Class - Discuss objectives and expectations.  Short video: President Obama's Back to School speech (September 14, 2010).  During the video, take notes (Cornell) about the major topics/ideas/themes.  Look for repeated words.  When you are done, you are to write two solid paragraphs (6-8 sentences).  The first paragraph needs to include a specific summary of the speech.  Second paragraph needs to be a reaction?  What do you think?  What is your plan for success. 

Homework - Writing assignment is due at the beginning of class tomorrow.

World History 8/9/11

In Class - Discuss objectives and expectations.  Short video: President Obama's Back to School speech (September 14, 2010).  During the video, take notes (Cornell) about the major topics/ideas/themes.  Look for repeated words.  When you are done, you are to write two solid paragraphs (6-8 sentences).  The first paragraph needs to include a specific summary of the speech.  Second paragraph needs to be a reaction?  What do you think?  What is your plan for success. 

Homework - Writing assignment is due at the beginning of class tomorrow.

US History 8/9/11

In Class - Discuss objectives and expectations.  Short video: President Obama's Back to School speech (September 14, 2010).  During the video, take notes (Cornell) about the major topics/ideas/themes.  Look for repeated words.  When you are done, you are to write two solid paragraphs (6-8 sentences).  The first paragraph needs to include a specific summary of the speech.  Second paragraph needs to be a reaction?  What do you think?  What is your plan for success. 

Homework - Writing assignment is due at the beginning of class tomorrow.

American Government 8/8/11

In Class - Introductions.  Short writing assignment: "What is the purpose of government."  Discuss as a class.

Homework - None.

World History 8/8/11

In Class - Welcome Back!  Introductions.

Homework - None.

US History 8/8/11

In Class - Welcome back!  Introductions. 

Homework - None.