Monday, February 28, 2011

Caption of the Week

By Scott Olson, Getty Images

Rich Yaeger protests Monday at the Capitol in Madison, Wis. Protesters remained inside on the eve of Gov. Walker's budget address.


N.DeAndrade said...

Or are they watching my rear end (ass)? uhmm I believe so, & it looks GOOOOOOD, don't it ? :)

*Sparkles* said...

"I'll be the tough guy and be out here by myself.I'm tough right?? I have a leather jacket on. C'mon be nice!"

Jamie Tyson
Period 1

CABE said...

"Pacifism and Peace may kill me, but at least....well, I guess I got nothin' "

Anonymous said...

Us bikers usally fight cause they take away our parking space. Today Im fighting cause they removed my parking space.

Juan Gamez said...

You know what, usually i don't care about politics but today my homies left on a road trip without me. I'm bored, I guess i will protest about something.

MiinaRobledo said...

I may be a biker but i have a . . . damn, i shouldn't of eaten that chili..:/ oh pleease don let it rip!!

Vvsince93' said...
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Vvsince93' said...

The reality of this ,is that i'm the only one in the world that is watching, as you can tell i'm obviously the only one protesting outside. You may not be able to tell but there's a poop stain located where my buttocks are at, I was just so afraid and an accident just happened , you feel me? I mean come on be nice, give me a break my homies don't have my back:(

-Vivi Rivas p.4

Syqlizard said...

Lads don't have the power of the jacket.

A.Rodriguez9266 said...

YOU CAN TAKE OUR LIVES, BUT YOU CAN NEVER TAKE OUR FREEDOM!,... or our leather jackets cause the patches are actually pretty valuable

jimmy said...

i didnt know Hell's Angle's were so concerned with politics... Just goes to show even a biker who's main concern is drugs, murder, and extortion is involved now-in-days...