In Class - WHIPS (get caught up on these).
Homework - Start blogging again for this week. QOW due by Friday @ 11:59 pm.
QOW - Think about your public education over the past twelve years of your life. On a scale from 1-10 (1 being low and 10 being high), how would you rate your education? Why did you rate your education this way (positives/negatives)? Do you think your education has prepared you for the next stage in your life? Why or why not? Have you taken advantages of all of the opportunities given to you in your education? Be honest with yourself and really take some time to do quality work.
No need for citations this week, however, please do not include names of teachers. This is an opportunity to share your thoughts, but not an opportunity to bash anyone. This is due by Friday, February 25 by 11:59 pm.
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On a scale of one to ten. I believe that my public education has been, about an eight. I give it this rating because when I was youger we did not have the same methods of teaching. It's funny that this question was posted. I was just with my younger brother last night going ovcer multiplication cards. And little man was rattling the answers off to me. i found it so interesting. When I was his age and in his grade I did not have the same type of learning material and ciriculum. Honestly I wish I did. This "SUCKS". Now teaching is a lot better I wish I had the oppurtunity to have this kind of teaching taught to me. "Nuff' said.
Education is a real big thing in the United States. But threw out my life and my schooling I have never really been pushed to were I know I am learning what I need to know. I would scale my education at 6 out of 10. I know that not a lot of people in the world get a chance at education and I am blessed to be in a country where I can get that but at the same time I don’t feel like I have been pushed to be at the top of m abilities. I just feel like I have been kept in the average of my abilities. But it is some what my fault I was not self motivated to learn. But now the past two years in high school I have pushed myself and have made myself more motivated that ever and even self educated myself. I really don’t believe that my education has pushed nor helped me for the next step its more like me pushing myself to want to learn and want to go to college and want to succeed. Maybe I have been taking much advantage of the opportunity’s that where introduced to me in the past but no one pushed to get better I had to learn 10 years later and if anyone want to have pushed me and wanted me to be better than good enough I may have been in a greater spot that I am now. In stead of worrying about sports and trying to be famous maybe we should keep our head in reality and get better.
Allan Baray
On a scale of one to ten, I chose to rate my education a seven. Our education system isn’t bad, but I feel like I barely learned the bare minimum to get by in life. I feel like I should have learned a lot more and our textbooks overlook a lot of important topics, such as the Armenian Genocide. Furthermore, I believe that too much emphasis is put on grades in our educational system today, and not enough on learning. I think we spend so much time in the classrooms doing tedious projects that I don’t learn much from. Many teachers just hand out busy work and give out tests, but then I forget most of what I’ve learned after taking the test. Honestly, I have not taken all the opportunities given to me in my education. Yes, I could have taken more AP classes, but there were none that appealed to what I wanted to do later in life. Why would I need to take AP literature if I want to become a nurse?
I would have to rank my education for the past twelve year a seven. I mean my education just been good and everything but it has its downs lot. I feel that today’s teacher don’t teach because they like to teach I think they do it so that can just get the money. They also don’t motive you enough to do good or to do your homework. I mean I know it’s also our job to motive ourselves to do good to but something we just need an extra push. Also because I feel that our education today doesn’t really help us reach our goal in life. They just make us learn things that we aren’t really going to use in the real world or when we get our own job. Most of the stuff I know I am going to use in the real world I learned from my family not at school and isn’t that the schools job to make us learn things we are really going to use? Our education system has a lot to improve on. I know if they manage to get all the flaws our system has then we will have the best education system in the world but till then we are the only ones that can really motive ourselves to do what needs to be done.
Juan Montes de Oca
Period 4
On a scale of one to ten, I chose six on my education.From my personal experience through private school, teachers were very strict but most of the lesson plans were bible studies and took time away from doing math and other subjects. Also, the students are so sheltered by teachers that they don't understand what it is like in the real world. By time I went to public school, I was really lost and behind most students in many subjects because of not being taught it as much as I should have. Public school on the other hand, may not have as many strict teachers that make you do a lot of work but they do prepare you very well for the future. Sometimes teachers don't always want to teach you anything and just do it because it's their job, having no desire to really get to know students and how they learn. Not all, but most teachers I have had only give a bunch of work to you without any explanation and expect you to learn it all. Many students don't have any motivation to do anything at all and just sit around in class so they can easily pass with a D and graduate. I think something needs to be done about this. Students that don't want to learn shouldn't be complaining. If you come to school then it means that you want to learn so you might as well learn to your full potential. School districts need to stop making it so easy to get a diploma because the students that do try their best get the same thing in the end and it makes them not want to try so hard knowing it's just so easy. Students are very lucky to have a free education and take advantage of it. Many countries don't have these opportunities so we are very lucky.I think that teachers really need to challenge students more so when they graduate they know they really earned it.
Jona H.
On a scale from one to ten I would rate my educational experience a seven. This is based on my family moving just about every year. Many of those moves were to a different state, jumping back and forth between the different states and school standers made it difficult to keep constancy with in the educational system. I do not believe any amount of education can truly prepare someone for the next step. The leap between high school and college is a great distance. The journey is almost completely covered in darkness until we are on the other side of the gap. I have honestly not taken full advantage of all the opportunities that were provided to me within the school years, but as I said, my family and I have moved many times and have never truly been settled in long enough to take advantage of these opportunities to their full extent.
I would say 8 Even though some of the things i learn is useful there would be a lot i would change to learn something to help me more for my career or future. To be honest i have not even tried to take advantage of the classes or resources i have been given to.
-Ramon Rivera Per 2
I would have to rate my education as a 7. I rate it like this because there are so many endless possibilities of things we can learn in school but we don’t. Schools have their certain standards and that is all they care about. They give you a test that you may know the answers to one day but give them that same test at the end of the year and chances are that they will fail it or forget most of it. So I would say they teach you basic skills but they could still do so much more. I think that we had more eagerness towards learning we would have a better education. I can’t blame my education all on the school though. I would have to take responsibility for the fact that I used to challenge myself with harder classes but have recently got lazy and not wanted to take them anymore. Sophomore year I took trig and pre calculus and was supposed to take calculus junior year but I got lazy and decided I would rather take statistics. But in all I think the schools have the power to make our education so much better.
I believe education is the biggest part in the U.S. Many would die to be in our position and we are very lucky to be in this country. Giving a scale from one to ten on education, I rate it a seven. I rate a seven because I feel as if the teaching hasn't been all there. Most of it is also because I don't give it my best. In my past years in high school I had the chance to take higher classes but decided not to because of the laziness.Now that I'm a senior I regret it. Also, because no one ever pushed me to do better. Not only me, but much has to do with the way the school system works. In my case I don't think we should have text books, they are very boring to read and many just don't listen. Another of the reasons i rate a seven is because many teachers like giving busy work and that just gets you off topic. I know I don't give it my all but most has to do with the way some teachers teach. Maybe giving out a reward by the end of the year might get students to do better in school. This is why I rate it a seven.
Kevin Real
I would give my educational level a five. I would give it this because I STRONGLY believe that education is what you make it. I also believe that every student and teacher needs to be a self motivator, and take from what education that you are given. In my experience, I do wish that I took advantage of classes, and not been so lazy. However I took advantage of ones that got me into nursing school, so it worked out for me, I just think that people need to realize what's available for them, and also that some teachers need to take their jobs more seriously. No more "busy work", we need more inspirational lecures like what we had in our class today.
If i were to rate my education, i would score it a 7, because i've learned a great deal in school that i never would have been able to have taught myself, but our education system fails to get students to realize their full potential in life. Most students end up getting lazy and put off most of their goals. Also, we learn from a book, which i believe is a old past time and shouldn't be used anymore because we have much more useful ways that people can learn, like from the internet, or videos. Schools need to make school life more enjoyable so that kids will actually want to learn and not look at going to school as a chore.
-Cole Canup
on a scale of 1 to 10 i rate my education an 8. I rate it an 8 because its not so bad and its not so good. I think the education is good there are some really good teachers at this school. Teachers that help their students alot they really try to keep us on track. Its all on us to keep up and try our best. i think this education has prepared me for the next stage in my life. That stage is to hopefully go to college. But i havent taken advantege of the oppurtunities given to. If i did i wouldnt be in such pressure to graduate. I would have had open periods but instead i got seven and i go to adult education. So its really what you make of it.
I rate my education a 7. There are many reasons but I have one strong one in particular. I rated it a 7 because, I've moved around A LOT. I've been to very good schools and very bad ones. I believe its a 7 because i moved a lot. I've had good friends that would help me in the future and into their education, and I've also had bad friends that would try to peer pressure me into doing things i didn't want to do. The majority of High School. i spent it in one of the lowest performing schools in O.C. the school now is doing so much better because of the new principal but was horrible when i was there. That school was in some ways like a jail. Gangs, crews, drugs and violence everywhere u turned. I lost a couple friends. up to 2 of them were murdered in 1 month:( most students in that school couldn't read or write at their grade level. grades were horrible and they couldn't spell the word defeat. Violence in that school got out of hand. i grew up around violent neighborhoods almost all my life and i know about "the game" but im smart enough to stay away from it.... education is the key to getting out of places like that. Living in those neighborhoods gave me a visual of what my life could be like if I dont study and get out of there. the freshman rate of pregnancy was 30%. I wasn't going to end up like that. I know i can do A LOT more to improve myself. but i rated myself a 7 because i believe I did good.
This has in a slight way prepared me for the future, academically, mentally and emotionally, because it motivated me to do better to get out of there.
I haven't taken full advantage of he opportunities given to me. I know im capable of doing so much more. But its was hard to focus in class after hearing a friend got killed so all you do is reminisce on that person. Thankfully I haven't heard about another murder and i hope i don't hear about one. That way i can help myself stay focused in school.
^^^- Karina Rivas ^^^^
I give my education a rateing of seven it was good the older I got . When I was younger it was harder for me there was to many kids and I was really intrested in school . I always wanted to play outside my mom diden't foce me or turn off the tv eaither when I was younger and that stuck with me untill middle school. Middle school I had fun and i had a great math teacher in sevnth grade my english teacher too she helped me a lot. Then when I got to high school things started to change math was harder and freshman year I diden't understand it that well but i had a great teacher . Other classes were just as hard for me but I passed them all . Softmote year i would say was the best so far becuase I went redy and my engish teacher Mrs. Barron she helped me out a lot when I had qestions and she was a great teacher and she really helped me with the chasse. I think that this year is helping me more and prepareing me a little more for whats ahead . Deffinalty beinig in health acdemy has helped me to see more of the medical feil.
-jessica walston per.1
I have to say my education is a 7. And its based on me, how much i have learned. Hearing from the other students in my class i realized how "easy" high school could have been. If i actually applied myself 100% everytime i had and assignment, or on a test.I honestly think alot of teacher shelter us students, wheather its letting us turn something in late, or giving us extra credit to try and get a little extra work in just to try and pass. When we should have done the work in the first place. Im not saying it was a bad thing, but maybe without that, we could have learned at an earlier stage that, we have to take care of buiseness. Fromseeing how my little brother is taught, and how education is developing i think its progressed. But i think it still has ways to go.
Gabriela Vasquez
I rate my education an 8 out of 10. I rate it that number because school helped me to think critically, especially math. The numbers missed to complete the perfect 10 are not there for me because I honestly don't believe I made use of asking teachers for help in the past. I'm satisfied with my education, but I just wish I focused a bit more and along with motivating myself a lot earlier in life. I believe the school helped motivate me towards advancing me to my future. I just missed a lot of early opportunities that I could have taken but I slacked off. When it came to junior year, things start to get serious. I wonder if there could actually be that same kind of motivation to be implemented back in the late elementary school grade levels and middle school.
***NOTE*** Many in my class cited schools from different cities and even different states. In comparison, they have nothing on my international experiences. However, this rating reflects only the American education I have experienced. Anyways...
My cynicism prompted me to rate the education I have received (or have failed to receive) relatively low. Throughout my school years, it seems I have been mostly assigned to non-passionate teachers, teachers who do not try. The function of a teacher is not to simply lecture, assign problems, and assess our participation, but rather to motivate, guide, and challenge our intellectual capacities. I have come across too many teachers who have this misconception and it reflects on my rating. Said teachers shun the student for not qualifying as a student and continue without qualifying as a teacher.
Reading through other students' responses, I have found some respectable arguments. Both Arevik Martirosyan and Juan Montes have cited the school curriculum as flaws of the education system. Their arguments are, "They just make us learn things that we aren’t really going to use in the real world or when we get our own job", and "Yes, I could have taken more AP classes, but there were none that appealed to what I wanted to do later in life. Why would I need to take AP literature if I want to become a nurse?" However, this is to miss the overall point of the curriculum, to make students think. AP Literature may not apply to most careers, but thinking applies to most aspects of life. Math trains our problem solving capabilities. Science teaches us to question how things works. History teaches us to question authority. English teaches us rhetoric and to question why something was said or written that way. Questions lead to answers and answers improve our life, our community, our society, our nation, our world. (Asyndeton, look it up.)
If education does not reach its full potential, how can the world? It all starts in the classroom: motivate, educate, guide, and assess our thinking capabilities. Not necessarily in that order.
-Louis Lin
Period 4
one a scale, i would have to go with an 8. i feel like the education system is broken but the last hope is within the teachers as well as the students. i must say i have had my share of horrid teachers who did what the were told to teach with no enthusiasm what so ever. they didn't put effort into the teachings. but thats not to say i haven't had those rare teachers that are passionate about what they do. i have had plenty of those teachers were them and their students just click. and that is the answer to a higher success rate in a high school education. teachers and students respecting one another and being on the same level of intelligence.
now i am sad to say that i have not always taken a hold of the education i was spoon fed. i took advantage of this education and made adult decisions when i wasn't even mature. i wish i could go back and soak up all the intelligence. but as my father would say "defecate in one hand and wish in the other. see which one weighs more"
all i can do now is take what i am learning now and try to make something out of it.
and when people say we only learn to test, and then complain about we need a better education, all i have to say is if you cant even pass a simple test that you study for two days in advance what makes you think that you will be able to handle the different education everyone so desperately needs?
I rated my education an 7, because even though i dont have to pay, and i took classes i needed to graduate. I've could of took my education futher, especially the start of freshman year. I didnt really apply my self for the next level, i just barley made it.
On a scale of 1-10 i would have to say that my education would probably be at a 3. My reason for that is because i have mainly had to teach myself in my 12 years of schooling, and i felt that everything i was being taught i would never use in life unless i was going to be a Math teacher being taught Mathematics. One problem i see with teachers teaching is that they always teach from the book and never what the kids want to learn, its all about drilling and drilling things into their little brains. If a kid does not want to learn, then you cannot make them learn anything. So mainly the teachers are just boring the kids to death by just sitting them in their desks and making them do bookwork, and lets face it, most kids are lazy these days (Even myself sometimes). Everything that i have learned was mainly on what i wanted to learn and not being forced to learn it. If i have to learn it for a test, then i will, but most likely in a week i will forget it because it wouldnt be that important to me.
On a scale of 1-10 i would have to say that my education would probably be at a 3. My reason for that is because i have mainly had to teach myself in my 12 years of schooling, and i felt that everything i was being taught i would never use in life unless i was going to be a Math teacher being taught Mathematics. One problem i see with teachers teaching is that they always teach from the book and never what the kids want to learn, its all about drilling and drilling things into their little brains. If a kid does not want to learn, then you cannot make them learn anything. So mainly the teachers are just boring the kids to death by just sitting them in their desks and making them do bookwork, and lets face it, most kids are lazy these days (Even myself sometimes). Everything that i have learned was mainly on what i wanted to learn and not being forced to learn it. If i have to learn it for a test, then i will, but most likely in a week i will forget it because it wouldnt be that important to me.
I would give my public education a 5. I give education this rating because students haven't learned much about their race's history, teachers skip content in textbooks, and also because students don't really learn information but memorize it for test. Regarding student not learning about their race, President Andrew Jackson has stated, “This is a country for white men, and my God, as long as I am President it shall be a government for white men.” This statement is absolutely false. The things we learned in our local school really did not speak about what happened in different races. Knowing that teachers have to follow a standard, many things are skipped over in our textbooks and these things may be valuable information. And the CSTs, don't get me started. This test is a waste of time. If this is how schools are evaluated then WOW, I'm shocked. That time we use can be placed to future more learning. Students aren't learning, but memorizing things for test. Nothing is learned & its a shame!
Well if I were to think of my education over the past twelve years, I would rate my education a 6 because it's still the same like our education system hasn't improved much over the years. Some of the topics we learn won't really help us later in life either because it is just required of us to learn it, pass the class, and meet the standards. For example, some of the classes I received won't help me for my future but I have to take it in order to meet the A-G requirements for college and like I thought that when coming to High School, one could take the classes one wanted that will help them achieve their goal of getting closer to their "dream career" but I was wrong. I took a class that seemed like everyday we started a new chapter. I got lost and the teaching methods were horrible for me because they were too much and very confusing to understand. The teacher I had wasn't much for helping and never made learning a wonderful experience either. It was completely different though when I got a teacher who was the opposite, she was very creative and taught us every single step so that we could find the answer and everyday I looked forward to her class with a big smile and a lot of motivation. I have taken some opportunities in my education because most of it was helpful and very useful to me like anatomy since I plan on going into the medical field. Overall, I think the education system should be improved better through teachers, the standards, and methods of teaching.
Jennifer Duque
Period 2
On a scale of one to ten, i rate my education at a seven. Throughout my life school was always a struggle for me. I have never really even cared about school up until my senior year. I have always been blessed with good teachers, but i think there is a strong lack of creativity that schools need to improve on. Less reading from the book and more inspiration. To me good teachers are those who inspire. Having the chance to influence people is an incredible thing when you really think about it. All in all education is a privilidge and a chance to furthur yourself in life. We all have the chance to go far in education and make something of ourselves. Thats something we should all be thankfull for.
In the past 12 years i think that my education is about an 8.5. I think this because I have had both the private school experence and the public. I would have to say that my private school experience from grades 1-10th grade have prepared me for the next stage in my life because the classes are advanced and you do have to apply yourself everyday to get a good grade. Me being in public school my junior and senior year i havent really learned alot, and everything that ive learned is either repeated that ive taken in private school or ive learned by personal experiences, but anything school wise i haven't really learned alot. Honestly i havent taken many opportunities and if i could i would probably redo all my 4 years of high school because things didnt turn out the way that i have wanted too.
- marsela contreras period 4
Its actually funny because when I originally answered the question of what rate I would give education, I gave it an eight, but the more I think about it, the lower that number goes. Now I think that if I had to rate education I would probably give it a six or a seven. The more I thought about it, the more I realized that I am usually the one teaching myself the criteria, and that isn’t a bad thing considering that is how life works, but I feel that students like myself, ones that actually have a thirst for knowledge, deserve more out of teachers. Everyone is so focused on those failing their classes that they don’t take the time to appreciate or even help the students that are actually trying. It also seems that the criteria that we need to graduate has gotten a lot easier through out the years. For example, last year in my English class I never tried on anything and didn’t turn in a whole essay and still got an A+ in the class. Why aren’t students being pushed anymore? Why aren’t all of our classes Honors/ AP style? Why is it automatically assumed that our generation is the lazy one?
Now I’m not going to sit here and blame the teachers for our lack of education. It is also, and mostly, the students’ fault. And I am also not going to sit here and say that I am not lazy and am an amazing student because that would be a lie. Most of the time, if given an opportunity to up my grade or receive some other advantage, I do not take them. This is usually because in my mind I think “what’s the point? I’m going to get an A in the class anyway, why should I go out of my way for the same grade?” And I think that’s where our education system really needs help. I should not be thinking that way, but whose going to push me to go to tutoring, or an extra credit opportunity? Not my teachers.
I don’t really feel that what I am learning now will prepare me for the future. I get away with the bare minimum in most of my classes. How will that help me in life? Not at all. And even if the stuff I am learning is useful, I still won’t know when to use it. When asked “when will I use this in the future?” one of my teachers actually got mad. He/ she stated “Gosh! Can’t you just trust me?!” Yes, I trust you are teaching me well, but what is the point if I don’t know when to use it. That is just wasted knowledge and time.
This actually is a very hard topic for me to explain, considering my thoughts are split. I feel that the lack of education in this country does lie on the backs of the students, but then again, it seems as though the teachers are just giving up. That is why I would give our education a six or seven.
If i were to rate my education on a scale from 1-10 i would have to rate it a 6.
In the United States they teach us about the U.S. first and then maybe about other country's/coultures.
And most of what we are being tought is just to help us pass the minimum requirements of the test but dont really help us be prepared for the future of our lifes.
I my self havn't taken 100% advantage of the oportunities given to me for my education. But then again I dont think anyone can take full advantage of everything being given to them in their life time.
I was going to rate my education a 9 but an 8 seemed better because a 9 would mean it's almost perfect and it's not.I believe that budget cuts are messing up our school year because now we have fewer teachers, and less school days.You'd think less school days would be great, but the truth is that less school days means less preperation time. And I don't understand the reason why they make us take so many tests, like the benchmarks. They also worry too much about the classes you need instead of the classes you want because YOU know you'll need them. I don't believe school has prepared me for my future the way they should, but I must admit that it's partly my fault becuase I feel like I didn't take my education seriously until my junior and senior year. And by then I feel as if it was too late beacause I can't go back and take advantage of my freshman and sophmore year. And I also realized a little too late that I really want to be a doctor. I believe that by not joining the Health Accademy I messed up, and I am now behind in the future I wanted for myself. I believe that in order for someone to get the best out of thier school/ education the teachers need to want to teach, and teach in a way that captures the students attention. And the students need to want to learn, and not settle for "ok work". And the whole nation should really work together to find a better method to help the kids.
As far as my education has been, I’d rate it a 7. During my years in elementary and middle school, I was a kid with seemingly limited capacity of being able to learn and to attain knowledge. It was, indeed, a great struggle, but I was fortunate to have aid open to my needs, especially from my parents. I accumulated much of the essential basic skills needed from all the help I received, and I’m very grateful for that. All of the help was a buildup to prepare me for more of the upcoming challenges in high school, and I’m glad to say that I’m going rather smoothly right now in high school. Unfortunately, I foolishly didn’t take advantage of the many opportunities that were open to me. From where I am now, I guess I can say that I’m somewhat prepared for college.
At the end of my middle school years, I realized that it wasn’t the “limited capacity of the ability to learn” that made me struggle, but it was the fact that I wasn’t giving my best effort in everything I did. I didn’t challenge myself, so I blame myself for not doing so. Most of the teachers that I’ve had so far have done quite a fair job at teaching, and I was fortunate enough to receive what they’ve taught me. A few people may give a low rating on how their education has been, and it’s probably because of the horrible teachers they’ve had in the past. What I’ve realized throughout the years is that it’s you and your teachers that determine how good or bad your education is. If a student wants to succeed in their education, he or she should challenge themselves along with having the motivation, inspiration, and fiery passion to do so. This goes for all teachers as well. As students, we should all yearn to learn, but unfortunately boredom has crept into the walls of classrooms, and some of us have become slaves of sluggishness and laziness. We urgently need to break free from all these.
- Jarel Lim Per. 4
One a scale of one to ten i would have to rate my education over the past twelve years a six. Our education system isnt bad, but there is so much more we could be doing, doing better just in general. Our education system has alot to improve on though. For instance there are some teachers who just do it as their job to pay the bills, they dont try and get us interested or motavate us to learn and do the work. they just give us busy work. Telling you to read the book, but in my expiriencei really dont learn anything that way. i normally forget what i just read and have to keep reading it over and over which still never does anything. They dont have any desire to get to know the students and see how they learn and whats best for them. But there are some kids who dont even have the opportunity to learn and get an education like me, and im really greatful for that, I am. I just think there is so much more the schools could be doing to help kids get a higher education. Yes i havent taken all the advantages of opportunities that were provided for me or given to me during the school year and i honestly regret that and being so lazy and not taking some of those chances. But im trying to do better in starting to prepare myself for the real world and my life after high school and doing the best i can do for myself and my daughter.
*Emily Duenas
Period 4
On a scale of one to ten, i would rate my public education a 7. The reason for it to be a seven, because i believe that education is up to the students. What I mean by that is you get what you put in for your education. Your parents and teachers can try and tell you how important education it is for you, but it's up to you to decide whether to listen to it or not. I believe that all the things i have learned over my 12 years have prepare me for the next stage of my life. To be honest I did somewhat take advantages of the opportunities that had pass. Self motivation is what get you through life and a good education.
On a scale of one to ten, i would say that my education has been a 7. The reason why it is not any higher is because even though i have learned and learned a lot, the education system in schools is not perfect, so 8-10 would be to much of a reach. When you try in school you tend to do well and have good success, but that's the main point, "you" have to be willing to put in the effort to do well and it should show in your grades and tests because "you' earned it. I'm aware that our school system might not be the best out there, but as a student what could I do? The only thing that i could do is to do my work and give it my all on every assignment. There could be many ways to fix education in this country, but people haven't exploited them, even i haven't came up with a good way to fix it. I believe once you reach college its different, but in your early years and middle school and high school, you have to have motivation to pass the class. Sure, there has been classes where i might not like the class or teacher, but i still do my work so that i could pass the class "motivation". You dont want to waste your time just because you dont like something about it, just do your work and it will end eventually. My rank for education is a 7, but even though all people complain about is the flaws of the educational system, im fortunate to at least say its a 7, im sure there are students in other parts of the United States that might say its a 1-5 or so. I really dont know how people can improve the educational system, but as a student, you just have to give it your all. It is what it is...
I have rate my education as a 6 out of 10. In many years our education has failed us. By rducing our standards to learn. Making it easier for students. Also many classes have been diminished as for example geography. Also we lose focus on school because at these ages we interact with the out side world more. There is more things we can do outside of school that catch peoples interest. Making kids lose focus and has made many teachers boring. But i believe we nee more teachers like Mr. Jaime escalante. He mad people who hated math enjoy it. To me education is there but the goal and desire has left.
On a scale of 1 to 10, I picked 5 as rating my education. This number was chosen overall because to me personally the education that I have received over the last 12 years or so has sort of prepared me for what I’ll be in the approaching future to come. In that I took classes that would help me to be able to live on my own, cook for myself a decent meal, make/fix clothing if I need to, and manage financially. I’ve used whatever classes I could take, as well as other opportunities that would best help me. But to be perfectly honest when I look at how other educational systems around the world those students from K-12 are learning at a faster rate and not only that but a lot more than I would have thought. Things that seem irrelevant and awkward, but that do help them prepare for the next step in each students lives. I know that in some of these schools they have longer days and more days along the 7 day week. But their educational system comes first to their nation. Its priority. For the most part I have been able to learn some things through schooling. But the other side to that is that I’ve self taught myself most of what I know now, what I knowledge that I convey today is 85% of what I have come to learn by doing my own research, reading, and analyzing. I know that having whatever level of education and how much one decides to soak in themselves is completely on the individual. The experience is for them. The fact that we have an education that was is here for us is a pretty fortunate thing considering that some people can’t afford to have an education.
Azalea Armixo
Period 4
I would rate my education from a 1-10 a 6 because I haven’t really learned any life skills. During my 12 years of school I have almost learned the exact same thing over and over again. It got quite annoying so I started to slack off on everything. I think the school system is ok but its up to the students who want to learn. Also they teach you a lot of things that you will NEVER use in life. For example history, science, and sometimes math. I think the only subjects that you can learn from are government, economics and some electives like the ROP ones.
-Jose Grimaldo
On a scale from 1 to 10, I would rate my education at 8. Having the chance to experience different schooling techniques I was able to realize the changes that made me come to an understandable point of view. In my opinion I don’t see any defect or problem in the education system but it’s rather students who should be blamed for not meeting their own expectations throughout their educational lives. What is a really good education that students would expect? This is a question that is far from being answered, because how are we supposed to expect the best out of teachers if some students just don’t care about their own educational lives. What I see as an extreme influence on students and as a major cause for students to pretty much give up from continuing their education, is the total influence by a part of the society. When they are given the chance or “the once in a life” opportunity by businesses to be qualified to a job just with the fact that they are only high school graduates, while others with higher degrees and more experiences are being rejected for over qualification reasons, are all causes that encourage students on lacking their interest in continuing their way through meeting their actual goals. Also parents always try to care for their children’s sake and by playing the major role in guiding them to the right track in life, but it never works, when all their friends or the surrounding people have the same negative influence. I think that the only solution for such a problem would be to challenge oneself, by either motivating our own selves onto reaching our goals, or by merely training ourselves to press guide our own selves to where we ought to be. All in all the economy also has its own aspect toward affecting such problems, but money was never the only way out or the only treatment for solving these problems. To be honest I have to admit that I haven’t taken the advantage of all the opportunities that were given to me, but I still think that I did a good job for preparing myself to the next stage in life.
I would rank my education a 7, I chose 7 because I think teachers have prepared me for what I needed to learn, they’ve always helped me when I needed it. Most teachers have helped me, but yet I have learned things on my own. I’m not just ranking my education a 7 but I’m also ranking myself. When I was in elementary school I always brought home good grades but once I hit high school my grades dropped. I can honestly say I’ve been lazy but we just get too much work and get involved with our peers to much. But I know the teachers purpose is to help us learn, and for us to absorb everything. Over all I think my education has been good and some kids in other places would die to have our education.
Through out my life ive been to multiple schools. Within these schools Ive learned many different things from different perspectives. If I were to rate my education I would have to give it a 5. I would rate my education at a 5 because I feel I have learned alot,but there is much more I still need to know. I lack the basic skills needed to move on. What I mean to say is im not ready to take the next step in life. My reason for saying that in not ready is because I have not been able to retain information that has been taught to me over these few years do to hardships. I believe I took what I could out of my education. But believe me my education does not stop here. As I advance in life I will try to obtain as much information as I can.
Bryan Hales
Period 1
If I were to rate my education on a scale of one to ten, I would rate my schooling an eight. Going back to elementary, my teachers have always taken care of me. They have always made sure that I understood everything to the best of my ability and that I would retain the information. As I left elementary and made my way to middle school, my teachers were still attentive, but not as much as I was use to. After that, I got to high school. Being one student out of about 120 was intimidating. It made me feel as if I was getting little to no attention. That actually wasn't true at all. Sure, you don't relate to every single teacher that you get but for the most part, I formed friendships with my teachers. Those friendships were what showed me that they actually do care and pay attention to who you are as a person as well as a student.
For what it is worth, I have always enjoyed my education. I have personally always liked being in a classroom and learning. I really do believe that my teachers have taught me all that they can, whether it be apart of the curriculum or a life lesson. They have given me the information, it is up to me to make of it what I please. Then again, I do plan to be a teacher so I am a little biased.
Andrea Villarinho
Period 2
I would rate my public education as a seven for several reasons. First of all I’m basing the seven off of my efforts of acquiring all of the knowledge offered. If I had to rate the public education provided to students, I would say it is around a eight or nine. From personal experience, I had great teachers that really want to teach and get students prepared for the real world. I think that our public education system provides many opportunities, such as scholarships, second chances, and programs to get students to pass but many just aren’t motivated. Like from the movie ‘Stupid in America” it said the longer kids are in school the worst they do. I find this true because freshmen year I was taking all honors and passing with A’s but everything changed sophomore year. I noticed I lost a sense of motivation compared to my junior high years. I used to be very active in my academics but now I just do what’s needed to be done to pass and not challenging myself. I mean my gpa isn’t bad, overall it’s 3.25-3.50 but I believe I could of got a 4.0 easily if I had put in the time and effort. I haven’t done independent learning since freshmen year and it reflects a lot. I’ve become an average student not based on the educational system but on the lack of my own efforts.
Tommy To
period 4
To my opinion I rate my education a 7. That is because i did learn but to reach to a high number i don't think i did. It's not just my teachers faults it's also there was times where i slacked off because i didn't realize how of a good thing it would've been if i would've let myself be taught what was right in front of me. I think no one is really prepared for their next step in life because to reach good your probably going to struggle but i could be more prepared than I am. I also have confeidence because it's always just up to you to succeed in your career or whatever your going to do after you graduate. I did have some good teachers throughout my years but i didn't always take advantage of it i think i completely realize my good teachers this year thats why right now I'm actually trying to learn what teachers try to educate me with.
I would rate my education at about a 4-5 out of ten. I feel that the system can do a far better job at educating students. Its not a horrible system but there are many flaws. For instance, why does everything have to be about money? Your parents dont pick n choose and buy your brain for you, everyone has a different way of learning. Some slower than others and each indevidual has their own strong points. I wish that there were more opportunities for me to focus and learn about things dealing with what i am interested with as a career. I do not feel that my education has prepared me well enough for the road ahead after i graduate and am in the real world. There are things that one must do as an adult that is not taught or even really mention in high school; such as how to do ones taxes. I do not like that i am not challenged enough. I feel that if i had better opportunities and paths too choose in high school then i would be better prepared for the world ahead.
Over the past twelve years, I would rate my education as a 6 because alot of the information that was given to me hasn't always been true and hasn't always been correct. I would say that there are alot of positives in my life as well as negatives.For example, racism would be a negative thing in my life. Something positive would be like all the knowledge I have gained from my education. I do think my education has prepared me for the next stages in my life because it is very useful and I have learned alot throughout the years of going to school. Even though I could do better, I haven't taken advantage of all the oppurtunites given to me, but have learned to do so.
On a scale of one to ten, I chose to rate my education a eight. Because we have public schools every city. And we have enough money to buy like books, computers, to have sport teams. We have enough teachers to give us knowledge and to guide us and help us for the next level of our education. In other country they don’t have enough school and teachers to educate some students. They don’t even have enough books to read and computer to play with. Some of these students have to walk miles just to go to school. Our country have enough money to educate us don’t waste this opportunity that the government gave us this are our advantage to other country so were still lucky to have all of those stuff. Let’s use them and don’t be afraid to learn.
I would rate my education a seven. I have been cheated out of some education. For example, rewriting textbooks. Every year I get a teacher that is frustrated with the textbook for not containing information worth teaching. I have gotten a decent amount of education, but it's not the best, nor is it the worst. I am content with the amount of education I have received for my future career, but I lack in certain subjects due to a faulty teacher, class distractions, and myself. I point one finger, but three more point back at me, so I blame myself for not achieving an extended amount of education, or what I consider a high level education.
Some complain that money is the issue, but I think the less money we have the more we will push for success. All you need is the basics, and this excludes buying textbooks every year, adding more technology that isn't necessary, having a day care center at a gosh darn high school, and it is a waste of money and education when the teacher constantly has to calm down a classroom.
So in conclusion, I rate my education a seven.
On a scale from 1-10 i would rate my education a 9, because i feel that i have been educateded enough to the next level and i felt prepared enough to go on to the next grade. i picked a 9 because yeah i agree my education is my choice and the classes i took or wanted to take were my choice, and my choice to take them and to actually sit there and learn and basically it was all on me. the teachers ive had were good in my opinion, yeah some were boring, some were fun, some hardly did anything but then, i made it to my senior year and im proud. then again i feel that theres more stuff to be learned other than the basics of the curriculum were suppose to be taught, and i would like to learn about other things as well.
As a whole, I would rate my education a four. I've realized that I know very little, especially considering that I've been "educated" for twelve, thirteen years. Anything I know I've learned from movies, my parents, or my own research; if I've learned anything from the public education system, it is that I can regurgitate mediocre, last minute work and still get that A. I've taken multiple AP classes simultaneously and have yet faced anything remotely challenging. I have a lousy work ethic; my tendency towards procrastination has never needed to be rectified. I feel I am not at all prepared for the "real world", let alone college; I feel cheated, and like I'm going to be competing against much more advanced individuals. I'm honestly terrified that I do not have what it takes to succeed because of my educational deficiency.
Based on the last twelve years that I've attend public schools, i would rate the education i have received at about a 6. If I was asked this question 8Th grade year and based my answer on a reflection of the previous years before that, i would have answered 8. The reason why it would have been significantly different is because back then i actually took advantage and consumed every lesson and opportunity of receiving knowledge that i could. Teachers seemed a lot happier, interested, and eager to teach. Coming into high school changed everything, new friends, influences, teachers, everything was different. Ill admit that my first two years of high school i wasn't talking my education to seriously partly because of decisions i made, but mainly because it didn't help having (SOME) teachers who could care less, who would just set up notes on the board and assign book work while sitting on their computer all day every day, who seemed like "unhappy or angry" was the only emotion they can endure and simply not tolerate questions. Now I'm not saying all my high school teachers have been like this, i have had the HONOR to be educated by some of the greatest teachers on campus (which is why my number isn't terribly low).It is said to say that out of the 18 teachers Ive had in high school (not counting this year) i have had 3 teachers that i have actually learned from and other students that were in that class did too. Students and the decisions they make factor a great deal as far as how well educated they are. As far as teachers go not ALL OF them are bad at their jobs, but as the years go by i personally think that their teaching abilities start to lack and they become less patience when working with their students.
Do i think my high school experience has fully prepared me for the next stage of my life?
- Mj P2
From a one to ten scale I would rate my education a eight. Though I have learned a lot of related and non related things in school I feel that there is a lot of subjects that are very important to learn that is not taught in school. Sure, I can ask a teacher a question about everyday life but that won't answer everything. I mean, sometimes it's not so much to find the right answers but to find the right questions if that makes sense. There are a lot of things I don't know that I may not realize until it's too late. I do think I am prepared for the life ahead though. I have learned what I can and will act like a newbie in life asking questions on what to do about bank stuff or insurance. No matter what though I am at fault if I ask no questions or bother trying to learn things that will help me. In the end I think it's all about ambition.
-Natalya Sierra
I rated myself an 8 on my education scale. I realize that my education is far from perfect, and it never will be. But in the past years in School, I have come as much as I can to learn. And each day, I do learn something new. I definitely think that my education in School has prepared me for my next step, College. Ever since High School, there has been big emphasis on the idea of Graduating, and going to College. With the courses that La Sierra has offered me, such as AP, and Honors, has allowed me to better prepare for my next step. Having great/phenomenal teachers has been an invaluable experience at La Sierra. My teachers are one of the reasons why I am prepared for what's next. Now it's time to go to College and apply myself to learning/educating myself in the field that I want!
-Sorry about the late response, I have been sick since Thursday. (Absent Friday)
wait i know i responded to this and yet i dont see it?
On a scale from one to ten I rate my education a 7. The reason why I rate it a seven because there are many things that threw out my education that I couldn’t take full advantage of and also because they were never presented. I wish I would have taken art class earlier in my school life but I couldn’t because I was stuck on a system on how my high school should be because I "going" to a Cal State or a UC university. Instead I took Spanish two years, math all four years, and science three years. And yet I'm never going to use these subjects in life. Plus not all teachers in my school year have been the best. For some reason all school years I finish with good grades and with a new enemy. There only have been a few teachers that actually cared about helping me and my peers and made me interested in the subject. Unfortunately those were only my art and history classes. I hoped that there was more art and music classes so we can not only shine acedemicly but also artistically. But unfortunately our school system is based on a Cal State and a UC system. A School that not all one million people in California end up going to.
on a scale one to ten i rate my education a 3.i have only had one good teacher that has help me out through the year. most of the time i strugle through many subjects and there no one to help me except cheyanne.i think it intersting that there are students that pass classes who still dont know basic skills but they still go to the next level.
*mine is an excused absence, not late (:
-luciano diaz.
here it is just in case
On a scale of 1 to 10, my public education has been around a 7. I choose a 7 because I do feel that some of my teachers were really good at teaching. For example, Mrs. Stip was great at making sure we understood what she was talking about in AP Calculus. She was also on top of things when it came to lesson plans. This was the complete opposite with Mr. Ramaswamy. He would send our homework late at night and I wouldn’t finish my homework until sometimes midnight because I do things after school. He would also talk with such a high vocabulary that no one understand. Mr. Vega was also a great teacher. He taught by using visuals, my speaking, and we also wrote things down. His class was very hands on. Everything he did for our class had to do with Economics. He made sure we understood everything and was well prepared for tests. To be honest, I was so scared to take Economics because people said it was hard, but Mr. Vega made it very easy. Unfortunately, I can’t tell you of any English teacher that was really helpful. I never had a teacher who truly explained how to type a quality paper or worked hard in expanding our vocabulary. All of my History teachers were also horrible until I had Mr. Stip. He actually taught our class. Mrs. Mejia just showed our class videos and we took notes on it. I failed pretty much all of her tests, but still ended the class with an A. I felt that I learned nothing.
In some subjects, I think I am prepared for the next step of my life. I was taught very well in all my math classes because I took all the honors courses. I also want to major in accounting and I think I am well prepared to take those classes. Mrs. Trujillo has taught me a lot where I have hit the main points of accounting. I don’t feel prepared at all for English classes. In school, the teachers have loved how I write and thought I did great work, but to me, I thought I did horrible. My vocabulary isn’t up to the college level and I have such a hard time starting a paper. I can’t imagine writing a paper that is more than 3 to 4 pages and in college I know that some papers are 15 pages minimum.
I do feel that I have taken most opportunities given to me. I could have taken some more AP classes, for English especially. I did take Business Academy starting the very first year you can join, my sophomore year. This class has shaped me to be a great leader for the future and I know how to manage people and a business. We have also done many activities where we have met business people who can help us start our futures. Since I want to be a Chief Financial Officer (CFO), I took Accounting one year and Automated Accounting for a second year. Most people take Accounting to catch up on math credits, but I took it because I knew it would help me for my future.
Jamie Tyson P.1
I think our public education isn't really that bad. Yes we can sit around all day and point fingers, and blame someone else. However, we need only to blame ourselves. Students are the real reason America is stupid. Rare is the chance of a student asking his friends to, "go to the library." Instead, we see it as a burden. WE rather much play, Call of Duty." and see whose them "top dog" When everyone talks about education though, we simply blame it on, "natural ability in being smart." We need to change the way we as Americans think, and reinstitute our priorities onto our children.
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