Monday, September 27, 2010

American Government 9/27/10

In Class - Complete documentary. For homework, write two to three solid paragraphs concerning the prompt: Given what you have seen and observed concerning the issue of alternative forms of interrogation, should the US do whatever it takes to extract information from suspected terrorists in order to protect the national security of the US? Provide evidence to support your argument.

Homework - Written reaction to documentary due at the beginning of class tomorrow.


By Friday, I want you to reflect on your educational experience. First of all, how would you rate your education on a scale from 1-10, with ten being high? What examples do you have to support your rating? Positive? Negative? Put the following people in order (according to your beleifs) on which person is the most important in the educational experience: parent, teacher, student. Do you think your education has prepared you for your next stage in life? Why or why not?

Take some time and completely and honestly respond to this question. This is due posted on this blog by Friday, October 1 by 11:59 pm.


Anonymous said...

The why i would rate my eduaction scale on a 1-10 would be a 5 the reason i say this would be beacuse most of the teacher that i had would be beacuse were not the best eduation that i got but there were some teacher that teach veryy good. Our eduation system it depends on where you live i dont belive that if u dont live near a good school u shouldnt have to go there you should have the choice of what school you go to. the older of what i think should come first would the students teacher than parents. the reason i say students first would beacuse they should beable to make the chice of what they what to become so they should beable to chose what type of eduaction they want.NO i dont think that the eduation that i have recive has prepared me for the next stage in life. Our eduatiion system has not prepared us for much.

Anonymous said...

On a scale from 1-10, i would rate my educational experience as a 7. The reasons for this is because i do believe i learned a lot, but i would have been much happier throughout school if i had more choices when it comes to classes, such as more language classes or art classes. The order of people most important to the educational experience would have to be first teachers, then parents, then students. Teachers are important because, of course, they're teaching the subject. Parents come next because they need to be supportive of thier children that are in school, and try to help them do thier best. The student is important as well when it comes to this since the only way a student will learn anything is if they -want- to learn.
I'm not quite sure if my education has prepared me for my next stage in life, since most that i have learned will not apply to my future and the type of career i desire. I feel as if all the classes dedicated to math and science were a waste of my time in a way.

Ryan said...

As my educational experience comes to a end before college, i look back to think of all the things that i have done and all of the years that i have gotten of education so far. The rating i would give my education on a scale of 1- 10 i give a 8. Why? Through all the years in school i have had great teachers, some may have cared more than others but they all cared and if i were ever to not pass a class it was all my fault. In my beliefs opinion of which person is more important in my educational experience would be first myself then the parents then the teacher. It would be the student first because its all up to us to be willing to go too school and learn wake up to go to school and just be thirsty to want knowledge. Second would be the parent because they have to be making sure they go to school and try and things of that sort. After all that is the teacher they are already there to help all they need is the student to teach. As this year is getting closer and closer to the end i think am i prepared for my next stage in life. I believe in a way i am but i could have tried harder in the past years just so i could get more knowledge about going to further my education. I know what school i want to go to, I know what i want to be but i just have no idea if i will be able to complete it. Now all there is to do is try my hardest.

Valladolid said...

(Terecita Vega)The rate I give our education in La Sierra High School is a seven. The reason why I give it a seven is because its not the best one can have and its not the worst education. In our district there is a portion of teachers in which do their very best at teaching but some teachers just do not care about all their students education and performances in their test scores.Throughout my years in school, Alvord Unified school district I've had great teachers that have excellent teaching skills. And I've had horrible unskilled teachers in which do not have a clue or an idea of what they are doing or teaching.One of my teachers was so interested in my education that when I was doing horribly in my classwork and test scores she would have a talk with me and tutor me and other students in the areas we were not achieving.She would do this just to make us or at least try to understand the concept(s) she was teaching the class, she wanted us to all be in the same track. What I've learned from this teacher was that no student should be left behind, its unfair and unethical for teachers to leave their students behind. Unlike this teacher I also had another teacher in which was completly the opposite of this teacher. This other teacher didn't care or even bother to ask her students if they were understanding she was teaching. She never took the time to even stay a while after school for tutoring. Teachers like these just do not deserve to be teaching if they don't like to be working with children and teens, because thats what teaching is all about. Despite the teachers that don't care about their students education, there are teachers in which try their very best and even stay before and after school to help their students. Unlike other States, other States keep their students in school more hours than what the U.S. does. For example China(Asia). Its incredible how the education of the United States is in such low standards opposed to other countries. And I think that before anything students come first in education. The education I've had throughout the years has somewhat prepared me for the next stage in life. It all depends on yourself and not on your teachers or priors. Therefore, I think that our education could be far more better and can exceed and be in better education standards than what we have today.

Carely M. said...

On a scale of one through ten, I rate my self as an 8. I believe to rate as an 8 because I have had good teachers and bad teachers. I do and have learned a lot. I have had great experiences with my good teachers. They teach better, they have past stories, which relate to mine, and they could understand my beliefs. My bad teachers, are not that good in teaching, they don’t try to push me hard enough to get better grades, and its hard, because I now have to put much more effort in the class. I believe that the student is much more important in educational experience, because it’s up to the student to work hard in school and put all the effort. Also, because we have to learn for ourselves, what are the right things to do, so we could be prepared for later in life. I believe that next it would have to be the parents. First, because they should be there for the kids whenever they need advice, and to be pushed more. And because they should make sure that we the students go to school and put our effort in education. Lastly, I think it would have to be teachers, because they are just there to teach us, and help us in any problems. I am not quite sure, if my educational past has prepared me for the next stage in life. First, because I have not taken any classes here in school that would help me prepare for what I want to do as a career, because they are not offered. Also, because I believe that I have done bad in some classes, that could actually help me later in life. I do know where I want to go to school, major in, and do as a career. I think that I will just have to put much more effort in the future.

SunShine (>^-^<) said...

On a scale of 1-10 I would rate my education an 8. Some teachers prevent this from being a 10 because they just hand you book work and complain about haw they don’t want to be there that day. I personally can’t learn with just book work I am more hands on and enjoy the teachers who get loud and really into the lesson it helps me learn more and remember. I think the teacher is the most important because if they don’t make learning fun for the student then they aren’t going to want to learn. The student comes next it’s there responsibility to want to take the first step in participating and doing the work thus helping the teacher see how you learn. The parents come next some parents don’t care or support so that is why they are last they may support to much some times also and make things hard. If it’s just the student and the teacher things run smoothly.

Anonymous said...

From 1-10 I rate my education a 7. I feel that La Sierra over all would be C average. I bet stricter school’s have a better education system and better rules. Some teachers at this school really don’t care about teaching us students. Yeah I do feel like I have learn things at this school but at the same time I would like it if teachers were more passionate about their job. I don’t feel like my education throughout these whole four years of high school has prepared me for my next stage in life. I know things are going to get tougher and frankly I think that la sierra hasn’t reached that goal of preparing the students. Parents, students and teachers is the order of importance for education I believe. Because parents are the ones that have a huge impact on you starting when your five years old. I picked students next because it’s all in you, you make your decision. Either you follow your parent’s rules and take what they have to say into consideration or not. Teachers for me would be last. Because once again it’s all in you no matter how the teacher is or how they run their class.

C said...

On a scale of 1- 10 I would have to rate my education as a 5, because I feel that most of my education has not prepared me for my next stage in life. A lot of times I’ve seen teachers humiliate, try to intimidate students. If a student does not get something as fast as the teacher would or, why would you make fun of them? Sometimes teachers make it impossible for a student to ask questions, because they feel uncomfortable or the teachers play favoritism with the students, and that’s not right, sure, you may not like a student as much as another but you shouldn’t show it. I feel that in education it’s mostly about the student and the teacher, if a student does not want to do there work and is being defiant then of course teachers shouldn’t have to baby them to do anything, but if a student actually cares about there grades and passing classes then its only fair that you give them equal opportunities and if a student cannot understand there teacher what makes you think they are given the same opportunities as other students? Why can’t they get a class change for a different teacher? If you’re helping the students it’s making it impossible to pass classes and a lot of times they blame the student. So sometimes it’s not the students fault and many people know this, but they’ve yet to do anything about it.

Andrea said...

I would rate my educational experience out of 1-10 an 8. Mostly because I have enjoyed being at school and having some great teachers, but there has been a few that haven't been so great. Like teachers who love worksheets, textbook assignments, and lots of tests. We never learn stuff from busy work and it's just plain boring. I like teachers like you Mr. Palo because you make the topics we talk about interesting. All the videos with Jon Stewart and Stephen Colbert are funny and it's way more interesting that way. Even the class discussions are interesting because we get to see what other people think. Honestly I would put the Student before the parent and teacher because the student has to WANT to learn or else the teacher becomes pointless. Next, the teacher because the parent isn't always involved in their children's lives. The teacher kinda puts on a "parental" role in the classroom. Lastly are parents because many kids learn and get an education without any parents in involved in their lives.
I do believe my education has prepared me for the next step in my life. Both mentally and emotionally. I do believe I can make my life a success with just the advice some teachers give that parents don't always tell.

amber said...

I would rate my education experience a 7 from a scale of 1-10. I’ve personally enjoyed elementary school and it was extremely easy for me which led to me taking honors classes in middle and high school. My teachers were great and they’ve made a huge impact on my life and how I do in school. But it seems like when I got to middle school, the teachers were different and I had to learn on my own how to take care of myself. It taught me how to stay on task of what I need to do and its helped a lot in high school now. As far as who is most important, that’s really hard to say. Students themselves need to be responsible enough to do what they need to do to keep up, but at the same time we need the teachers who are willing to help when a student is unable to on their own. Teachers are supposed to be a person qualified enough to be able to be looked up from by a student when they are in school. Parents also are a huge deal because students need their parents support and they need to know their parents care about their education to encourage them to do better. All three are important and need to be at their best for the student to become successful. Honestly I am not sure if my education has prepared me enough for my next stage in life. I have the studying and writing and reading all taken care of, but I still haven’t found that one interest to decide what I want to do with my life.

Kyle Springer said...

I would rate my learning experience at LSHS at about an 8. The teachers here seem to know what they are doing because Ive learned alot while attending this school. Although I don't really care for the way that your grading is based on our blogs that you had us make. Sense it seems like such a pain to me an I think other people share my feelings. Or maybe I just hate change, I just liked the old fashioned way of doing your work.An the way I see the importance latter of school is Student,teacher,then parent. Students are the ones who are the focus of a school an there for are the most important, then the teachers they teach the students every thing without them there is no school, then there is the parents who should support their kids to do good in school they have a big influence on the students. An I don't think we have learned enough to move forward in the next step in life.

jesse said...

On a scale 1-10 I would rate my education as a 9. Why such a high number you may ask? Well it is simple. What you put in is what you get out and I believe that is very true when it comes to education. If you just float threw school and do just enough to graduate then when you look back you’ll say your school didn’t teach you well enough. However, if you take the higher classes and constantly challenge yourself then you will look back and realized how much you have learned. Now for the people who rate there education low because of a “bad” teacher. Yes I understand you might have a bad teacher or two BUT on the other hand you have 4-5 other teachers who are usually good. When it comes down to education it’s really only you who effects how your education turns out.

TracieLynn said...

i think i would have to rate my education a 5 because it goes half ways.for example there are some years where i feel like the teacher is giving their best and doing all they can so that i learn.then there are some years where i have teachers who clearly dont care about the students education and you can that by the way they teach.with no effort.
in order:
1.PARENTS:when a child is born they begin to learn off their parents.most people in prison or running the streets are from lack of learning from their parents.being a parent comes with alot of teaching cant blame it all on the teacher.the most important teachers are your parents.
2.TEACHERS:one step lower than the parents come the teachers themselves.teachers hold some responsebility for our future.lack of education is lack of intellegence in this teachers should not be allowed to be privaliged with the job of being a teacher.
3.STUDENTS:our whole new world is the students.they should be the most responsible what you have to do to make the next generation a good one.

Emily's blog said...

On a scalse from 1-10 I would raten my educational experiance so far at a 7. I would say 7 is a good number for eing a public school. I have received a good education to where I feel I have grown to be smarter and wiser when it comes to school, and so on. But I do however feel it could have been better, bt I guess in a sense you can say that about anything. Like the way some teachers approach teaching lessons or on thier choosing of attitude. YOu asked if we feel the teacher, parent or student is the most important when it comes to education. But I can not choose one person, because I feel they all play a significant roll on the outcome of education. Teachers should have a positive attitude and remember they are there to teacher not just to set rules down, because there are some who just don't care about the student. PArents need to be motivaters and push there childern to do the best they can for a good outcome. And finally students should want to learn to better themselves as a person and for there future. So I feel that if all Three groups (Teachers, Parents and Students) stepped it up students would think of there education as a 10.

When I graduate I want to become a (RN) registerd nurse And I do feel like school has prepared me for whats to come, maybe not as much as they could've, and I am sure there is still things I need to learn. That now I can only do the rest for myself that the school system didnt.

Mariabelen said...

In class, I rated my educational experience a seven for the reason being I could have been much more prepared and informed for my future. Today during lunch I attended a college club meeting and realized that I knew nothing concerning the SAT's and college application information. Unfortunately I didn't even know what an ACT test was, and honestly, I wanted to cry but then Mr. Palo made me realized that life isn't going to explain itself to me, I should have asked the right people and gotten the right answers. So with that being said I would like to remove some blame on the teacher and make my rate an eight.
According to my beliefs, the most important person in the educational experience is the student, then the teacher, then the parent. The student has to be willing to learn and have an optomistic attitude toward what the teacher has to teach them. On the other hand so does the teacher, they have to be willing to take their time and make sure the student is actually learning. I placed the parent last because form personal experience they have not helped meas much as some teachers. In some cases more than others my parents have acctually kept me from accomplishing an educational goal. I wish my parents would have been more supportive so I could put them first on the list because it takes a good role model to make the child succeed, but in the end it's all on the student. I honestly don't feel confident enough in my educational experience enough to believe that it has prepared me for my next stage in life. Whatever the reasons being, I know what being prepared feels like and I feel unprepared.

Malverde said...

If I would rate my education from a scale of 1-10 I would give it a 6, because I feel I could have learned more in school. Something I would change about my education would be that since I moved from Anaheim to Riverside every year teachers would give me a test that told them if I could speak English. Every year I passed the test and they always gave it to me again. Another thing would be the schools I went to. Every school I used to go to were always bad. They had bad kids, bad teachers, and bad principles. The order of the people that are more important in the education are students, parents, teachers. Because the students are the ones that make the choice of wanting to learn. The parents are the ones that have the responsibility to give their child an education. And the teachers are just their to teach and do their jobs. No i dont think the education I got has prepared me for the next step in my life.

cancelled said...

On a scale of 1-10, I'd probably rate my educational experience as a 7. I rate it as a 7 because I feel that over the years I have learned quite alot from previous teachers however, there hasn't been the highest quality of educational oppertunities in school as far as furthering your knowlege. When I say this, I mean that certain previous teachers I had, for lack of a better word, half-assed their jobs and only did the minimum requirement and didn't go above and beyond and weren't passionate about their jobs and didn't devote themselves completely to helping progress their students. However, I have been fortunate enough to have quite a majority of my teachers be very motivating individuals. Also, the school funding hasn't been that efficient thus leading to students not getting the full benefits of education that they should be. As far as an order, I'd honestly say the student comes first because you can have motivating parents and teachers but essentialy it's up to the student to choose whether or not they want to succeed and they themselves have to be open to learning and wanting to progress themselves. I think that teachers come second because without passionate and motivating teachers, why would a student want to put effort into their education. Parents come third, not saying that they aren't important, but they also play a pretty significant role in terms of education.
I am not certain of whether or not my education has prepared me for the next stage in my life. I suppose it is to the point that I would succeed in college. I feel that I could be further with my education if I didn't have to take classes that don't pertain to my future or that were pretty much a waste of time.

Valerie Daniela said...

I would rate my eduaction as a seven, becasue I have learned things in school and some of my psat teachers have been good on teaching me things, but at the same time I think that they teach us pointless things and waste our time and some teachers arent very good. The best teacher(s)that Ive had has been Mr. Mummert and Mr. Pulido because they had their own way to get my attention at all times and I acttualy learned. The worst teacher that Ive had is Ms. Mija because I didnt learn anything and her class was slow and boring video after video. Anyways thats why I give it a 7. In oder for educational experience would be 1.Parents and I think that teacher and student swicth around depending on the teacher and student, because some teachers care about you passing and want you to pass and help you pass and other teachers just dont care weather you pass or not. Some students care about passing getting good grades and going off to a good college others just sit in class because they have too they could care less about school and going to to college. But for sure that Parents are number one because they try their best to help you pass to encougre you.

Anonymous said...

On a scale of 1-10 i would rate my education at a 7. Some examples are the teachers, i know a lot of teachers just teach by saying heres what you have to do and you do it, turn it in and if its A work then you get an A. There are other teachers who try to teach you something that could somehow corrospond to a life lesson and then there are teachers who just drill information into your head until you implode. My educations at a 7 because from all the schools ive been to, they could have done better. Schools just stay the way they are because of other schools and dont feel the need for improvement. You can loook at my 7 as a positive or negative. positive side: well at least its not a sh** poor school and we learn something. Negative: we can do better but no school really has the drive to go that extra mile that makes the difference between a 5-7 and a 8-10 rating. In my opinion the order from most to least important in the educational experience would be: the student, the teacher and the parent. The student because if you dont come prepared or if you dont have the right attitude or you just dont care, your not going to learn. Your wasting everyones time and you should have just ditched. The teacher because if you have a bad teacher, or a teacher that doesnt fit the way you learn then you just dont learn or you have problems. The parent because they have jobs and responsibilities, you shouldnt become a liability to your parents. You should become an individual that accepts responsibility and be accountable for your own actions. Im not saying that parents shouldnt play a role in education, i think parents should help kids with adivce in school, and be supportive to get a higher education. I dont think my education has prepared me for the next stage in life. Ive never been ready but i just jump in and then i get a feel of what i need to do. i dont think im prepared for college and living on my own because i feel so sheltered from the world. i wish that my parents would have opened me up gradually to the world. eventually giving my own freedom instead of having me fight for it from my parents.

Josie22 said...

On a scale from 1-10,I would rate my educational experience as a 8. I would rate it as a 8 because I had some really good teachers.Also,I had some bad ones.But,the good teachers taught me to were I could understand it and they helped me when I needed help.The bad teachers didn't help me as much and all they did would talk about there life and not tell me how to do the work.

jose24 said...

If I would rate my school education from 10 -1 it would be a 9. I have had a great educational experience . I have learned more than just the subject that the teachers teaches. A perfect example would be last year with my French 2 teacher we did not just learn French but we learn life changing experiences, if I could go up and dance and sing in a different language that I barely no making a fool of my self, I can definitely talk to a crowed of people with no problems. I think I have learned more in a week in your class than just doing book work from Mr. Wall with all respects to Mr. Wall. I think that the student is the most important of all people in the education of the student because its what the teacher shows to the student in the subject and life experiences, from their I think it’s the teacher in learning new ways in how to teach the students, lastly it’s the parents to tell their son/daughter to keep on going and giving there all even if everyone gives up on them.

Anonymous said...

From a scale of 1-10 I would rate my education being a 7. I’m not the smartest apple in the bunch and it mostly has to do with my lazy attitude. I only learn what I think is interesting and just forget all the other things. That is a problem I’m trying to fix. First off, I believe the student is the most important in the educational experience. Teachers, parents, etc, can tell a student to pay attention in school and get good grades, but in the end it’s all up to student if he/she wants to put in the effort. Next would be the teachers. No student wants to learn in a bad environment. A good teacher who is willing to do all they can to help kids and make them want to learn will make a huge difference. Lastly are the parents. Mostly every child looks up to their parents and it’s important for the parents to make good examples of themselves. It’s comforting for a child to know there parents will always be there whenever they need help. I personally don’t think my education has prepared me for the next stage in life, but I don’t have anyone to blame but myself. I chose to not learn everything I’m capable of learning. Yet, high school isn’t the end for me. I still have the chance to learn so much more after this year.

Delmi said...

I would probably give my educational experience a 7. I'm not too sure that is accurate due to a special circumstance I have gone through but I think that sums it up as best as I can. I have had many teachers that have really cared about their students and have not only taught us and helped us as much as they can but they make their class fun and make us want to go to class and learn more about the subject. On the other hand I have also had a couple teachers that were cool and all the students loved them but they didn't teach us so I didn't learn anything. One example is that last year my AP Lang. & Comp. teacher was totally awesome but we never did anything in his class; I was really disappointed because it was an AP class so I expected to learn a lot and the class didnt prepare me for the AP exam at all. My sophomore year I learned absolutely nothing in any class but I don't blame that on any teachers, I blame that on my parents.
I think the most important person in the educational experience is the student, then the teacher and the parents last. If the student doesn't want to learn then no matter how hard the teacher tries they will not be able to get through and help the student. The teacher is also very important because without the teachers there wouldn't be an educational process. Teachers have to not only know the subject they are teaching but they have to have patience to be able to help their students when they are having difficulties and need extra help. I think the parent comes last in the process because there are many parents that don't pay attention to their childrens' education,don't care about it or if they do care they don't understand what is going on so they are not involved.
I think my education has prepared me for my next stage in life but i do believe if some things would have been different i would be WAY more prepared and have come out of high school not only with more knowledge but with better oppotunities.

Ana said...

If i have to rate my education from a scale of 1-10 than my woule be a seven the reason i say this is not because the teatchers didnt give me want i need its just that i didnt really pay attention to them or even care at times that was freshmen year i really didnt care that much but after that i started to care a little more because i had realize that the teacher try there best each day to make sure everyone of there students pass.I mean high school only comes once in a while and u can never go back you need to take the change and give it your all because when you look back i would think that you well say man I'm so glad i got my education and now I doing what i love to do.A great example would be Mr.palo because he gets to school evey morning and has tutoring able for student i mean for a teacher to take his time and wake up each morning with a smlie on his face and be so excitef to be teaching makes the whole learning thing more fun.the order that i would put when it comes to who the education is more important to would be there all important in my point of view i mean the students is important because his the one getting it and the teacher is teaching it and the parent well they have to be supported to both student and teacher.So there really isnt one who is the most important because in reallity they are all imporant not one is more important then the other i think.And i think that the education that has been given to me has prepared me fir my next stage in lif and i am very great full that it has.Education matters alot and we as student need to realize that or our futre wont be so great.

Daniel said...

If I were to rate my education level from a 1-10, I would honestly rate it a 9. I got lucky, and the majority of my teachers have been a big influence on my life. Most of elementary I got the kind of evil teacher’s but they were all fun classes and I did learn somewhat. For middle school, it taught me one of the hardest lessons and I’m still learning the lesson, but it was called failing a class. My 6th grade year, I had failed my math class and had to retake that math over again, I do regret failing it even though I did pass all the tests and everything, but it made me realize that, I had to do homework if I wanted to pass the class. High school education has been amazing for me at least, even though I did fail some classes, that was majority of my fault just because I didn’t do the homework, and I take full responsibility for it since I was the one who didn’t do the work didn’t show up for the class. The education that I am receiving is a pretty awesome education, even if I have some miss haps along the road. Most of my teachers have been great by respecting me and always giving me that second chance, and they’re usually always there when it comes down to assisting me with the subject that they teach me, and just helping out to try to make it better. There is this teacher that is straight up with the whole class and never BS’s, I think that’s a good characteristic since that’s how life is, they are preparing us for the outside education and how life is. Another teacher I know, wants to help really really bad, but doesn’t know how to, kind of sad, but true, but also I believe they will find out how to help with the class and improving grades. This one teacher, yes they may be intelligent and can learn and memorize their special subject, but they cant teach another human being, the classroom should have some features of interaction and real life basis, so that one day we can realize how this affects our real life that we are being prepared for in high school, all we did in that class was watch video’s and yes it was an easy class, but nothing was really learned, unless you read on your own. My parents have done all they can, but there is a quote saying “You can bring a camel to water, but only he can drink it” or something like that, and I think that relates to all students. It may be true that they scold their kids for not doing well and not doing homework, but that only goes so far, they have to want to learn, or nothing will be learned. I can believe if I were to choose they most important person in the educational system, it is the teachers, because without teachers, nothing would be learned, then students so they can get an education from the teachers and have to work hard and actually want to learn, and then the parent. I believe that my education has prepared me for the future stage in life, even though I have a good education and so many experiences thanks to education and the people I met there, I still believe that there is so much more to live and learn. That is the meaning of life in my opinion, you got to live through it to learn from it, and if you don’t learn from it then, what the point in even learning. I know I can handle myself because of my personal experiences but I still am young and have much to learn.
Daniel Bernal

Daniel said...
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elninocr7 said...

In my scale of beinging in school I would say like a 8.5.
During my elementry school year I hated my fourth grade teacher,she ruined my way of learning.In third grade I was syper smart at handwriting and math.
In junior high I love all my classes from 7to 8 grade year. I had good teacher that taught a lot.
In high school freshmen year one teacher was horrible from then on I had got good history teachers.
I say its teachers students then parents help make the system.
I say teachers first they have a college degree to teach
Students second because they earn there grades and learn what they need.
Parents third because they make there kids study so they don't drop off.

krystal_robles said...

I would rate my education a 7 because its an average number and I kno I could make that number go higher.By the end of this year I want it to go up a number or two,because I know hard work pays off.I think that all the years of being in school has educated me to learn more in school and to be a better person.R ating who goes in order from student,teacher, or even a parent I don't rate because a teacher sould know more than a parent or a student could know and teach a parent or even a teacher so if I had to it would be teacher,parent, and student.

Lenice King said...

I would rate my educational experience as a 7. Simply because I think it has been exceptable but it couldve been better as of now. Another reason is because I know that I couldve done so much better and put forth more effort in my studies, but I've learned the best thing to do is to learn from what I've experienced anbd implement it in my further endeavours. School has helped me to understand the importance of education, and how it is necessary. I would say that the way would list in order of importance as student,teacher, then parent. i feel this way because essentialy nothing would get done without the student putting forth deliberate effort to succeed, then the teacher plays a part in the learning process, and should motivate throughtout the year. the parents play a part in the discipline part of education because it does require discipline and dedication, the parents should also play as role in motivation to make sure things get done the right way. I know Im prepared for the next stage in life because I've grown in so many ways, and can get through anything I put effort towards.

adrian paz said...

I would rate my education a 9. That's because I have had great teachers that have always pushed me and all of them have worked hard for me and that has made me respect them and do my part. They have always came at me with great expectations and have always pushed me to do my very best. I think the student goes first because he has to make an effort in wanting to learn because if they don't then the teacher would be waisting their time on someone who doesn't even care! The teacher goes second because she or he has to see what students do want to learn and who doesn't. Third I think are the parents because they don't go to school with their child! All the parents can do or should be doing is pushing their child supporting him in any educational decisions and discipline! In the end I think I am ready to go to the next step. My teachers have supported my wrath and have helped me be the student I am now! For that reason I want to thank them all. Because they have all worked hard for us! Thank them for giveing us knowledge and skills to go to the next step in life for me.

Eugene Pantea said...

On a scale from 1-10 I would rate my self about an 8. I am rating my self to this because of the choices I have done, and because of the school I am going to. I blame my self because I maybe did not give it all I had at one point or another. On the other hand I blame the school because I think it would have been better if we would of hade a wider varieties of electives, so that we can try out different thing and maybe narrow things out so that when we would graduate most of us would have a better idea of what we wanted to do with our life’s. These are some reasons why I rated my self an 8.

Eugene Pantea said...
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JamesR said...

I would rate my educational experience a 5. This is because school makes homework a big chunk of our grade and in life, tests are all that matter. Also because some teachers don't really care much of the students. I have had teachers that just teach and don't really care if the students understand the material or not. A good example is my sophomore french teacher. He would tell me to just say yes anyway even if I didnt understand. I have had great teachers in the past who care about my education to so this is why i rate my educational experience a 5. I dont think that school has fully prepared me to take the next step in life because to them it is all about the homework. In life, we will only take test and not any homework. I do great on my tests but lack homework. Students that do great in homework and lack the test grades still get better grades than those who pass every test. Isn't the whole point of school that you understand the material? well those who fail the tests clearly show that they don't. This is hwy i think that school has not prepared us for the next step in life.

jocelyn said...

Me personaly i would rate my education on a 1-10 scale a 5. In my past experience in eduacation ive had many struggles in teachers teaching me well. Theres many teachers who dont know how to teach at all. But there were tachers that were well educators. Its the way the teatch the subjects. I have learned many things dont get me wronge but out of all my years in school many teachers didnt do there jobs well. I believe some of my education will take me to the next level of my education but I just wished I couldve learned what I didnt. The education system in general is so below averge. They need to improve there system to better our education. The way a teahcer teachesw can make a big difference ive learned this this year.

paige said...

If i could rate my education on a scale of 1-10 i would rate it a 6. I wish our high school had its own football field at the school. I feel like that takes away from our experience compared to other kids at other schools. Some of the teachers I've had haven't been the best. I feel with such a strict dress code it doesn't let kids fully express themselves. My friends at other high schools don't have a dress code and if they do it's not strict at all. I think one's educational experience is mainly on the student. They make what they want out of their education. The teachers are next in line, because they can motivate and push their students. The parents can push their child, but ultimately it's the child's decision how they want to do. If they aren't motivated to do well, then it won't happen. The student picks their classes and chooses if they want to go to college or not.

Anonymous said...

I would rate myself a 7 on a scale of 1-10. I would give myself a 7 because there is so much more i could have learned. Yet i do believe i gained information that is useful. I learned most the basics is school if i would have tried harder maybe i could have learned more then basics. I believe parents are most important because if your parent pushes you to do and try your best everyday you might listen. A parents is a students biggest influence. If a parent is not pushing their child or encouraging them to do better a student will not try to do better. A student has a lot to do with the situation as well we can just try hard for our selfs. A teacher might try to influence us but might not succsed. Not all students take their teachers seriouse. I believe i am ready for that next step. I can accomplish so much and do anything.

Jonathan__B said...

I would have to rate my educational experience at five. I personally don't like doing a lot of work so my grades aren't always the best so that brings down the experience a bit and the classes are just so damn boring. As far as importance in people, I think teachers and students are at an equal level importance. Teachers should try to make their classes more entertaining so it's not boring, kids would learn better and be more willing to go to class. The student is also just as important because they are the ones supposed to be getting the education so they need to apply themselves in order to get it so they can be successful.

ShawnGintz said...

This week we are asked to rate out educational experience 1-10. Also which person is most important in the educational experience?
Personally i feel that my educational experience so far would be a easy 8. I feel that it is an 8 because through most of my time in school i always had the one teacher who believed in me. The teacher that would push me to do my vary best. And maybe except for one or two years. Even though I had that one teacher there were those who you would wonder why are you teaching. The unfair teacher who all the kids felt was racist, sexist, or just plain unfair. I felt that i made mistakes that could have been avoided such as plagiarism to my self, resubmitting old work, in the ninth grade but i learned from that mistake. And the teacher who caught me then made me work my butt off to get my than D in to a B all the way through the rest of the school year. I believe through all my experiences I am ready for the future. I do Fear what the future has in store for me but i will take that fear and embrace it.
Here i will rate who is the most important in the educational experience. #1. Student Teacher Parent#2. Teacher Parent Student#3. Parent Student TeacherNo matter what order it is all are equally important in the education experience. I believe that all three have to be involved in an equal effort for the child/ student to succeed in their future careers.

Jessica salas said...

If i would absolutely have had to rate my education from 1-10 along the years i would rate myself a 7. My reasons for the seven being that i feel like i have had my share of really great admirable teachers and i like their teaching styles and i have also had my share of bad teachers. With that being said i don't feel as if i have reached my full potential in learning and also fulfilling my experiences with my education.There are a few changes i would make regarding the education process by surveying students to prepare them for what they actually like to lear and what they would like to have in school in order to prepare them for what they would like to choose in the future as their career. there are also a few teachers who in my opinion don't have the greatest of teaching styles and administrators should make it easier and more suitable to see as to who can be in what classroom and what teaching style fits the students best, although thats just my honest opinion. There are various things needing to be changed due to budget cuts now more than ever and i feel as if us as students should also try to help teachers understanding their frustration and how they are trying to do their best also.

Shawn said...

I think my education would be a 7 from a scale of 1-10. Why that is, is because of the teachers i had and the ways they taught the subjects. Most of the time i had very good teachers such as a certain asian teacher that teaches science at villages and a government teacher that ive had for the past 6 weeks. Ive also had really terrible teachers that just didnt catch my attention. Well i dont think our education should just be about pen and papers but also on our understanding of the subject at hand. In my opinion i think the student should go first then the teachers then the parents. Right now we are about to be hitting the wall of being adults so i believe we are the ones that make the decision of wanting to learn or not. Then teachers because they are the ones that are sharing their knowledge with us and lastly parents because they are the ones that give us support. lastly i dont think our education helps us prepare for our futures. we are just given books and told to memories things. What we are not taught is how to apply what we learned and memories to our jobs. I think we need to be taught skills that would apply to what we want to become instead of learning random things that we would never use, because we would just eventually forget it anyways.

Nancyy_27 said...

On a scale of 1-10, ten being the highest, I would rate my education as a 9. The reason why my education rate is not a solid ten is because of the economic deficiency in California and how the government here does not put as much money into our educational fund as they should be. This lack of money is costing my classmates and me a higher grade in my psychology class because there is not a sufficient amount of books for everyone to take home and study from. Besides this my overall education has been great as opposed to other students in other schools that have bad teachers or a less motivated school. Also because I, myself try hard to receive the best education and, make sure my teachers deliver it. Next, I believe the order of the people that are most important in my educational experience are my teachers, myself, THEN the parents. I chose this order because the teachers have to know how to teach the correct way. For example, during my sophomore year, my chemistry teacher didn’t teach me anything. So the student should go next because they have to want to learn and receive the great education that they are offered. Finally, parents go last because they aren’t always involved in the educational experience. They might give good advice but what is the use if the student is not doing the work?

Anonymous said...

I would rate my education an 8 or 9. I was always moving around, so nothing ever got boring. I was able to make new fun and interesting friends. And even though I cant really remember their names or faces, my teachers were always extremely nice. Since I was always a new student near the middle of the year, my teachers were very hands-on with me, and would help me and pushed me when I needed it. I have always liked school, and it was never really hard for me to get what was going on. I'm sort of a fast learner, and that helped along the way. So in my opinion, the most important person in the educational system is the teacher. I realized this when I got to the 6th grade. I entered near the end of the year, and one of my teachers in math didn't give me the help I needed to catch up. The I felt like she didn't care whether I passed or failed, so I really lacked the motivation. I tried my best, but none of it clicked. So, I failed. Us students really need teachers to learn. We cannot teach ourselves what we do not know. And the second most important person is the students. We have to push and drive ourselves to learn. Then last in my opinion is the parents. My whole school career, I never had much help with homework, and my parents are either too busy or indifferent to be concerned with my school life. But, I never really needed help. My homework would be done when my mom got home, and I've had decent grades. But, my parents do give me some pretty awesome incentives for doing good in school. I think my education has and hasn't helped me be prepared. I'm used to teachers watching me closely, and I know that's not going to happen in college. But, it has helped me because I am good at catching up if I'm behind, and I'm a quick learner.

Juan(Chubaka)Salceda said...
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Juan(Chubaka)Salceda said...

i would rather my educational experience a seven out of ten because i have had teachers push me to limit and even some doing it in a fun way. our education system is based on where you live, it should be what abilities you have or how well you test. the most important of the student , teacher and parent is all of the above. We have to get a great who is willing to teach great and fun and push us to the limit. The student they have to be willing to work and try there best to succeed and do what they gotta do. then the parent they have to be willing they care and that they wanna be involve. As much that i would hate to say this but added more school days would benefit students to learn more.

Samantha Hewitt said...

On an educational scale I would rate my education at a 5. Teachers are fine people, but half of them don’t teach with a heart. Most of them could care less if you pass, but some do. That’s why I rate my education a 5 a so to speak half and half. Most of the time teachers come to school to educate but sometimes in between all the homework and assignments they forget what’s best for the student. Is taking a ton of notes really making me learn or is it just a simpler way for you to teach and not have to overwork yourself? (This is not meant to any specific teacher). In my belief in my educational experience my order would be student, teacher, and parent. Let me tell you why, the student is the most important hands down. It’s not up to the teacher or parent if you graduate, the teacher can’t take the test for you and your parent can stand by you holding your hand throughout your educational experience. Everything depends on the student to succeed and if they don’t then they have themselves to blame. Secondly, I said the teacher because they play a huge roll in a student’s education. As much as a expectation it is for a student to succeed it is almost as high for a teacher to make sure they that they have provided the student with knowledge to succeed. Last, the parent because without all the rides to school and swift kicks in the butt now and then who else keeps you in line? For my next stage in life which is college honestly I don’t know if I’m ready or not. I’m scared, excited, and just ready to experience the ride. I have taken in quite a bit of knowledge through these past 14 years and I guess it’s only up to me to see if I can take what I have learned and use it, or misuse my knowledge and abuse it. I don’t know if I’m ready, no one really does, until the moment of truth comes then you will know. But I know one thing which is whether I’m ready or not college is coming and I’m never turning back.

Jose G. Diaz said...

My educational experience at La Sierra High School hasn't been bad except for a few Teachers cough... cough... (Mr. Wall) but I would have to rate my education as a 10 because of all the things I have learned that can apply outside of school such as life lessons. The reason I have a positive outook on what I have learned is basically from all the good teachers I've had over the years here. The most influential teachers I would have to say where Mr.Ramaswamy, Mr. Barthalomew, Mrs. Stip, and Ms. Aviles. Ramaswamy has helped me so much in the past by teaching me Trig? precalc and now Ap Stats. and he's always giving the class detailed help on the homework and to him the class always comes first. He's probably the best teacher at La Sierra based on his work ethic and his AP Stats pass rate of 96.1%. AP Calc with Mrs. Stip showed me the amazing things that could be done with Calculus, Mr. Barthalomew taught me Ap Physics, how all the mathematics is applied to the real world, and the abbility to teach yourself if it comes to the teacher not teaching. Ms. Aviles was a great AP Spanish Lit. Teacher and she taught me to be proud of the Spanish language and that there are as much good accomplishments as there are in the English speaking world as well. I believe the most important person in education is one's parents, teachers, and then fellow students. A parent will always be there for a son or daughter and will teach them how to survive in the real world. After all they know what is best for them. A teacher can only show you so much and a parent basically is a guide for life. I believe that all this education has taught me well and brought me to be ready to be independent adult in the real world. Now one is going to be there to guide one by the hand and I have learned to be independent, hard-working, and careful through the AP classes that prepare for college level work. Through school I have learned my passions that I will persue in a career that I can enjoy and do well in. I intend to be an engineer, major in physics, or mathematics. I am ready to take college as it comes ( I heard there is a lot of free time.) and enjoy what comes in store.

Ali Raza said...

If I was to rate my education on a scale on one being the lowest and ten being the highest, I would have to say that it is between an eight and a nine. There are many reasons for this score that I have bestowed upon my education. One of them can perhaps be the teaching that I have received from my teachers. Throughout my elementary, junior high, and high school career, I have had astounding teachers that have taught me well. They are the main reason that I have increased my knowledge in a variety of subjects and became a smarter more educated person. However, there was this one teacher that was an outlier when it came to being the “good” teacher. I would rather not want to get into the atrocious characteristics of this extremely incoherent educator, but I will just say that she can simply be described with a word that starts with a b. Anyways, as I progressed through my educational career; I wanted to learn and challenge myself by taking classes such as honors and AP. When you take a course of this level, the teachers are different. They treat the students differently because they expect more out of them and they also expect the students to attain a certain level of maturity.

If I were to put teachers, student, and parent in order to display the importance of each of these people in a person’s education, it would go as student, teacher, and lastly parent. Student would be first because they are the creators and leaders of their education. It is up to them how “smart” they want to be. During the first couple of weeks of school, if a student decides to do minimal work assigned, then it is not the teacher’s fault for the students inadequate study skills. The student just dug his or her own grade into the dumps by themselves. If a student wants to be successful, and does the work that is required by the educator, then they should have a pretty nice educational experience. I chose teacher as second because they are not accountable for those students that just don’t do anything, but they are still accountable for most of the students that are in school to learn. When teachers are involved and interact with their students, they build a relationship with them, and students get comfortable enough to ask questions and develop concepts. Teachers are the heart and soul of our student’s education because whatever they input into the minds of our children should stay there. Those teachers that are too stern and act like a “god” in a classroom are losers. They make the student feel dumb if he or she asks a simple question, or even worse, they don’t even allow you to raise your hand. That is plain idiotic. But the teachers are a big influence on children’s lives, and they are extremely important to our education. Parents are last simply because there is only so much that a parent can do to push or motivate their child to study and work harder in school. Sometimes there are situations in math where a teacher tells you to do something a certain way. If you ask your parent, and they only know a different way, they will just confuse you. Coming back to the point of there is only so much a parent can do, parents will love their children no matter what; and if a parent hasn’t pushed their child for academic success since preschool, then it is not likely that a parent will disown you forever if you were to bring home a bad grade. A parent will be mad for a little bit, but then they will get over it and just say, “Do better next time.”

- Ali Raza

Ali Raza said...
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Ali Raza said...
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Alberto H. said...

I rate my education with an 8
I based my education over the last 4 years. I have had tones of great experience with great teachers that know and love what they teach. Who at the same time have helped me in life, with eather personal advice or motivational speeches. Yet I have had teachers that made my education deficalt because they are old school teacher meaning that they only teach by the book and do lots of lectures but rarely use demos, games, fun projects etc. to get there point across. Why can't teachers get it that some students learn better with the use of demos or with the use of technology? At the same time I think I felt I didn't make the best of my education. I felt I spent to much time repeating classes because my grades did not meet USC or CST requirements. I only look back and wish I could of done munch more for my education like taking some challenging classes. I am thankful that I got to realize at an early stage that I need to make a fucher for my self.

People Rated : 1st teacher 2nd Student 3rd Parents
I rated the the teacher first because I think if the teacher is passionate about there job then they will have a great desire to help motivate students to continue there education but at the same time will always maintain great quality education. Meaning that stunts are motivated to come to that class. In second I put the student because I feel that if the student dose not have self motivation it is really hard to learn. Lastly I put the parent because I feel that there job is to enforce the higher education yet in most cases parents don't really help when it come to education or they give up on there on child.

Angie said...

Honestly I would rate my educational experience as a 6. This is all simply because I've some god awful teachers, but in the midst of it all, the really good teachers make such a huge impact on me that makes everything worth it. I've had many years of school where I would dread going to a certain class because, the teacher would just give us some brainless work for the whole hour, or would make us, as students feel like we were useless and not worth the trouble. Honestly, I still get surprised when teachers actually remember my name or that I'm even in their class. But this being said there is also a few teachers that I truly felt, actually cared about us and would want us to be as passionate as themselves about the subject that they teach. I really think that we need to find some way to "weed" out the bad teachers because, education is pretty much the future, and reinforcing the future with weak supports is a pretty stupid idea. (bluntly said anyways.)
I think that the student would be the most important in the educational experience because, no matter how good the teacher is, they can't force someone to learn something they don't want to learn. The teachers would be next, because you could take the most talented, bright child and make him/her never want to come to school again because the teachers treat them badly or teach them so badly that they begin to feel dumb and useless. It only takes so much to crush hope. Lastly would be the parent because they just become the driving force when their child feels that they aren't good enough.

Lastly, I really don't think that school gets us ready for the outside world, because in all honesty we might never use the things we learn unless we specialize and get a career in that specific area. I mean, we don't need calculus to pay the bills. I will agree that some classes will get us ready to have our own opinions and make our own decisions in life.

Vivis said...

How I would rate my education would probably be a 7. I think education has been a great and big thing in everyone's life. But the big question is "Have we met our goals yet"? "Our education level the way we are suppose to be?" Not that many people can anser that question just ourselves right? I think that I've learned alot and big things in education, Honestly I know I couldve put in more effort to have better education and also have my number at least close to 10. I dont feel all that bad because I know throughout my education, I've done good, I really do think that its our job as students to try and work harder. But is it the teachers also? Yes it is but I think teachers are there to make us have better education. But with the education that i had through out these 12 years I learned how to do things, become a better person helped me prepare for my life and the next generation also know what i want and what i want to achieve as my goals.

Reuben Vilchis said...

On a scale from 1-10 i would rate my education a 7 because all my years at la sierra i have had teachers that explained the subject well and i was able to learn it and some teachers didn't concentrate on one individual and just wanted the whole class to understand the basic subject and i thought that they didn't really help me as an individual. I think the most important person is the student. why because the student has to be 100% sure that he knows the subject and be able to apply the knowledge he used in his later life. The teacher would be second since they must make sure that they present the subject matter in a way that is not confusing to the student. if a student doesn't understand and doesn't get help, he'll fail. so they have to teach it in the easiest way possible because they'll have difficulties learning the subject. The parents are the third most important because they have to provide an appropriate area where the student can do his homework and study. Plus the parents have to provide moral support and the knowledge that they learned back then, the student can reference there life experiences and learning processes and use that to understand the different subject matters. I kinda think that my education has prepared me for my next stage in life since im going to be a Firefighter but not a regular Firefighter, im gonna be a emt and they work in the medical field.

BrianCaceres6 said...

Reflecting my educational experience i would rate it a 8 i feel like i have learned allot and learned a lesson that things wont come easy, you have to work for it, its what teachers always say "you get what you deserve". The ability to know that you can ask teachers questions and know they support you whenever you need help, it makes you feel good and shows that teachers are here to help. That's what i liked the most having great teachers i could connect with. I think that Students are the most important in educational experiences because WE, students make it how we want it. Study hard earn a A, study nothing earn a F. Parents come next because they support you and make you want to proceed, teachers are the ones who are there to help get the education. Education has made me more of a adult, life wont be easy, also good tips that can help out with my life.

BrianCaceres6 said...

Reflecting my educational experience on a scale 1-10 i would rate it a 8 i feel like i have learned allot and learned a lesson that things wont come easy, you have to work for it, its what teachers always say "you get what you deserve". The ability to know that you can ask teachers questions and know they support you whenever you need help, it makes you feel good and shows that teachers are here to help. That's what i liked the most having great teachers i could connect with. I think that Students are the most important in educational experiences because WE, students make it how we want it. Study hard earn a A, study nothing earn a F. Parents come next because they support you and make you want to proceed, teachers are the ones who are there to help get the education. Education has made me more of a adult, life wont be easy, also good tips that can help out with my life.

BeckySullivan said...

On a scale of 1-10, I would rate my education experience as an 8. I would give it this rating because although I've had a mostly good school experience, there are a few things that heavily impact it, such as teachers that don't teach, and classes that don't have anything to do with me. Some of the classes, though we're required to take them, will probably never help me in my career choice; when will I ever need to know what an archetype is, if I decide to go into the Medical Field? Other than having a few issues with classes themselves, I think my experience in school has been almost perfect, because I've pushed myself to the most and best of my ability. In the process of education, I believe the student comes first, because in the end, it's up to them if they want to learn, or not. The teacher is the second rank, in my opinion, because if the student decides to learn, they must have the tools to do so- which would be the teacher. The parents are last because other than a nagging factor, or a support system, they really have nothing to do with the child's education; like I've said before, it's up to the student themselves. The education I've received, I feel, has prepared me for the next stage in my life; or, at least, the classes I'm taking this year are. I've given myself a challenge as often as possible, and I feel it will pay off when I take the next step in life.

Melina'," said...

The way I would rate my education on a scale of 1-10, I would say a 7. I would rate my education learning experience a 7 because, there is just too much troubleness going on now sense there are no books to take home. For that reason we can’t do our homework and we have to memorize the story which at times can be quite a challenge. A 7 because our education was going good at the beginning till this incident about the limit on books. The only positive place to this 7 is the fact that teachers are trying their best to make it easy for the students and try to help them not fail and understand the concepts. The way I’d put the order of the educational experience would start off with the student, teacher then parent. I can’t say to this point that iam ready for the next stage but I can say that am getting prepared for the lessons that they will be taught to me in order to get threw and ready.

Anonymous said...

On a 1-10 scale, i would rate myself a 7 because i really haven't taken advantage fully of all the things school as to offer. I haven't really focused during class in my earlier years as much as i should have. Like in math i didn't focus at all really and i really regret it because i didn't know what was going on half of the time. I think we have a good education system that offers a lot of clubs and opportunities. Personally i think the order goes teacher, parent, then student. Teacher first because they actually teach you what you need to know for the most part more in way more detail then your parents experience.I think parents can help you figure out what kind of person you are and help you through life's problems more.Overall i think i could have a better education due to lack of focus but i plan to fix that if i want to be something.

Brii said...

I rate my education a the reason for my decision is because parents have a big impact on education.They are your first teachers, they have you learn from your crawto,walking, to the first day of school.I understand what materials i have to bring to the table.I have the knowledge to be some one.To show how school has a impact in life and the key to success.These four years had their up and down, due to the fact that each teacher teaches different .You have some that teach the standards and give you what they want from you, telling you not to let anyone tell you you cant do it or to bring you down.It all comes down to your knowledge and what you have learned from each experience with the materials your teacher gives you. Others teach by the book or just talk about their life's, witch doesn't have anything to do with your education. Honestly i don't think the four years of high school has prepared me for the the next stage to the real world but i just have to make the best of my materials and step forward.

Lucifer-Sama said...

personally i would rate my education an 8. for two reasons, the first being that a 10 would mean perfection (which i do not believe to be humanly possible) , the second reason being that i have had teachers who just couldnt teach, although one of them it was her first year teaching so taking that into account ,she did rather well.but despite me rating my education an 8 (it seems it should be a 9) i have had many teahers whom ive been able to focus for (since to me, the teacher needs two requirments too be great, one they must keep my attention, and two they must keep me wanting to be focused) . As for my rating on which is more important amoung teachers, students, and parents, i believe they all hold equal values. like having a car. if the student was the car then the parents should be the keys to getting it started, and the teachers the gas that gets it going, but the problem is that if one of those is missing youll have issues getting the car to work. if the car run only on bad "gasoline" then it will not work properly, and the same goes if you try to hotwire the car because you lack keys. this may not be the best example but i think it portays my thoughts pretty clearly. of and sorry this came so late Mr. Palo.

Anonymous said...

I would rate my education an eight out of ten for several reasons. One is because i have had several great teachers that have pushed me to the limit. One of them was in fifth grade. He saw that i had a unique talent in math, so he made sure that i did all the upper level math that i could at a young age, and that has influenced my career decision. I believe that the student is most important in education experience. I believe this because it all depends on the student's attitude. Some people are just a lost cause. The teacher would be second, because a good teacher can motivate a student to do well and to go beyond. The parent would be last, because they may do a lot, but they can't be there at school with their child. They can try to do their best job to be the parent at home and enforce rules regarding school. I do believe that I have been thouroughly prepared for the next stage of life.

Chris Ashmore said...

I would rate my educational experience at La Sierra as a 9. Because I went out to most of the hardest classes I could find here and challenged myself, and within those classes are the teachers who care about our futures the most ( usually ). I am glad that I chose numerous AP classes and Honors classes, because I met many fascinating and great teachers within them. The reason why I refrained myself from rating a 10 would mostly be on my part, that I didn't always work as hard as I could, the other part of it would be that some classes I wish I could take do not exist in this school.
I believe that in education, the student and parent are at a close tie for most important and teachers are last. Firstly, parents teach you your morals and work ethic as you grow up. They also *should* keep you in check to finish your work and help you re-enforce the things you were taught during the day. Students have the responsibility to actually do the work, re-enforce the information, and decided if they want to have a better future or not. It is basically our decision if we want to have good grades and go to college to lead better lives for our families and ourselves. Teachers are only last because their job is to teach whatever the students are scheduled to learn. Its the students choice if he/she wants to remember and apply the teachings to life. Teachers do not have to do anything extra for us *if they do not want to*, most do because they care about our futures and want us to succeed when we are older. I also think my education will help me be prepared for my next stage of life because I have learned many life lessons and good habits while I have been here. And without it, It would be doubtful I could get any higher education anyway.

Chris Ashmore said...

Oh, and sorry my response was late, bus from my track meet arrived way later than expected.

Cmwry8 said...

If I had to rate my educational experience I would probably give it a 6, for a couple of reasons. Such as teachers not really "caring" about teaching or teachers not wanting to get involved and make you want to learn. I understand the majority of that comes from the student but it's hard to want to learn when the teacher doesn't put their part in. Then if teacher student and parent were put into a chart first being more important and last being least. I think they all would be pretty equal. The teacher makes it "fun" and interesting but the student still has to want to learn, but if you have no support from a parent it's harder to want to learn. Overall, That is why I would rate my educational experience as a 6 rather than anything higher.