Friday, September 10, 2010

American Government 9/10/10

In Class (Periods 2 and 4) - HWIP Presentation. Continue to discuss current events: Mid-Term elections and politics in the United States. Hand out articles: "Obama's Four Disasters" and "Obama's Moral Cowardice: The president needs to find his principles."

Homework - On Monday, I will check your blogs to see if you have been updating these on a daily basis. Starting on Monday and any day I see fit, I will continue to check your blogs for updates. Start getting into the habit of researching our current topic on a daily basis. Read the articles and write a short summary/reaction to them for Monday, September 13.

Period 1 - Hand out and discuss syllabus.

Homework - Create a blog and email me your URL by Monday, September 13. Also, read through the syllabus and have your parents sign. This is also due on Monday.

HWIP Presentations 9/13-9/17
2nd Period: 9/13 - Rae Lena; 9/14 - Amber; 9/15 - Patricia; 9/16 - Jesse; 9/17 - Gloria
4th Period: 9/13 - Chad; 9/14 - Reuben; 9/15 - Brianna; 9/16 - Tracie; 9/17 - Emily

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

my emails jessica from your first period