In Class - HWIP student presentation (we will continue these all year). Group Work: Article analysis concerning the topic of the mosque in NYC.
Homework - By 11:59 tonight, each of you needs to email me the URL to your blog. Also, bring a current event regarding this topic for tomorrow's class.
Question of the Week (QOW) - Considering the arguments from both sides of this issue, what side do you take concerning the building of an Islamic Center two blocks away from Ground Zero?
1) In your response, be sure to include specific arguments (not opinions) from credible sources. Remember, an argument is your opinion backed by evidence.
2) See the rubric in your syllabus for requirements and grading.
3) Also, you must include citations (citing your sources within your response (see 8/24 post for example of a citation) and a complete MLA works cited page.
4) Failure to include any of these components in your responses will lose you points.
Take your time and proofread your work before submitting. Be sure to include your name and period at the end of your response. This is due by 11:59 on Friday, August 27. No late work accepted.
Articles to check out:
Islamic Center protestors show passion with signs -
Rachel Rodriguez, CNN
Demonstrations in New York City surrounding the proposed building of an Islamic Center has fueled passions on both sides of the issue. Is it a question of insensitivity or religious freedom?
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4th Period
jesus period2 jesus
oh and i kinda forgot what we were supposed to do with the blog?
can anyone help?
Roxana 4th period
When it comes to building a mosque by ground zero I certainly do not agree. I feel that they don’t have the sensitivity and or the right to build anything after what happen on 911. They should build the mosque somewhere else. When I saw the Time Magazine in class I simply disagreed with the way that they preach. It’s simply abusive and a disgrace to us women on how then treats their females. Now ask yourself this, how many Muslims sign the constitution or the declaration of independence. So why should they do as they like. Newt Gingrich is right when he referred to the mosque being a symbol of Muslim triumphalism. When it comes to Obama I do not know if the only reason he is agreeing with everything is because he is Muslim. Now in the other hand in the New York Times news paper it says that Obama showed understanding and respect for Americans. How is he showing respect when he is agreeing with the decision of building a mosque by ground zero. 3, ooo thousand people died there and till this day many families are still lamenting what happen. By putting a mosque there it is just saying who cares about the people that died their let’s build something that symbolizes everything from 911.Besides when he said “I was not commenting, and I will not comment, on the wisdom of making the decision to put a mosque there,” he took it back the next morning by saying “I was commenting very specifically on the right people have that dates back to our founding. That’s what our country is about.” He himself is not even sure of what he is saying. Some from such high standard cannot say something and change it the next morning. It’s like playing with people’s minds.
"The New York Times Log In." The New York Times - Breaking News, World News & Multimedia. Web. 25 Aug. 2010. <
Well both sides are understandable, but i support the buildng of the Mosque. We are a counrty of relgious freedom and just because of what happen in 9/11 doesn't mean we should go back on our word. Not all muslim poeple are bad. I feel it's wrong for us to judge them and to blam all muslim poeple for what happen on 9/11. Muslim poeple have the right to build a Mosque. It's just going to be near ground zero, not it.
Well both sides are understandable, but i support the buildng of the Mosque. We are a counrty of relgious freedom and just because of what happen in 9/11 doesn't mean we should go back on our word. Not all muslim poeple are bad. I feel it's wrong for us to judge them and to blam all muslim poeple for what happen on 9/11. Muslim poeple have the right to build a Mosque. It's just going to be near ground zero, not on it.
I agree with the idea of building a mosque near where the twin towers fell. Many people say that the mosque is going to be a church for the muslims to plan attacks, it isnt. It really is going to be like a YMCA for the muslim community in New York. Many people didnt want to let them build the mosque in New York because they said it was in ground zero, but it is actually two blocks away from ground zero. In America we have freedom of religion which many other countrys dont have. We have freedom of religion because we fought for that right and all the other rights we have as Americans. So if you dont let somebody worship their own religion its like making a soldier who fought for our rights die for nothing. “To cave to popular sentiment would be to hand a victory to the terrorists." said Mayor Michael R. Bloomberg when he announced that they would let the mosque be built. I think America is just paranoid of the attacks of 9/11 and thats why they dont let the mosque be built.
(Javier C. Hernandez. NY times. 2010)
In my opinion I believe that it’s a bad idea to build the Islamic mosque just a couple blocks away from ground zero. I mean come on why don’t they think of our feelings about that? How would they feel if they were in our situation on having so many loved ones die just because of a stupid decision that one of their people made? But I guess they don’t think o f that since they have the opportunity to build a religious center there they’re most definitely going to take advantage of that. And that’s exactly what they’re doing. A lot of people have issues understanding the cause that 9/11 had on us Americans; they think it was just meant to happen and tats not true. I strongly disagree with the mosque being built near ground zero for several of other reasons. It’s a disgrace and it’s just rude they should keep that place clear of any type of Islamic events or buildings. That’s my opinion and I will stand by it.
My opinion about the mosque being built in ground zero is all mean nesscary go ahead. The reason that people come to this country is because of religious freedom. The question I would ask is if it was a different church trying to be built there, would there be a big problem like it's going on right now? There's my case theres nothing wrong with building a mosque two blocks away from ground zero. The first amendment says reilgious freedom and I believe it's okay to built a mosque anywhere they want because it's not right for somebody to say no without a great enough reason.
I think that people should allow the building of the mosque due to the freedom of religion thing. I can see what the concern would be from both sides. If they did build the mosque it would be a problem because its too close to ground zero. If they did not build the mosque then it would be a problem because the people who are going against it are not enforcing that freedom of religion law instead they are being a bunch of racicst stereotypes.
Actually i don't really care that they're building a mosque in New york since the 9/11.I'm not worried about what they're doing over there.It's not my concern to have to worry about this.What's there to worry about if we're in California and not in New York.
The debate of whether a mosque should be built two blocks from ground zero has good arguments for both sides. I think that people are racial profiling all Muslims being linked to the September 11th attack. There is a mosque four blocks away from ground zero and no one has a problem with it. It has been there for 40 years, way before the attack on the twin towers. If there's a mosque four blocks away then what's the big deal if there's one two blocks away? It's not on ground zero. Our country preaches religious freedom but they aren't allowing a religion to build a mosque that is privately funded.We should be setting an example of how a country should treat all religions and races equally not discriminating against one religion in particular.I think our country would be seen as a hypocrite if we don't allow them to build it. Many people come here for that freedom, so who are we to stop them from practicing their religion where ever they desire. They should be allowed that right just like any other person.
And to add a little bit more to my other comment. Yeah Mr. Paolo you’re absolutely right about the fact that people migrate to this country for freedom of religion. But when we have 16,000 terrorist attacks carried out in the name of Islam since 911. Then that’s when we the people have a say in whether they should or shouldn’t build a mosque. 46% of Americans think that Muslims are more likely than other religions to act violently. Now that reminds me when we saw the time magazine of that poor innocent girl. That’s an example of how violently they act.
"Mosque Bore - Swampland -" Swampland - A Blog about Politics and Policy. - Web. 26 Aug. 2010. .
I believe that the mosque should not be built anywhere near ground zero. Families who had members murdered on that tragic day are against the creation of the Islamic community center and mosque near ground zero. People say that the mosque is breeding center for terrorist. I don’t think the mosque would even get built because construction workers in New York won’t build it. They say they would rather pick up cans for money than to build a mosque. A lot of people I asked are against this. In Madera, California a mosque was vandalized. Pick it’s were found on the mosques lawn and a window was shot out by guns. If this mosque were to be built then I feel there will be a lot of hate crimes not just in New York but in other parts in the country. This mosque should not be built near ground zero, but I do think it should be relocated nowhere near ground zero. I don’t support the idea of building a mosque; I think it makes us look like a bunch ass kissers to terrorist!
i would have to go with Islam. no has no proof of them having home grown terrorist or be terrorist, all they would like to do is show the people of new york that not all Muslims are terrorists. plus why don't they get mad about having one 4 blocks away from ground zero and yet about having it 2 blocks away, their were some Muslims that died on 911 but it does not really matter to new york. they have the right to religious freedom and the right to build a Islamic community center.
I disagree with the people trying to build the mosque near ground zero. To me in my opinion its disrespectful to the many Americans that was involved in the terrible tragedy. They should leave it as is. That’s the least thing they could do. By building the mosque there just shows that people don’t have respect for the thousands of people that died there. Many people have there own opinions to everything, I also understand that the first amendment states that people have the right of there freedom in their religion I support that just that I just don think they should build the mosque near ground zero maybe if it was some place else than I wouldn’t really mind. By Manon McKinnon on 8.24.10 @ 6:01AM
I don’t necessarily disagree about the building of the mosque near Ground Zero because of the 9/11 event, but because of what will occur after it’s built. If there’s this much controversy about the idea of just building a mosque, what will happen when it’s being built or already built? Construction workers and the people who attend the mosque will be in danger from people who disagree with it. There will be strikes and mobs endangering innocent people walking by. I also disagree because there really is no reason to build another mosque in that area since there is already a mosque four blocks away from Ground Zero like Jon Stewart said.
"Municipal Land-Use Update - Ground Zero Mosque". The Daily Show. August 10, 2010.
The issue of 9/11 was and still is a very "touchy" subject.Today, it has been proposed that a mosque be built nearly two blocks away from ground zero. The reason being, is that the Muslim community feels that this is an excellent oppertunity to diminish the "cultural divide" between Americans and Muslim people. They feel that this mosque is also a way for them to show that they are at the point where they'd like to reach some sort of reconciliation and move on from the past events of 9/11. It's almost their way of redeeming themselves. However, it is arguably difficult to agree with this perspective considering the level of respect and honor people have towards ground zero and the events that occurred there. Some argue that it is downright disrespectful to place a mosque in that specific location.
Being that 9/11 did have a religious undertone, it is very difficult to consider this a non-religious issue. Many are arguing the freedom of religion however, I feel that applies here only to an extent. It's almost in bad taste to put a mosque that generally serves Muslims so near to a site that was demolished by Muslims. It's almost a slap in the face to America because it's almost like saying, "we have destroyed a significant part of your country, and now we can sit 2 blocks away and enjoy our success of it." Now, I am not generalizing the entire Muslim population because that would be plain ignorant. Not all of the Muslim/ Islamic nation agrees or supports the decisions of those Muslims on 9/11. Thus making it difficult to say whther or not this Mosque is right to be built or not because on one hand, if we say it is completely wrong, we are generalizing Muslims in the fact that we believe they all are at fault for the events of 9/11 which is not true at all. On the other hand, if we do agree to let it be built, it can be considered highly insulting for those who did lose their loved ones at 9/11. I do believe it is wrong to accuse every Muslim of cruel intentions and I do not support the racists aspect of this controvery. I honestly believe that eveyrone should have a chance to redeem themselves and rid of the division of cultures however, the idea os a mosque built so close to ground zero just sits uncomfortably with me. It is in some context, very disrespectful to 9/11 victims. Thus, I cannot really support the idea. However, I cannot fully oppose it. I stand neutral in this argument.
In my opinion, everyone should have the right to preach or practice their religion wherever they’d like to, that is America. Yeah people are still sensitive to the topic if they had lost some loved ones or were really affected, but they cant let that be the reason to change the fact that everyone has the freedom of religion. Our country is known for freedom; therefore they should have the right to do as they please. Two blocks away isn’t the same as being across the street, so in this situation it shouldn’t matter where it is. People need to understand that they live in a country where everyone has a right to be who they are and not judged by it. All the protests and angry people just need to stop and let other Americans who happen to be Muslim preach their own religion, just as we do ours.
This political debate about Religion, and where Muslims want to put there mosque, is the topic that has had many come out about their opinion on subject. The reason this is such a huge deal, is because they want to place their mosque TWO blocks from ground zero, which in this case is a sensitive spot for most Americans. 60% of Americans oppose to the building of the Islamic center. Where I stand, I would much rather say I am neutral, but I can’t. I completely agree with freedom of religion because that’s what America is all about, but putting a Mosque near ground zero does upset me a little bit. Only because it is still a soft spot for most Americans and in my eyes it’s a slap in the face, it basically is too soon. But at the same time we as Americans are forgetting about civil rights and the freedom to practice our religion any way or wherever we want. I’m sure if it was Church of any other religion no one would have a comment on the matter. But like you said Mr. Palo “They can…but should they”? In my own personal opinion, I don’t think they should.
Before I state my personal opinion on the mosque debate I want to point out that both sides have good arguments. The Pro-mosque party states reasons as it’s their 1st amendment right to freedom of religion. However, we are NOT denying them their religion, we just do not want a new mosque so near ground zero in respect of the 9/11 victims. Muslims have a mosque only four blocks away from ground zero so why did they need a new one? New York isn’t the only state having a mosque infestation; Murfreesboro, Tennessee is against a building of a mosque as well. Laurie cardoza-moore, mosque opposition leader, states Islam teaches Muslims that Jews and Christians are infidels and should be killed. She also states that she is trying to stop the advancement of radicalism Islam in the United States. Many people back in New York are showing their passion with signs. After reading many articles and seeing many pictures/videos/signs, I decided I am personally against the building of the mosque. I believe it is wrong to build a mosque so close to where the twin towers were destroyed by Muslim hijackers. So many people died that day and we should be just as offended as the property owner. I am truly against it although it is not in my control. I say the United States should compromise with them somehow and we can get passed this so we can have a win-win situation
i think that the muslims should have the right to build a mosque because this country has a law that says that everybody has freedom of religion. I think that if the government had to pay to build the mosque then they have the right to complain but they arent putting money to build the mosque. Even if they were it doesnt matter because not all muslims are the same and we dont have proof that muslims blew up the towers.For all we know the people that hijacked the plane could have been jewish christian or catholic but could have still been arabian, all we know is that they were arab but we never really knew thier religion. The mosque isnt even gonna be close to ground zero it is gonna be two blocks away.
i think that the 9/11 incident was an inside job by the president just so we could go to war and so he could have been president for the 2004 elections so thats why i think the muslims should build the mosque
Miguel Gomez Per 2
I personally think that the building of a Muslim mosque near Ground Zero is a bad idea. The reason I say this is because if they were to build it there, then there would be many problems. There are ignorant people out there that would probably try to get revenge by doing harm to the mosque. Plus, they would not see that not all Muslims are terrorists. So everybody should just stop all the racial profiling. Still they should build it somewhere else to save themselves from any harm.
Sohn, Amara.“South Florida Muslim Leader Opposes Mosque Near Ground Zero.” 17, 2010.
In my opinion I think that muslims have every right to build the mosque near ground zero and that we should not infringe on peoples religious freedoms. I mean the Constitution guarantees religious freedom and another thing, the freedom to practice religion applies to everybody not just those whom we agree with. I would also agree that the other side has the right to protest. I just think it is very inconsiderate and disrespectful of Imam Feisal Abdul Rauf to build a mosque there. I wouldn’t build a church on ground that Muslims consider holy or what Native Americans consider holy. Also, Imam Feisal Abdul Rauf’s comments on 60 minutes indicate that he may not be as sincere about dialog and cooperation. Wanting to hold true to my values about religious freedom, i think that they should be allowed to build the mosque there. In my opinion, though, it would be respectful and do more good to build it a little bit farther away.
The construction of a mosque at ground zero has sparked much debate. In a struggle for religious rights, Muslims are being denied their freedom of religion. Why? Americans have to come to generalize the actions a few Muslims on September 11, to those of an entire religious group. Does America not stand on their firm belief of freedom to expression? Is our country not based on freedom of religion/is that not we are looked upon for? So why change those freedoms now? Now two blocks away is technically not ground zero. How close is too close? Now must this mosque be built so close to ground zero? To many Americans ground zero is any location that the ashes flew over, it’s every place body parts were found, it’s everywhere that was infested with smoke and fire. Why so close to a sight that brings pain to Americans everyday? Do these people have no heart? Where is the sensitivity for the dead and their families? In my opinion, it’s just a lack of respect. America was attacked that day, yes unfortunately the people who organized the attack were Muslims, no lets not generalize it and state that all Muslims are not to be trusted and take revenge upon them for the actions of a few Muslims that caused so much havoc, but some respect and sensitivity is called for. Build your mosque but build it somewhere else where the families affected by this tragedy aren’t disrespected with such actions. Show some consideration for the victim and victim families feelings. Have some decency. Gloria Espinosa period 2
There are many arguments being posed about the "rights" and the "wrongs" of the issue pertaining to the Mosque being built at Ground Zero. So I say this, for all of the Americans who say that it is wrong, consider this; Wrong could be something that goes against our government, right? Well doesn't our constitution guarantee our freedom of religion? Going against the values that our country was built on, is wrong. "Ground Zero Mosque supporters: Doesn't it stab you in the heart, as it does ours throughout the heartland," (Palin) This is such an ignorant statement! How can you accuse someone who supports religious freedom, again, a concept defined by OUR constitution, of wanting to stab our "homeland" in the back? How much of a hypocrite can you be? Throughout this whole debate, people have pretended to play the "liberal and righteous American" role, but you are protesting rights that have been granted to us thanks to the hard work of our forefathers. Many of the opposing are stating that this is similar to "Japanese putting up a site next to Pearl Harbor." (Ginrich) I agree, it's exactly the same, but it is deeper than they examined. Do you think that the only people that died and were effected by Pearl Harbor were white and black Americans? Never! Hawaii, the site of the Pearl Harbor attack, is actually home to a large number of Japanese citizens, with that being the keyword! If the same people who blew up our harbor attempted to put up a memorial, then hey, throw a tantrum and scream until your head explodes, but if local citizens of Japanese descent wanted to exercise their RIGHTS as American citizens, and build a memorial, or religious center honoring the people they loved and lost during the attack, then by all means, they can. People may not agree with it, but what you have to remember is this; you are not always going to morally agree with the decisions people make. Thats a fact, and you have the RIGHT to do so, and so these people have entitlements to their rights as well. We can't just up and amend every constitutional law every time a few people don't like it. If we did that, then we'd be no different than we were 100 years ago. And isn't that the purpose of our government? To progress morally, ethically and financially? If so, then why do we keep taking one step forward and five steps back? Learn from our past, don't repeat it. Allow these people to practice one of the many things that sets our country apart from the rest. Set an example, don't be one.
Hook, Janet. "New York Mosque Debate Splits GOP - Page 2 - Los Angeles Times." Featured Articles From The Los Angeles Times. 17 Aug. 2010. Web. 27 Aug. 2010. .
Well iam all for it to build a Islamic Center two blocks away from Ground Zero. I do not see any problem with it if there is one 4 blocks away I dont see why people are getting mad about if there is around 600,000 muslim there allredy than i think they do need one there than.I belive in freedom of reliogin and any should beable to pratice there religion. if anything this will help the people thertheater, educational programs, a swimming pool, a restaurant, a mosque and a 9/11 memorial e for expale ther wil be and it will be open to all. spo any can see it if they want. It will be 100 million dollar project that will be a memorial for 9/11.
Mario Moralez
Per 4
honestly i don't really care what the muslims of new york do. i was too young to understand the whole 9/11 twin tower issue..but as we learn about the whole situation,I'm hearing a lot of really good arguments from both sides.
muslims should have the right to do what they please..yeah some muslims decided to be jerks and practically kill half of new york but you cant judge a religion on what some people did. yeah know? if the whole world was like that every religion would be talked down on. its never good to judge something based on one person. if that makes sense.
then again building a mosque would be kind of rude-for the people who were really affected by 9/11 it would be kind of disrespectful. freedom of religion yeah. but have some respect. don't be dumb.
Building of Islamic center Response Everyone has their substantial views on a very important issue like this one and mine is my very own and is completely honest with truth. This issue of building A Islamic center (Mosque) just a few blocks away from ground zero is something people are for and against, and with reason and arguments I am against it and let me tell you with a few arguing facts why. Let’s look at the anti-mosque point of views; fifteen of the nineteen hi-jackers responsible for the deaths of nine-eleven were from Saudi Arabia. “You don’t have to be prejudice against Islam to believe that the area around ground zero is a sacred place”. I agree with this fact simply because I know if one of my own family members would have died there I wouldn’t want any kind of place built for a specific religion/race that might have been responsible for his death. It’s not a matter of being prejudice its being protective of what’s gone and can no longer speak for itself. If the nine-eleven victims had a voice in this, what do you think they would say what side do you think they would take? To me, I think it’s unanimous. Also, if the proposed site near ground zero has surroundings that are inappropriate for a church then why have it their why suffer and protest for which could all be solved to settle for a different location? For the pro-mosque building point of views there are many reasons that state why they should have the religious freedom to build and practice their religious needs. One is the First amendment freedom of religion and to have the right to practice it freely. In A article I read this interesting fact was brought up by a Saudi Arabian women who lost her son in nine-eleven. She said, “I lost a twenty-three year old son, a paramedic who gave his life saving Americans and their values and supporting the Islamic center and mosque has nothing to do with religion, it has to do with standing up for our human rights, including freedom of religion”. We all as Americans living in the US should have the freedom of religion but if you really look at where this location would be it will represent a kind of hate towards nine-eleven in general. I understand their were Muslims in the accident as well and yes maybe they did in some way give their life for America, but that doesn’t mean they have a right to build their own center smack dab in the middle of where all this shame happened. America is a place of freedom with religious frees yes, but theirs also a thing called compromise that everyone needs to understand is needed for this issue. If all the Muslims want is to build a center then yes they have that right but in a different location, FYI it shouldn’t be next to a strip club you never see a church/center Islamic or not being located that way. I support freedom of religion but I also support broken families with broken hearts and I say NO to building a Islamic Mosque center near ground zero.
addresses the fact that we don’t have a Muslim problem, were are not prejudice, we just would rather still deal with the grief of our lost loved ones then having to grieve over seeing a center for the religion that played a part in making sure our loved ones are no longer existing. Ground zero is a place of hurt, pain, but also respect and any other religious center would should have to respect it as well.
Samantha Hewitt
Period 2
August 26, 2010
Building of Islamic center Response Everyone has their substantial views on a very important issue like this one and mine is my very own and is completely honest with truth. This issue of building A Islamic center (Mosque) just a few blocks away from ground zero is something people are for and against, and with reason and arguments I am against it and let me tell you with a few arguing facts why. Let’s look at the anti-mosque point of views; fifteen of the nineteen hi-jackers responsible for the deaths of nine-eleven were from Saudi Arabia. “You don’t have to be prejudice against Islam to believe that the area around ground zero is a sacred place”. I agree with this fact simply because I know if one of my own family members would have died there I wouldn’t want any kind of place built for a specific religion/race that might have been responsible for his death. It’s not a matter of being prejudice its being protective of what’s gone and can no longer speak for itself. If the nine-eleven victims had a voice in this, what do you think they would say what side do you think they would take? To me, I think it’s unanimous. Also, if the proposed site near ground zero has surroundings that are inappropriate for a church then why have it their why suffer and protest for which could all be solved to settle for a different location? For the pro-mosque building point of views there are many reasons that state why they should have the religious freedom to build and practice their religious needs. One is the First amendment freedom of religion and to have the right to practice it freely. In A article I read this interesting fact was brought up by a Saudi Arabian women who lost her son in nine-eleven. She said, “I lost a twenty-three year old son, a paramedic who gave his life saving Americans and their values and supporting the Islamic center and mosque has nothing to do with religion, it has to do with standing up for our human rights, including freedom of religion”. We all as Americans living in the US should have the freedom of religion but if you really look at where this location would be it will represent a kind of hate towards nine-eleven in general. I understand their were Muslims in the accident as well and yes maybe they did in some way give their life for America, but that doesn’t mean they have a right to build their own center smack dab in the middle of where all this shame happened. America is a place of freedom with religious frees yes, but theirs also a thing called compromise that everyone needs to understand is needed for this issue. If all the Muslims want is to build a center then yes they have that right but in a different location, FYI it shouldn’t be next to a strip club you never see a church/center Islamic or not being located that way. I support freedom of religion but I also support broken families with broken hearts and I say NO to building a Islamic Mosque center near ground zero.
addresses the fact that we don’t have a Muslim problem, were are not prejudice, we just would rather still deal with the grief of our lost loved ones then having to grieve over seeing a center for the religion that played a part in making sure our loved ones are no longer existing. Ground zero is a place of hurt, pain, but also respect and any other religious center would should have to respect it as well.
Samantha Hewitt
Period 2
August 26, 2010
I think it doesn't matter if the mosque is built two blocks from ground zero. Just as long as its not built On ground zero then i think it should be fine and not make this issue so huge. Us making this issue so huge is making people start to do stupid stuff and start to become racist against Muslims. If they are doing this as a slap in the face kinda thing then we as the United States should know were better then them , we wouldn't try to build anything around their country right next to a place which we have bad memories. To sum this up , i think we should let them build it to stop all of this nonsense.
Building of Islamic center Response Everyone has their substantial views on a very important issue like this one and mine is my very own and is completely honest with truth. This issue of building A Islamic center (Mosque) just a few blocks away from ground zero is something people are for and against, and with reason and arguments I am against it and let me tell you with a few arguing facts why. Let’s look at the anti-mosque point of views; fifteen of the nineteen hi-jackers responsible for the deaths of nine-eleven were from Saudi Arabia. “You don’t have to be prejudice against Islam to believe that the area around ground zero is a sacred place”. I agree with this fact simply because I know if one of my own family members would have died there I wouldn’t want any kind of place built for a specific religion/race that might have been responsible for his death. It’s not a matter of being prejudice its being protective of what’s gone and can no longer speak for itself. If the nine-eleven victims had a voice in this, what do you think they would say what side do you think they would take? To me, I think it’s unanimous. Also, if the proposed site near ground zero has surroundings that are inappropriate for a church then why have it in this location. Why suffer and protest for which could all be solved to settle for a different location? For the pro-mosque building point of views there are many reasons that state why they should have the religious freedom to build and practice their religious needs. One is the First amendment freedom of religion and to have the right to practice it freely. In A article I read this interesting fact was brought up by a Saudi Arabian women who lost her son in nine-eleven. She said, “I lost a twenty-three year old son, a paramedic who gave his life saving Americans and their values and supporting the Islamic center and mosque has nothing to do with religion, it has to do with standing up for our human rights, including freedom of religion”. We all as Americans living in the US should have the freedom of religion but if you really look at where this location would be it will represent a kind of hate towards nine-eleven in general. I understand their were Muslims in the accident as well and yes maybe they did in some way give their life for America, but that doesn’t mean they have a right to build their own center smack dab in the middle of where all this shame happened. America is a place of freedom with religious frees yes, but theirs also a thing called compromise that everyone needs to understand is needed for this issue. If all the Muslims want is to build a center then yes they have that right but in a different location, FYI it shouldn’t be next to a strip club you never see a church/center Islamic or not being located that way. I support freedom of religion but I also support broken families with broken hearts and I say NO to building a Islamic Mosque center near ground zero.
Samantha Hewitt
Period 2
August 26, 2010
I think it doesn't matter if the mosque is built two blocks from ground zero. Just as long as its not built On ground zero then i think it should be fine and not make this issue so huge. Us making this issue so huge is making people start to do stupid stuff and start to become racist against Muslims. If they are doing this as a slap in the face kinda thing then we as the United States should know were better then them , we wouldn't try to build anything around their country right next to a place which we have bad memories. To sum this up , i think we should let them build it to stop all of this nonsense. Also there is a mosque 4 blocks away from what i have read and its been there for 40 years and there is no problem with that. I think both arguments are understandable but some of it is dumb.
Daniel Morales
Kenneth Thomas - TPM
It is noteworthy to point out that not a single media has yet to point out that there is a 40 year old mosque 4 blocks away from ground zero.
Everyone has their substantial views on a very important issue like this one and mine is my very own and is completely honest with truth. This issue of building A Islamic center (Mosque) just a few blocks away from ground zero is something people are for and against, and with reason and arguments I am against it and let me tell you with a few arguing facts why. Let’s look at the anti-mosque point of views; fifteen of the nineteen hi-jackers responsible for the deaths of nine-eleven were from Saudi Arabia. “You don’t have to be prejudice against Islam to believe that the area around ground zero is a sacred place”. I agree with this fact simply because I know if one of my own family members would have died there I wouldn’t want any kind of place built for a specific religion/race that might have been responsible for his death. It’s not a matter of being prejudice its being protective of what’s gone and can no longer speak for itself. If the nine-eleven victims had a voice in this, what do you think they would say what side do you think they would take? To me, I think it’s unanimous. Also, if the proposed site near ground zero has surroundings that are inappropriate for a church then why have it in this location. Why suffer and protest for which could all be solved to settle for a different location? For the pro-mosque building point of views there are many reasons that state why they should have the religious freedom to build and practice their religious needs. One is the First amendment freedom of religion and to have the right to practice it freely. In A article I read this interesting fact was brought up by a Saudi Arabian women who lost her son in nine-eleven. She said, “I lost a twenty-three year old son, a paramedic who gave his life saving Americans and their values and supporting the Islamic center and mosque has nothing to do with religion, it has to do with standing up for our human rights, including freedom of religion”. We all as Americans living in the US should have the freedom of religion but if you really look at where this location would be it will represent a kind of hate towards nine-eleven in general. I understand their were Muslims in the accident as well and yes maybe they did in some way give their life for America, but that doesn’t mean they have a right to build their own center smack dab in the middle of where all this shame happened. America is a place of freedom with religious frees yes, but theirs also a thing called compromise that everyone needs to understand is needed for this issue. If all the Muslims want is to build a center then yes they have that right but in a different location, FYI it shouldn’t be next to a strip club you never see a church/center Islamic or not being located that way. I support freedom of religion but I also support broken families with broken hearts and I say NO to building a Islamic Mosque center near ground zero.
Samantha Hewitt
Period 2
August 26, 2010
The issue of building the mosque near ground zero has become a major issue. Many people are against it because the terrorist that killed over 2,700 people on 9/11 were from Islam. I think this is just giving people a right to discriminate against the Muslims and its not right. America has faced many issues in the past over discrimination and getting through them has made us a stronger nation. So I think they need to stop making this such a big deal and let them build thier mosque. Besides they're only excersizing thier right to freedom of religion. Our rights are guaranteed to us as citizens of this country and they should not be taken away because of a sensitivity issue. Republicans are hesitant to decide what side to choose because of how it will affect the upcoming elections. Many democrats don't exactly say they're against it they just simply say they wish it would be built somewhere else. This makes me wonder, after reading these articles, what's going through the minds of these politicians? Aren't they supposed to be protecting the rights for ALL citizens? I agree with Chris Gibson (a Republican) when he posted on Facebook, "It's either all or nothing-churches, mosques, and synagogues, they should all be treated the same way."
Mosques Issue good for GOP, only if they don't bring it up- By:David Lightman & William Douglas
Mosque Debate Divides Democrats, Especially in New York-
Jason Kessler, CNN
I'm against the building of a mosque 2 blocks away from Ground Zero. In an article I read, it gives a statement from a fellow American Muslim named Zuhdi Jasser. He says,"Ground zero shouldn’t be about promoting Islam. It’s the place where war was declared on us as Americans." To use that space for Muslim outreach, he argues, is “the worst form of misjudgement." I couldn't say it any better ( really I cant ) I totally agree with his statement and I like how it gives the view point of an American who is also Muslim and how we shouldn't put a mosque at Ground Zero.
(A Mosque at Ground Zero- Jeff Jacoby,Globe Columnist June 6, 2010)
My response is long so i separated it..
Everyone has their substantial views on a very important issue like this one and mine is my very own and is completely honest with truth. This issue of building A Islamic center (Mosque) just a few blocks away from ground zero is something people are for and against, and with reason and arguments I am against it and let me tell you with a few arguing facts why. Let’s look at the anti-mosque point of views; fifteen of the nineteen hi-jackers responsible for the deaths of nine-eleven were from Saudi Arabia. “You don’t have to be prejudice against Islam to believe that the area around ground zero is a sacred place”. I agree with this fact simply because I know if one of my own family members would have died there I wouldn’t want any kind of place built for a specific religion/race that might have been responsible for his death.
It’s not a matter of being prejudice its being protective of what’s gone and can no longer speak for itself. If the nine-eleven victims had a voice in this, what do you think they would say what side do you think they would take? To me, I think it’s unanimous. Also, if the proposed site near ground zero has surroundings that are inappropriate for a church then why have it in this location. Why suffer and protest for which could all be solved to settle for a different location? For the pro-mosque building point of views there are many reasons that state why they should have the religious freedom to build and practice their religious needs. One is the First amendment freedom of religion and to have the right to practice it freely. In A article I read this interesting fact was brought up by a Saudi Arabian women who lost her son in nine-eleven. She said, “I lost a twenty-three year old son, a paramedic who gave his life saving Americans and their values and supporting the Islamic center and mosque has nothing to do with religion, it has to do with standing up for our human rights, including freedom of religion”. We all as Americans living in the US should have the freedom of religion but if you really look at where this location would be it will represent a kind of hate towards nine-eleven in general. I understand their were Muslims in the accident as well and yes maybe they did in some way give their life for America, but that doesn’t mean they have a right to build their own center smack dab in the middle of where all this shame happened. America is a place of freedom with religious frees yes, but theirs also a thing called compromise that everyone needs to understand is needed for this issue. If all the Muslims want is to build a center then yes they have that right but in a different location, FYI it shouldn’t be next to a strip club you never see a church/center Islamic or not being located that way. I support freedom of religion but I also support broken families with broken hearts and I say NO to building a Islamic Mosque center near ground zero.
It’s not a matter of being prejudice its being protective of what’s gone and can no longer speak for itself. If the nine-eleven victims had a voice in this, what do you think they would say what side do you think they would take? To me, I think it’s unanimous. Also, if the proposed site near ground zero has surroundings that are inappropriate for a church then why have it in this location. Why suffer and protest for which could all be solved to settle for a different location? For the pro-mosque building point of views there are many reasons that state why they should have the religious freedom to build and practice their religious needs. One is the First amendment freedom of religion and to have the right to practice it
freely. In A article I read this interesting fact was brought up by a Saudi Arabian women who lost her son in nine-eleven. She said, “I lost a twenty-three year old son, a paramedic who gave his life saving Americans and their values and supporting the Islamic center and mosque has nothing to do with religion, it has to do with standing up for our human rights, including freedom of religion”. We all as Americans living in the US should have the freedom of religion but if you really look at where this location would be it will represent a kind of hate towards nine-eleven in general. I understand their were Muslims in the accident as well and yes maybe they did in some way give their life for America, but that doesn’t mean they have a right to build their own center smack dab in the middle of where all this shame happened. America is a place of freedom with religious frees yes, but theirs also a thing called compromise that everyone needs to understand is needed for this issue. If all the Muslims want is to build a center then yes they have that right but in a different location, FYI it shouldn’t be next to a strip club you never see a church/center Islamic or not being located that way. I support freedom of religion but I also support broken families with broken hearts and I say NO to building a Islamic Mosque center near ground zero.
I feel that people are focused on the wrong things these days; they should just let the Muslims build the mosque. I mean what so bad about building a mosque? Sure there were a few Muslims that took part in the devastating disaster that happened on September 11th. But that doesn’t mean every Muslim is going to try and kill us all and take down all great American buildings. I believe that people should have the right to believe in or study what they would like; it’s a free country isn’t it. Some people might want to learn about Muslim culture, and Muslims shouldn’t have to make it not seem so obvious that they are Muslim. Has anyone ever thought to see it the Muslim point of view and how 9/11 affected them? The Americans point of view is they are going to attack us, Right? And it shouldn’t have to be that way. It seems most Americans are playing the defense role, as if they were the only ones that were hurt and had to suffer because of 9/11 yet we have American people going around acting as if they were terrorist themselves. Do you really feel its okay to go and attack a person for being Muslim? It’s not like they themselves did anything wrong. That’s stereotyping and if we are supposed to live in this free country where we have freedom of speech and religion and we have rights to protect us as human beings and citizens, of these Great United States, then why are “we” (some people not all people), acting like this and being racist towards Muslims and not actually giving them the benefit of the doubt, they could just be really nice people with a respectable religion, that have no plots to attack us Americans. Also another thing is most of the population in New York is Muslim, so they could probably use the mosque much more then maybe a Mormon or Catholic or Christian church. You wouldn’t want to build something that does not have much needed use. I feel us Americans need to focus on other issues going on in the world instead of whining and complaining about a mosque being build in new York where the population consist of mostly Muslim. Besides it’s not as if they were building there mosque on Ground Zero.,2933,600122,00.html
addresses the fact that we don’t have a Muslim problem, were are not prejudice, we just would rather still deal with the grief of our lost loved ones then having to grieve over seeing a center for the religion that played a part in making sure our loved ones are no longer existing. Ground zero is a place of hurt, pain, but also respect and any other religious center would should have to respect it as well.
Works cited
Gosh, Bobby. "Does America Have a Muslim Problem?" Breaking News, Analysis, Politics, Blogs, News Photos, Video, Tech Reviews - July-Aug. 2010. Web. 27 Aug. 2010. . - U.S." - Breaking News | Latest News | Current News. Associated Press, July-Aug. 2010. Web. 27 Aug. 2010. .
Cafferty, Jack. "Real Reason Muslim Community Doesn't Want to Relocate Mosque?" CNN Political Ticker: All Politics, All the Time - Blogs from Real Reason Muslim Community Doesn't Want to Relocate Mosque?, July-Aug. 2010. Web. 27 Aug. 2010. .
Samantha Hewitt
Period 2
August 26, 2010
My Response, citation, and works cited is on here Mr palo just a little scattered because it is very long. thanks!
Works cited
Gosh, Bobby. "Does America Have a Muslim Problem?" Breaking News, Analysis, Politics, Blogs, News Photos, Video, Tech Reviews - July-Aug. 2010. Web. 27 Aug. 2010. .
Cafferty, Jack. "Real Reason Muslim Community Doesn't Want to Relocate Mosque?" CNN Political Ticker: All Politics, All the Time - Blogs from Real Reason Muslim Community Doesn't Want to Relocate Mosque?, July-Aug. 2010. Web. 27 Aug. 2010. .
freely. In A article I read this interesting fact was brought up by a Saudi Arabian women who lost her son in nine-eleven. She said, “I lost a twenty-three year old son, a paramedic who gave his life saving Americans and their values and supporting the Islamic center and mosque has nothing to do with religion, it has to do with standing up for our human rights, including freedom of religion”. We all as Americans living in the US should have the freedom of religion but if you really look at where this location would be it will represent a kind of hate towards nine-eleven in general. I understand their were Muslims in the accident as well and yes maybe they did in some way give their life for America, but that doesn’t mean they have a right to build their own center smack dab in the middle of where all this shame happened. America is a place of freedom with religious frees yes, but theirs also a thing called compromise that everyone needs to understand is needed for this issue. If all the Muslims want is to build a center then yes they have that right but in a different location, FYI it shouldn’t be next to a strip club you never see a church/center Islamic or not being located that way. I support freedom of religion but I also support broken families with broken hearts and I say NO to building a Islamic Mosque center near ground zero.
i think that islams wanting to built a mosque near ground zero is not a a bad thing beacuse like we talked about in class the block where they want to built it is around alot of strip clubs and bar, i mean they might to want to make the area a better place. i mean yeah sure thay have a mosque four blocks down and stuff but like christans churches they are alot of them why cant they have more mosque to. many amercians dont agree with it and fell like its a big slap in the face but just cause some islam people did what the did doesnt mean that the rest of them have to pay.Is this issue more poiltcal and races than what the major point is about?the question still remains should they be allowed to built it where they have chossen to or should they just move the location/ like president obama said he agress with it but doesnt know about if its the right place to put it in.One american has even gone so far that he stab a taxi driver just because he was islam, i dont know about you but i think thats just wrong i mean there was no need to take things that far.
Alright so, My opinion on the whole thing is just to let them build it, I guess. So ..I want to say I'm neutral; But you said pick a side ..So I'm for it. I mean it's freedom of religion, right ? I don't know much about this whole thing because I don't pay attention to the News ..But, there will be a lot of controversy even after it's built. I mean, is it really going to hurt the world if they build a Mosque a couple blocks away ? No. But then again ..There is one already I think two blocks away, or four ..I forget. Also; It says in the article I found that what if it's a recruitment station for terrorists ? You never know ! It also says that in Islamic traditions, they build Mosques and stuff over things they consider great victories. That's a bad thing and wants to make me switch sides ..But whatever; Still freedom of Religion; You can't go against that ! Here is the little linky thing I found too. ( :
hey is ana again its the work cited.
Published August 27, 2010
| Associated Press
In my own view of this argument I see and believe if there is already a mosque in a different area why build another and who is the major person funding because it seems not a right idea.
In the facts that let out is that a man got stabbed just because of his religion and this is could turn out way more dangerous if it starts with one man doing this then more are going to start following this steps and cause a lot of problem s between each side. In the report it said “a film student suspected of stabbing a New York cab driver base on his religion. Is this a danger to each kind of race and how can we prevent it from spreading. the cnn wire staff
Jesus Torres
Period 2
I definitely think that they should build the mosque. It is their given right to be able to build it and they should exercise their rights of religious freedom and build a mosque.
People all over America have been protesting on the building sites of mosques for a while, and they aren’t even close to Ground Zero. That alone just shows that, no matter what people say about it being “insensitive”, it’s actually mostly about Americans being Islamaphobic. People are afraid of the religion of Islam because of its supposed hatred to America and women, but really the word Islam actually is related to “salam” which means peace. The mainstream media is making us all afraid for absolutely nothing! Muslims are not secret Al Qaeda sympathizing ninjas trying to take over America, believe it or not. We all talk about how wrong it was that people treated African American people differently, and the Jewish people different, but now were treating Muslims as if because of their religion, they’re automatically evil Al Qaeda sympathizers. This is no different from the racial profiling that would have been inevitable from Senate Bill 1070. They just want to practice their religion just like the rest of us and we, as Americans should let them. If America says that we have religious tolerance then we should show it, lest the government become known as hypocrites to the American citizens.
Another reason that we should let them build the mosque, is that we have no proof that any of those people had anything to do with what happened at Ground Zero. Just because the people who bombed the buildings were Muslim, doesn’t mean that all Muslims hate America, or have anything to do with Al Qaeda. If it were Christians who attacked that day, would we all be afraid of the billions of Christians that live in America?
- Definition of Islam
"Islam | Define Islam at" | Find the Meanings and Definitions of Words at Web. 28 Aug. 2010. .
-People are against building the Islamic Center because of the location, being too near to Ground Zero.
"In New York, Hundreds Protest Planned Islamic Center -" Los Angeles Times - California, National and World News - Web. 28 Aug. 2010.
I definitely think that they should build the mosque. It is their given right to be able to build it and they should exercise their rights of religious freedom and build a mosque.
People all over America have been protesting on the building sites of mosques for a while, and they aren’t even close to Ground Zero. That alone just shows that, no matter what people say about it being “insensitive”, it’s actually mostly about Americans being Islamaphobic. People are afraid of the religion of Islam because of its supposed hatred to America and women, but really the word Islam actually is related to “salam” which means peace. The mainstream media is making us all afraid for absolutely nothing! Muslims are not secret Al Qaeda sympathizing ninjas trying to take over America, believe it or not. We all talk about how wrong it was that people treated African American people differently, and the Jewish people different, but now were treating Muslims as if because of their religion, they’re automatically evil Al Qaeda sympathizers. This is no different from the racial profiling that would have been inevitable from Senate Bill 1070. They just want to practice their religion just like the rest of us and we, as Americans should let them. If America says that we have religious tolerance then we should show it, lest the government become known as hypocrites to the American citizens.
(cont.)Another reason that we should let them build the mosque, is that we have no proof that any of those people had anything to do with what happened at Ground Zero. Just because the people who bombed the buildings were Muslim, doesn’t mean that all Muslims hate America, or have anything to do with Al Qaeda. If it were Christians who attacked that day, would we all be afraid of the billions of Christians that live in America?
- Definition of Islam
"Islam | Define Islam at" | Find the Meanings and Definitions of Words at Web. 28 Aug. 2010. .
-People are against building the Islamic Center because of the location, being too near to Ground Zero.
"In New York, Hundreds Protest Planned Islamic Center -" Los Angeles Times - California, National and World News - Web. 28 Aug. 2010.
Personally, I think the whole debate over the building of a Mosque in New York 2 blocks away from ground zero has became too big of an issue. I personally believe that if the United States stresses freedoms and how great they are to have why would we get all upset over a building of a mosque near ground zero. It Isn't on ground zero but it is near. The people that do not want the mosque to be built believe that the Muslim Culture makes women second class citizens and much more which may be the case but we still have freedom of religion. I think the people should just stop complaining suck it up and let the people build a Mosque there if they would like to but knowing they may have to deal with the people that are around it. You can't change peoples minds on stuff easily. I think we should let them build it but they have to understand some people just will not agree with it and that's going to be the case with everything. The people who believe the mosque should not be built profile all the Muslim people as terrorists. I would safely assume it's because of the September 11 attack but a few people is not a good representation of everyone. Well not all the time that is. Our president Barack Obama himself said that it should be fine with our freedom of religion and yet people still get upset and defensive over the building of a mosque near ground zero. Like I mentioned before it isn't on ground zero it's just near. Would people care if it were a church being built near ground zero? My bet would be on that no one would mind if it was a church. Just the fact that it is a mosque makes people defensive I suppose. Some people just fail to see the big picture rather than focusing on one little thing. Overall, I believe the people should just build what they please but knowing that you can't please everyone.
From Jason Kessler, CNN
August 25, 2010 2:15 p.m. EDT
I feel that the Islamic people should stop wasting their time trying to build a mosque.
They should be worried about helping out there families, since that crazy flood happened. I wouldn’t say Im against it but there are so many other important things to worry about. I know that they have certain amount of money saved to build this so called religious center. I read about the whole strip clubs that they have in the same area as where they want to build this mosque. It’s not such a bright idea to place a church near all of this because it sends the wrong message to others. Why does the mosque a couple blocks away want to help build a new mosque, shouldn’t they be encouraging their own to attend the one that’s already built? I just feel like it’s a waste of time, energy and money fussing over it when there’s already one built.
Work Cited
Montopoli, Brian. "Ground Zero Mosque" Developer Sharif El-Gamal: No Money from Iran, Hamas." Breaking News Headlines: Business, Entertainment & World News - CBS News., 7 Aug. 2010. Web. 28 Aug. 2010. .
I’m not on either side at the moment. I understand why people are against building a mosque, and I will respect the fact that we should have sympathy for families who have lost loved ones. Yet, I don’t agree that Americans should act the way they are towards the Islamic people. We are disrespecting them and some of the stuff I have read made me upset. For example, "Our belief as Christians leaves no room for the Koran," Jones says. "Jesus said he is the only way, so in that sense, the Koran is a book that offers salvation and a way to God other than the bible." Does this mean there is no room for other races too? Why is Jones only saying this about the Islamic religion and not others? I don’t approve on singling out one race just because people don’t agree with it. Of course not everyone is going to agree with one race, but everyone should have the freedom to believe in whatever they want. Honestly, what happened to freedom of religion? Americans have become more and more racist it seems.
Balewski, Sean. "Florida minister joins heated ground zero mosque controversy". ©2007 The E.W. Scripps Co.. 08/26/2010
When I really think about it and what it comes down to, I can support both sides. I can see why people don’t want a mosque by ground zero because they think there going to just plan an attack, and there worried on what can happen in the future. Don’t want to take any chances from anything like that to happen again, but on the other hand you have to look at it from there point of view. Mosque could be a church for the Muslim but many people don’t want them to build one in New York cause of ground zero. Americans are so scared because of 9/11 I know people should be caution about the situation, but not treat every Muslim the same its there religion you shouldn’t take that from anybody. I say you respect all Americans but think about how others would feel if there was a mosque near ground zero most people wouldn’t support it.
From all that has been said and done about the proposed mosque at ground zero, all i see is that we as Americans should fallow our principles.Our constitution states freedom of religion, how can we have hatred for a religion just because a inccedent that individuals did around nine years ago? I believe that this whole mosque issue is just madness, the people who where lost that day do to this terrorist attack makes the area where the towers stood a honorable place, but then there is the fact that were the mosque is set to be, is two blocks away. The area were the mosque is planned to be built has nothing to do with ground zero. If we the proposed mosque was not to be built it would just contredict our constitution.LLike our president Obama stated we will not declare a war on Muslims. But then the question comes up, what if radical Islam is doing this as a slap in the face, building the mosque to show they are taking over? That can not be, islam is a religion of peace. Just because the people who attacked the trade center were Muslim does not mean the whole religion should be attacke. Look at it this way, say if a group of Catholics decide to one day attack the Whit House would you blame the whole Catholic church? Where i stand in thi conflict that should not be this big in my opinion, i say the Mosque should deffinatley be built. How would we be the land of the free if we did not allow this religion to be free?
"3 Fundamental Questions About the Ground Zero Mosque", KT Mcfarland, Fox News
I am the type of person who tries to be very reasonable. I like compromise. It seems that the main problem is insensitivity. Everyone thinks that building an Islamic mosque two blocks away from ground zero is insensitive to the families of people who died on 9/11 and they are offended but is this really something that needs to be taken offensively? Maybe some people are just overreacting but i do see where they are coming from. I think that if they want to build such a big building, why not use it for more than religious purposes? There should be a compromise with the city to use the building as a multipurpose building, for religion and other purposes. I think it sounds fair and it would calm everyone down. Another view is that ground zero cannot even be seen from the mosque and it's two long blocks away and there is another mosque several more blocks from that. I'm not exactly sure on where to stand on the situation being offensive or not but we have constituional rights to religious freedom. If it is ok with the city to build and whoever is building it can pay for it, then why not?
Who are we as regular people to say no?
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