In Class - Continue to work on final project.
Homework - QOW due by Friday, April 30.
QOW - Considering the new law signed in Arizona by Governor Jan Brewer (SB 1070), take a look at the following videos and articles and develop an educational and rational argument either for or against this new proposed law. You must have a minimum of two citations along with a works cited. After you have posted your initial comment by Friday, over the weekend, you are to read several of your peers' comments. You are then to respond to one of your classmates' arguments concerning this new proposed bill. Along with any good critical thinker, your argument must be based on evidence and either agree or disagree with your fellow students' response. The initial post is due by Friday, April 30 by 11:59 pm. The second post or response is due by Monday, May 3 by 11:59 pm. This QOW is worth 100 points - 50 for the initial comment and 50 for the response and comment on what of your classmates' response.
Articles to check out: - check out all the videos from this page - "Reaction to Arizona immigration law"; " Arizona immigration fight not over"; "Will Arizona's new law hold up?" - check out all the videos from this page - "Lawmaker defends immigration bill"; "Arizona's immigration bill uproar"; "Arizona's illegal immigration crackdown" - check out all the videos from this page - "Bill makes illegal status a crime"; "Arizona immigration law sparks debate"
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nauiocelotl, a concerned citizen of the united states of America and great provider of information that the media refuses to discuss publically. A certain video he released ages ago has given me proof enough that this law was created to enforce racial profiling thanks to Arpaio, the sheriff of arizona being known as a racist individual. With common proof being all over youtube of Arpaio forcing illegal immigration laws and seperating families.
(New Immigration law wont hurt economy) Besides being a bill that is obviously compared to the profiling by the nazi's. It will also become a bill that will ruin Arizona's economy in the future. I guarantee that the governor wasn't thinking of the economic failure that she is about to bring about to Arizona for their is a variety of states that will refuse to go along with arizona's laws and many businesses and stores will shut down and move to a different state in order to protest the law.
This will not end here as well, Arizona may not have white people as a minority but you can surely bet that some other states will, and that they will use the foreign majorities in order to inspire future protests and court filings that will attempt to destroy the law so that evil individuals such as Sheriff Arpaio whose already being investigated by the FBI (
" YouTube - nauiocelotl's Channel ." YouTube - Broadcast Yourself. . N.p., n.d. Web. 26 Apr. 2010. .
Hundreds protest immigration law in Arizona -" - Breaking News, U.S., World, Weather, Entertainment & Video News. N.p., n.d. Web. 26 Apr. 2010. .
"New immigration law won't hurt economy, Arizona governor says -" - Breaking News, U.S., World, Weather, Entertainment & Video News. N.p., n.d. Web. 26 Apr. 2010. .
(I am too technologically lame to find the other posts so I am just commenting on Edwards)
I am so opposed to Edwards opinions. If he took in to consideration a bit more information and critically thought a bit more, I believe he would arrive on the right track. He first argues that the governor of Arizona is a racist, this has nothing what so ever to do with the topic. Everyone is a bit racist and bias toward their own culture, and I see a lot of this is his argument. The governors job is to do what is best and most efficient for the state, and in her opinion, further criminalizing illegal aliens is the right option.
In Southern California alone illegal immigration is a problem, and a definite burden to all Californians. We suffer from economic downfalls because our labor is being given to people who will accept under the table pay that is less then minimum. Not only the lack of labor, but our taxes are raised due to illegal immigrants’ lack of insurance in hospitals, spots in public schools and use of other free public resources paid for by the American peoples taxes. AMERICA IS NOT A HOTEL. If one is truly in need of citizenship for oneself and family then it should be gone about in a legal and humane way. Yes, I definitely agree that the path to citizenship should be more forgiving and less time consuming, but it is not America's job to baby-sit other countries citizens.
Edwards second argument, the separating of families. I understand the need of a better future and wanting to give it to your family, but running across the border like criminals is not the way to start it. One should lead by example, teach the family English and the legal and appropriate way to become an American.
Lastly, it has only become racial profiling because illegal immigrants have a specific stereotype that they have taught us. If it walks like a duck, quacks like a duck, then it must be a duck.
I believe this new law that has been placed in the State of Arizona is absurd. All its going to lead up to is racial profiling. Which is illegal in the United States and the State of Arizona. “How can you tell what will give an officer reasonable suspicion to stop you?” she said. “We understand there's a need for protection on the border, but we think it should come more with immigration reform, not by pulling over people and stopping them on the street.”(Grinberg, 2010). I believe that is true, we need some sort of reform in this country before it gets all out of hand. Though you cant just start questioning everyone around you if they are legal or not. “Officers cannot stop a person based solely on race, color, or national origin.”(Grinberg, 2010). Even though there are a lot of illegal immigrants here in the United States, they are not all committing crimes here. Some of them come here to work and be someone for a living. On the other hand there are some illegal immigrants here that just commit crimes. I believe those are the people that they should target more. Than the immigrants looking for jobs and trying to work. Yea, they are getting paid under the table and not paying taxes, but they are not committing crimes like the other immigrants that are selling drugs and killing people. What criteria will be used to establish reasonable suspicion of someone's legal status, Brewer said, "I don't know. I do not know what an illegal immigrant looks like."(Brewer, 2010). That is were racial profiling is going to start. The police officers don’t know what a illegal immigrant looks like. The Republican governor also issued an executive order that requires additional training for local officers on how to implement the law without engaging in racial profiling or discrimination.(CNN Wire Staff, 2010). Ok, so they are going to train police officers to spot out illegal immigrants. How are they going to do that with out racial profiling. There is no way to tell if someone is illegal immigrant by looking at them. The only way they can tell is by their skin color, which is racial profiling. Therefore this law is absurd and is going to create racial profiling in the state of Arizona.
Work Cited
-"Arizona Governor Signs Immigration Bill -" - Breaking News, U.S., World, Weather, Entertainment & Video News., 24 Apr. 2010. Web. 29 Apr. 2010.
- Grinberg, Emanuella. "Immigration Law Polarizes Arizonans -" - Breaking News, U.S., World, Weather, Entertainment & Video News., 26 Apr. 2010. Web. 29 Apr. 2010.
Fidencio Romero Per.4
I personally do not agree with this new law signed in Arizona. Its going to cause a lot of racial profiling and tempers are going to start flaring. Although i do agree that there is alot of illegal immigration causing problems not only in Arizona but the United States as a whole. People are losing their jobs to these immigrants because they probably will work for less money to support themselves and family members."The law also requires legal immigrants to carry their alien registration documents at all times"(Grinberg 2010) This is crazy to me. They are basically saying whenever you leave the house you have to take all this information every where you go.For example, if your going to a resturant to eat with your family and friends you must take all that paper work with you. All they have to do is look at the color of your skin and can ask to see your 'Alien registration documents' and if you dont have them well your out of luck most likely. "Now that Arizona lawmakers have passed what's considered some of the toughest immigration legislation in the country, other states are watching to see whether they should follow in the state's footsteps or stand back."(Keck 2010)I honestly think that the other states should stand back and watch how this new law in Arizona is going to back fire and cause more problems in my opinion. Then we as the United States of America should all try and figure something out that wont cause discrimination and racial profiling.
Works Cited
-Grinberg, Emanuella. "Immigration Law Polarizes Arizonans -" - Breaking News, U.S., World, Weather, Entertainment & Video News. Cable News Network, 26 Apr. 2010. Web. 29 Apr. 2010. .
-Keck, Kristi. "Will Others Follow Arizona's Lead on Immigration? -" - Breaking News, U.S., World, Weather, Entertainment & Video News. Cable News Network, 21 Apr. 2010. Web. 29 Apr. 2010. .
I am against the new law that is being signed in Arizona. I am against it because there are a lot of illegal people in the United States that came here for a better opportunity of life. With this law illegal people will be sent back to the border. “Even if you’re legal, you’re in fear that maybe your driver’s license isn’t going to be enough, the police will stop you.” You will be stopped if you look suspicious, that’s not right in my opinion. “Even legal citizens are scared to go out.” People shouldn’t have to fear this law if there legal in the U.S but it’s just not right and fair to illegal people. “A protest in front of the state capital with hundreds of people will happen on Friday.” This law is all over the news, I asked for an opinion to some of my family members because they’re illegal and they said it was not right something else could be done. How will officers be able to tell if you’re a suspect? Immigration should find a better way to protect the border, preventing illegal immigrants to cross instead of pulling people over on the streets. “Officers cannot stop a person based solely on race, color or national origin.” “Carrying your alien registration documents at all times and requiring the police to question people if there is a reason to suspect that they’re in the U.S illegally.” I think that is very wrong and those documents should only be presented when there is an occasion where they need to be shown for certain reasons. Many people are scared to go out because of this law; people see it as a “target and discrimination against people.”
• Grinberg, Emanuella. “Immigration Law Polarizes Arizonans.”CNN Politics. CNN 2010 Cable News Network, 26 April 2010. 27 April 2010.
• CNN Wire Staff. “Arizona governor signs immigration bill.” CNN Politics. CNN 2010 Cable News Network, 24 April 2010. 27 April 2010.
The new law that arizona wants to pass is in my opinion bull crap. This is nothing but discrimination. why do they have to be so freakin racist now when you go out in the streets a cop can pull you over if you seem "beaner" enough they just need to see that you are a little darker than usual and boom they think they found another illegal alien. This is messed up those who immigrate is because they want a better life for themselves and families. One question that i cant get out of my head is what will happen to those little kids who have illegal parents and they get deported do they kick them out too with their parents or what. Now all we need is more discrimination and have the rest of the united states to pass this law as well and join arizona. I wonder how things are going to turn out in arizona i think that there is going to be some kaos maybe and a whole lot of protesting. like when Arizona didnt celebrate martin luther king holiday and they moved the super bowl somewhere else it los a crap load of money and i think that it needs to be done again and encourage the state to stop this law. And i also hope that Obama takes a good look at this situation and puts an end to it because its going to cause a lot of problems and separations of family.
-Keck, Kristi. "Will Others Follow Arizona's Lead on Immigration? -" - Breaking News, U.S., World, Weather, Entertainment & Video News. Cable News Network, 21 Apr. 2010. Web. 29 Apr. 2010. .
I am going against this new law in Arizona not only because I’m Mexican but because people come here for better lives. They want to provide their children with better educational opportunities than they had. Racial profiling is illegal. “It’s illegal in America and it’s certainly illegal in Arizona.” Says governor of Arizona, Jan Brewer. Don’t you think that stopping people just because they look Mexican is racial Profiling? Well I do. It’s the only way people will take it. They will think oh well they stopped me because I’m Mexican…..That’s racist!!!
“This training will include what does and does not constitute reasonable suspicion that a person is not legally present in the United States.” Said Brewer after signing the bill. Seriously we can’t train our police men to not be racist… matter what nobody is watching them while they’re out on the streets. They can stop anybody just because they want to it doesn’t matter what the government trains them to do. These are some of the reasons why I am against this law passed in Arizona.
Works Cited
-“Arizona Governor Signs the Immigration Bill” News, U.S, World, Weather, Entertainment 24.Apr 2010.Web29 April 2010
Elizabeth Lozano
I am totally against this law that was passed in Arizona. It just screams racial profiling. I believe that we need to do something about immigration but not like this. How do police officers pull someone over just because of how they look or because they are of a certain race? "Jan Brewer signed a bill Friday that requires police in her state to determine whether a person is in the United States legally, which critics say will foster racial profiling but supporters say will crack down on illegal immigration"(CNN)A Citizen of this country just so happened to be speaking a foreign language, will they asked for their documents. I hope it doesn’t get to a point where people are afraid to speak their own language."The law also requires legal immigrants to carry their alien registration documents at all times"(Grinberg). This means that American citizens have to carry proper identification with them at all time. This affects every one not just people that look like a minority because immigrants come from different places. It’s not fair for people that are already citizens and they have to prove that they are. I think that immigrants help the economy and with this law they are going to be afraid to go anywhere, because they might be afraid that they will be asked for their paperwork. In my opinion they should be going after real criminals instead of immigrants.
Grinberg, Emanuella. "Immigration law polarizes Arizonans". CNN. April, 29, 2010 .
CNN Wire Staff. "Arizona governor signs immigration bill". CNN. April, 29, 2010 .
I am against this new law because I feel like its racist. It gets me mad and sad to think that someone can have the right to tell others to do racial profiling. I don’t feel its right i feel like it’s inhuman. I have family members that are illegal but probably know more about America then Americans do. I would hate to have the feeling of being scared knowing that they can be deported at any time’s think the governed should reconsider what she signed. It’s sad to see how people are so cruel and violent. Immigrants come for a reason to find new hope and a better life. Many people hate Mexicans because they think their lazy and all they want to do is fight. Many people hate African Americans because they think they’re too violent. And other people hate whites because they think their highest ranking ethnicity out there. Every one just needs to stop all this. the first people in America were immigrants’ don’t know why people would judge each other just by the color of their skin or the content of their character. Many of the population in Arizona are immigrants from Mexico. Many who are successful in many things if they are kicked out I feel like Arizona will be a ghost town wit no one left in it. If something is not done about this law I can almost 100% predict chaos People will start revolting and protesting.
"Immigration law polarizes Arizonans" - Breaking News, U.S., World, Weather, Entertainment & Video News.,26 April 2010. web.20april 2010
"Arizona had to take charge on immigration" - Breaking News, U.S., World, Weather, Entertainment & Video News.,23 April 2010. web.20april 2010
i truthfully believe that this law is just a way for cops that are racist to stop anyone they want to stop .this law is specially design to target innocent illegal immigrants where they can be profile easily by cops and other law enforcement and will be separated from their families. i don't think undocumented people are any kind of threat instead they came to this country to make a better living. the only only bad thing they did is enter illegally but if the border security is or was tight then they wouldn't have any chance to get to this country , so dear president Obama please step up and save these innocent people and let them have a legal status so they can contribute to the U,S economy .. this bill will not survive for too long because its too harsh and u humane treatment for undocumented people.
juan oviedo
(Arizona immigration law sparks debate)This bill is unfair. Allowing police to pull over anybody who "looks" like they would illegal. This is Racial Profiling. It isn't fair that for those people born here and are U.S citizens to be pulled over, questioned, and looked at as being someone illegal.
(Immigration bill signed) Governer or Arizona Jan Brewer had no real reason to have that law passed. Not everyone is illegal in United States, and by pulling over anyone who looks like they would be illegal is being racist. Looking for people who are brown, asian, and middle eastern, waiting to pull them over and see if they're legal is unfair. Everyone looks different, is a different race, and this law is just ridiculous and unnecessary.
- - check out all the videos from this page - "Bill makes illegal status a crime"; "Arizona immigration law sparks debate"
-"Arizona governor signs immigration bill"
-Alejandra Justo
-Per 4
While I think this bill was created and passed with good intent in mind, I feel it gives athourities too much freedom to potentialy violate ones civil rights. "Racial profiling is something I would never have supported. Police may not solely consider race, color, or origin when stopping and interviewing an individual" (Jones 2010). I don t think the supporters of this bill are wrong in choosing to support it however they are not taking into consideration the advantages they are giving to morally corrupt police to further more racial profile and violate peoples rights. "This bill merely prohibits any government law enforcement agency or official from restricting enforcement of immigration laws to less than the full extent permitted by federal law" (Jones 2010). That part of the bill I also disagree with I just feel the whole immigration laws should be changed so that immigrant found in the U.S. Are simply returned to the country of their original citizenship and if they have any criminal history let the justice system of that country deal with them. I just feel that this bill was not the best choice in regards to stricter immigration laws or better boarder patrol and should be reformed as soon as possible.
Work Cited
-Russ Jones. "Arizona had to take charge on immigration". April 23, 2010 7:02 a.m.
-Grinberg, Emanuella. "Immigration Law Polarizes Arizonans -" - Breaking News, U.S., World, Weather, Entertainment & Video News., 26 Apr. 2010. Web. 29 Apr. 2010.
Wow! This new bill is ridiculous. I don’t agree with this new bill at all. I think it violates some laws in the U.S. like racial profiling. This is racial profiling because the cops now have the right to stop anyone they want just for the color of their skin. What really heated me was the fact that the governor said that illegal immigrants are the main cause of all crimes in the state of Arizona. This isn’t fully true there is some that do but most come to give their children a better life. That was the reason my parents came to the U.S. so that we can have a better education and do something with our lives. It is sad that this bill was passed and hopes that with fewer immigrants the state would improve.
Tony Chavez
Per 2
-"Arizona Governor Signs Immigration Bill -" - Breaking News, U.S., World, Weather, Entertainment & Video News., 24 Apr. 2010. Web. 29 Apr. 2010.
While I think this bill was made for a good reason, I think it basically gives police the freedom to racially profile and violate the rights of potential or maybe just colored Americans. Police may not solely consider race, color, or origin when stopping and interviewing an individual (Jones 2010). I do realize the police don't just take the issue of race into consideration when dealing with this issue and I don't think the supporters of this bill are wrong in backing it. But I also don't think they're are taking into accountability the power they are handing over to crooked Police Officers. Police Officers who would now be able to further abuse their position and harass/violate the rights of other law abiding citizens. This bill merely prohibits any government law enforcement agency or official from restricting enforcement of immigration laws to less than the full extent permitted by federal law (Jones 2010). That part of the bill I also don't agree with. I feel the immigration laws as a whole all need to be re-done. So that illegal immigrants found in the U.S. are simply deported back to the country they are originally from
and if they have any criminal activity on the records, let them serve time in prison.
Work Cited
-"Arizona had to take charge on immigration" - Breaking News, U.S., World, Weather, Entertainment & Video News.,23 April 2010. web.20april 2010
- Grinberg, Emanuella. "Immigration Law Polarizes Arizonans -" - Breaking News, U.S., World, Weather, Entertainment & Video News., 26 Apr. 2010. Web. 29 Apr. 2010.
The new law that has been passed in the State of Arizona is inanity. It just demonstrates how we are just not over racism. Its foolishness that we couldn’t come up with another way to solve immigration. Hence the reason this law is just causing racial profiling. Which in my understanding is illegal in the Untied States, and that I know Arizona is located in the United States. I just want to know how they are going to classify a person if they are immigrants or not. Is by the way they talk, walk or dress. "I don't know. I do not know what an illegal immigrant looks like."(Brewer, 2010). So if the officers don’t know who is and whose not then how are they going to know. Which by meaning that they are going to be using racial profiling to tell who is and whose not. "Officers cannot stop a person based solely on race, color, or national origin."(Grinberg,2010)So then what will be the reason to stop a person. Therefore what are they going to be looking for or what will be the reason to stop a person.
"Even if you're legal, you're in fear that maybe your driver's license isn't going to be enough or if you're walking down the street and the police stop you,"(Mejia,2010).So what should people be taking with them, while driving or walking down the streets? As a result are people now have to carry there citizenship, or even there green card with them at all time. Which is idiotic because they never know if they might loose it while walking down the streets. So now if they want to go out they need to bring this along with them. Its ridiculous how people are now being forced to carry important papers with them just incased if they are ask for. What will happen to those who don’t have citizenship or green card with them. Are they going to let them go, or are there going to investigate them. Although what about if they are hard working person, since all immigrants are not all the same. Some immigrants come here to work and search for a better life, while others don’t. Why can we just go against the bad people and not just towards everyone. Yeah we might want to stop immigration, but why can we leave alone the people that are already in Arizona and that are innocent and are just here to work. Besides in the border we can do more things. We just need to be more in focus and in force more rules to it. Rather then question every person that might look like an immigrant. Because nobody know who is and whose not. So this law is pointless since we can’t tell. Unless we can teach officers to tell who is an immigrant, however I doubt we can do that. I strongly disagree with this law. Its just meaningless because its contracting itself. Because no matter how hard we try, we go back to racial profiling.
Grinberg, Emanuella. "Immigration Law Polarizes Arizonans -" - Breaking News, U.S., World, Weather, Entertainment & Video News. 26 Apr. 2010. Web. 30 Apr. 2010.
"Arizona Governor Signs Immigration Bill -" - Breaking News, U.S., World, Weather, Entertainment & Video News. 26 Apr. 2010. Web. 30 Apr. 2010.
-Bridget Fuentes
period 2:)
I do not agree with the Governor of Arizona, Jan Brewer, on her passing the immigration bill. I think it is demoralizing and erroneous to some people. Being an American citizen, we are entitled to rights of privacy and those rights should not violated by a law. "Racial profiling is illegal. It is illegal in America, and it's certainly illegal in Arizona"(Brewer). Then it should be illegal for someone of color live their daily lives. In addition, Arizona has high populations’ groups of other races so it would unethical for the Governor of Arizona and the government itself to let something of this magnitude go by under looked by the federal government. However, illegal immigration is still illegal. This has topic has been a controversial one of many years and will continue to be. Immigration cause a lot of turmoil in the country as taxpayers pay end up paying billions of dollars for immigrants and they promote a cheap wage and pay. So, Arizona has reasons for the passing of this bill. However, in my opinion I believe it is unethical to hold back someone from living a dream they've been wanting but can't achieve it because of the circumstances going in their country.
CNN Wire Staff. "Arizona Governor Signs Immigration Bill -" - Breaking News, U.S., World, Weather, Entertainment & Video News. Web. 30 Apr. 2010. .
Shawn Lacy P.2
I think racial profiling is wrong in the first place. No matter this immigration law was passed or not there is still going to racial profiling done at airports. If the people are going to search on one person they search everyone not just that person. ("Even if you're legal, you're in fear that maybe your driver's license isn't going to be enough or if you're walking down the street and the police stop you," said Mejia, 21. "It's a constant fear we're living in and even legal citizens are afraid to go out.") in article, I think media played a big role on telling people that “middle eastern, Arabs” are the protocol for terrorist. Just like media also made “dark looking usually Latin looking to see if there illegal. I think media should stress good things not something that can put some one down just of there nationality. (“he law also requires legal immigrants to carry their alien registration documents at all times. But U.S. citizens like Mejia, who identifies herself as Chicana, says she carries her driver's license, voter registration card and school fingerprint card at all times out of fear of being racially profiled” ) in article , that doesn’t seem right to do so, what if people forgets them what’s going to happen? I think the world is coming to a place were you really have no privacy and dignity. (Protests continued Sunday outside the capitol building in Phoenix, with hundreds gathering in a largely peaceful demonstration against the new measure) in article, We should a lot of protesting all over the united states to stop this mistake. Before the world goes even more bazaar.
Nabeel Haffar
I think racial profiling is wrong in the first place. No matter this immigration law was passed or not there is still going to racial profiling done at airports. If the people are going to search on one person they search everyone not just that person. ("Even if you're legal, you're in fear that maybe your driver's license isn't going to be enough or if you're walking down the street and the police stop you," said Mejia, 21. "It's a constant fear we're living in and even legal citizens are afraid to go out.") in article, I think media played a big role on telling people that “middle eastern, Arabs” are the protocol for terrorist. Just like media also made “dark looking usually Latin looking to see if there illegal. I think media should stress good things not something that can put some one down just of there nationality. (“he law also requires legal immigrants to carry their alien registration documents at all times. But U.S. citizens like Mejia, who identifies herself as Chicana, says she carries her driver's license, voter registration card and school fingerprint card at all times out of fear of being racially profiled” ) in article , that doesn’t seem right to do so, what if people forgets them what’s going to happen? I think the world is coming to a place were you really have no privacy and dignity. (Protests continued Sunday outside the capitol building in Phoenix, with hundreds gathering in a largely peaceful demonstration against the new measure) in article, We should a lot of protesting all over the united states to stop this mistake. Before the world goes even more bazaar.
Nabeel Haffar
Work cited
Grinberg, Emanuella . "Immigration law polarizes Arizonans". Goverment . April 30,2010 .
Grinberg, Emanuella . "Immigration law polarizes Arizonans". Goverment . April 30,2010 .
Grinberg, Emanuella . "Immigration law polarizes Arizonans". Goverment . April 30,2010 .
I honestly do believe that this new law is a perfect example of racial profiling! I take this very personally too, because what if the law was being held here in California? I have family who are not US residents let alone citizens, but they are in the process of becoming residents. It is really kind of ridiculous what the United States is coming to. Where is this so called land of opportunity going? when were not giving people the oppurtunity to be here. Yes, in a way I can understand that the state if Arizone wants to take control of the immigrant population, but how about instead of targeting the people who are already living there; they should really target their border security. It really tells you how much the security in that state is when they feel the need to stop random people, just to take their papers. This is not so much about stopping illegal immigrants and asking for papers and such. What if you have brown skin, yet you do have papers and your just stop because you happen to be a darker color! It's just not fair. The state of Arizone just needs to find a different way of taking control of their border security, because I honestly feel that this is not the right way to go about it.
Grinberg, Emanuella. "Immigration Law Polarizes Arizonans -" Apr. 2010.
Keck, Kristi "Will others follow Arizona's lead on Immigration?" April 21, 2010
Gabby Cervantes
The bill that just passed is something that I do know where I stand. Part of me does say that it is okay to pass it and the other part of opposes why it got passed in the first place. I don’t see why some people say that it is wrong to racially profile someone. It is easier and makes things faster. I see why some people believe that it can make someone uncomfortable. But we are in America. If you are not a U.S citizen then why are you in this country? To make a better life? There are ways to get your citizenship without breaking any rules. I totally agree with Ally’s point that she made. America is not a hotel. This state cannot have illegal aliens just stay here without paying taxes or getting free health care. Its not fair for the citizens in America. Because of all the illegal aliens our taxes go up a lot and we have to basically pay for them to stay here. It isn’t fair. I think that what happened and the law that got passed in Arizona is the right thing. It just didn’t pass because someone thought that it was a "cool thing" or because someone was racist or discriminated any type of race. It passed because it was the best thing for the state. There are reasons why things get passed. And in my opinion it passed for the right reason. I understand that some people come to this country for a better life and to support their family but things are suppose to be done the right way. Not the illegal way. There are processes that have to be done so that someone can at least get their visa to work or even live here for a while. When you break the law there are consequences and the consequence now are these, the new law in Arizona. Not everyone should be making riots like I heard on the radio today. There are illegal immigrants that are going to do riots. What is that going to do ? How is that going to help? It is not. It is going to make the government and the people in senate even more mad and even want to pass the law themselves too. In conclusion I believe that the governor made the right decision for his state. These are just consequences of the actions people make.
-"Arizona Governor Signs Immigration Bill -" - Breaking News, U.S., World, Weather, Entertainment & Video News., 24 Apr. 2010. Web. 29 Apr. 2010.
- Grinberg, Emanuella. "Immigration Law Polarizes Arizonans -" - Breaking News, U.S., World, Weather, Entertainment & Video News., 26 Apr. 2010. Web. 29 Apr. 2010.
Melissa Ortega
Period 4
When I first heard about the passing of the immigration law in Arizona, I was shocked. I am definitely against this law and believe that the actions that are going to be taking place are irrational and ludicrous. First off, the state is trying to make is clear that, "Officers cannot stop a person based solely on race, color, or national origin" (Grinberg, 2010). However, what other way is there to distinguish an illegal immigrant? The law states that officers will be required "additional training...on how to implement the law without engaging in racial profiling or discrimination" (Grinberg, 2010). How can one be trained to point out an illegal immigrant? It is impossible. The only way one will be able to do so is by basing it on the color of their skin, and using racial profiling. There is no other way around it. The state can defend itself all it wants, and claim that this will not be taking place, but logically, it is the only way to do so. Republican Russ Jones states, "Until the federal government actually puts up an effective border fence securing our southern border, we cannot sit back and hope for the best while our laws are broken every day" (Grinberg, 2010). Just because the effective border fence has not been put up does not make it right for these actions to occur. There are other ways of being able to find out if someone is here illegally or not.
On the other hand, I do not believe that it is ok for illegal immigrants to reside in the United States and make us pay for their taxes, healthcare, and for them to live here altogether. If they want to find themselves a better life, they can do so back in their own hometown. If they are coming to the United states, or Arizona in this case, they are still going to have to work just as hard to find a job and better life, because of the current economy. Furthermore, the only jobs they will most likely be able to obtain are minimum wage jobs, which will make it difficult for them to live here without any problems financially. I do believe actions need to be taken place in order to find these illegal immigrants, and properly send them back, but to pull one off a street is not appropriate. This will be very offensive towards someone, and when people are offended, they get defensive which can plant conflicts in the near future.
- Grinberg, Emanuella. "Immigration Law Polarizes Arizonans." CNN Politics. Cable News Network, 26 April 2010. Web. 30 April 2010.
This new law is not right. Yea it might work but the point is that there's other ways you could get rid of illegal immigrants. If caring your license is not enough then thats not right. Also how are you just going to keep getting pulled over all the time. Eventually its going to start getting annoying. Plus some people will feel embarrassed and awkward. I wouldn't like it if i looked suspicious and they just kept on bugging me. People don't even feel right to walk out of there house because they all ready know what's going to happen. Thats not a way we should be living in America, we shouldn't be living in fear. You could be going to work and be questioned and maybe at work and on your way back home. Does that sound right.
Grinberg, Emanuella. “Immigration Law Polarizes Arizonans.”CNN Politics. CNN 2010 Cable News Network, 26 April 2010. 27 April 2010.
"Arizona had to take charge on immigration" - Breaking News, U.S., World, Weather, Entertainment & Video News.,23 April 2010. web.20april 2010
Angel Hurtado per.4
I personally feel that this law is a really beneficial thing to be added and it should be endorsed. I’m pro this law because there are a lot of immigrants that are illegal and I personally feel that we should do everything in our power to rid them of our country. Though this law kind of accepts racial profiling I believe it is still a good way to jump start our countries immigration reform that we so desperately need. Pushing this law is a historical time in our country because this law could help us to ensure the safety of our citizens and overall just make a lot of people happier. To those who oppose this law I can see where you are coming from on how this is a harsh and sometimes unfair way to catch the illegal among us. However I really believe that this is a really good thing. I feel that there should be a way for immigrants to come and join our great country but I don’t think that it gives them a right to sneak here illegally and try to hide in our own backyards. We as Americans should feel pleased that this has passed and know that our country is looking out for us and our safety. Other states besides Arizona should adapt this and incorporate this into their immigration systems.
Grinberg, Emanuella. "Immigration Law Polarizes Arizonans -" - Breaking News, U.S., World, Weather, Entertainment & Video News. Web. 01 May 2010. .
Keck, Kristi. "Will Others Follow Arizona's Lead on Immigration? -" - Breaking News, U.S., World, Weather, Entertainment & Video News. Web. 30 Apr. 2010.
Sean Cavenee
Period: 4
One thing I don’t understand is how officers will be trained to somehow “assume” that someone could potentially be an illegal immigrant without racially profiling them. Arizona gov. Jan Brewer states, and I quote her quote “ … Language prohibiting law enforcement officers from, and I quote, solely considering race ,color or national origin In implementing the requirements of this section, end of quote.” What I want to know is how officers will be trained to assume and verify immigration status, without first racially profiling someone first. Another thing I don’t get is how Brewer says she WILL NOT tolerate racial discrimination or racial profiling in the state of Arizona, but still signs the bill. Its quoted in the articles that police may not “solely” consider race, color etc. meaning that officers may racially profile a person as long as they have some other motive to go along with it. How is signing a bill allowing officers to Racially profile not racial profiling? Obviously to her there is some sort of difference. I disagree with this law, only because it is obviously pretty racist. I understand that immigration is a big problem, particularly in southwest states, and is the reason for California’s high tax rate, but there has to be another way. There should be more of an effort to help legalize immigrants, but only the ones that plan to get a job and pay taxes and be honest citizens. Illegal immigrants that stay here for a while to gather up money and then head back or stay here without even trying to gain citizenship should be restricted from america until they can change their ways. Otherwise helping immigrants to become legal is the only way I see fit. If anyone of any country, race, origin or culture are willing to leave their homeland for a better life in a foreign land , and learn English, if not some, then I think they deserve a chance.
"Arizona Governor Signs Immigration Bill -" - Breaking News, U.S., World, Weather, Entertainment & Video News. 26 Apr. 2010. Web. 30 Apr. 2010.
"Arizona had to take charge on immigration" - Breaking News, U.S., World, Weather, Entertainment & Video News.,23 April 2010. web.20april 2010
Grinberg, Emanuella. "Immigration Law Polarizes Arizonans -" - Breaking News, U.S., World, Weather, Entertainment & Video News. Cable News Network, 26 Apr. 2010. Web. 29 Apr. 2010. .
-Jesus Gomez
I don't agree with the new law signed in Arizona by Governor Jan Brewer. The reason for that is because immagrants did not come to the United States to make things bad or worse. They have come here to work and make a better life for themselves and their family. People are being stop and are asked to show their documentation, just because they look like an immagrant(CNN). Things won't get any better if all immagrants are taken away. They might even get worse because immagrants are satisfied with what ever wage they get just to be able to support their family. Other people will not want a low paid job.
Carolina Tinajero Per.2
"New immigration law won't hurt economy, Arizona governor says -" - Breaking News, U.S., World, Weather, Entertainment & Video News. N.p., n.d. Web. 26 Apr. 2010.
-"Arizona Governor Signs Immigration Bill -" - Breaking News, U.S., World, Weather, Entertainment & Video News., 24 Apr. 2010. Web. 29 Apr. 2010.
Immigration Law Polarizes Arizonans. CNN, 26 Apr. 2010. Web. 30 Apr. 2010.
Jones, Russ. "Arizona Had to Take Charge on Immigration."
Arizona Had to Take Charge on Immigration. CNN, 23 Apr. 2010. Web. 30 Apr. 2010.
The first video link led to objections and concerns from Arizona citizens. I agree greatly with them but something has to done about illegal immigration. The sudden amount of new people is one of the causes to harm the economy. I however disagree with it, I'm dark like my father so if I ever travel to the state of Arizona I will or might be questioned. The fear of racial profiling is very real and will happen among quite a handful of police officers.
Against the new bill I say that plenty of legal citizens will be questioned and arrested merely on the fact that their skin tone is dark. A person who is a legal citizen could just have a thick accent due to genetics. Skin color and natural behavior will single out innocents.
By innocents I mean legal citizens.
I get that the new bill means to help out with the issue of illegals but there will be corruption. The college student in a paper I read said that she has to carry three types of Id on her at all times. A person forgets things whenever they go out. I forget important items all the time. How is a person to remember that they have to take that much Id with them really. This law will catch people who forget and illegals but I don't see how that's fair.
A man pointed that out in a video, that he never carries around a wallet with him. He doesn't have Id so he could be a victim.
The idea of this bill is understandable, something needs to be done about illegal immigration. Yes the process is difficult to become an American citizen, but should be done never the less. Also, by coming illegally they are undermining those who took the time to abide by the law. That being said I do not think that racial profiling is the answer, it is imply racist. "Even if you are legal, you're in fear that maybe your drivers license isn't going to be enough or if you're walking down the street and the police stop you. It's a constant fear we're living in and even legal citizens are afraid to go out." (Mejia). This fear that they are living in is wrong, and it is unjust to assume someone is illegal based on race, this is America and made up of many races we should not alienate any of them. "The bill requires immigrants to carry their alien registration documents at all times and requires police to question people if there is reason to suspect that they're in the United States illegally." I believe that forcing them to always have their papers is simply ridiculous, it is unfair for the citizens to be treated this way because of those who who unlawfully came here. They are already being undermined by those selfish enough to come illegally, these American citizens do not need to be constantly judged based on their race. We need reform but this is not the answer.
Kaitlyn Morales period 4
"Arizona governor signs immigration bill -" - Breaking News, U.S., World, Weather, Entertainment & Video News. 30 Apr. 2010 .
Grinberg, Emanuella. "Immigration law polarizes Arizonans -" - Breaking News, U.S., World, Weather, Entertainment & Video News. 01 May 2010 .
The Arizona law that was just passed is very wrong but also it’s probably one of the only ways to stop illegal immigrants from entering the United States. I think that this bill is very wrong in the first place because just because of how you look or dress you can get pulled over and they would have to do a background check on you. Also though many Americans have to pay for illegal immigrants while, we are paying taxes to make our country better they are doing nothing to help support our country with money and the bills that we have to pay. It is a very wrong thing to racially profile someone for how they look but I believe that is the only way we could prevent illegal immigration from happening throughout the United States. I am not saying I am for the bill but I am also not against the bill I think that if you have your papers and you know that you’re not an illegal immigrant then you should have nothing to worry about.
George Gallardo
Period 2
"Arizona governor signs immigration bill -" - Breaking News, U.S., World, Weather, Entertainment & Video News. 30 April. 2010 .
Grinberg, Emanuella. "Immigration law polarizes Arizonans -" - Breaking News, U.S., World, Weather, Entertainment & Video News. 01 May 2010 . 30 april.2010
This bill passed in Arizona is truely controversial. But to me it is in the middle, meaning that it is good and bad; yes, everything rule or bill passed sounds good to some people and bad for others. But this bill is truely in middle, can't really decide whether it is good or not, and there are some specific reasons for that.
People can't freely go out without any proof which proves them "Legal," is insane. Lot of people are for it, and while others are criticizing it. When you hear the bill, you can't stop yourself saying that this bill will recreate racism all over again. Some say that this is all about racial profiling and discrimination, while others in favor argue by saying that we need some serious action for illegal immigration.
Even if in the video, in which the governor is talking, she says that it is not about racial profiling or racial discrimination; but this will create it, and you can't resist that.
This bill doesn't only target illegals, but also who hire illegal immigrant day laborers or knowingly transfer them.
Critics say that the police is not yet ready to handle the interrogation, and that this approach of Arizona is not the right one.
According to one of the articles, Isabel Garcia, a legal defender in Arizona's Pima county, said, "We have not seen this kind of legislation since the Jim Crow laws." For which in response the State Senator Pearce said, "'Illegal' is not a race, it's a crime." Which makes sense on both sides.
So, according to me, we need to act against this, but this may not be the best way to do it. You can't hurt others feelings. What if a Police officer stops a person just looking at his color, and then that person has all the legal proof. What do you do then? Apologise? I call it racial profiling.
And just to pick out something from the video, in which the governor talks: She says, "This bill shall be implemented in a manner consistent with federal laws regulating immigration and protecting civil rights of all people." But how can you protect rights of all people, when a police officer just stops him asking for clearance by just looking at his color.
Works cited:
1. Arizona Governor Signs Immigration Bill - - Breaking News, U.S., World, Weather, Entertainment & Video News. 24 Apr. 2010. Web. 30 Apr. 2010. .
2. Keck, Kristi. "Will Others Follow Arizona's Lead on Immigration? -" - Breaking News, U.S., World, Weather, Entertainment & Video News. 21 Apr. 2010. Web. 30 Apr. 2010. .
Ukpono Udi
Gov. P.3
Illegal Immigration Law in Arizona
The new law, SB1070, allows any officer to question and ask for documents from any one they believe are in the state or country illegally. Those who oppose it say it is a means of racial profiling. In a street interview a women, Jessica Mejia, who says, “Even if you're legal, you're in fear that maybe your driver's license isn't going to be enough or if you're walking down the street and the police stop you. (Mejia)” This is nothing any citizen should feel especially one who is legal and or born in the country. The fact of the matter is that the law gives the affect that the Arizona government is racially profiling its people. Even our President was unhappy to hear about this, saying “the recent efforts in Arizona, which threaten to undermine basic notions of fairness that we cherish as Americans, as well as the trust between police and their communities that is so crucial to keeping us safe…"It's against the democratic ideals of this country, It's a step backwards. It's impractical (Video:Obama:immigration bill misguided).” Now even though Arizona is presumed to be racial profiling they believe that there doing there state a favor and coming to their rescue. Arizona State Rep. Russ Jones says, “This law will allow local law enforcement in the course of their duties to question individuals in regards to their immigration status. Since Arizona is a border state they are the site of the main issue at hand (Jones).” This is a good reason why they have taken this course of action. There protection from the downfall of their state due to illegals is a tremendous scare. However, is their approach the right one? Well Jones believes, “Until the federal government actually puts up an effective border fence securing our southern border, we cannot sit back and hope for the best while our laws are broken every day and the hands of law enforcement are tied.” My opinion is that the thought process of the Arizona government was to into the state a financial institute and not as a people. Now I know they mean well but they went about it all wrong. I feel like they rushed into saving their state financially because they felt they needed a drastic save from the defaults of the so called border protection. I understand it becomes hard for the state because they must provide safety as well as peace of mind to the state. This task is what they are failing at and are in need of help from the federal government.
Works Cited
CNN. "Video:Obama:immigration bill misguided." 24 April 2010. CNN. 30 April 2010 .
Jones, Ross. Immigration law polarizes Arizonans Emanuella Grinberg. 26 April 2010.
Mejia, Jessica. Immigration law polarizes Arizonans Emanuella Grinberg. 26 April 2010.
In my opinion, I believe this bill is good to an extent. Yes, I think that cops should pull over what appears to be illegal immigrants, and ask them for proof of citizenship in the United States. However, from what I’ve heard and seen so far, to me I take it that they are arrested right then and there if they don’t have any proof of citizenship, and then sent to jail/deported immediately. I think there should be some adjustments to this. I think that there should be a set time limit for the individual or individuals that are pulled over to prove that they are, or aren’t legal citizens. I say, give them a week for them to gather up their papers, and head to a police station so they can be recorded in the Arizona Police Department’s files. Get down all their info like their license plate(s) their home address, their phone number, so that in the future, they (hopefully) won’t be pulled over again by a police officer. That is how I think the bill should be tweaked. Yet, I don’t think it will eliminate the “racial profiling” part. There will always be racial profiling, and people are just going to have to deal with that.
Works cited:
“Arizona Governor signs immigration bill”. CNN Wire Staff, April 24, 2010.
“Immigration law polarizes Arizonians”. Emanuella Grinberg. CNN. April 26, 2010.
(for the bill)
If you are against illegal immigration you should have a smile on your face. Some might say that this bill is racism and maybe ethically wrong, but how else are we going to fix our immigration problem and it's effect on our economy. This country will keep going down the tubes until we fix our illegal immigration problem here. This means that we don't just need to close our borders, but we need to put all the illegal immigrants back were they came from, no matter of race or color. The reason illegal immigration is a problem is because illegals don't pay taxes and they low ball every business in construction and in many other business, that is why it needs to be dealt with. One argument might be that it's racist, because they can choose who they pull over and checked. It just happens that most illegals are Mexicans, I don't think any officer would give a Mexican trouble if they showed proof of citizenship. I don't think there's anyway around this. It's either you want the problem fixed, or not. I don't think this is immoral and i believe it should be passed in every state. Anyone paying taxes and living in the US legally, should want this. It would do wonders for our economy. The reasons these bills never see a spic of daylight, is because people yell out racist every time there race is offended slightly. PEOPLE DON'T UNDERSTAND THAT KNOW ONE CARES WHAT RACE YOU ARE IT'S IF YOUR LEGAL OR NOT. Do you think if hundreds of thousands of Europeans came over illegally into New York would white colored people be checked for papers. Do you think they'd complain about showing papers. No, they would be happy to because it for a better cause.
-“Arizona Governor Signs the Immigration Bill” News, U.S, World, Weather, Entertainment 24.Apr 2010. Fri 30 April 2010
"New immigration law won't hurt economy, Arizona governor says -" - Breaking News, U.S., World, Weather, Entertainment & Video News. N.p., Web. 30 Apr. 2010
Kenton Goodburn
P 4
I think that the new immigration bill is a necessary step that we need to take to put an end to illegal immigration. Sure it may seem very racist, but most illegal immigrants in the southern half of America are Hispanic. It surely isn't the easiest or nicest way to fight illegal immigration, but something needs to be done. If it wasn't this bill being put in action, it would be another bill that people would complain about just as much. There is no easy way to fight against immigration and it will always appear to be racist to many people.
“Arizona Governor Signs the Immigration Bill” News, U.S, World, Weather, Entertainment 24.Apr 2010. Fri 30 April 2010
Russ Jones. "Arizona had to take charge on immigration". April 23, 2010
This bill is ridiculous. Its racist and discriminating against. If the gverment wants to fix the immigration "problem" then all ethnicites should be targeted. Why are only hispanics being affected? No officer should have the given right to ask an individual to give identification for verification that that they are citizens just because "they look" non legal. Immigrants help stimulate the economy and without them the goverment is worsening their position. How will passing this law help the economy anyhow? If this law passes pretty soon its going to spread state to state because at that point Arizona will be only the beginning. This is going against peoples rights and its doing nothing more than racial profiling.
"New immigration law won't hurt economy, Arizona governor says -" - Breaking News, U.S., World, Weather, Entertainment & Video News. N.p., n.d. Fri. Apr 30. 2010.
CNN Wire Staff. “Arizona governor signs immigration bill.” CNN Politics. CNN 2010 Cable News Network, 30 April 2010.
Lydia Jones
Period 4 :)
I think the new law passed in Arizona is completely insane. I agree that we need to do something about immigration, but having a law that requires racial profiling, is not wise. The Governor of Arizona said she has “…issued an executive order that requires additional training for local officers on how to implement the law without engaging in racial profiling or discrimination.” (Grinberg, 2010) In my opinion, I can not see how this is true. How else are the police going to be able to pull aside the people who they think are illegal? To do this, they have to racially profile people. There are many illegal people in our country, from all over the world. But the fact is that in Arizona, is based on the Hispanics. That’s why it’s such a big deal. “What does it look like to be an illegal immigrant?” (Toobin, 2010) Officers can see when somebody is driving drunk, they can tell, so they will pull the over. But to pull over somebody and ask them if they are a citizen, they will racially profile. (Toobin, 2010) I know that we can come up with a better way to find illegal immigrates and kick them out of the country. Jan Brewers way is just unacceptable. I know racial profiling happens, but now it’s part of a law.
Grinberg, Emanuella. "Immigration Law Polarizes Arizonans -" - Breaking News, U.S., World, Weather, Entertainment & Video News., 26 Apr. 2010. Web. 29 Apr. 2010.
CNN Jeffrey Toobin and Anderson Cooper. "Will Arizona's new law hold up?" 25 April 2010
Shari period 2
After reading and researching about this new law in Arizona, I have to say that I really disagree on everything about it! I found this quote that was really interesting to me, “Even if you’re legal, you’re in fear that maybe your driver’s license isn’t going to be enough, the police will stop you.” I think that is a little over the top. I can not imagine living in a constant state of fear and worrying every second of everyday that a police will stop and question me just because of the way I look, that seems so terrifying. Assuming that someone is illeagal is just not right. Even if you have ID, that itself sometimes might not even be enough. Another quote I found was “The bill requires immigrants to carry their alien registration documents at all times and requires police to question people if there is reason to suspect that they're in the United States illegally.” I think that this is crazy because I know from experience that sometimes not eveyone always had ID on them. Sometimes people are in a hurry and and are forgetful and maybe leave their ID at home. I understand that they are trying to do something about illegal immigration, but this does not seem like the right way to do it.
Grinberg, Emanuella. "Immigration law polarizes Arizonans". CNN. april 24,2010 .
CNN Wire Staff. "Arizona governor signs immigration bill". CNN. april 27,2010 .
Amy On
Period 4
People that say that the new law that was passed in Arizona isn’t racial profiling are simply ignorant. How the hell isn’t it racial profiling when it is obvious that when it comes to stopping someone that looks “suspicious” it is apparent that the white man will never be doubted, unlike the colored man, Hispanics in particular. Russell Pearce says that they will only stop you if you seem as if you have done something wrong because they want to stop criminals. Once again it’s obviously they wont think twice before blaming the non-white man. They say that in order to be able to stop someone and ask for their documentation to see if they are legal they need a reasonable suspicion to think they are illegal. But there you go they are basically saying if you look illegal they have reason to believe you are based on you ethnicity. “I don’t see how you can do this, I don’t see how you can have reasonable suspicion looking at two different people and say I don’t think that one has papers…” (Turley 2010). This is true! If they have two men and one is white and the other is not of course they will choose the one that isn’t white and say there is a higher possibility that they aren’t legal. Once again this is an example of racial profiling. “Illegal is not a race it’s a crime” (Pearce, 2010). What they don’t realize is that obviously it’s not the non-white people that are illegal; it’s the others, which are also going to be the ones that get targeted. It’s stupid how they are targeting illegal immigrants as criminals and to blame for the cause of death of some policemen. Let us not forget that just because you are illegal doesn’t mean that you are a bad person committing crimes. There many people that are legal citizens and are criminals as well. I agree there are many illegal immigrants coming into the country but doing actions such as these to solve the problem aren’t the answer. It’s only causing an uproar and making things worse, and not only that but its offending how many people will be stopped based on their ethnicity, whether the officers will admit it or not. The way they are handling things isn’t write because while trying to find the illegal immigrants they attack legal ones that are just stopped because they “might” be illegal. Ignorant people such as Pearce say that immigrants are taking jobs from Americans and that billions of dollars are being on them. Can this man get any stupider? Does he not know that “immigrants have done nothing but contribute to this society especially to the economy…” (Isabel, 2010). Illegal immigrants pay taxes too and help stabilize the economy as well. All I would like to add is that Isabel is right; the issue of crime is separate from the issue of migration. Over all I’m completely against the new law because it have racial profiling written all over.
Keck, Kristi. "Will Others Follow Arizona's Lead on Immigration?" CNN Politics. CNN, 21 Apr. 2010. Web. 30 Apr. 2010. .
Jones, Russ. "Arizona Had to Take Charge on Immigration." CNN Opinion. CNN, 23 Apr. 2010. Web. 30 Apr. 2010. .
Alex Lopez
Per. 4
"Immigration law polarizes Arizonans." Web. 1 May 2010. .
"Arizona governor signs immigration bill." Web. 1 May 2010. <
So about this bill, I’d have to say that the reasons the police take to pull someone over and check their documents is fully racial profiling, but I’d have to say that I agree with the law’s purpose to get the illegal immigrants out of their state. This should be done in California too.
There are so many illegal immigrants just starting trouble in the states; doing drugs, killing, not giving a damn about their education. It’s those people that make me say that they should go back, at least the ones that don’t give a care about their lives. Like in school, what happened here a couple of years ago about the whole Mexicans vs Blacks thing; dude if you want to start a fight do that on the other side of the border. Another event is this all Mexican hood in L.A. I guess a Hispanic kid was shot in front of his dad and his buddies (I’m guessing all illegal immigrants since the news report said most of the people living their were illegal). Yah, well because of some sort of no snitch policy no one said a word, not even his friends who knew who shot the kid. It’s like if your not going to do any good in this country, go back home. The biggest thing for me though is education. Lots of people from a round the world come to America for it’s free education, but do a lot of people take this up? No, they don’t, they don’t even try in school, they fail and get “Fs”-Oh and half of them can’t even read.
I’m not saying that all illegal immigrants should go back, just the ones with bad profiles. For the ones that are taking life here by the horns to better themselves, let them stay and prosper into a better future.
Do I agree with Senate Bill 1070? Yes, wholeheartedly, but do I think there should be some exceptions to who goes and who stays? Absolutely positively.
The new law that the Arizona governor just passed in my opinion is not the correct way to go about solving the illegal immigration problem. I do believe that illegal immigration is a big problem in our country, and if you want to live in America you should be legally allowed to. We do need to find a solution to this problem that we are having. But i believe that this law will only lead to racial profiling. I do not think it is right to require all legal residents to carry around proof at all times. Others believe that
"the immediate fix for illegal immigration would be to secure our borders" (Jones 2010) Instead of worrying about the people already in our country we could be more careful of who come in to America.
Jones, By Russ. "Arizona Had to Take Charge on Immigration -" - Breaking News, U.S., World, Weather, Entertainment & Video News. Web. 01 May 2010. .
Kaitlyn Timmermans per4
I think this law should not be allowed. The governor said there will be training for police officers to make it seem like it is not racial profiling. I do not think this will work because when some one gets pulled over and get asked if they are illegal they will want to take it to court. I also think that cops always want an excuse to pull some one over so this law in Arizona will make it worse and bad for police officers. This law will make it bad for the state of Arizona. I think a lot of people might move out of Arizona because they might have families that are illegal. I also think that Arizona will lose a lot of money because of this law. A lot of people might not travel to Arizona that much anymore. All the hotels and restaurants and stores will have less people to buy there products.
-Keck, Kristi. "Will Others Follow Arizona's Lead on Immigration? -" - Breaking News, U.S., World, Weather, Entertainment & Video News. 21 Apr. 2010. Web. 01 May 2010. .
-Grinberg, Emanuella. "Immigration Law Polarizes Arizonans -" - Breaking News, U.S., World, Weather, Entertainment & Video News. 26 Apr. 2010. Web. 01 May 2010. .
I am one hundred percent on Ally’s side. America is in fact not a hotel the misfortunate to reside, freely. I believe that this law is done with the best intentions. I am so sick of hearing, what about rights for illegal aliens. THEY ARE ILLEGAL THEY DONT HAVE RIGHTS! Yes, I understand that they are human beings and they are in times of hardship, but that doesn’t mean that they have to drag me and my family down with them. If they are entering this country for their family's sake, then I will kick them out for my family's sake. Being an American citizen is not their right. It is a privilege, which they have to earn, by completing the process with the correct steps.
Davion B. expresses the fact that Arizona citizens have to carry around identification all the time. I made the same point too, but he also points out that racial profiling will begin. Intended or not it will develop in some shape way or form. That's what America has fighting ever since the civil rights protests finally won. Now this bill? Please, innocent people will be victims.
Kimberly B, or Kimberly Three in my odd vocabulary is totally against it, but I'm on both sides of the fence. The bill could work but it was presented in a wrong light. The senator didn't give a scale on how'd it work. I however am bothered and disgusted by how they put it to question the person. Anybody dark or with an accent will or could be a victim. Like I said before, wrong light.
Dawn McNulty made a good point when she said "While i think this bill was created and passed with good intent in mind, I feel it gives authorities too much freedom to potentially violate ones civil rights". This is basically what i was trying to say. Yes this bill was created for good reasons but now they have the right to question anybody on the streets and ask for their paper work by looking at the color of their skin. All this is going to do is cause anger in Arizona. I wouldn't be surprised if a lot of people started moving out of Arizona just to get away from this law.
I personally don't agree with Sean Cavenee in what he said. He said that this law is needed for the safety of the people of America. i think that it isn't only the immigrants that make crimes in this country. In fact, i think that their is more crimes committed by Americans because immigrants are trying to stay out of trouble so they aren't deported. In my opinion i think that the level of safety will remain the same even with less immigrants in Arizona and America as a whole. People see immigrants as criminals and other bad things which aren't true just get to know some then you will see they just come for a better life and good intents.
Tony Chavez
Per. 2
I agree with alex,like he said people say that its not racial profiling but thats just the way they made it look like by stoping you just because of the color of your skin to see if you are legal or illegal and i dont approve of this bill and i dont think its fair for the people in arizona. The immigrants arent doing anything wrong and americans see it like its suppose to be "safer and better" for there state. But i think it might cause some problems in there state because of this bill.
crystal p.2
I agree with lydia jones. Why are only Hispanics being discriminated, if they really want to fix this immigration problem they have to point out the other ethnicity's and the different colors of your skin.Because if a police officer see a white man driving, hes not gonna say "ohh he might be illegal." No hes gonna think that hes an American, when he can be a illegal immigrant from Europe. lydia made a great point and a eye opener for me.
juan oviedo
I agree with Kaitlyn Morales. We do need to do something about all this illegal immigration. Yet, not all of the illegal immigrants are from Mexico. However, Arizona is doing its part to help keep illegal immigrants out! I am not racist, I repeat, I am NOT racist. I just don't think we need anymore illegal aliens in our country. We have plenty enough of them.
I am going to have to disagree with Tony Chavez in his opinion that this bill is "ridiculous." Although i do not think this bill is the right way to go about illegal immigration. Many people consider it racial profiling which is why they are against it. In one of the videos i watched it said that police can not just pull over someone because they color of their skin, they must have reason to believe that they are illegal, or from my understanding already have done something wrong. I do think that many of the crimes come from the illegal immigrants. Tony says that people come to America to give their children a better life. I think if you really wanted to be a role model for your children and give them what is best then you should live in the united states the correct way. Becoming a legal resident should be a priority, and needs to be done in order to live here.
Kaitlyn Timmermans
per 4
EOP Jay States, " They are illegal, they don't have rights." Ok I agree to a certain extent. Because that is why some of the immigrants are comping over the the U.S. Besides trying to get citizenship. they are also wanting a better life with more rights! Some want to go through the process, this is what brings them here. The new law that was passed can be a good law if well informed. I don't necessarly think it's going to be a racial conflict. There are rules out there that have to be followed. I have nothing against it, and I am hispanic. One question I have that Davion Brown Comments on" DO Arizona citizens have to carry identification with them at all times." Does this mean kids, and teenager have to as well? That is something I would like to find out.. I am not againstt, nor for the new law. But I do think it will be a good law if not take advantage of. Due to this law, the state of Arizon will lose money adn activities won't be dont in the state. Something they will have to think about now.
After reading Pruthvi's opinion on this topic, I totally agree with him. To some people it is unethical by racial profiling people and to others it is a good thing so they could stop illegal immigration. The bill passed by the Governor of Arizona, Jan Brewer, is one issue that will never come to agreeable terms. People are going to be against it and people are going to be for it. People will not like the outcome if the try to establish another sort of bill or anything of that sort because it will cause a lot of turmoil as it did already. So, I agree fully on what he Pruthvi said.
Shawn Lacy P.2, Second Response.
I definitely have to agree with both sides of the argument. The side that persuades me more is Sean's side and how the goverment should be able to track down illegal immigrants. The citizens in America should be able to feel safe in their own country and not have to worry about illegal immigrants. I think it is fair that if someone does not have legal documents, then they can not stay in America. I do not know if this is the best way to solve this issue, but if it works then this is how it can start.
I would have to completely disagree with Ally’s point of view on this subject, yes America is not a “hotel” as she put it, and I do agree that illegal immigrants should be deported back to their original country of residence there should be a certain civilized and less harsh way of going about doing so. Yes this bill was done with good intentions but if a person commit’s a crime even if the intention was good and harmless its still wrong just how I feel this bill is wrong for the state of Arizona. Although we suffer from economic downfall everyday who does it really hurt by letting the few illegal immigrants work all the jobs that other lazy Americans would refuse to get, because if you think about it if all the Mexican laborers left I’m sure you wouldn’t see thousands of Americans rushing out to get field jobs left behind and work them for less than minimum wage. I say if we want to have stricter rules on deporting illegal immigrants that’s fine but lets not forget the first and foremost that the are human beings and every human being should be treated with respect.
I am responding to Lydia Jones’ opinion and I agree with her opinion to a certain extent. I agree with the thought that the police shouldn’t be able to just randomly ask people for papers just based on their appearance because that can lead to problems like feeling insulted because if someone that is legal gets asked for papers they can start problems for that reason. I do see how this can help the economy because the people that actually are legally here don’t have jobs in comparison to illegal people.
My response is to all those who have opposed the plan and sent there comment into this date. Now I understand the whole discrimination and racial profiling that may be caused due to this plan. However, we always fail to see both sides of situations. Why haven’t we truly tried to understand why the Arizona government has chosen to put out this law? Have we forgotten the dangers they face every day. They are suffering a great cost that decreases Arizona’s financial status as a state and is leading them into greater troubles. One person responded with, “What if it was happening in California.” I say it would be hard but truth be told we would know that our state government is trying to do something about this dividing and troubling issue. All Arizona’s government is truly trying to do is to protect its people now some people may suffer not saying they won’t, and this is always bad. However, them being a state government have to do what’s best for their state and not a certain people that’s why they make decisions and laws because we as people tend to forget about the whole and focus on the hurt. We have to hit reality and see that things have to be done to ensure preservation and advancement can occur in the state. Since the federal government keeps avoiding it or cannot establish a law to help, actions have to be taken for state to prosper. What would you do if your parents let people start living in your house and some of them not all but some started taking your space, your items, and clothing? When you look to your parents for help they act as if they can do nothing but close the front door, but more keep coming without permission now they just shrug at you when you ask, “WHAT THE HELL!” Now you tell me you would allow them to stay and wont guard your stuff or look for another way to help ‘Yourself’.
Chickenkoongoose is Ukpono Udi sorry i forgot to put my name.
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