In Class - Watch video clip: President Obama at the Republican Retreat - Baltimore, MD. Invited guest President Obama takes questions from the Republicans in a town hall format.
Homework - 100 survey responses due tomorrow. Bring these to class completed.
Video Link: -full video and transcript of President Obama's Republican Retreat Q/A.
Articles to check out:
QOW - Using the videos from above and the articles to respond to this week's QOW.
In his State of the Union Address from 1/27, President Obama outlined his agenda for 2010. "Let's meet our responsibility to the people who sent us here. To do that, we have to recognize that we face more than a deficit of dollars right now. We face a deficit of trust -- deep and corrosive doubts about how Washington works that have been growing for years." (Obama, 2010)
Citing specific evidence from the articles above and from the video, do you believe that Washington and our government can get past the partisanship and do what's best for the American people in 2010? Cite specific evidence (Bash et al, 2010) in your response by citing the author of the story and the year it was published. Your citations must be included in this week's question of the week to receive any credit.
This is due by Friday, February 5 by 11:59 pm.
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1. Keck, Kristi. "Obama's budget draws battle lines for weeks ahead." CNN (2010): 1. Web. 2 Feb 2010. .
Right now I have no answer on if we can get past the partisanship because from what I’ve seen so far from last year, people were so up their butts in the Republican party that Obama couldn’t get a lot of the things he wanted done. "Just days ago, the President met with House Republicans and stressed the need to work together on fiscally responsible policy, and though we are ready to heed the President's call, the budget proposal his Administration offered today does not fit that criteria," (Keck 1) These words came from a Republican. I believe that the Republicans are just trying, I mean trying, to find little itty bitty mistakes or problems so Obama can’t get things done and passed. Plus even though, Obama’s State of the Union speech addressed what he is going to do, it really doesn’t matter if the House and Senate don’t pass it. Oh, and since we now don’t have a filibuster proof senate, I really wonder what is going to happen. Can we come together for the greater good of the citizens, America? I truly don’t know, it’s up to the politicians to figure it out for themselves.
After a year of increasing polarization in Washington, Obama challenged Republicans to meet him halfway, suggesting that just saying no to Democrats isn't enough -- Republicans should offer alternatives. (Ed Henry, 2010) I believe that these two political parties are just trying to take the upper hand. They are not doing there job that they are suppose to do. They both need to work together to make change in the United States. From the looks of it the republicans are just saying no to everything, and not trying to propose something new to set an agreement. Also to me it looks like the two parties are just trying to say were better than you, or saying were right and your wrong. The parties need to come together and help out the citizens. Another thing is they should focus on one bill. Instead of multiple bills, because they just disagree on one and they just forget about it. Even though it was close to pass. I think they wont past the partisanship and do what's best for the American people in 2010, because they need to get along and help the people and not think of themselves.
Henry, Ed. "After pleading his case, where does Obama go now?" CNN, 28 Jan 2010. Web. 2 Feb 2010.
Fidencio Romero Per.4
I think that the government can get pass this partisanship, but the sad fact is that Obama has to be the one to take the mudslinging. Like for example at the Republican retreat Obama spoke to show he meant business about the bipartisanship, but they constantly bombarded him abusing the ability to question with excessive grilling (MSNBC TV). Obama must play the role to be the bridge to bipartisanship he can not show any bias but show much interest in compromise. This will be the way to start this action. The more they see this happens the more Republicans have no reason but to believe he is all for bipartisanship and helping make the right decisions approved by both parties and helps the people. Then Democrats have no choice but to follow in the footsteps of Obama, and ad head to the notions and arguments Republicans may have. They also will refrain from bombarding Republicans and look to be a use for the people. Now some show a compliance with Obama’s act to stop partisanship but have to stay true to their values and what they said they would stand for. For example, a statement was given saying, “As much as I'd like to be in the majority, my first obligation is to the people who elected me. And they deserve a government that can get things done. I am and have been willing to work with this president. But like my Republican colleagues, I must do so within the boundaries of the principles I promised voters to uphold (Chaffetz).” This shows the strength that Obama has started to pull and it should continue if they truly want to do what’s best for Americans.
-Udi Mac P.2
Obama's plan to break the constant "children act" aka partisanship is a tuff one and im sure he knows that. But it will be a great success for the white house and us as a country to stop pointing fingers at each other so much and actually getting some problems fixed. Obama's whole speech was point perfect and im not just saying that because hes black. he really is the greatest president we have ever had but again thats to early to say. obama says he wants "change" (obama1) so far there really hasn't been much change but i have faith in him. and other people who already doubt him need to give him a chance. just think about it hes only been in there for a year and a couple if days. it took the bush administration 8 years to completely ruin our country so give him some time to fix it.
In my honest opinion i dont think we will ever get past this partisanship. There is always going to be two opposite sides, either they agree or disagree, republican or democrat. Its never going to change. "Regardless of which party holds power, we all lose when government cannot move public policy forward".(Jason Chaffetz, 2010) This guy is a republican and he even believes that if the two dont work together our goverment will continue to suffer from them not agreeing on certain issues. Here is another example of why i don't think we will ever get past this partisanship. "Some humorous momements occured, such as when Obama detailed tax cuts in his first year, prompting just a smattering of applause from the democratic seating area. Nodding at seated and silent republicans, Obama said: 'I thought i'd get some applause on that one'(Bash et al, 2010) Although it was funny at the time i now realized that its really not. Its pretty sad that the Republicans cant even show a little support for the president. We aren't going to get anywhere because not everyone is going to agree with everything the president does. This is why i believe the goverment will not get past this partisanship.
I don’t think we will get past the partisanship. The two parties disagree very much. Republicans and Democrats are pretty much always going to disagree every time the president makes a speech. Both parties should come together and agree on something. “Regardless of which party holds power we all loose when government can’t move public policy forward.” (Jason Chaffetz, 2010) Obama is the president and people want to see a “change” (Obama 1). He is doing the best and trying to accomplish his tasks for this coming year. He needs more time; people should really give him a chance. I really don’t think the government will get past the partisanship.
I’m sure that everyone would love to get along, but the reality is that is simply not possible. It is wrong for people to simply oppose each other and discard their statements because of the political party they belong to, but the main issue is the difference of opinion and it is impossible for everyone to think the same way. “Some of you also joined Democrats in supporting a Credit Card Bill of Rights and in extending unemployment compensation to Americans who are out of work. Some of you joined us in stopping tobacco companies from targeting kids, expanding opportunities for young people to serve our country, and helping responsible homeowners stay in their homes.” (Obama, 2010). Obama even states that the Republicans were willing to support him when he is doing what they believe to be right, and Obama added troops to Afghanistan because he realized the republicans were right. So to say they always disagree is wrong but the parties do generally have opposing opinions, and sometimes they do unjustly discredit one another. “Now, Republicans offered a stimulus bill at the same time. It cost half as much as the Democratic proposal in Congress, and using your economic analyst models, it would have created twice the jobs at half the cost. It essentially was across-the-board tax relief, Mr. President.” (Congressman Pence, 2010). “…the kind of across-the-board tax relief that Republicans have advocated, that President Kennedy advocated, that President Reagan advocated and that has always been the means of stimulating broad-based economic growth?” (Congressman Pence, 2010).
But the President refuses to see the logic in this stimulus plan, although it has worked in the past with Kennedy, because Republicans brought the idea to the table. He states that he wants them to be just to one another but cannot do so himself, he is a hypocrite. But that is not to say that some republicans are doing the exact same thing to the democrats, it is wrong to do, but I honestly don’t think it will ever change. The only way to make them think alike is to force them, which is absolutely ridiculous.
Kaitlyn Morales
period 4
"Obama's budget draws battle lines for weeks ahead"
By Kristi Keck, CNN
February 1, 2010
The budget process is difficult by nature since Republicans and Democrats have different spending policies. Democrats generally believe that government should help solve the nation's problems, while Republicans see more government involvement as a problem.(Keck, 2010) On every subject the Republicans or Democrats will not agree and its okay. I think they wont stop disagreeing. The Republicans trying to find little things to attack the President. Politicians should come together and make decisions that will help our people, instead of saying Im right your wrong. Republicans should agree with the other side not just agree with the political party they are in. I think thats why any of the bills that the President does haven't passed because of the Republicans that disagree. Thats why its taking so long for change. I dont think we are ever going to get pass this partisanship.
“Regardless of which party holds power we all loose when government can’t move public policy forward.” (Jason Chaffetz, 2010) I believe that both parties are always going to disagree and might never come to a full compromise on anything. And i think that we will not ever get the partisanship. Both parties are so involved in what they want i think that they forget what the people want. All the discussions are going back and forth nothing is getting resolved.Someone is always finding something to argue about or to change.
Corina C.
1. Henry, Ed "After pleading his case, Where does Obama go now" CNN January 28, 2010.
"I realize that for every success story, there are other stories of men and women who wake up with the anguish of not knowing where their next paycheck will come from," Obama said. "That is why jobs must be our No. 1 focus in 2010, and that's why I'm calling for a new jobs bill tonight." In my opinion this is extremely well said, I'm glad Obama acknowledge the fact that even though the economy seems to be getting better, there are still people out there who need help. Many are still losing their jobs or simply have not been able to find jobs. But speaking on the topic of the partisanship issue I highly doubt that the Republican or the Democrats will ever join together, sure maybe on certain issues there can be some exceptions. As of now it doesn't seem like the two parties will ever agree when it comes to certain issues. People are always going to oppose on almost everything.
Gabby Ceravntes
period. 2
i think it will be great if our government and our country will stop pointing fingers. this really doesn't get us anywhere because we are always looking to see who is to blame for this. I have to agree with President Obama on how he said he wants "change" (Obama 1). It all starts from step one to start a change. Partisanship is some of the times a problem starter because everyone will start pointing fingers at each other. I think that Obamas change is going to happen but we just have to be patient about things because he still has a longs way too go and i have a lot of faithj in him that he will fix and change our country.
-Gustavo Sanchez
period 2
"Obama's budget draws battle lines for weeks ahead." CNN (2010): 1. Web. 2 Feb 2010. .
Well in my opinion i don't think we will get over it because nobody ever seems like they will ever be able to agree on anything. It sucks that people are so one sided or "strong minded" in a sense that they probably don't even want to bother hearing anybody elses opinion. Both parties need to suck it up and work together to get the things that need to be done..DONE. Its ridiculous that because of this, it seems like it slows the presidents job down. I also think they should stop trying to do so many things done at once. They need to work on one bill at a time and just get it done. It would make things so much easier!!
-Imari L.-
honestly, I don't think we will get past the partisanship the Democrats, and republicans share. This is like asking rival teams to get along. It would be a great thing if they can get past it and work together to solve some of theses great problems we are facing. It would be great if our government would stop attacking the apposing sides, and just get things done. This is something President Obama pointed out in his invitation with the Republicans. I wouldn't mind seeing this done.
I think there will be a chance that both parties can agree somewhat despite the comment from a republican, "We will never agree on everything." (Chaffetz, 2010) It my seem a bit unsure about them getting along but when things get worse they'll have to get along. That same republican doesn't think that he can help, "I can't help President Obama expand government entitlements and still keep my promise to limit the size and scope of government." (Chaffetz, 2010) Republicans seem to clash more with the president and his ideas then help, so I wish them a good luck because getting along seems to clash with their ideals when they should be doing their jobs.
Chaffetz, Jason."Chaffetz: We can work with
Obama." CNN (2010)
Web 5 Feb 2010
I hope I got that right.
Period 2, Brenda Gutierrez
There is just too much of a difference in the partisanships regarding government involvement and economical debates, it’s pretty obvious that theirs been nothing but petty bickering for centuries at a time and it was an honest attempt to fix the problem by asking for a bipartisan cooperation but until the clear definitions of each party change from, the Democrats generally believing that government should help solve the nation's problems, and with republicans believing that more government involvement would soon mess with the nation to the point where it could become a fascist state or a dictatorship then nothing will ever change. (Keck 1). A certain issue that clogs today’s debate is the current debate issue involving Obama’s budget for the year 2010 and the issues that will come following. (Keck 1)
Brian Navarro
Period 4
1. Keck, Kristi. "Obama's budget draws battle lines for weeks ahead." CNN (2010): 1. Web. 2 Feb 2010. .
"I realize that for every success story, there are other stories of men and women who wake up with the anguish of not knowing where their next paycheck will come from," Obama said. "That is why jobs must be our No. 1 focus in 2010, and that's why I'm calling for a new jobs bill tonight."(CNN,2010)...
I dont know if we can get past the partisanship. There has been so much going on about Obama not doing what he promised even though its barely his first year in office. So many people not agreeing what what he has done and what he is to do. I think the main priority of the United States government and the President is to get the economy better. The main thing is getting people jobs. Obama stated in the sppech that eh was going to pass a job bill that night. So many americans are here trying to live paycheck to paycheck. Trying to find a job that can at least feed their family. Many people aren't having enough money to pay their homes or their bills. In my opinion I think that the first step to a better economy is to get jobs for everyone who needs them.
Melissa Ortega
Period 4
I do not think our government can get past this partisanship and time soon. Our two separate parties have too many different wants and opinions to even think about coming together. I feel That Obama is facing hard choices trying to bring peace to both sides of government. No matter what decision has to be made there will always be two different sides who will argue over it. Weather the sides remain Democrat and Republican, this partisanship we have now will always exist. The most we can do is just listen to the other side of the story and their opinions, and hope we can be respectful to each others opinions. Obama said "I'm asking Republicans and Democrats alike to take a fresh look at programs they've supported in the past to see what's working and what's not, and trim back accordingly," (Obama 2010). He hopes that we can live together with and understand the choices being made in our country.
Partisanship, I think we will never get through it because there is always going to be disagreements between people. When we did the surveys I noticed that all of the people that I surveyed had different opinions about how Obama did in his first year of office. "Regardless which party holds power we all, loose when government cannot move public policy Forward."(Jason Chaffetz, 2010). This man who made this quote says that we will never get through partisanship unless we all work together and start agreeing.
"In order to meet this challenge, I welcome any idea, from Democrats and Republicans. What I will not welcome -- what I reject -- is the same old grandstanding when the cameras are on and the same irresponsible budget policies when the cameras are off." (Obama, 2010) I think President Obama is on the right track in wanting to merge and hear what the Republicans think. I think that Obama is making a big step towards making this huge separation extinguish. If the Republicans and Democrats put aside their popularity contest and work together, no matter which party is on the chair, they can get a lot done. I think they will realize this soon after they see that neither party is doing anything to improve American they will take down that invisible wall between them. They will disagree with many of the plans they want but that is normal because everyone thinks differently. If they do decide to work together then I think they will accomplish more. All I can do now is hope both parties start thinking smart and work together to find these problems a solution.
Tony Chavez
Per. 2
Yes, I do think that we can somehow get past partisanship but it doesn't seem like it will be happening any time soon, especially regarding the republicans and democrats. There will always be a disagreement since not everyone has the same opinion. Just like in our surveys, everybody had a different view on our economy and national debt, and if the 100 people we surveyed could not happen to agree on anything, than how will our government come to a solution that will please our whole nation? "In order to meet this challenge, I welcome any idea, from Democrats and Republicans. What I will not welcome -- what I reject -- is the same old grandstanding when the cameras are on and the same irresponsible budget policies when the cameras are off." (Obama, 2010) I think that president Obama took a big leap in his attempts to try and get past partisanship, let alone actually attending the Republican Retreat. It seems that he has realized that we cannot be divided and still expect our nation to just unfold itself from this hardship. "Even on the most controversial initiatives, on everything from health care to energy, there is middle ground." (Chaffetz, 2010) Both republicans and democrats need to put in equal efforts to achieve this middle ground because nothing can be achieved with them on opposite ends of the situation.
Jane Furdui
period 2
I don't think partisanship will ever diminish. Naturally, not everyone sees eye to eye, and those people considered somewhat "radical" that are on both sides, wont stand for the opposing viewpoint.It is an unfortunate thing, like Obama said it is a " Deficit of trust" (Obama10) Arguements would stir up and things would end up right back to how they were, and maybe worse.
jesus gomez
There have been many disagreements about President Obama's ideas on how we wants to change the economy and the world all together. Everyone has different opinions and it is impossible for everyone to be able to agree on one thing. Even though the Democratic party and Republican party do not agree on much, it can definitely be worked out. Somehow the economy is going to be put back to place and I think that will make most citizens civil. The Republicans have to be able to agree on disagreeing because the President is in charge and he is trying to do his best. "I am and have been willing to work with this president. But like my Republican colleagues, I must do so within the boundaries of the principles I promised voters to uphold" (Chaffetz, 2010). Everyone has their ideas and beliefs about the world and not everyone's ideas can be considered. Because Obama is in charge, I think we should be able to trust him on bringing us good things in the year 2010.
In a reality I don't see our government getting past their partisanship and, differences simply because it's been an ongoing debate since anyone could remember. "Just days ago, the President met with House Republicans and stressed the need to work together on fiscally responsible policy, and though we are ready to heed the President's call, the budget proposal his Administration offered today does not fit that criteria," (Keck 1). This is just a example of the ongoing pettiness that occurs between the political parties. I feel although both parties claim that they would be willing to negotiate a healthcare bill that would accommodate both parties they aren't really trying to consider each others interest's, because everytime each side proposes something there is always and negative comment by someone. "Regardless of which party holds power, we all lose when government cannot move public policy forward"(Jason Chaffetz, 2010). I agree with this statement, The sooner they decide to put their own personal opinions aside, and start thinking in the best interest of our countries people I feel it will be easier for both parties to make a decision about the healthcare bill, and what to do about unemployment.
-Dawn McNulty
per. 4
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