Friday, January 29, 2010

American Government 1/29/10

In Class - Discuss State of the Union (SOTU) Address.

Homework - Survey responses (100) due by Tuesday, February 2. Have these completed and bring these to class on Tuesday. QOW response (analysis of SOTU and Republican response is due on Monday, February 1 by 11:59 pm).


chickenkoongoose said...

Ukpono Udi
Gov. P.2
1/28/ 2010
State of the Union Response
In the state of the union speech Obama first stated what would be the most important issue, and to most people’s surprise it was jobs. He said that he wanted to help create more jobs. He stated how he understood the faults that have caused our downfall and insists that he will lay a new foundation of economic growth. He talked about the bank bailout and how the money given back will go into restoring small businesses. He hopes to help give small businesses a boost to stay afloat against big businesses. He talks about the new plan that will create jobs for our economy. Next he talks about our economic reforms.
First up was the financial reform. He asked the congress to come up with a financial reform bill and he would veto it until it really showed the potential to change our financial status. Next he stated the bill that will be passed on energy efficiency and clean energy. Calling for building new power plants for safe energy and air, and building new oil taps for cleaner oil. This in turn will give more jobs to the people. He said we need to also export more goods and our exportation rate will double in the next 5 yrs. The Next subject was the renewal of the education Act. He stated we need to invest in the improvement of schools to give every student a world class education. This will be the only way we can create a better life for the next generation. The next subject was Healthcare though this was his strongest issue before elected he briefly touched on it. He basically said that we need to work on affordable health care for small businesses to be able to get, and for those who cannot afford. He also said that he is not aborting this issue but embracing the problem and knows that the congress will work together, both republican and democrats, to reform it. He also says that anyone who has a great idea to resolve the health care reform issue he would gladly accept and review it.
The next issue was Federal problems he began saying that our spending in the last year has increased and caused financial upsets. To address this problem he called for a suspension of federal spending starting in 2011 and lasting 3 yrs. He then goes on about the division in the parties and asked for a Bipartisanship fiscal plan. The parties should no longer prolong necessary actions he says because it only hurt the citizens. This cannot be allowed because he feels they must invest in the people. He also said the pay as you go law should be restored. The last part of this subject was that we must exclude all lobbying and lobbyist by disclosing all operations and deeds done by lobbyist. For example before making congressional votes they must post a video of all requests online.
The next subject was foreign policies. He starts this off by saying we must do what it takes to protect and give hope to our nation and forget about the rest. He acknowledges we have sent 30, 000 more troops, but it is to train Afghani security so we can be out by 2011. He says he has every hope to end the war, and promises all troops to be out of all foreign countries by the end of his term. He then talked about reforming military plans to better support military families. Last he states the biggest problem of this subject Nuclear Arms and stated that USA and Russia have resigned the Arms at rest Treaty. Also those who disagree with this “arms to rest” will be isolated and will soon suffer from it. Then he begins his last subject, before his “let’s unite America conclusion, with the statement, “America must always stand on the side of freedom and human rights.”
This last subject was human rights he said we must work to fight the, “Don’t Ask Don’t Tell,” law and allow gays the right to be in the military. Another issue is to reform Equal Pay Laws for women to be treated fairly. Last but not least is to fix the broken Immigration Laws to allow America to have the fine immigrants this nation was built on to boost and better our economy for the next generation.

chickenkoongoose said...

Ukpono Udi
Gov. P.2
Republican Response
The Republican response to Obama’s State of the Union address was given by Virginia Governor, Bob McDonnell. It wasn’t a trashing Obama speech nor was it criticizing on the past year speech. What it was, was a speech telling Obama that he cannot make decisions generally for they don’t always follow or appeal to every state. He was basically saying that state government governs best. He also wanted Obama and Democrats to stay true that we’ve stayed away from some things that are absolutely important. However, he showed that he was in compliance with Obama in the sense of hope, but had views on issues that should be met. There were some differences like Health care for example, but he feels that he will help congress handle that issue correctly. Overall it was a good 10 minute speech he represented himself and his state well, and talked about his state’s necessities.

eliziel said...

In the state of the union Obama talked about what he wants to do and I was expecting for him to talk about the health plan but instead he talks about the unemployment problem and I was like well okay even better we have thousands of people competing with each other for jobs and we need to fix the unemployment problem. That was his first topic. I also found his last topic quite interesting about the immigrants there is a lot of immigrants who have so much of a hard time finding jobs that some even go back to their countries and they came here on the first place to live a better life but can't even get a job and I think that sucks I would hate to be in their shoes. I know someone who said to me that the reason we don't have jobs for people is because of the immigrants taking up the jobs for American citizens and then I told him you know what you do have a reason but just know this country came to be BY IMMIGRANTS your ancestors were immgrants then he just stayed quiet so I really want to see what happens with his last topic

arisbel said...

State of union response
In the state of union speech Obama states of whats going on with america.He first talks about how that there is going to be plenty more jobs.He also talks about that the taxes are going to increase.And finally he states the economy crisis.In like 30 mintues into the speech he states that if the healht care bill should pass.He also talks about how many troops are going to take to afghanistan.He talks about the new plan that will create jobs for our economy.I thought that he would talk more about the health care but instead he talks more about unemployment issues.Over all it was a good speech i learned more about what was going on.It was a good speech.

Anonymous said...

Obama stated that the most important issue this year would be improving the economy in order to create new jobs and in order to fix the corruption within the white house in order to lay down a new foundation of economic growth and bipartisan cooperation. His prologue to his main subjects involved; the bank bailout and his intents on using the cash to improve small business, and his hopes of creating a new plan that will create future jobs for the economy, His first subject was financial reform. He stated how financial reform was something used to improve the way of life for all Americans and just to help us keep our positions in government, stating that he’d veto any attempt made to worsen the situation. He also informed us more on other bills stating that we needed to renew the education act, and to improve our exportation rate in order to double in the next 5 years for us to improve our economy. The next subject was healthcare though this was his strongest issue before elected he briefly touched on it. He stated that we needed to work on affordable health care for smaller businesses in order to be able to afford it. His greatest suggestion in this matter was that we shouldn’t abort the issue but to embrace the problem and suggest that congress works together. Hopefully that republican and democrats stop bitching and work together. Finally stating that he’d be glad to accept any health care reform idea given by any person from any party. The next issue was federal problems, be began with stating that we had spend way to much and that it was messing up the economy, to attempt to fix this problem he stated that he wished for a spending freeze starting in 2011 and lasting about 3 years. He also stated that they should work for a bipartisanship plan so that the parties don’t start fighting each other once again because it is really bad for the people. He said that this cannot be permitted cause they must do their work for the people and not for themselves. He stated that the pay as you go law should be restored, and that the last part of this subject was that we must remove all lobbying and lobbyist by informing everyone of the operations and deeds done by lobbyists. The next subject was foreign policies, he stated that we must do what it takes to give hope to our nation and to forget about the rest. He also acknowledged that we have sent 30,000 more troops, it is also to train the Afghanistan security so that we can be out by 2011. He is hoping that we hope to end the war, and promised all troops to be removed from foreign countries by the end of his term. Then he spoke about fixing military plans to help support the veterans even more than usually. Also stated that the nuclear Arms and hoped that the USA and Russia had resigned the arms at America conclusion, with the statement, “America must always stand on the side of freedom and human rights”. Last subject was the human rights, he stated that “Don’t ask don’t tell”, law and allow the gays to be allowed into the military, another grand issue was to reform equal pay laws for women to be treated fairly. Hopefully the last thing was to break immigration laws to allow America in order to have the fine immigrants this nation was built on to boost and better our economy for the next generation.
Brian Navarro
Period 4:

Anonymous said...
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Anonymous said...

Republican Response:
The response was made by the Virginia governor, Bob McDonnell, a man who honestly sounded like a bit of a moron though his speech really didn’t trash Obama’s state of the union nor did it criticize the past year speech. What it was though was a speech stating that Obama couldn’t really make decisions so generally for they don’t always follow through or everyone doesn’t always agree with this. He also stated that state government was best and that he wanted Obama nad the democrats to start cooperation more with the republicans and that he wants the republicans to show compliance with Obama in the sense that most issues were met with applause by them except Health care and that he hopes that congress will soon fix the issue. Pretty good speech in a way.
Brian Navarro
Period 4:

ImariL14 said...

My response to Obama's speech is that we been as a country making and finding ways to help our country grow. His plan for unemployment and the actions to help our economy or managable as of those who or rich or money comes easy to take cuts. The stop of tax on certain things. Although those who make money who are not affected by the hardship of not having a job or what not will not like this. And as with they statement alot of statements have been said that they think this is not a helpful hand. What more is there to do. There been other plans that were said to help and they did but at the same time they didnt. The affect of what the president said are said now we must wait for the outcome.

Anonymous said...

In the State of the Union Address, I felt Obama didn't quite do what I thought he would do but was still very smart about it. He basically went through and explained that, we as a people must face these trying periods and band together as a nation to succeed. That this is the greatest country on earth and nothing can bring us down. He also brought up that politically, we need to unite as one word and in my opinion. He took shots at both Democrats and Republicans, while defending a few of the decisions he made. He also proposed a few Bills, one in particular being the new jobs Bill. Which is where he was smart, we all thought he would drone on about Healthcare but he instead listened and switched his focus to what the american people feel is most important. All in all, I'm satisfied with Obama's future plans and think 2010 will definitely be a better year for the USA.

Anonymous said...

The people expected Obama to talk about Healthcare. Obama instead mentions the topic of unemployment and how big of a problem it has become. He said he wants to help create more jobs. Obama talks about the new plan that will create jobs for our economy. People are also competing with one another to get a job. Being in war has damaged the economy badly and changes need to be made to help fix things. He also talks about that the taxes are going to increase, and also states the economy crisis. Over all the speech was good, I agree that unemployment has become the number one issue in the United States and something needs to be done before things get worse.
Carolina Tinajero
Period 2