Tuesday, January 26, 2010

American Government 1/26/10

In Class - Group work: Mini-Project on public opinion survey. Before you leave class today, you need to give me a list of your group member's names. All questions must be approved by me. I want these responses completed by Monday, February 1.

Homework - Start working on gathering your survey responses.

Question of the Week (2) - By 3:00 on Wednesday, January 27 post an intial comment predicting the topics President Obama will be addressing in his State of the Union Address.

On Wednesday night, watch the president's speech live including the Republican Party's response (immediately following the speech), or you may view it via a video link on this blog. In your comment, refer to the following questions: What specific topics did Mr. Obama address? What solutions to ongoing problems did he present? In essence, summarize his main points using specific details in your response and write a short response to his speech.

Also, I want you to comment on the response from the Republican Party: Identify the speaker and comment on his reactions to President Obama's address.

The first post is due by Wednesday, January 27 by 3:00 pm (post this on the 1/26 blog post). The second response is due by Monday, February 1 by 11:59 pm (post this on 1/27 blog post).


ramon castaneda 4th period said...

In tomorrows state of the union speech i think president Obama will be talking about the war in iraq and afghanistan. I think he will be talking about what he wants to do about the war. I think he is going to talk about sending more troops to help the ones that are already there and are in need of assistance. i think he will also talk about health care and when he will try to pass it. I also think that he will address the economic problem in the U.S and how he will try to fix it. The biggest topic i think he will talk about is the war. The war is affecting so many people right now like the families of the troops. it will affect more people if we pull them out of the war. that is my prediction on what President Obama might address in the state of the union speech.

HorH@y said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
HorH@y said...

In tomorrow’s speech that Obama will be making I think he will be talking a lot about the economy more than anything. This is what most American family’s want to fix and wanting more jobs so they are able to support there family’s and make a decent living. I also think he will make some statements on the war, health care and the huge topic that has just started is the quake in Haiti. I also think he will make remarks on how people think he has been a bad president when it has only been a year. People should understand that it takes much longer than a year to fix these kinds of problems especially now with all of the problems he has to worry about in Haiti, Afghanistan, economy, health care and terrorist attacks.

George Gallardo
Period 2

kelleyhobbie said...

During Obama's state of the union speech, I think a lot needs to be discussed. The issues of the economy have a lot to do with America and it is affecting everyone right now. He will probably also talk about the War in Afghanistan and how he is going to handle it. I think he will continue to bring up the 30,000 troops that will be sent and his plan on ending the war in 2011. Another big issue right now is whether or not health care will be approved. There are so many issues to be discussed and I hope President Obama is ready to put them under control in this next year.

chickenkoongoose said...

Tomorrow Obama, in his state of the union speech, will address the priorities of our nation and what course and schedule we will follow. I predict that Obama will first talk about the year and rebirth faith in the people that what he is doing will be and is beneficial. Then he will finalize the objective we have on the war on terror. Also he will elaborate on what will be done in the war in this new year, as well as for how long. He will then discuss the economic problems and state the actions the government will take to fix them. He will talk about our national security and the steps that will be taken to ensure that each agency is in compliance with one another. Then he will begin to speak of his stimulus plan, Health care, unemployment, and even education. Lastly he will re address that he and the government are and will be united to bring America back from its ruff times.
-Udi Mac

Anonymous said...

Tomorrow, in his state of union address, I think Obama will be talking about all issues, as he is supposed to that. But as we know that all this long his main emphasis has been on Health Care, so he might also clear us on that. But now I think he has moved his focus on economy too, so he might bring out some ideas to strengthen the economy. And that is exactly what he is supposed to do right now, because each and every American is waiting for that to happen. He is not just supposed to try, but he is supposed to do that for sure, as he is the President. Well yes, we can't put pressure on him that he should solve the issues overnight thinking that,"Oh he is the President, that's what he is supposed to do." But rather we should believe in him. Yes the promises he made are not fulfilled as yet, but we should be sure he can do it. Apart from that he will also clear himself on the strategies on both the wars. He will outline everything clear to us, and he will surely revive the hope in all Americans, about everything. And personally, I am sure that he will accomplish of whatever he has promised. And we should all be hopeful too.

AmberK said...

In tomorrow's State of the Union Speech, I think President Obama will be discussing, of course, the war, and what he plans to do about it in the next 3-7 years. Also, what he has done with the War so far, and when he really plans on bringing our troops home. I think he will also be making some statemnts on our Economy, and again, what he plans to do about our Economies crise, and our lack of jobs and such. Also, I think he will be talking a little about Haiti, and what we are going to do to help.
Amber Jackson.

cory909 said...

During Obama's state of the union speech, I think he will be discussing a lot. I think that he will be talking about new jobs for the economy. Talking about health care if it will or will not be approved. He might also talk about the banking industries. He will also bring up the war in Afghanistan. I think that he will mention the amount of troops that are suppose to be sent off to fight in the war.
Corina C.

Fidencio Romero said...

I believe president Obama will be talking about the economy mostly. The economy is probably the main concern today, because its what people want fixed. Then again there is also the debate about healthcare. Obama will also talk about sending more soldiers to Afghanistan to help stable there government. Also about his strategy to get soldiers out by 2011. Another main topic he will talk about is the tragedy in Haiti and how we should help out. Obama will also talk about how we can improve our safety from future terrorist attacks. Also how close we were to another incident with the December attack. He will probably be focusing on how he is going to handle these issues in the united states. Obama has a lot to talk about but what I wonder is if he is going to take action right away to fix these problems.

Fidencio Romero Per.4

bRiDgEt said...

Tomorrow Obama, in his inaugural speech,I predict that he will talk about the crisis,the war,economy,and also health care. I think that Obama will start off talking about his first year as a president. How he felt,and the things that happened during his year and what he would've of like to change. Then from their he will talk about the crisis that we are in. He will probably say what we can overcome it if we all collaborate and have patience. He would probably say that the crisis are strong,however America is also strong and we can overcome it as we have before. Then secondly he will talk about the war. On what he thinks about it and his planes for the war. Also how we are doing in the war and how long do we plan on staying their. He will also maybe bring up the amount of troops that he is planning to send. Then maybe try to change people's perspective on the war. He can maybe explain the reason why we are still their and that we are there to help ourselves from being attack from them as well. Obama will try to explain us that the terrorists are getting stronger but our sprits of our troops can are stronger,because they are willing to help others out. Then thirdly he will talk about the health care. He will probably say how health care is too costly. However he still wants to help out those people that really need it. Finally,he will emphasis more in our economy. He will discuss the economy problems that we are having as far as today and what the government and us can do to fix it. Although I predict that he will also bring up education and the unemployment that we have. He will discuss what he wants to do,so everyone can have a job once again. Lastly but not least he will also bring up Haiti. I think that he will bring up Haiti because,Haiti is a place that need our help. Also because he might want to do some thing big to help out the people from over their. At the end he will re address on what him and the government are going to do to bring America back from this tough times.

Bridget Fuentes
Period 2:)

Leo said...

I think that on tomorrows State of Union Speech, the president Obama will be talking about the health care, if it will be apruve or not. He will be talking about the economic on are country. That he will be telling the plans that he has to help the economic. The biggest issue that I think, he will take more time talking is on the wars, the Iraq and Afghanistan. He will be telling about how mare many troops he will send to Afghanistan and that they will never, but never give up until they win the war. Also that president Obama will be talking about the earthquake on Haiti. That we have to help them, because they need help. He will be giving some telephone number or something were u could go or call to help them. That what I think Obama will be talking at the State of Union Speech.

Leo Cabanas per:4

OrionPax said...

The biggest thing he's going to be talking about is the war in the middle east. He needs to decide whether or not to stay, and take our financial situation into consideration. The next thing will be the economy. We might hear more about the spending freeze you mentioned earlier. The third biggest thing has to be health care. I personally think he'll postpone it until we're better equipped.

OrionPax said...

katie s. Per2

LyDia:) said...

I think in his speech tomorrow president Obama will discuss the economy, the health care reform, and address the war. In relation, to the war clearify whats going on with the troops and what hopefully are last measures to finally ending this. In addition, it would be nice if he goes more in depth with what is wanting to be done and the positive and negitive effects the health bill all bring. However, I am mostly concerned with him talking about the economy and if this state of astounding unemployment betters. He will probably as well speak of the distructive earthquake in Haiti and what we as Americans can do to unite and help those in need. That is what I anticipate his speech will cover.

Lydia JOnes

SLacy222 said...

Tomorrow, President Obama will address his State of the Union speech and he will be discussing many issues concerning this country. President Obama will discuss his plan for stabilizing our economy and how he is going to get us through this recession. He will also say how he is going to take care of the health care plan and how he can make it available for everyone to obtain. Then, he will talk about our strategy of stopping terrorism in the middle east. These topics that I said about is what I think he will address in his State of the Union speech.

Shawn Lacy

Mukuria15 said...

One of the predictions I can make of Obama addressing in his speech is the health care bill. That subject has been a colossal problem in his first term in office. It was supposed to be the first thing he wanted to get done, but with the opposing support of the Republican Party, it doesn’t seem that it will get passed. Even Nancy P. (I think that’s her name) said that there are not enough votes to let it pass anyway. A second thing that he will probably address is the Afghanistan war. I know that he already said what had to be said when he gave that speech for the thirty thousand men leaving to war, but just because he said it then, doesn’t mean we don’t need to hear it again. The people of the United States have been divided on that subject with hearts against it and for it.
Like honest Ab said, “A house divided against itself cannot stand,” and that’s true. Obama’s first term in office has had many setbacks and many suck-y situations, and that is not his fault, but the people’s; the Republicans and everyone who fights against his decisions for a greater good. Until we can come together as whole, only then can this land once again prosper, and that is what I think he’ll say in his speech. We need to regain that hope that we once had because that is the only way “change” can come into effect.

Katie T. said...

In President Obama's speech, I am predicting that he will be talking about the Afghanistan War. He will be telling us what his plans are exactly and his reasons for them. He will probably also spend a lot of time on our economy and health care. In my opinion our economy is America's biggest problem right now. Our nation's debt coincides with some peoples views on whether or not we should be at war. Maybe Obama will tell us something about how we can keep trying to afford this war we are in. He also made certain promises to the American people regarding health care. Many people are growing impatient with this promise that still goes on unresolved. I also think Obama will talk about some of his choices he has made in the past and try to reassure the people for the ones he is about to make.

Kaitlyn Timmermans Per 4

arisbel said...

In tomorrows state of union speech I belive that Obama will taliking about the war.He will also be talking about how many troops he needs to get in war.The only thing that Obama would really be talking about is afghanistan.He will say that how many troops he send,also that he has a plan to end war in 2011.I just basically think that towards the end of his disscusion he will talk about the economy that we are in.He is going to say that he has done a lot for america when he has not done much.But he will say that he is going to try to fix the economy.But that right know the most important thing is the war in afghanistan.He has said that about the economy that he is going to fix it but in reality he has not even tryed to fix it.Thats my prediction towards the speech for tomorrow.
-arisbel miranda per 4-

aLeX said...

The topics that President Obama will most likely be addressing in his State of the Union Address are the dilemmas we are presented with today, such as Afghanistan, the economy, the health care issue, and terrorism. These are all topics I consider very important, and which is why I predict these will be topics touched by Obama. He needs to input most of his interest on these so that he can try and come up with a solution. First, I think that he will speak about his experience so far and how he has dealt with things. Secondly, he will address the Afghanistan topic as well and terrorism, and try and convince us why he is sending 32,000 more troops. Thirdly, he will probably mention how it is necessary to send more in order to bring back all of our soldiers. Of course, due to this topic he has to bring up the economy because sending more troops into Afghanistan will be costly for us. Fourthly, due to how our economy is right now he needs to really convince us he will do something to make things better, because we just keep paying the price of the war. This war is only messing with our lives, in my opinion, so there is no point in staying, but I believe Obama will try and change people’s point of view about the necessity of sending more troops into the war. He will also most likely explain why we are at Afghanistan to make us being there seem reasonable, also because it allows us to have some control over there and over terrorism. Most likely he will bring up the fact of why we have to help those in need, since its something we have always done when dealing with protecting the weak, and stopping terrorism. Lastly, the health care issue will have to be brought up, because it is something that will affect everyone in the long run, some in a positive way and others in a negative way. These are all the topics that I believe Obama will touch due to the level of importance I believe they are.

Alex Lopez
Per. 4

Anonymous said...

During Obamas speech I think he will address how his Healthcare plan is going to work. Since a lot of people are questioning him and how much money he spent on that. The state of the economy, which is the main issue right now. Everyone's trying to find jobs and not just any jobs, jobs that will pay the rent and give them money left over to eat. He will probably mention Hati and that they will not be a lone in this trying period of time, also how it's our responsibility to aid them. He will definitely be touching in detail about the war, what's going on, why were still there. Trying to put some of America's citizens minds at ease. Finally, I think he's going to reinforce some of the promises he made last year and explain why some are taking longer than others to fulfill, all the while making new ones to fit this years issues.

Davion B. said...

In todays state of the union speech i believe that President Obama will be adressing on what he plans to do for the year of 2010 and what he accomplished in the year of 2009.I think he will talk about ways to help stablize and improve our economny, the war in afghanistain, what he plans to do to help out the people in haiti, education for people in the united states, health care, ways to open up jobs for everyone, how he plans to stop terriorst attacks from happening in the united states, and we might also hear about this so called "spending freeze". There will most likely be a lot for Obama to talk about, but the most important thing to me is about the war in afghanistan. Its having such a huge effect on not only me but everyone in the United States. Its emotionally affecting someone because they are either losing family members, friends, cousins, uncles, dads, aunts, moms because of the war and its sad to see it and hear about people getting killed over there in the war. Its also physically effecting people. There are no jobs for anyone. Which in turn makes it difficult to pay bills and support a family. Even if they do have a job they are living paycheck to paycheck. That is what i think President Obama will talk about it today in his speech. Hopefully he addresses everything I pointed out and more if possible.

-Davion Jusaee Brown Period 2nd

Anonymous said...

I think that in today's speech the president Obama will be talking about most of the issues that the people are most concerned about like the war in Afghanistan, the economy but the most important in my opinion will be Health Care. Many people don't agree with the goverment giving away free health care and not paying at all, so many people are upset and they are asking for the goverment to reconsider this choice.
The second most important issue would be the war in Afghanistan many people are arguing about the president sending 30,000 more troops to that country and disagree with him, i think that those two will be the main points of this speech.
Noemi Figueroa Per. 2

lizz said...

In today’s state of the union speech I think President Obama will be discussing many things. With these things the war in Afghanistan and in Iraq is included. He might also speak about the problems with healthcare and our economy. Also, he might talk about the things that he will try to do to lower unemployment rates. Another one of his subjects might be the crisis in Haiti and how we can help. -Elizabeth lozano

eliziel said...

I think that obama will be talking about several issues that we have going on right now in the United States.For example one major issue I think he will talk about is our war with Afghanistan and Iraq. The others will be about the economy and health care.I think that he will be talking about the war more because it is hurting us economically and it is hurting those families who have lost their beloved sons or whatever fighting for us.

gabby. said...

In the State of the Union speech tomorrow, I assume that Obama would of course mention all the issues our country is going through. He will talk about Health care, which I'm personally looking forward to hear what he has to say about the issue. I also believe he will talk about the war In Afghanistan. I believe he will adress more information about our troops heading overseas. He will also talk about a pretty serious issue which is of course, the economy. I'm hoping he has nothing but good things to say about it, and that he will have a plan for us in the near future. I think Obama really needs to be cut some slack, sure it may not feel like he has not done much but he has a ton in his plate. I'm sure his speech will be pretty good, I'm looking forward to it.

Gabby Cervantes.

Kimberly Becerra said...

In today’s state of the union speech I think president Obama will be talking about may issues that are occurring now. I think he will talk about the war in Afghanistan, and the troops. I also think he will talk about healthcare for the people who need it. Obama might also address more about the war, security against terrorism. I predict Obama’s speech will also include talking about jobs and trying to establish the economy. There are so many issues that need to be discussed. Hopefully President Obama will talk about these issues and try to control them.

kaitlyn m said...

America has its hands full with political issues, and President Obama is sure to discuss what he believes to be the solution of these issues. He is bound to bring up the economy because many families are suffering and being the president it is up to him to find a solution to this crisis. He will also probably speak of his health care plan, and make it appear to be a good thing, although it is just socialism and will actually hurt the majority of Americans. The war is another issue he will most likely speak of because it is a tender issue in America, so he will probably talk about his plan to have the troops home by June of 2011. Obama might talk of other minor issues, but these major issues will most likely be the bulk of his speech.

Kaitlyn Morales
period 4

*julie* said...

in president obama's state of union speech today i think some of the topics he'll discuss are; the health care industry, the war in afghanistan and iraq, haiti,the sending of more troops into the war,money,education,unemployment, banks,foreclosures,and the economy in general.maybe he'll talk about WAY more things then theses but my guess is the these might be some of the most talked about topics.

<3julie monoroy<3 .... per.4

Anonymous said...

During today's speech, I think the president will bring up four major issues in the US. First off I'm pretty sure he'll talk about the war and how much we needed the troops deployed. Secondly he'll talk about how he plans to change health care in the US. Thirdly I believe he'll say something about how he plans to change the economy and how we need to hold on and be patient. Fourthly I believe he should talk about the immigration problem and what he hopes to do about that. Overall I look forward to listening to what he has to say.

Anonymous said...

Forgot to post my name along with it. Kenton Goodburn Period 4

OmgPerkins said...

The biggest topic that I believe president Obama will talk about, is the war in Afghanistan. I'm sure he will talk about all the troops he will send over there to try to "assist" or "speed-up" the process of this war. He will probably say that we are "making progress" in the war, and how we need to send only ANOTHER 30,000 troops over there. Anyway, I'm sure he will also talk about the health issues that we are having HERE in America. He will most likely also talk about making new jobs and how unemployed people will have a shot at more jobs. And I'm sure he'll talk about how he will fix our economy, since it's in a very bad state. These are my assumptions on what Barack Obama will talk about, during his speech.

a said...

I think that in Obamas speech today he will definitely be talking about the war in Afghanistan. He will probably go more into depth about his plan and time line of bringing home our troops by 2011. I think another thing that Obama will talk about will be about the economy and unemployment. Maybe he will have some new plans and ideas on how to help our economy right now. He has a lot to talk about, for example, he will most likely bring up the tragedy in Haiti and discuss the things that we can all do to help out. It is a new year so, in Obamas speech, he will bring up all his plans an ideas he has for this upcoming year. Another thing that I am pretty sure Obama will bring up and talk about in his speech will be Health Care, and his plans on how to pass it and when he will.

Amy On
Period 4

Anonymous said...

I think that Obama is going to talk about many issues today. The first, I think is going to be about healthcare and the economy. Then, I think its going to be about the war and its plans. The most important issue I think is going to be the War because it is responsible for many issues in the U.S. another topic he can talk about can be Haiti. I think this can be an issue that can be mentioned during his speech. Finally, he may include different security checks that are going to be established in airports.
Tony Chavez
Period 2

brenda g 106 said...

I think that the president will the problem of the crippling economy caused by the war and the spending there. The war will be an obvious topic, a hot topic also being on the wrong side of people. I think that he will also talk about jobs, which there are very limited of with America being in recession. I think he'll most likely talk about the major issues we have to deal with.
Another one is health care, of course health care. The issue that has dangerously dwindled down leaving families struggling. Heath is important and it has risen to high prices to pay for it. Health care, the war and the economy will be the three greatest subjects I think he'll talk about.

Sean C said...

There are a plethora of problems in the present U.S. for Obama to choose to discuss. Though there are many problems that he has to choose from to discuss I feel he will mainly talk about the was and the economy. The war because it is a very controversial issue in the present times and sending more troops has dinged quite a few peoples opinion of him. I feel the majority of his speech will be discussing the economy. He might say a few words about why he feel the economy has become what it is today and I feel he will mainly talk about his plans for fixing it. Mostly he will tell us how he plans to get people into jobs and help them to get back what we once had as a great and proud nation.

Sean Cavenee P:4

DawnMcNulty said...

Because America has alot of situations and, crisis to deal with right now I think president Obama will mainly be touching on the most dramatized subjects right now, including: the crisis in Haiti, our current economic situation, his plan to have troops out of Afghanistan by 2011, and his plan for health care in America. But in my own opinion I feel that the president should also address the problems that are no longer as "popular" to people as they once were like education in America, and immigration.

Dawn McNulty

alex_silva4 said...

In tonight's State of the Union speech, I would think President Obama will talk about the future of our war in Afghanistan. He is probably going to tell us when they will be coming home, and how many may be going over there. Another think might be health care, that is one of the most important topics right now and everyone wants him to do something about it. This is a little of what i think our President will address tonight. I cant wait to watch it.

alexm said...

In the state of the union speech, i think that Obama will be talking mostly about the economy. The economy is one of the biggest issues for Americans. I also think that he will talk about health care reform and the war in Afghanistan.

xX*KR3W*Xx said...

in today's state of the union i think president Obama is going to talk about more of our down economy. i know for that he is going to talk about the war and our troops. he might also talk about his first year in office. i think he going to bring up more issues that he will like to fix but at the same time will not forget about our issues now. finally he is going to talk about Haiti.

-Gustavo Sanchez P.2

crystal said...

In tonight’s state of the union speech I think president Obama will be talking about what he plans on doing for the war and what will be happening if we end up sending more troops or if we bring them back home. And maybe on how we could try to improve thing that are happening out in Afghanistan. Because this war is effecting us and our economy. A lot of things need to be discussed in tonight’s speech. And whatever he might say tonight I am sure that he will be able to accomplish it.

period 2

Missa.. said...

In tonights state of the Union speech I think that President obama will talk about alot of issues going on right now. I think that the main issue will be the war in Afghanistan. He might also talk about our economy and how bad its getting. He might give out solutions and plans and help California get out of debt. President Obama might also talk about the catastophe that happened in Haiti. There are so many topics to talk about but those are the ones I think that the president will speak mostly about.
Melissa Ortega
Period 4

sues said...

I think that Obama will talk about the wars in Aghanistan and Iraq, and about his decision about sending more troops. I also think he'll bring up healthcare reform. He'll probably mention some of the thing's he promised that didn't come through.

sues said...

Jesus Gomez

Chocolate_thunder_shari92 said...

the state address that obama is about to give is mostly gonna cover the economies status. hes probably going to mention about his health care plan and also speak about the deficit spending that we have been doing for some time now. and lets not forget that he will talk about the war, thats just a done deal.

Anonymous said...

In a matter of minutes, Obama will be making a speech in which I believe he will be starting out with Haiti. He then will continue on ways to improve the economy which is a highly controversial subject these days in America. He will then probably continue on with more information about his 30 thousand soldiers to Afghanistan War plan and then follow on about how disappointed he was that the health care reforms completely failed and of how we need to improve America’s defenses in case of future terrorist attacks… I also think he’ll attempt to defend himself against all the people that declared he was a bad president when it has only been a crappy year. I imagine hell make a comeback with a statement such as, “it’ll take years to fix these problems”.

Brian Navarro
Period 6

Giggles82 said...

In the State of Union address, I think Obama will talk about his first year in office and how he did his best. Next I think he will talk about the War in Afghanistan, just to go over what he has decided to do; sending in the 30,000 troops. Obama will discuss healthcare and what he wants to do to help it be affordable to everyone. I'm hoping he talks about Haiti and how we have/will help them. Most importantly, he will talk about our economic downfall. He should tell us how he wants to help the U.S. out and to help all the families re-cover from it. It's hard to say what else he will talk about. I'm looking forward to hear what he has to say about everything.
Shari p.2

brittney said...

Some of my predictions for Obama's address tonight would be all the talk about health care. What about Obama actually going to do about healt care ? The second would be about the economy. Our economy is crap. And wee all know that but will Obama start doing something about it ? Then the third would be once again the war in Afghanistan. Maybe Obama will list some more details about it.
Brittney Isley
per. 4

janefurdui said...

There will be many issues that will be discussed tonight but I think that the economy will be the most important subject. When we look at the economy, we think about all the money we are losing and that brings up several factors such as, the war in Afghanistan and Haiti. He will emphasize his plan of sending additional troops into Afghanistan and broaden our eyes about what will be happening in the next year. Another major issue that will be discussed would be health care and president Obama's view on that matter. Altogether, I think that everything turns back to the economy and how we will be affected.

Dominique Perles said...

Tonight Obama will be addressing the state of the union speech. What I think he will contemplate about is the introduction of the Amero. But who knows he could be talking about the war on terror , health care , the recession , unemployment, and hopefully the rise on obesity ha.oh and Haiti ....well will just watch and see if any of my predictions came right , I could have found a side career as a psychic. and for those who dont know what the amero is look here. http://sonyarehman.wordpress.com/2009/01/23/the-%E2%80%98amero%E2%80%99-%E2%80%93-fact-or-fiction/
Dominique perles 2nd period

Anna Gonzalez ;) said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
fmarvi said...

During today’s State of the Union speech, Obama will be addressing the four obvious major issues. He will discuss the Afghan War, and what he hopes to achieve with more deployment of troops along with his reasoning for the decisions he has made. He will also discuss the war in Iraq, and perhaps how he plans to bring the all troops back quickly and end the war. Other major issues on most Americans tongues right now are the economy, and health care reform, and he will definitely be addressing them. He will try to reassure Americans that he will be able to pull us out of our current economic state, and what the new possible health care system will bring for Americans. Also, he will discuss his intentions to unite the country by creating a bipartisan government because, a divided administration is hurting everyone and not finishing things quickly and effectively

Fatema Marvi
Period 4

Anna Gonzalez ;) said...

I believe Obama will first discuss the problems going on in Haiti and how we are going to help them out. For example how much money we plan on sending them and other things like food, water, ect. I believe he will also discuss the state of our economy and his plan to improve it. What I am sure he will discuss is the war going on right now in Afghanistan and the extra 30,000 troops he is sending over there. Healthcare is also another major issue that I believe he should discuss. I hope he will provide a plan that will hopefully get us out of some of the mess we are currently in. However it will not be easy, but I have faith in him.

LizzieG4 said...

President Obama will talk about the war we are fighting in Afghanistan. He will probably say somethings that will hopefully make us feel a bit more comfortable about him sending more troops out there. I'm sure he will speak of our bad economy and about Haiti. Most people are disagreeing with helping them out because our economy needs help also. President Obama will probably speak of health care as well. I'm looking forward to his speech.

Jeremaih(the jazz man)Zettel said...

I feel that in this state of the union speech Oboma is going to state the solutions he has to the war in Afghanistan, the crisis in Haiti, and the on going problem with are economy. He will most likely talk about how he is going to deal with the unemployment rates and inflation conditions in this country and how helping Haiti will not effect us being the U.S. plus knowing Oboma he will bring up the war in Afgahnistan and reasure us of his strategy. This is what i think President Oboma will adress in his state of the union speech.

Arabian Gangsta said...

This is before watch the speech....

I think obama is going to talk about the war in Afghanistan and that he is going to send more troops in... I also think he is going to talk about the economy..

HorH@y said...

I was not surprised of what I heard during president Obamas speech on Wednesday it was everything I expected. He had mentioned a lot about the economy and jobs and how he was planning to get that fixed and that it will take time. The main thing about his state of the union was also about the political parties negotiating together instead of arguing with one another and that things will get done faster and more efficient if they work together and solve problems out. I have to agree with this much so because even though we have are differences and one of us don’t agree with an idea or reason that the other side decided on, its life they should understand that there not always going to get what they want in life and maybe they will like the idea once they try it or is working. Mr. Obama had talked about the health care war in Afghanistan how he’s going to get jobs back and mostly about the economy and how he is going to get money back from the banks that screwed us over by giving huge loans out and keeping it to themselves just so they can live rich.

George Gallardo
Period 4

OmgPerkins said...

President Obama's State of the Union Address was exactly like I expected it would be about. I believed it would be about the job losses, the economy of course, and the war in Afghanistan. But it was also about big banks and how he's going to eliminate certain taxes on certain Americans, for example, new home buyers. Which is good, and the most important thing in this country is job losses, thankfully he made that his number one priority for America's future. Hopefully that job bill will create hundreds of thousands of new jobs for us. Then he talked about the economy, I believe that is when the tax cuts came into play. Then, of course, the war. He claims he will have all our troops home by the summer of 2011, hopefully. It is no guarantee, and I honestly, yet sadly doubt all of our troops will be home by then. But hey, actions speak louder than words...

EoPMaio said...
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EoPMaio said...

Im glad that Obama is planning on focusing his attention to the lack of jobs for Americans. Because that is what is affecting the American people the most. I also like how he addresses the disagreements between both parties and that in order to accomplish anything, both parties need to set aside their differences and work towards a common good. He also brought up the War in Afghanistan, which he plans to finish and begin bring troops back by the summer of 2011. President Obama also mentioned how he plans on getting money from the banks that put us in the recession and how he plans to help Americans by removeing taxes that are hurting american citizens in this recession.
Zach Maio
per. 4