Monday, August 17, 2009

American Government 8/17/09

In Class - Turn in signed syllabus. Discuss Question of the Week (see below). Hand out articles on health care and watch a short video on the debate over universal health care. Read articles in class and prepare ten questions you have regarding this topic.

Homework - Current event: Topic for this week - Health Care. Also, bring ten questions that you have regarding the issue of health care reform.


Even though there has been some serious debate over health care for the past month, do you believe that this is the most critical issue at the present moment? If not, what issue do you think our government should put most of their time and effort into addressing?

Web Sites to Check Out:


Elyse:] said...

Although health care is a big issue going on right now. I don't think it is the most critical issue at the moment. The biggest issue going on right now is the poor Economy and the loss of jobs. Part of the reason this whole debate about health care going on is because a lot of people are losing their jobs and are losing their health care. If there was a boost in jobs and the economy improved and more people went back to work and had jobs then a lot of people would be able to pay for their own health care instead of the government having to bail everyone out.

MPechatsko said...

Eventhough health care is a serious topic I dont agree that health care is the most important topic right now. However i do believe that war is the biggest issue. The reason why is that our nation as a whole has spent so much money on this war which in turn puts our country in even more debt. If our country was not in this war we might have a more stable economy. With that being said, our government would'nt have to be so worried about people not being able to afford health insurance. I think that most unisured people are waiting it out to see if the government will cover their tush because they did'nt go to school for a higher education to get a better job with bennifits.

khoapaulvo said...

Though healthcare is a subject that needs to be tackled during this administration, I do not think that it should be what we should be focusing on right now. Personally, I believe that the economy should be the first issue. Though many economists are expecting that the recession will end by the end of this year, there is still a risk of uncertainty. What happens if the economy does not recover? What will the nation do then? That is something that the nation as a whole needs to address. What is good for the economy is healthy for healthcare as a whole. Healthcare will be able to better itself if people will be able to get their insurance back. If they can do that first, healthcare will be much easier to heal. Let'
s hope that the economists are right.

2Tyler said...

I do not think that it should be what we should be focusing on right now. Personally, I believe that the economy should be the first issue. Though many economists are expecting that the recession will end by the end of this year, there is still a risk of uncertainty. What happens if the economy does not recover? What will the nation do then? That is something that the nation as a whole needs to address. What is good for the economy is healthy for healthcare as a whole. Healthcare will be able to better itself if people will be able to get their insurance back. Eventhough health care is a serious topic I dont agree that health care is the most important topic right now. However i do believe that war is the biggest issue. The reason why is that our nation as a whole has spent so much money on this war which in turn puts our country in even more debt.

Killcycle said...

The government's focus on Health Care is not necessarily the largest Economic issue, the administration has already helped to establish the housing market, the major cause of the current recession. The focus on Health Care is also not completely on Health Care alone; it also addresses the recession in the fact that billions are spent - and wasted - on poor Health Care practices and insurance companies seem to just swallow up the money before it ever reaches the places it could help most; and even when it DOES reach those places (Programs for the betterment of medical science, medical patient's pockets via lowered rates, etc.), the insurance companies and loans for uninsured patients that REQUIRE surgery gobble up anything they can get their hands on. In a way, it stems from the same issue that the housing market's flaw does; hefty insurance and poor standards. As far as Health Care on it's own, people die by the boatloads each year for things that modern medicine could EASILY prevent; things such as Influenza (Flu) and even in some cases the common cold. More than that, people die before they can even get to surgery that they NEED to survive; a woman waits a year and a half to receive cancer surgery, and by the time she is able to receive it, the cancer has become terminal. This happens all across the nation, especially with patients requiring organ transplants and other surgeries mandatory for life. All of these things could be improved by better practices and less 'fine print'. However, even if President Obama is able to pass his massive bill of reform, it won't be able to suddenly bring about 'magical' changes in the death toll per year, but it's a large step in the right direction. If we create a universalized Health Care program, we can assure that a much larger - if not all - American citizens receive the protection they need. It won't be perfect, but if reform is completed the rates should be lower, the services better, and the availability increased across the nation.

Sam said...
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Sam said...

Health care is one of the big issues that we need to fix but I don't think its one of the first. Before this came into view wasn't the loss of jobs and the economy even bigger? I think it is. Health care has always been an issue but I don't understand why the light is on this all of a sudden. The government needs to focus on the economy and job employment first and foremost which in fact is the most pressing issue today. THEN look at our health care situation and fix it. Not see what could be done but figure out a plan and put it into action.

-Samantha Morales

n8dog said...

Health care is a big topic, but i think it should not be the focussed issue. If this issue is this big there should be someone to oversee's this issue and figure it out and solve it by compromise. There should be a a final meeting with all main represenitives and give out there points. Then the people taking care of it compromise the issue. This issue should not be taking months and years to resolve. There are far more important thing to be concerned about. There is hunger and loss of money going on that should be America's main focus.

Nathan Tyson

Maggii<3 said...

Yes health care is a big problem in our nation right now , yet i dont believe it is the most important.I think the most important is the fact that there are alot of solider out there fighting for our nation yet most of there family members dont have a very clear reason why it is that the family memeber is out there fighting. In some cases the person comes back died and people dont even know why it was that,person died. We have putted money in this war not knowing why it is we are fighting.Can some one answer that question for me? I think we should bring those soldiers back home to there familys and stop this war that is just making us loose all this money and provid a bit more jobs for unemployed people and maybe by doing that we well kill three birds with one stone because the way i see things we weill bring them back to there familys #1.Number two provid more jobs and finally the people with jobs now will be able to have health care.

Magdaly venegas--period 2

Anonymous said...

No, I do not think that Health Care is the main issue in America today. Though it is a big one, I feel we should instead be focusing on the enviroment. I mean none of this really matters, if we don't have a planet to live on 10 years from now. I'm not saying we need to quit worrying about Health Care and other political issues but we could definitely be focusing on our planet at the same time.

autumnnn said...

I do not think that healthcare is the most important issue, it hasn't ever been a main issue before. Yes, it is a problem that needs to be fixed but i don't think it needs to be blown out of proportion. I think the United States has many other issues that should be the main focus, such as the war in Iraq, if we let that issure fade away it may never be addressed. also another main problem should be the economy itself, yes healthcare is having an effect on the economy but one reason the economy is horrible is because loss of jobs which is loss of insurance. Theregfore if we focus on jobs and the economy, solving those issues could have an effect of solving the healthcare issues.

Autumn gilbreath
period 2

Enzo said...

at this very moment yeah kinda. because there is many people out there in the world that cant afford health insurance. so if we find a way to lower costs or help out people get insurance then we wouldnt have to worry so much about people dieing or losing houses to pay hospital bills.witch is one reason people/america is debt today. we wouldnt be so much in debt if we would have better leaders and government to help keep us in line. well as much as go far money yeah i think itis a big deal in way. but there is alot of people that would say it aint so important.but thses are only some of my opionnions. but obama is trying to find away around it so i think and sounds like it rather or not we like his all we can do is give opionnions on wat think about this so far

og brian said...

health care is a big issue going now right every where around the us.Lots of people have been losing thier jobs and thats why they dont have money to pay for them selves.
a other thing is that our economy is really down and am not saying its not important but health care and the economy is on the same level but health care is more importanright now at this moment.

brian felix per 4

datninjablakmamaba said...

yes i do think it is the most critcial issue in the United states because good health is essential to a prosperous life and nation. If everyone was sick in our nation we will eventaully die off and mankind will disappear from the earth. Plus by United states putting so much effort and time into the healthcare issue proves that they care and are really trying to resolve it. Persident obama is really trying to compromise and get this health care issue reslove so give him some credit for that. If we did not have health care where will we be as a country, abosolutle care is a serious topic and should be resolved as soon as possible. But dont get me wrong the conomy war are also very huge issue too but we need healthy people to resolve this problem. But also we can take so much tension off the health care and put it on other topics.

RicardoV per 4 said...

Im actually in period 4 not 3 lol. Even though healthcare is the most talked about issue right now. There has been more important issus that we see around us in our daily lives.We see big company's closing down and more and more people without jobs.If the government doesn't do anything soon about people loosing there jobs this country could fall into more debt. How can we get out of this recession if people dont have jobs to spend money and to buy healthcare.In order for this country to run you need people spending to have money run back into the country. How can that happen if people are loosing there jobs?
Ricardo Villarreal Per.4

Munoz[: said...

Healthcare is the moest talked about subject right now, other than the economy. Healthcare is also a big issue because there is over 47 million residents that have no healthcare insurance with the numbers increasing and thats a big probelm. Too much money is going in to the war, that some what of the cause of low on money. To raise ip this better economy they should cut back of on some other stuff, like wealfare, like the other president did. He got the economy better, back in the day.

Bryan Munoz
P. 4

SheUnlatyLike said...

okkay i dont think that health care is the most important thing at the time. I think that before we can spend more money, we should plan out exactly how much money and time this it actually going to take. Our country is already in debt and i feel that if obama is going to spend money he should at least help out the future of america which is us. Schools need more money than anything, its not fair that we have to sacrifice so much. At the same time it is a good idea i just think that this plan is being rushed. I mean obama is going to be in office for a while ther is no need to rush this process and kill everyone fiancially. Just help the future of america out first. The plan shud just be on a slower rate.

Stefani Gant

Trever Strand said...

While our health care system is in need of serious reform I do not feel that it is the most important topic at the moment. The economy with its current state of demise should be President Obama's primary focus. The economy has been in a steady decline for a while now and is showing little or no signs of improving. With the national debt now in the tens of trillions I believe our government needs to act now. The government should provide aid to the people by means of tax cuts. However, the government should not intervene with business's that have made poor financial decisions. Doing so would wrongfully transfer the debt to the American taxpayer.

TheDeuce said...

It is hard to say what the biggest issue in America is. Health care is causing the most commotion as of right now. But I say the most important issue is education. Economically in this country, education can help or hurt depending on which way it is going. Over 1.2 million students dropped out in 2008. Obviously school district budgets are low. Schools get paid for the amount of students that attend there. But also, people get paid more for a higher education. The more money tax payers have, the more money they put back into the government. So the higher education people have, the more positive the effect it will be that they have on the economy. If you ask me, if more Americans had a higher education, the economy would not be in as big of a hole.

Guda1992 said...

I believe health is the biggest issue. because alot of people that are out of work are effected let alone the people that do have jobs cant afford healthcare. the biggest problem is how long will the economy be out of enployment, how much debt will they be in even more and how long will they survive without healthcare. also when it comes to healthcare obama is doing a great job but it should slow down and he should try to solve each problem once at a time and not all bunched together. because then he would be in a big pickle.

~Chenae Perry

$D@NNYBOY$ said...

Well as we all been hearing in the news about the issue of health care rising towards everyone. Many people suggest that its a huge issue right now. As for me i don't think that health care is the main issue today. I instead, suggest that having the loss of jobs and having a poor economy is our main issue right now. There are many people losing there jobs really quick. Many people have been losing there homes because they can't maintain to pay without any money in there pockets and havin the loss of there job. So to me this is ,in my opinion, the main issue going on right now.

Daniel Castaneda-per 2

:] said...

This whole health care issue has gone bananas.I personally think that it shouldnt be the main issue to discuss. I say they should focus on the economy and how bad it has gotten.Its sad that people have gotten laid off and lost homes and suffer over the whole debt the country going threw.i think people should take time to talk this whole health care issue out and leave that for later and focus on how they can help the economy.i think health care issue has just gotten way too cucu bananas and its not gonna be going anywere like this so focus on how to bring the economy the way it was stable people i say would rather be hearing about that than crazy fights and arguments over health care.I think its not what they should be focusing on and waisting thier time my opinion its the economy they need to focus on at this moment.well thats what i think even though i may not know so much of whats going on but the economy has made a huge impact yet they wont spend time on trying to fix it.


L.Mejia said...

In my opinion,even though health care is a huge conflict right now but its not the most critical issue right now.There's many other situations that people are worried and angry about.Like in other hands the economy and many people without jobs.Many people suffering to live with just a little of what they have.If you think about when that all happened with the economy most people reacted the same.So practically people are just shocked that all this is happening.The government needs to do is to get there act together and try to improve what needs to be done.So each person that's angry just needs to think positive and wait.If you think about the government isn't going to work faster just because the people are asking.Overall,so if the economy improves, the people are not going to worry about losing there health care insurance.

JazZy said...

Health care is a big issue right now. But I dont think its the only problem. The economy is really bad right now and people should be focusing on that instead. With everyone losing their job right now, no one has any money. If they focused on the economy first, people would be getting jobs again and have enough money for eveything including health care. Then health care wouldnt be so much of a problem. With the way the economy is, theres no money for anything. so instead of people fighting and yelling at eachother over this, they should focus on the economy which i think is a bigger problem.

-Jazmine Ramirez per. 4

Jessika Caudel said...

Health care is one of the biggest issues in our society right now. It however is not the biggest issue. I think the state that our economy is in needs to be fixed first. Even if that means to push back other issues like health care until the economy is in a more stable situation. I think that if we fixed the economy that the health care situation would be in a lot better shape. I know that it won't be totally fixed but I think at that point in time people would be more open to change then right now.

Msalas said...

I do not think that health care is the important issue in America right now. I think that the economy is a much bigger issue because people are still loosing their jobs and schools are getting budget cuts that is hurting everyone because it is effecting the education. Once they get the economy back on track then they can focus on the health care problems.

scott toreres eg6 said...

Even tho health care is one of the big issues right now its not the top one. It's just part of the really big one the economy. People are loosing their jobs and not only that at the same time there loosing the health care that came with their job. So the first priority on the governments list should be peoples jobs. As soon as they fix that they won't need to put a lot of money for the health care. People would be doing there own thing with health care. Pretty much its like a little chain it will all fall back into its place. As soon as the people get help the economy should start doing better. I think that they're putting the health care as the top situation right now and it's not. They should forget about the health care for a moment and really focus on the job situation. But then come back to it and fix it to.

Anonymous said...

My thoughts on health care are very big, but like everyone else the economy is really bad. If the government can just pull through this recession they can work on getting the universal health care program in affect. I highly doubt that we well be out of the recession soon. The Economy is my main concern at this point, because too many families are struggling to pay bills. The government needs to stop these bail outs so that they can stop wasting money. How much money would the universal health care cost? the gonvernment said it well probebly cost up to a trillion dollars which would put us in more debt. But, in another thought the universal health care would be good because people that couldnt afford health care would get health care. There are ups and downs of every political issue it's hard to decide. :/

joseleonel said...
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joseleonel said...

Health care is an important issue due to the people who cant afford going to the hospital and recieving medication. on the other hand, their are more important issues. such as dealing with the economy and people with out jobs.this issue is more important because in getting people jobs they will be able to get free health insurance. when people get settle in with their new job, they will start spending money on things and boost up the economy and not causing it to collapse. This will help the economy out alot better than by spending it on health care.

Jose Samayoa

LordKirby said...

I admit that at first I was going to say that education or the economy were the most important issues, but with some of the discussion going on in class I have to say the major issue IS health care. I say this because this issue is overshadowing everything else right now because of it's relativity to the rest of these issues, for example the economy. Even if the economy was magically fixed and everyone had a job everyone would still be suffering from a parasitic health care system. What is the point of getting a stable, constant income if your going to have a stable, constant debt? As for education, if your on your way to college and you happen to have something serious happen to you all of your saved up money would be going to health costs. That's years of planning, saving, studying, gone. Lets face it people, our health is way more important then our education because it is of immediate importance to us. History doesn't concern me, what does concern me is this mysterious pain in my chest. Once health is tweaked a bit (or alot) the economy and education will better as well because of how they are connected. In conclusion, I want to be able to say "well, at least i have my health".

Your comrade
Alan Valenzo
Period 2

Adrian2010 said...

As of right now, health care is what the media seems to be blowing up as our nations biggest issue. It is an important topic but i wouldn't say its the biggest problem we have right now. What I think we need to accomplish first, is turn around the economy. The biggest error our nation has is spending billions of dollars on the war overseas. If we pull out, then so much money wouldn't keep on being added to our enormous debt. There has been so much talk about pulling out the war, that the media seems to just forget about it and bring up another downfall such as healthcare issues. At home, if we get more jobs for people then it will obviously put more money in peoples pockets. With money in peoples pockets they will be able to spend more and by spending more, then there is a better chance of getting the economy to start flowing again. Not to mention with additional jobs, some people will be provided with health insurance at their workplace. Health care should be a privelege to have because not all people contribute to our society, but when it comes down to it, they want society to take care of them.
Adrian Hernandez per.2

ALI said...

Health Care is one of the most critical issues being dealt with as we speak. I will put it up with the Economy if not above it. There are thousands of people in this country with NO health insurance what so ever. Many cannot afford it and go without it. A great number of these people will DIE due to causes that could have been prevented. If you ask me a country is there to serve its people, what is the point of having a good economy if the people do not live to see it? The working class make up a large number of the people living in this country and thousands of them cannot afford insurance period. Many are struggling just to keep meals on their plates and a roof over there head. Health Insurance is one thing that is extremely critical but many of us have to live without it. What about single parent mothers who are raising multiple children and cannot afford health insurance? Paying the medical bills on her own can leave her without a place to live and to be able to provide for her children yet on the other hand she may lose a child without it. What would happen to those children if they lost there mother? The people come first everything else is second.


Period 2

socalnick said...

Despite health care being a big issue, it's not. Yes, it is a big issue and we do need to fix it, but throwing good money after bad or sitting back and "planning" on what to do will not help. D.C. needs to change this economy, secure our rights and do his job. This economy like many others said is the main problem. It doesnt matter what health care system is implmented, if you dont have enough tax-payers, how will the money be provided. How was the economy 15 years ago? It was decent, what has changed? 9/11 and a war. Healthcare in my opinion didnt start becoming until high immigration rates, and the use of Emergency Rooms for routine checkups.

War is an issue adding to the poor economy, but no one cares about that. (sarcasm) I am pro-military as they come, however it would be nice to have money put back into the system and my friends back home.

As many others agree, healthcare is not, and should not be the main purpose of Obama's first year in Office. Healthcare will be fixed when the economy gets fixed.

Schroeder- 2

Laurenkatehis said...

I believe health care is the biggest issue at the moment.After watching the Karen Dove story i am more aware of how bad health care is.If i were not able to get treated while being ill and have to pay all the expenses i would definatley petition or do something about it.Even though we are also dealing with a bad economy obama has the nerve to want to spend trilions of dollars on healthcare.It is an important subject to worry about but our economy is not in any position to be in even more debt.Job losses and poor medical attention do mot mix well together.It is something we cannot ignore.If i could have the chance and go to the town hall meetings to speak the truth i would.Senior citizens should be able to have healthcare because they deserve it the most.To me, it is the biggest issue happening right now.

Esme said...

Health care is a big isssue that president Obama is trying to direct his attention to. I think that it is very importan but at the same time there are other important issue such as the poor economy that we have. many people cant afford to buy health insurance right now because they cant afford it because they are losing their jjobs. companies dont have the money to pay employees money so they are firing them. health care is important because people are dyiung because they dont have the proper care. the new health care that president Obama is offering people more oppotunities to be insured and be able to recieve help. if there were more jobs and a better economy it would be easier to establish this new health plan. the government is already in debt and establishing this new plan might help the economy or bring it down alittle more. i think they are both very important issues but the economy is more important becasue right now there are other insurance plans that people can buy.

Anonymous said...

Justin Anderson

I think that the health care issue is not the most important topic. Health care does have alot to do but there is nothing that we can do about it in my opinion. One of the more important topics that we should be concernd about is the economy and the war in the middleeast. The economy sucks right now because most people that had a job is now out of work or can hardly find any work at the moment. The war in the middleeast reason being is that a large amount of the tax payers money is going into the war and not helping the economy. I think that we need to pull the troops out of the middleeast and bring them home so we can work out our own problems before any thing else. The economy is not in the best shape and this caused all of the suicides and i think that the war has alot to do with it because alot of money is taking troops over sea. Even though the health care is one of the main topics. I still think that it should be put off for a while. At least until we have finished with what we have right now.

Brett G.p4 said...

At first i would say it wouldnt of been a great issue to be dealt with at the time.But now that i relized me and my family are affected by this,now is the time to fix the problem we are having.
my dad had an accident a year ago and he didnt have anay health insuarance now he owes money to hospitals and other things.But there are many other issues to be solved first, our economy isnt good rite now so we have to solve that problem.I think more jobs should be made especialy for students nad for many other people it is hard to find a job, and that makes it hard to pay bills and especially gas money.SO i think health issue is an issue we gotta get fixed.But other things are important aswell

J.Kraft said...

This poor economy is one of the biggest issues that our government should be focusing on. Health care i believe is one of the reasons why our economy is doing so bad. The big hospital bills are costing people a fortune. Always in debt paying off all the bills that the hospital gives them. hospitals need to lower their costs. People will not owe so much money and have more money to help out the economy. This should also bring more jobs available.

manuel said...

Health care is a big issue to me.Because when i broke my leg they didnt want to give me medical. due to the restrictions the goverment has.alot of hard working people dont have health care. and thats why i think its important.there could be really sick people with no healthcare. in this situation what are people to do if they have no money.this would really stress out people. if people had health care they wouldnt hesitate to go to the doctor. even though it dont seem seriuos some times it can be.this is why ithink health care is thebigest issue today

Jasmine said...
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Aaron Beltran said...
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Aaron Beltran said...

i think that yes the health care issue is a huge issue that needs to be dealt with very carefully. about 46 million people are living without health care. even president Obama stated that the only reason people don't have health care is not that they don't want it but because they can't afford health care. one question i have though is will it boost our economy a lot or a little in the long run. what i do see though is that the health care reform will be made to the general public so that all can benefit from a good health. also if people start dying because of bad health because they can't afford health care or don't meet requirements then less and less money will be circulating because only a few are left to pay. right now health care is a business that only looks for money. probably health care is one big reason why people are poor because it sucks all their money from the people. just to see the doctor cost money. health care is part of our economy. it is a branch of the economy that needs patches and reform.

sleven said...

even though health care is a big issue,the economy is what everyone should be focused on. the health care issue only became a big issue because so many americans lost their jobs and could not afford insurance. so first the government should focus on the improving the economy. also, once the economy is up again, it will be much easier for people to afford insurance. then you can deal with the health care issue. one of the biggest issue about the bill, is how do we pay for it. so that is why i believe economy top priority, then health care.

Bryan V. said...

I do think that health care is "one" of the most important issues out right now. This epidemic is causing many people to suffer in pain because they cannot afford to visit a doctor. I think people have the right to have health care at all times. Although health care is an important issue, the economy is what we should be worrying about at this moment. This recession is causing many people to suffer mentally. Many people are just giving up and going bankrupt. All the job losses are really effecting the country. In conclusion, my opinion is that the economy should be the main focus right now.

Nathan...A said...

Yes i do think health care is the biggest issue in America at the moment. Many people have health care over the years and are loosing it because of the huge populations of people.

RaygozaP said...

In my perspective, the health care is important due to the fact that its a step towards improving the economy. A lot of people have lost their jobs, and have lost the benefits of having health insurance. Our economy is in one of the worst situations of unemployment, and I think there isn't much really to do than wait time to recover itself. Its either we will end up have an increase in taxes for younger people, or millions of families will be put in large debts; therefore this controversial topic should be considered essential to solve.

-Pilar Raygoza

March_Of_Sand said...

I dont think that healthcare reform is the most important topic that the government should be putting the most of the focus on. I think that the gov. should be focusing most of their attention on illegal immigration. I believe one of the big reasons that gov. is pushing for a healthcare reform is because of all the illegal immigrants. They want to give them healthcare even though they dont pay taxes which hurts the economy. They get to go to the doctors for medical attention but dont have to pay taxes for it. This ultimately leaves the working families who pay taxes to pay for them. With illegal immigrants not paying taxes it also hurts the economy, which is another reason why I think that the gov. should be putting more focus on illegal immigration. If the gov. could somehow get illegal immigrants to pay taxes it would greatly improve the economy. Although, I have no idea how they would do that. So I think that the gov. shoul put more attention on illegal immigration and not healthcare reform.

crowntown23 said...

health care is important right now because when you want to go see a doctor its going to cost you alot of money, and especially when you are not working right now. another issue i think its important right now is the economy because of people are losing their jobs and kids losing their education. so i think health care and the economy are important right now.

elyana_partida_#55 said...

yes i believe that health care is a big issue in this world, just think about it? on one side people are sufferning while medical cant doesnt do anything for them. and because alot of people cannot afford the rising cost or the cost of health care. i think that obama should force on unemployment too. because without work how are you going to pay off health care with Insurance and without. we need to fix this issue very soon before people start going carzier about health care and unemployment. i feel that health care is a scare issue what if you were uninsured are a have love one that you are close with is dieing and you dont have no more money to pay off your medical pays??? how would you feel??? that horrible i just would wanna cry all the time!!! the point is obama needs to fix this problem fast!!!!!

elyana partida per. 4

stephany said...

i think the health care reform is one of the most important issues the government has to adress. health care is very expensive. many families cannot affored it. people are going into debt just trying to pay off thier hospital bills. this makes our economy even companies are not helping the situation either. the companies are highering rates and lowering their coverages. With the government making competition for them it will be better for customers. this health care reform is a big issue and must be adressed because it affects us in many ways.

-stephany hernandez
per 2

Berenice Nava per-4 said...

Even though health care is very important for me is not the most important. The most important issue to me is the bad economic that we had right now. Many people are loosing their jobs. Other persons that don't have a job cannot get one because companies don't have the money to pay for there work. The lost of jobs is making our country more hungry. Without money nobody can take care of health either. Just think about it, how we are going to pay for all?. Our country is passing for a very bad moment and that's why I think they can't make a good decision jet. This is a very bad problem but we have to find a way fix it. finding the solution to the economy problem they will not have the problem of how they going to pay for the health care!!!

leslie said...
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lesliejewel said...

Health care is a big issue right now but we should be focused on that right now.Yes alot of people need health care.The government should allow people to go get regular checks like any other person with health care.The economy is what we need to work on right now because alot of people are losing there jobs which their health care comes from.Also if health care wasnt so expepensive then i think alot more people would have it. IF we had free health care would'nt that put our country into even more debt? Cause who's going to pay for it or should i say how are we going to pay for health care.That's not really fair to the people who are paying for health care and then they have to pay for other's too that's not right!

leslie williams

Pedro A Maldonado said...

I strongly agree with the people who think that health care is not the most critical issue right now. The economic recession might be considered the most critical issue at this moment. But even if more jobs are created and more people are able to get insurance through them, it is still not enough to satisfy everyone as the new health care plan is aiming to do. I've been listening to several opinions from different people, most of them argue that we can't afford this health care plan. It might be true but at the same time it makes me think about all the money that is being spent on different(on my opinion) less important sectors such as war and others. Why doesn't anyone say that we cant afford war? but on the other hand a bunch of people think that we can't afford to protect Americans' health?. We should consider the marginal benefits Americans are going to get from this so called health care plan not just the marginal cost. If we make the plan go through a marginal analysis if might be that the marginal benefits would result to be bigger than the marginal cost, who knows?. And in that case it could be assumed that this is really a good plan. Still there are a lot more points that should be considered in order to completely convince ourselves that this health plan could be the best alternative. However these are just my personal thoughts..

ili said...

Personally I believe health care is one of our most important issues at this time but, I also believe it is not the only one. Our economy is as important. If our economy was not as bad as it is than health care would not be as big of an issue as it is now. People could be getting better salaries and be able pay their debts, personal needs and health care issues. But because people are losing their jobs everyday they cannot afford to pay health care coverage. It is affecting the way they live and it is also affecting their health, which is going from bad to worse to extremely bad, in which there is no possible way they could afford to pay medal treatment, medicines or bills.

Iliana Serna
Period 4

Pedro A Maldonado said...
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ili said...
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Anthony_Zomb said...

Even with Health Care being a big issue in our country right now, there are still other things that need to be taken care of first. Though Health Care is big to people without proper insurance for medical bills programs are being made for that purpose. The two big issues we have right now are the economy and the war over seas. With large amounts of money used everyday on the war over seas, America goes more and more into debt and loans from other countries. Getting the economy back into shape would mean getting more jobs for the large unemployment rate. If the unemployment rate had steady jobs with insurance then the heath care issue would be eased. However I do believe that Health Care isn’t something to ignore or be put aside so quickly. People who work hard deserve the right to affordable medical help. Most organizations have been made, but their help doesn’t seem to look like much change. With the president’s choice and the civilians speaking out, Health Care will be taken care of one way or another.

-Anthony "mclovin" Ybarra

leslie said...

though health care is an important topic i don't think is the most important right now that the economy is so bad. president obama should worry about war, he should put an end at it because war is expensive the bad economy of this period of time is mostly due for war. also the loss of jobs is a serious topic because if not everyone have a job the money is going to move so slow and the economy is going to get worse. and also about the health care reform where does the gov't is supposing to get the money from?

leslie bedoy
period 4

Prisila Santana said...

Health care is not the most critical issue being discussed in the United States, and I don't think it should be. Before anything, the government should see about the economic status of the country. Without a stable economy, do we really have a chance at creating and maintaining a national health care coverage plan easily available for those 46 million Americans without coverage at the present moment? I honestly don't think it's possible. However, once the economic status of the country is improved, our President will be able to deal with other issues that are of a big importance as well. If Obama ws to try to start a reform for Health Care, the plan would shatter due to our weak base, the economy. By building a stronger and more secure financial state in the nation, it will become easier to carry through any plan that is going to be held up by the country's income.

marielly said...

There are many critical issues to worry about right now.I do agree with president Obama.I bevieve the most critical issue surrounding us is that many U.S citizens dont have health care. Our government of course, should be concerned with the health of american citizens. Like Obama said..."talk to neighbors, spread the facts' on health care".

aubrianne said...

Healthcare has become a national issue since the inauguration of president obama. It is an important issue in today's society and requires much of the governments attention. However it is not the most important issue in our society i believe our economic downfall and the debt our country is in is definatly a more serious issue. A big problem with the healthcare bill is where is the money coming from to pay for the bill? The answer is we dont have it and if we continue to run up our debt we'll never be free of it. The serious issue at hand is taking care of our debt and rebuilding our economy. The economy has definatly taken a hard hit and needs the government's attention right now more so than healthcare. I do understand though that healthcare may be one of the steps to rebuilding our economy but maybe Obama is not going about it the right way. So healthcare in retrospect is an omportant issue but i do not feel it is the country's number one priority.