Tuesday, April 14, 2009

American Government 4/14

In Class - 3rd Period - Begin documentary on Osama bin Laden. 4th Period - Class discussion on world events.

Homework - None.


Articles to Check Out:


Anonymous said...

to me palo i dont think the us is a safer place anymore in my opinion...noticing that we are the strongest country in the world there are going to be other countries trying to challenge us and then thats going to put more troops out there and then we are gonna go back into anoter debt.thats not what we need.Terrorism pretty much scarred the u.s. and now were on our p's and q's about who is a threat to us.I dont think that we have reached the objectives from the bush administrastion.

Elizabeth said...

Honestly i dont think the U.S. is a safer place since 9/11 and the invasion in iraq. i believe we have become more cautious and aware and set up more security rules but that doesnt make us any safer. and i dont think the bush administration reached its objectives peacefully. they just invaded iraq and started fighting.

adriana said...

In my opinion, i dont think the US is a safer place after the 9/11 invasion. I think it is actually more in risk because i dont think the terrorist did the job completely. They got part of their message through but i dont think it was enough for them. I think we can be attacked whenever again. We still dont really know who was responsible, and for all we know they can be still out there. They can be planning something even bigger. I think we're in more danger actually! As for the Bush Administration, we have NOT achieved the objective. We dont even know why we're there. It started as WMD, but there was none found. We have no purpose, the only thing that is happening is the death of soldiers :[

-Adriana B

Amanda M (: said...

In my opinion, I think the USA has become a safer place than what is had been before 9/11. Since then, we continue to spend a lot more money on safety precautions, in places such as airports, banks, border patrol, government, military, etc. I think we are now more alert and ready in case of emergencies. I also believe that the objectives set forth by the bush administration in Iraq has some what been achieved. We have went in and saved and freed many lives but on the other hand, we have failed to find Osama Bin laden. There is still a lot more to be achieved, and in time, I believe we’ll accomplish them

Arnold said...

i think that the U.S. is not a safe place anymore their are many reasons why i think its not. One reasson is that if terrorist tried and didx attack us alredy they could do it again. Not only because we have troops in iraq mean that we are safe. This could even put us in more danger of being attackd because it might get the terrorist more mad that we are trying to stop them from what their doing. So this gives them more anger and an esgle to attack the U.S. again thats what i think. I really dont think the the objectives that we tried reaching with the bush administrastion have been reached.

Jon G. said...

because of terrorism and many other things, USA is not a safe place anymore. I think we have turned into target because of what we have done lately. I also think that after that scare in 9/11, everyone is now cautious about terrorism. This is Bush's Fault.

ms.sparks said...

i dont think the united states is a safe place because of everything thats going on starting from septmber 11 we have beed a target to iraq. and i think there will be another war well lets just hope not because thats scary and i have a family member thast in iraq right now and i pray for him everyday cuz we need him to come hoe safe. and i dont like that whole idea about leaving the troops there till 2011 why would they do that?

ms.sparks said...

i forgot to put my name its me liz merlan!

fabiana said...

in my opinion i dont think the us is neccissarily a safer place after 9/11. we are alot more aware of terrorism now because the the incident and alot more cautious but i dont think were any safer than we were before the attack. people are afraid we may be attacked again and it makes us more cautious but i dont believe we feel safer. as for the objectives from the bush administration i don think they were achieved.

macrina said...

if the U.S. was attacked, then i dont it was that safe to being with. i dont think the U.S. is safer...maybe a little more aware. the goverment is spendimg so much money trying to make the U.S. a safer place, which shouldve been an action taking along time ago.i do believe the U.S. could be safer one day.and people one day will trust and feel secure again living in the U.S.

Jonathan Picado said...

honestly i don't think U.S is now a safer place after what happened arfer 9/11. I mostly think that besause of the acctions taken by the gov't now we are at a higher risk of being attacked. U.S. had killed as many as they could thinking that they were terrorists and they might haven't been which cause the madness of not only terrorists but also of innocent people. People from the middle east seem Ameerica as an enemy and that's some thing we most take care of.

RGorman said...

In my opinion, the United states is a safer place, in certain areas, since the terrorist attacks. These areas include airport security being more strict and it made Americans more aware or terrorism. I don't think many people even knew what a terrorist attack was before September 11. On the other hand, I don't think that we have achieved the objectives set forth by the Bush Administration in Iraq. We have not found what we had initially gone to war for, which was WEAPONS OF MASS DESTRUCTION and ASAMA BIN LADEN. It's really confusing to me why we are in Iraq when the person we are looking for is from Afghanistan.

Mireya said...

I think that the U.S has not been safe since the invasion of Iraq and 9/11 if we were then we would have not still been troops over there. I believe that they make look that is safe by putting all this restrictions in the Airlines but there is still things occurring and from our economic situation there is a lot money being spent in war and the violence with families have increase because they lost there jobs. I think that nothing really improved while Bush and his administration were in office and they never really did anything to decrease the violence.

Mireya said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Jlao said...

I believe that after the invasion of Afghanistan and Iraq the United States hasn't been much of a safe haven for us citizens. There has been anthrax attacks on the government, bomb treats across the US, you name it. The terrorists are now pissed off and they want to get back at the us for invading their country. I wouldn't blame them though. Honestly the US war on terrorism is not really helping us. that is what i believe.

Jp #24 said...

Did America become safer ? Well you could say yes and no. As I was watching a tv show talking about a gang leader that is wanted by the US government keeps going back ad forth to Mexico. So this is a wanted man that our government is trying to catch. So how do we know whats coming thru the borders of the US and Mexico ? We dont, we say we spend millions and millions on home land security and we still have problems with our borders. Dont get me wrong we are spending money on to stop " Terrisiom " but what happens if Omasa is living in America or on the borber enjoying are medical and other rescoures delt by our great government. I think that we are safer. As we arent " A Sleeping Gaint " anymore, we are a wide awake gaint waiting for that reason to go and smash and take what we want. In the end the reasons we are still there and were sent there had under the surface intentions. No matter what as a American all we can do is hope and pray we are safer and that the reason we sent troops and still have troops there are for a good cause. God please protect the man and woman fighting for our great country that was lead by a man that didnt really know the reason why we were there in the first place.

esmeralda said...

in my opinion, i dont think that the US has become a safer place since 9/11. the government has put up more safety stuff and such like in airports for example, but this does not make it safer. it kind of just creates more of a discomfort when traveling. but back to topic, it is not safer because now it is more certain that there are countries who want to hurt the US and they will do anything. especially with the US troops bieng in iraq, this just makes those countries even angrier at the us because they are there, and of course we wouldnt really want that happenning in our country. and the 'war' there still continues because apparently we still havent found what were fighting for, either the weapons or democracy.

Liz said...

In my opinion, i believe since 9/11 our nation has improved but it is still not a safe place. I would like to reference 3 points.
1)The recent incidents with the pirates.
2)Also because of the fact that we still have not captured Osama Bin Laden.
3) Although airport security has been heightened, we have seen in the media that people have still been able to get past airport security with weapons.

Liz said...

In my opinion, i believe since 9/11 our nation has improved but it is still not a safe place. I would like to reference 3 points.
1)The recent incidents with the pirates.
2)Also because of the fact that we still have not captured Osama Bin Laden.
3) Although airport security has been heightened, we have seen in the media that people have still been able to get past airport security with weapons.

Clos said...

I think the united states is now a safer place. Air ports are more sucure and a lot of other things. Bush did all he could to prevent further disasters like that happening. So yes i feel that we are safer.

keisha sharisse .. said...

I would say that since 9/11 the US has become a safer place, but then again it hasn't..this is because even though we are tryin to be more careful by increasing security, some things can still get passed it. I also believe it isn't safe anymore because of the the invasion in Iraq. and almost always people try to retaliate, and these are terroists that we're dealing with so that makes it even worse. I also don't believe that the bush administration have really accomplished much in Iraq. or even what they set out to do.

Gladys said...

Since 9/11 I do not believe that the US is a safer place because if they couldn't prevent a plane hitting the pentagon which is suppose to have high security how are they going to make the US a safer place.I believe we may have achieved some of the objectives set forth by the Bush administration in Iraq because we were at least able to obtain "some" information on other terrorist

adriana said...

i honestly dont feel any more different than i did during 9/11 i dont think that the bush admininstratiod achieved their goals,mainly because they wanted to get the weapons of mass distruction that didnt exist.