Monday, November 29, 2010

Volunteering in Riverside

Interesting website comparing volunteering statistics among major cities in the United States.  See how Riverside ranks.

Sugarland Performance - CNN Heroes

Country duo Sugarland performs their song "Stand Up" for the CNN Heroes. 

How to be a Hero

Check out the following website, as I am positive it will help you with tomorrow's homework.  This is an opportunity to truly make a difference.  Bring your ideas.  I have an idea.

American Government 11/29/10

In Class - Watch the video clips from the CNN Heroes Tribute.  Hopefully this may inspire you to think about issues and actions you can take to help those needing it.  Hand back reflections and grades for the projects.

Homework - Brainstorm some ideas tonight about what issues are important to you.  What would you like to change in this world if given the opportunity?  Keep updating your blog.

Alternative assignment for Board Meetings (due by December 15 - Periods 1 and 2; December 16 - Period 4).

You are to write a 2-3 page paper on a topic relating to education.  It's a broad topic, but utilize your interests about education reform, do some research, and write a solid paper.  You must include a minimum of three sources (MLA format), a title page, 12 point font (Times New Roman font), one inch margins, and a works cited page.  Due dates are above.

World History 11/29/10

In Class - Writing prompt: What are you thankful for?  Write for about 5-6 minutes and tell me what you are really thankful for in life.  Watch the video clips from the CNN Heroes Tribute.  Write down the name of one individual who's story and actions really spoke to you.  Write a short reaction to the clip and tell me why you decided to choose this person.

Homework - Writing assignment due at the beginning of class tomorrow.

NOTE - Mid-term has been moved to Friday.  I will have a review sheet for you tomorrow (Chapters 1-3, 5-6).

Impacting Your World

Need a way to make a difference in this world.  Check out the following website to get some ideas as to how you can promote change and make an impact on someone's life or even your own.

Saturday, November 27, 2010


The All-Star Tribute to the CNN Heroes can be seen on CNN, Sunday (November 28) at 5:00 pm.  Government students, post your response by Sunday evening (11:59 pm).  World History students, bring in your write-up to class on Monday and turn in at the beginning of class.

Saturday, November 20, 2010

What are you thankful for?

I had a few moments to write down some of my thoughts, so I thought I would share those with you.  The title asks a simple question, yet there seems to be little thought or attention given to this question when we really have so much to be thankful for.  It seems that we take for granted the little things in life that truly define our existence.  A roof over your head, clothes on your back, and food to eat are simple concepts that we never really think twice about unless you have experienced the hardship.  The simple fact that we are being protected by the greatest military on the planet.  They honor their country by giving their life to defend it.  Unless we have friends, family members, former students, or are simply informed about current issues (props to you), people don't necessarily think about the effects of war until they have experienced it in some way shape or form.  Terrorism is an ongoing battle that plagues the entire globe.  The United States has stepped up their security protocol in airports allowing full body scans and "extreme" pat-downs.  I don't know what the fuss is about.  I am thankful that our government is willing to do what is necessary to keep us safe on commercial airlines.  My wife will be traveling internationally next year, and I have a calming feeling that I know she will be safe.  We need to truly remember the words of the Declaration of rights to life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness.  We need to be thankful that we live in the greatest country in the world where although we might have a difference of opinion, we have the right to freedom of speech.  "I may not like what you have to say, but I'll defend to the death your right to say it" - Voltaire says it best.  Not too many countries in the world are open to disagreement and therefore silence the critics with violence.  Put it in perspective, we have so many things that we should be thankful for.

In no particular order, I would like to list the things that I am thankful for:
1) a week off of school
2) a roof over my head, food to eat, clothes on my back, and a sense of stability.
3) my wife Carmen - she is my rock and best friend.
4) almost eight full years of bliss with my dog Queenie (miss you!)
5) my family - mom (Freddie - short for Elfriede - good German name), dad (John), brother (Chris), sister (Stephanie), in laws (Ed and Rose), my Oma (Lena), Aunts Susan, Nancy, and Joyce, Uncles David and Emil, Cousins Benjamin, Brent, Jeremiah, and Kevin
6) my job - I consider this my career because I was simply put on this planet to teach; it's my passion.  I work with some great teachers in my department (best department on campus: Social Science!!!)
7) my students - without you, I wouldn't want to come to school every day
8) my baseball team - I love teaching the game; it's who I am.
9) my country
10) my faith

Always cherish the time you have and be thankful every day that you have the ability to spend time with family and friends, to do the things you love, your freedoms and rights, responsibilities and interests, to take ownership of your education, to become involved and current on issues, to take action and promote change, and to care for your fellow brother and sister.  If we take care of one another, then this world will definitely become a better place. 

I am thankful that there are people that are making sacrifices and promoting change for the improvement of our world.  On Thanksgiving night (Thursday, November 25) CNN is having an All-Star Tribute to some of these people that are sacrificing themselves and truly being selfless to make the lives of others better.  The link for the program is in the title of this post.

I want you to watch the tribute on CNN (see website for time and details).  Of the stories that are presented, I want you to take notes on a minimum of three people.  You will include names of the people, and what they did to become one of CNN's Heroes.  After you have taken your notes, I want you to write a reaction of two paragraphs per person giving me a short summary of their background, and what about their story truly spoke to you?  In other words, why did you pick these people to write about?

Your comment is due on Sunday, November 28 by 11:59 pm (government students); World History students, your written work is due on Monday, November 29 at the beginning of class.  Quality work could receive up to fifty points of extra credit, if done really well.  Be sure to proofread your work, and remember there are space limitations to comments, so you may need to take your original, cut it in half, and post two (2) comments.  No late work will be accepted. 

Finally, enjoy your break.  Be safe and cherish the day, and be thankful that all of the human race is connected in at least one way: life.

Schedule for 11/22-11/24

I should be in my classroom on Monday and Tuesday of next week.  If you want to come by my room, I should be in my room by 8 am.  If not, check either the baseball or soccer fields.  If I'm not there, then I am not on campus.  In order to avoid confusion, please email me or post a comment on this post if you are thinking about coming in on either of those days.

American Government 11/19/10

In Class - My final thoughts on the projects and presentations.  Any last comments or questions?  Complete reflection if you were absent yesterday.  Short video.

Homework - Continue to update your blog.  Have a safe and wonderful break.

World History 11/19/10

In Class - Use today's class time to finish and complete anything you have not done for your writing assignment.  This is due either via email or printed out to me today.  Mid Term has been postponed until Tuesday, November 30 (Chapters 1-3, 5-6).  Hang onto all of your work (Standards Check Handouts) because I will collect this on Tuesday, November 30.  I will also post a review sheet on this blog over the break.

Homework - Study for Mid Term.  Enjoy your break!

American Government 11/18/10

In Class - Complete presentations.  Complete project reflection and turn in before you leave.

Homework - Update your blog.

World History 11/18/10

In Class - Continue to work on packet (Industrial Revolution).  Use class time today to focus on completing the final two handouts or your writing assignment (due tomorrow).

NOTE - Mid Term has been postponed until Tuesday, November 30 (Chapters 1-3, 5-6).

Homework - Complete your writing assignment, due tomorrow either via email or turned into me before you leave.

Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Your Beautiful, It's True

This is truly amazing.  In fact, it's beautiful.  People really can do amazing things. 

Political Jacka$$

YouTube video project of Reuben and Daniel (4th Period).  Disclaimer: Viewer discretion is advised.

American Government 11/17/10

In Class - Continue and hopefully conclude project presentations.  Turn in notes from presenters and be sure to circle the names of the people that you thought were the best presentations and/or projects.

Homework - Continue to update your blog.

NOTE - I am very impressed with a majority of the projects and presentations.  You guys pleasantly surprised me with some quality work (that some of you are allowing me to keep:)  Overall, I think it was a success. 

World History 11/17/10

In Class - Hang onto yesterday's homework.  We will discuss this tomorrow.  3rd Period - Class Discussion: Current events and issues.  5th Period - Work Day: complete yesterday's homework or work on your writing assignment due on Friday.

Homework - IR writing assignment due on Friday.  Study for Mid Term - Chapters 1-3, 5-6 on Friday. 


American Government 11/16/10

In Class - Continue with presentations.  Take notes and be sure to circle the best presentation and/or project of the day. 

Homework - Continue to update your blog.

World History 11/16/10

In Class - Class Notes: The Industrial Revolution.  Review the causes of the Industrial Revolution and the social, cultural, and economic changes during this era.  Hand out homework (Standards Check Packet).  Due at the beginning of class tomorrow.

Homework - Standards Check Packet due Wednesday.  IR writing assignment is due on Friday, November 19.  Mid Term on Friday as well over Chapter 1-3, 5-6.

NOTE - This is a tough week right before the break so work hard.  This is an easy opportunity for any of you to raise your grade in my class.

Tuesday, November 16, 2010

American Government 11/15/10

In Class - Begin project presentations.  You are to take notes over the presentations and at the end of the class period, circle the name of the person in which you felt had either the best project or presentation. 

Homework - Update your blog!!!

World History 11/15/10

In Class - Short review.  Written quiz (Morizz).  You may use your guided notes from Friday to complete the quiz.  Analyze the picture and completely answer the questions using complete sentences and specific examples.  Discuss Writing Project: due Friday, November 15.

Homework - Work on writing assignment (due by Friday, November 15).  Also, midterm over Chapters 1-3, 5-6 on Friday.

EXTRA CREDIT OPPORTUNITY - Mid Term Review on Thursday and Friday before school.

Sunday, November 14, 2010

Inspirational Quotes

Need some help realizing and actualizing your dreams, abilities, or interests?  Enjoy.

Our truest life is when we are in dreams awake.
Henry David Thoreau

Commitment leads to action. Action brings your dream closer.
Marcia Wieder

The talent of success is nothing more than doing what you can do, well.
Henry W. Longfellow

We are what we repeatedly do. Excellence, therefore, is not an act but a habit.

Nothing great was ever achieved without enthusiasm.
Ralph Waldo Emerson

Thomas Edison dreamed of a lamp that could be operated by electricity, began where he stood to put his dream into action, and despite more than ten thousand failures, he stood by that dream until he made it a physical reality.
Practical dreamers do not quit.
Napoleon Hill

If you need any help throughout the day or perhaps simply need some words to calm you down, I am on Skype and available through email.  Good luck; looking forward to tomorrow.

American Government 11/12/10

In Class - Finish all WHIPS.  Discuss any questions about the project.  Your projects are due on Monday.  If you have questions, contact me on Sunday.  I should be around most of the day.  I don't know what to expect, but if you utilize your interests, talents, or passions into this, then it will be excellent.  Don't cheat yourself, produce quality work. 

Homework - QOW due by 11:59 tonight.  Project due on Monday, November 14.

World History 11/12/10 (aka I love my dog!)

In Class: Discuss guided reading notes from Wednesday (Chapter 5, Sections 1-3).  Complete in class.  Handout Industrial Revolution Writing Assignment.  Briefly discuss.

Homework - Quiz on Monday over Chapter 5, Sections 1-3.  Mid-Term on Friday, November 19 over Chapters 1-3, 5-6.  Writing assignment also due on Friday, November 19. 

Thursday, November 11, 2010

American Government 11/10/10

In Class - Continue to watch the documentary "Obama's War." Answer the questions as you watch. Turn these questions and answers in before you leave.

Homework - WHIPS on Friday. Bring your project to work on in class. QOW due on Friday. Project presentations begin on Monday.

World History 11/10/10

In Class - Discuss primary sources concerning the Industrial Revolution. Hand out new packet (hang onto the old quizzes for they are for Chapter 6). These guided notes are due on Friday. Also, there will be a short quiz on Friday over Chapter 5, Sections 1-3.

Homework - Guided Notes, Chapter 5, Sections 1-3. Quiz over this information on Friday.

Tuesday, November 9, 2010

American Government 11/9/10

In Class - WHIPS postponed until Friday. In class, watch the documentary, Obama's War dealing with the war in Afghanistan. I am revitalizing this topic for the simple fact that this Thursday is Veterans Day, and we need to be aware of why we should honor those who serve or served our country. While watching the documentary (click on the title to view the video), answer the following questions:
1) According to the video, how are the military efforts going in Afghanistan? What is the objective of the US military?
2) Explain COIN. Does history repeat itself (Vietnam?)?
3) Describe the government/leadership in Afghanistan.
4) Explain the relationship between Pakistan and India. How does this effect the US?
5) In your opinion, what is the plan of action from here in Afghanistan?
6) Why is Veteran's Day significant to our country?

Homework - Keep updating your blog and working on your project (due on Monday, November 15).

Industrial Revolution Resources

Scroll down to the resources and check out some of the links.

The Origins of the Industrial Revolution in England

The Industrial Revolution

Good overview and primary sources for the Industrial Revolution.

World History 11/9/10

In Class - Standard 10.3.2: How science and technology influenced changes in the world: economical, social, and cultural changes. Read Chapter 5, Sections 1 and 2 (the handouts coincide with Chapter 6. I apologize for this). Work on the primary sources in class.

Homework - Primary sources from packet.


Monday, November 8, 2010

Political Ads We Love or Hate

American Government 11/8/10

In Class - WHIPS. Show example of project (due one week from today). Class discussion regarding President Obama's recent trip to India and the implications of making India the 6th permanent seat on the UN Security Council.

Homework - Keep working on your project, updating your blog, and the QOW is due on Friday by 11:59 pm.

QOW - Do some research on your own and respond to the following questions. Be sure to include a works cited (MLA format) of all your resources. This is due by Friday, November 12 by 11:59 pm.

Considering what we have talked about in the past regarding public opinion, does the government or media create the political agenda in the United States? Be sure to provide specific reasons and evidence to support your arguments.

World History 11/8/10

In Class - I will hand back the tests over Chapter 3 tomorrow in class. Test corrections will be Wednesday morning before school.

Introduce chapters 5 and 6: The Industrial Revolution. Copy the notes from the board. Focus on how technology and science contributed to change social, economical, and cultural aspects of the world. Complete notes from video. Hand out Chapter 5 packet - this is due on Friday.

Homework - Chapter 5 packet due on Friday.

Friday, November 5, 2010

What matters to you?

Video from class.

American Government 11/5/10

In Class - Discuss new self-directive learning and creative thinking and how these aspects relate to your next project.

Criteria for project: Topic must be about government or politics in some way. You must create something whether you use technology or create a physical piece of art (ceramics, drawing). It is due on Monday, November 15. Presentations will be on Monday and Tuesday. You get points by doing this project. You get zero points for not.

Homework - Start thinking about your project. Keep updating your blog.

World History 11/5/10

In Class - Complete the short answer portion of the Chapter 3 Test. Turn in before you leave.

Homework - None.

Thursday, November 4, 2010

American Government 11/4/10

In Class - Discuss current 12 week grades. I will show you the grade for this class and your other classes and have a short discussion. While you are waiting to speak with me, get into your groups and continue to analyze the political cartoons over the midterm elections. Turn this in before you leave.

Homework - None, but be sure you are updating your blog.

World History 11/4/10

In Class - Test over Chapter 3, French Revolution. Part one (multiple choice) will be completed today. The short answer portion of the test will be tomorrow.

Homework - Study for the short answer portion of the test over Chapter 3.

American Government 11/3/10

In Class - Continue to discuss the important aspects of the midterm elections. Begin analyzing political cartoons concerning the midterm elections and any significant themes and topics that are presented in the political cartoons.

Homework - By 11:59 tonight, post a campaign advertisement on your blog from the recent election and write a short reaction to it.

World History 11/3/10

In Class - Review in class for test tomorrow over Chapter 3. Completion of the review sheet can be used as extra credit on your overall test score.

Homework - Complete review sheet and study for the Chapter 3 Test.

Wednesday, November 3, 2010

American Government 11/2/10

In Class - Short video. Review the signficance of this midterm election and how it will affect the legislative process. Short discussion of information on the California propositions.

Homework - Election Campaign Advertisment: Post a video or video link of an interesting political advertisment concerning the candidates or propositions. Write a short explanation of what you thought was significant and educational. What did you learn? What questions do you have? This is due posted on your blog by Wednesday evening @11:59 pm.

World History 11/2/10

In Class - Complete FR picturegram assignment. Turn in to the top tray. Grab a copy of the review sheet for Thursday's test. Hand back papers.

Homework - Test on Thursday over Chapter 3.

Monday, November 1, 2010

Jerry Brown

Jerry Brown's website.

Meg Whitman

Meg Whitman's website.

Follow the Money

Campaign funds for candidates in California. Interesting.

Voter Guide Concerning the Propositions

American Government 11/1/10

In Class - Discuss the significance of voting and the factors that influence voters: gender, age, race, religion, ethnicity, political party, parents, peers, and the media. Also, discuss the role of campaign advertisments and their role in swinging voters

Homework - For class tomorrow, bring some research concerning one of the propositions on the November 2 ballot (Propositions 19-27). For Wednesday, find a political commercial, post it on your own blog, and write a short synopsis of the commercial. What did you find interesting? What were the main points of the commercial?

World History 11/1/10

In Class - Continue class notes over Napoleon. Summarize class notes on the handout. Continue to work on FR Picturegrams.

Homework - Read Chapter 3, Section 4. Test over Chapter 3 is on Wednesday.

Best Viral Campaign Ads of 2010

Katy Steinmetz, TIME
October 19, 2010

Politicians are always starved for attention, and in this YouTube era, nothing attracts eyeballs like a good viral video. As election season heats up, TIME takes a look at some of the campiest, craziest and creepiest campaign ads of the year.

Ad Nauseam: Do Campaign Ads Really Work?

Frank I. Luntz - TIME
October 29, 2010

Six simple rules for successful campaign videos.