In Class - HWIP presentation. Discuss this week: be sure to continue to update your blog concerning articles/sources over the mosque controversy in NYC. I will be checking these on Wednesday for completion grades. In groups or by yourself, start writing some talking points for tomorrow's class discussion. Remember, this cannot be made up if you are absent unless you get in contact with me via email prior to the discussion date. Be sure to utilize the library's online databases (see the handout passed out with the syllabus for accessing at home).
Homework - Begin preparing for tomorrow's discussion. See the syllabus as to what I expect for this discussion. Participation is mandatory to receive any points. By 11:59 on Tuesday evening, you are to write a reflection on your blog covering the class discussion. What was talked about? What arguments were proposed? What interested you? How do you think it went? What did you learn? Anything else to add to this. You are to post this on your blog after your sources. Take your time when you do this; I will treat this as this week's QOW. Come prepared and ready to amaze me and the rest of your classmates.
Monday, August 30, 2010
World History 8/30/10
In Class - Begin watching video: Rome: Prosperity and Decline. Complete video questions while watching. Hand out homework (due on Wednesday, September 1).
Homework - Watch the news this evening - you will be writing about this tomorrow in class. Begin reading Chapter 1, Section 2 on Ancient Rome. Handout is due on Wednesday, September 1.
Homework - Watch the news this evening - you will be writing about this tomorrow in class. Begin reading Chapter 1, Section 2 on Ancient Rome. Handout is due on Wednesday, September 1.
Friday, August 27, 2010
American Government 8/27/10
In Class - HWIP (postpone until Monday). Five minutes to finish up any last minute details of your group paper. Present in class your arguments. Discuss as a class. Turn in Double Journal Entry.
Homework - QOW due by 11:59 tonight. Also, be sure to update your blog with resources and research concerning our current topic of discussion. I will be checking this on Tuesday evening. Start preparing for our class discussion for next Tuesday.
Homework - QOW due by 11:59 tonight. Also, be sure to update your blog with resources and research concerning our current topic of discussion. I will be checking this on Tuesday evening. Start preparing for our class discussion for next Tuesday.
World History 8/27/10
In Class - Quiz over Chapter 1, Section 1. Turn in and discuss.
Homework - Continue to watch the news and find out what's going on in the world.
Homework - Continue to watch the news and find out what's going on in the world.
American Government 8/26/10
In Class - Continue group work and discussion regarding this issue on the proposed Islamic Center in New York City. Complete your group papers, for we will use these in class tomorrow.
Homework - Handout from yesterday (Double Journal Entry) due tomorrow at the beginning of class. Also, QOW response due by 11:59 on Friday.
Homework - Handout from yesterday (Double Journal Entry) due tomorrow at the beginning of class. Also, QOW response due by 11:59 on Friday.
World History 8/26/10
In Class - Classwork: Partner up and write a 12 question quiz over Chapter 1, Section 1. You are to focus on the standards and use these as your guide. Also, what have we covered in class? Ten of the questions need to be multiple choice with four possibilities for answers. The other two are short answer questions. Work quickly because this is due before you leave. The authors of the quiz I select will be exempt from taking the quiz so do quality work.
Homework - Review for the quiz tomorrow over Chapter 1, Section 1.
Homework - Review for the quiz tomorrow over Chapter 1, Section 1.
Wednesday, August 25, 2010
American Government 8/25/10
In Class - Continue to discuss the controversy concerning the Islamic Community Center proposal in NYC. Short video clips. Hand out "Two Sided Journal Entry." Do some research online and complete the chart for Friday. Be sure to include the URL address and a citation (MLA format) on the handout.
Homework - Continue to blog and update your site with research (annotated works cited). Handout due on Friday. QOW #1 due on Friday by 11:59 pm.
Homework - Continue to blog and update your site with research (annotated works cited). Handout due on Friday. QOW #1 due on Friday by 11:59 pm.
World History 8/25/10
In Class - Discuss yesterday's homework (article concerning Islamic Community Center in NYC). Short video clips outlining other arguments on this topic. Turn in article summary.
Homework - Watch the news. Find out what is going on in the world.
5th Period - Article summary must be turned in tomorrow by 8:15 in order to receive credit for this assignment.
Homework - Watch the news. Find out what is going on in the world.
5th Period - Article summary must be turned in tomorrow by 8:15 in order to receive credit for this assignment.
Tuesday, August 24, 2010
American Government 8/24/10
In Class - Turn in current event from yesterday concerning the issue of the proposed building of an Islamic Center in lower Manhattan (completion grade). Today's HWIP: 2nd Period - Steven Botello; 4th Period - Anton Salazar. What do you do with your blog now that you created it? Explain annotated works cited page (you should be updating this daily). Video Clip from class:
Extremist Makeover: Homeland Edition -
John Stewart: Comedy Central
John Stewart addresses the opposition to the building of an Islamic Center in lower Manhattan. He defends the right of freedom of religion and negates the arguments concerning the sensitivity of building something so close to Ground Zero. Considering the issue, people are always looking for a villain, but that does not mean that we are not allowed to practice our American rights (Heston, 1999). *****EXAMPLE OF CITATION****
Homework - Start looking for research online concerning this issue and updating your blog accordingly. You need to be updating this on a daily basis. I expect you to work outside of this class. Also, QOW is due on Friday by 11:59 pm (see 8/23/10 post).
Article to check out:
The 'Ground Zero Mosque': It Could Have Been a Church -,8599,2013080,00.html#ixzz0xZZv7SH0
Belinda Luscombe: New York
The proposed Islamic Center to be built could have been a Christian Church. However, since 9/11, religious institutions have found it difficult to build any type of religious building around Ground Zero. This is why this location is perfect for any religion to to create ministries to share their faith to the community.
Extremist Makeover: Homeland Edition -
John Stewart: Comedy Central
John Stewart addresses the opposition to the building of an Islamic Center in lower Manhattan. He defends the right of freedom of religion and negates the arguments concerning the sensitivity of building something so close to Ground Zero. Considering the issue, people are always looking for a villain, but that does not mean that we are not allowed to practice our American rights (Heston, 1999). *****EXAMPLE OF CITATION****
Homework - Start looking for research online concerning this issue and updating your blog accordingly. You need to be updating this on a daily basis. I expect you to work outside of this class. Also, QOW is due on Friday by 11:59 pm (see 8/23/10 post).
Article to check out:
The 'Ground Zero Mosque': It Could Have Been a Church -,8599,2013080,00.html#ixzz0xZZv7SH0
Belinda Luscombe: New York
The proposed Islamic Center to be built could have been a Christian Church. However, since 9/11, religious institutions have found it difficult to build any type of religious building around Ground Zero. This is why this location is perfect for any religion to to create ministries to share their faith to the community.
World History 8/24/10
In Class - Discuss primary sources from yesterday (Plato and Aristotle). Five minutes to fix anything within your answers, then turn this in. Discuss the current controversy concerning the building of an Islamic Center only blocks away from Ground Zero. Short video clip discussing this topic. Handout article.
Homework - Read article (be sure to highlight key and important information) and write a paragraph summary of this article. This is due tomorrow at the beginning of class.
5th Period - If the 28 of you not in class today wants the homework due tomorrow, then see me before school tomorrow.
Homework - Read article (be sure to highlight key and important information) and write a paragraph summary of this article. This is due tomorrow at the beginning of class.
5th Period - If the 28 of you not in class today wants the homework due tomorrow, then see me before school tomorrow.
This is what you will do with your blog! Muslim Mosque Controversy (or current topic assigned)
Islam is a religion, not a terror ideology -
Jocelyn Cesari -
The firestorm of controversy in the United States concerning the building of a proposed Islamic Center in New York City has people divided on this issue. Some believe that Islam is a religion for terrorists while others believe we should protect and promote freedom of religion.
Jocelyn Cesari -
The firestorm of controversy in the United States concerning the building of a proposed Islamic Center in New York City has people divided on this issue. Some believe that Islam is a religion for terrorists while others believe we should protect and promote freedom of religion.
Monday, August 23, 2010
American Government 8/23/10
In Class - HWIP student presentation (we will continue these all year). Group Work: Article analysis concerning the topic of the mosque in NYC.
Homework - By 11:59 tonight, each of you needs to email me the URL to your blog. Also, bring a current event regarding this topic for tomorrow's class.
Question of the Week (QOW) - Considering the arguments from both sides of this issue, what side do you take concerning the building of an Islamic Center two blocks away from Ground Zero?
1) In your response, be sure to include specific arguments (not opinions) from credible sources. Remember, an argument is your opinion backed by evidence.
2) See the rubric in your syllabus for requirements and grading.
3) Also, you must include citations (citing your sources within your response (see 8/24 post for example of a citation) and a complete MLA works cited page.
4) Failure to include any of these components in your responses will lose you points.
Take your time and proofread your work before submitting. Be sure to include your name and period at the end of your response. This is due by 11:59 on Friday, August 27. No late work accepted.
Articles to check out:
Islamic Center protestors show passion with signs -
Rachel Rodriguez, CNN
Demonstrations in New York City surrounding the proposed building of an Islamic Center has fueled passions on both sides of the issue. Is it a question of insensitivity or religious freedom?
Homework - By 11:59 tonight, each of you needs to email me the URL to your blog. Also, bring a current event regarding this topic for tomorrow's class.
Question of the Week (QOW) - Considering the arguments from both sides of this issue, what side do you take concerning the building of an Islamic Center two blocks away from Ground Zero?
1) In your response, be sure to include specific arguments (not opinions) from credible sources. Remember, an argument is your opinion backed by evidence.
2) See the rubric in your syllabus for requirements and grading.
3) Also, you must include citations (citing your sources within your response (see 8/24 post for example of a citation) and a complete MLA works cited page.
4) Failure to include any of these components in your responses will lose you points.
Take your time and proofread your work before submitting. Be sure to include your name and period at the end of your response. This is due by 11:59 on Friday, August 27. No late work accepted.
Articles to check out:
Islamic Center protestors show passion with signs -
Rachel Rodriguez, CNN
Demonstrations in New York City surrounding the proposed building of an Islamic Center has fueled passions on both sides of the issue. Is it a question of insensitivity or religious freedom?
World History 8/23/10
In Class - In Class Writing: Analyze the quote by explaining what you think it means and how it relates to you ("Success...spontaneous combustion") Group Work: Primary Source analysis (DBQ's: Document Based Questions). In groups, read through the primary sources and highlight/underline the evidence that answers the questions from the source. In the margin, place a number which corresponds to the question it answers. You may answer your questions on the back or use a separate sheet of paper.
Homework - Finish analyzing the primary sources and write the answers to the questions. This is due at the beginning of class tomorrow.
Homework - Finish analyzing the primary sources and write the answers to the questions. This is due at the beginning of class tomorrow.
Saturday, August 21, 2010
American Government 8/20/10
In Class - If you haven't already, turn in the signed syllabus. Continue to discuss the issue of the Mosque in NYC. Short video: Arab American Comedians. See how since 9/11 the issue of religious tolerance and acceptance in the United States has once again become a major talking point in this country.
Homework - Blog needs to be created by Monday, August 23. Continue to watch the news and see what is happening in the world.
Current Event Presentations: Each of you will be responsible for bringing in a current event and presenting this article to the class on your assigned day. The article can be of your choosing, but it must be related to our study of politics and government. No sports stories!!! If you are absent on the day you are to present, then you will receive a zero. These cannot be made up unless you contact me before your absence. You are to turn in a copy of the article and write a short summary for the article including a citation. You will be graded on your overall presentation and written work.
For Monday, August 23: Daniel Bernal - 2nd Period; Brittney Austin - 4th Period.
Articles to check out:
A Brief History of Intolerance in the United States -,29307,2011978,00.html
Kim Abbott - Time Magazine
See how religous and ethnic intolerance in the United States dates back to the orginal colonies.
In Controversial Mosque, Young Muslims Pray for Understanding - (scroll down to videos on the left)
Time Video
Young Muslims have been praying in this building only two blocks from Ground Zero for some time. Yet the media has created a firestorm of controversy of the proposed Islamic Community Center. Muslims meet here to pray during the festival of Ramadan, which ends on September 10.
Does America Have a Muslim Problem? -,8599,2011798,00.html
Bobby Ghosh - Time Magazine
It's part of the fabric of life, but protests reveal a growing hostility to the religion of Muslims. During Ramadan prayer services at Park51, site of a proposed Islamic Center, attendees discuss the mosque and the media frenzy surrounding it.
Homework - Blog needs to be created by Monday, August 23. Continue to watch the news and see what is happening in the world.
Current Event Presentations: Each of you will be responsible for bringing in a current event and presenting this article to the class on your assigned day. The article can be of your choosing, but it must be related to our study of politics and government. No sports stories!!! If you are absent on the day you are to present, then you will receive a zero. These cannot be made up unless you contact me before your absence. You are to turn in a copy of the article and write a short summary for the article including a citation. You will be graded on your overall presentation and written work.
For Monday, August 23: Daniel Bernal - 2nd Period; Brittney Austin - 4th Period.
Articles to check out:
A Brief History of Intolerance in the United States -,29307,2011978,00.html
Kim Abbott - Time Magazine
See how religous and ethnic intolerance in the United States dates back to the orginal colonies.
In Controversial Mosque, Young Muslims Pray for Understanding - (scroll down to videos on the left)
Time Video
Young Muslims have been praying in this building only two blocks from Ground Zero for some time. Yet the media has created a firestorm of controversy of the proposed Islamic Community Center. Muslims meet here to pray during the festival of Ramadan, which ends on September 10.
Does America Have a Muslim Problem? -,8599,2011798,00.html
Bobby Ghosh - Time Magazine
It's part of the fabric of life, but protests reveal a growing hostility to the religion of Muslims. During Ramadan prayer services at Park51, site of a proposed Islamic Center, attendees discuss the mosque and the media frenzy surrounding it.
World History 8/20/10
In Class - Ten minute review (on your own) for the quiz. Quiz over class notes, handouts, and anything else we have covered this week. Turn in homework (Standards and Alexander the Great primary source).
Homework - Enjoy your weekend.
Homework - Enjoy your weekend.
Thursday, August 19, 2010
American Government 8/19/10
In Class - Turn in signed syllabus. Discuss creation of the blog and example of the EPortfolio (annotated works cited). Be sure to document your sources on your blog (Example: see post from 8/18).
Homework - Create your blog (by Monday 8/23). Continue or start watching the news and checking online resources to use in class.
Homework - Create your blog (by Monday 8/23). Continue or start watching the news and checking online resources to use in class.
World History 8/19/10
In Class - Continue class notes from yesterday (Ancient Greece). Hand out worksheet: Standard 10.1.2 Tyranny and Alexander the Great primary source. For the primary source, be sure to underline or highlight the evidence/answer to the questions (#2, 3, and critical thinking). In the margin next to your evidence/answer, write the number of the question. Be sure to answer the questions using complete sentences on a separate sheet of paper. This is due at the beginning of class.
Homework - Complete handout. Quiz tomorrow over what we have covered in class thus far. Refer to Chapter 1, Section 1, class notes, and handouts. Anything is fair game. Need a hint for studying? Check the standards.
Homework - Complete handout. Quiz tomorrow over what we have covered in class thus far. Refer to Chapter 1, Section 1, class notes, and handouts. Anything is fair game. Need a hint for studying? Check the standards.
Wednesday, August 18, 2010
American Government 8/18/10
In Class - Handout and discuss syllabus, class expectations, and goals.
Homework - Signed syllabus due tomorrow at the beginning of class.
Articles/videos to check out regarding current events: - Muslims around world monitor mosque debate - "Ground Zero Mosque" Developers: We Won't Move
***This is an example of an annotated works cited page. Follow the format on your blog.
Last US combat brigade exits Iraq -
BBC News -
The last American combat brigade in Iraq has left the country, the US military has said. The 4th Stryker Brigade, 2nd Infantry Division began crossing by land into Kuwait in the early hours of Thursday, said a spokesman. Approximately 56,000 troops are to remain in Iraq until August 31 to advise Iraqi security and protect US interests.
Title of the Article - link to website (URL)
Author or Publication -
(Short two to three sentence description of main arguments, opinions, and main ideas)
Homework - Signed syllabus due tomorrow at the beginning of class.
Articles/videos to check out regarding current events: - Muslims around world monitor mosque debate - "Ground Zero Mosque" Developers: We Won't Move
***This is an example of an annotated works cited page. Follow the format on your blog.
Last US combat brigade exits Iraq -
BBC News -
The last American combat brigade in Iraq has left the country, the US military has said. The 4th Stryker Brigade, 2nd Infantry Division began crossing by land into Kuwait in the early hours of Thursday, said a spokesman. Approximately 56,000 troops are to remain in Iraq until August 31 to advise Iraqi security and protect US interests.
Title of the Article - link to website (URL)
Author or Publication -
(Short two to three sentence description of main arguments, opinions, and main ideas)
World History 8/18/10
In Class - Ten minutes to discuss yesterday's classwork/homework. Grade and discuss the multiple choice and matching questions. Turn in. Class notes: Ancient Greece - discuss the lasting legacies of the Ancient Greek civilizations - democracy, art, literature; discuss key components of city-states; Greek philosophers - Socrates, Plato, Aristotle and their views on democracy.
Homework - None.
Homework - None.
American Government 8/17/10
In Class - Continue to discuss SB 1070 and its impact on the United States. After watching some video clips, discuss as a class any possible interesting information including any questions you might have. Briefly discuss syllabus.
Homework - Stay informed by watching the news and surfing the web for articles concerning SB 1070 and anything else you might find interesting.
Homework - Stay informed by watching the news and surfing the web for articles concerning SB 1070 and anything else you might find interesting.
World History 8/17/10
In Class - Discuss SQRRRS reading strategy. Begin reading Chapter 1, Section 1 in class. Complete handout (Ch.1, Sec. 1 Quiz) for tomorrow. This is due at the beginning of class.
Homework - Complete Chapter 1, Section 1 Quiz.
Homework - Complete Chapter 1, Section 1 Quiz.
Monday, August 16, 2010
American Government 8/16/10
In Class - Turn in article analysis from Friday. Continue to discuss Arizona SB 1070. What questions do you have about this? What do you want to know?
Homework - Continue to read and follow the news about this topic.
Reading List for the week:
Textbook: Chapter 3 - The Constitution pages 62-84
Articles/websites to check out:
Homework - Continue to read and follow the news about this topic.
Reading List for the week:
Textbook: Chapter 3 - The Constitution pages 62-84
Articles/websites to check out:
World History 8/16/10
In Class - Writing assignment: what is history? Discuss these as a class. Hand out and discuss syllabus including classroom goals and expectations.
Homework - Signed syllabus due tomorrow at the beginning of class.
Homework - Signed syllabus due tomorrow at the beginning of class.
American Government 8/13/10
In Class - Discuss any key political or world events you would like to discuss in class. Group Work: For your current event (homework from yesterday), you are to read your article and discuss the summary with your group. While you do this complete the format from the board and analyze your article focusing on what do you know?, what interested you?, and what questions do you still have? I will collect this on Monday. Begin discussing SB 1070 (Arizona Immigration Law).
Homework - For Monday, complete preview of SB 1070.
Homework - For Monday, complete preview of SB 1070.
World History 8/13/10
In Class - Continue to discuss SMART goals and their importance to the classroom. In groups, discuss your SMART goals and work on ways to make them more specific. A finished copy will be due on Monday.
Homework - Finished copy of your SMART goals.
Homework - Finished copy of your SMART goals.
Friday, August 13, 2010
American Government 8/12/10
In Class: Textbook checkout. Group Work: Discussing political cartoons. Topic: Education Budgets.
Homework: Bring a current event on the topic of your choosing for tomorrow's class.
Homework: Bring a current event on the topic of your choosing for tomorrow's class.
World History 8/12/10
In Class: Textbook checkout. You need your student ID or a printed schedule. Take care of these books and take them home. Goal Setting: SMART Goals. Discuss what they are, the components of SMART goals, and how to write them.
Homework: You are to write six (6) SMART Goals. Three (3) are to be short term and three (3) long term. Two are dedicated (one short term and one long term goal) to World History. The other four are up to you. Bring this tomorrow to class because we will continue to work on this.
Homework: You are to write six (6) SMART Goals. Three (3) are to be short term and three (3) long term. Two are dedicated (one short term and one long term goal) to World History. The other four are up to you. Bring this tomorrow to class because we will continue to work on this.
Thursday, August 12, 2010
American Government 8/11/10
In Class: Welcome Back! Introductions. Complete student biography and contact information.
Homework: Bring student ID or printed class schedule for textbook checkout tomorrow.
Homework: Bring student ID or printed class schedule for textbook checkout tomorrow.
World History 8/11/10
In Class - Welcome Back! Introductions. Complete student biography and contact information.
Homework - Bring your student ID or printed class schedule for textbook checkout tomorrow.
Homework - Bring your student ID or printed class schedule for textbook checkout tomorrow.
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