Wednesday, April 28, 2010

American Government 4/28/10

In Class - Library to research for final project. By Monday, May 3, each group will need to submit a works cited page (typed) with a minimum of ten (10) sources. All of these sources must be from credible and reliable sources (no Wikipedia). Use the online databases offered by the school's library. Using these sources will help you cite your sources.

Homework - QOW (Part 1) due by Friday, 11:59 pm. Works Cited page due on Monday, May 3. Be sure to bring all of your research to class tomorrow, for you will need this to work in groups.

World History 4/28/10

In Class - Quick review of the Cold War. Begin watching "Thirteen Days" focusing on the Cuban Missile Crisis.

Homework - None.

American Government 4/27/10

In Class - Continue to work in groups on your final project. Be sure you are taking advantage of this class time.

Homework - QOW (Part 1) due by Friday, 11:59 pm.

World History 4/27/10

In Class - Briefly discuss CST Part 2. Unwind from a long week of testing. Great job!

Homework - None.

Monday, April 26, 2010

American Government 4/26/10

In Class - Continue to work on final project.

Homework - QOW due by Friday, April 30.

QOW - Considering the new law signed in Arizona by Governor Jan Brewer (SB 1070), take a look at the following videos and articles and develop an educational and rational argument either for or against this new proposed law. You must have a minimum of two citations along with a works cited. After you have posted your initial comment by Friday, over the weekend, you are to read several of your peers' comments. You are then to respond to one of your classmates' arguments concerning this new proposed bill. Along with any good critical thinker, your argument must be based on evidence and either agree or disagree with your fellow students' response. The initial post is due by Friday, April 30 by 11:59 pm. The second post or response is due by Monday, May 3 by 11:59 pm. This QOW is worth 100 points - 50 for the initial comment and 50 for the response and comment on what of your classmates' response.

Articles to check out: - check out all the videos from this page - "Reaction to Arizona immigration law"; " Arizona immigration fight not over"; "Will Arizona's new law hold up?" - check out all the videos from this page - "Lawmaker defends immigration bill"; "Arizona's immigration bill uproar"; "Arizona's illegal immigration crackdown" - check out all the videos from this page - "Bill makes illegal status a crime"; "Arizona immigration law sparks debate"

World History 4/26/10

In Class - Short review and discussion of Part 1 of History CST.

Homework - Review for the second part of the History CST.

American Government 4/23/10

In Class - Turn in project paragraph and signed grade sheet.

Homework - If you haven't done so already, begin to research for your final project. EC QOW due by Monday, April 26.

World History 4/23/10

In Class - Continue CST Review. This test will be taken on Monday and Tuesday of next week. Remember the incentives: Advanced - raises your 2nd semester grade by two letter grades; proficient - raises your 2nd semester grade by one letter grade.

Homework - Study/review for the World History CST on Monday.

Thursday, April 22, 2010

American Government 4/22/10

In Class - Continue Project Planning (Project paragraph due tomorrow.) Turn in signed grade sheet (due by tomorrow).

Homework - Project Paragraph and signed grade sheet due tomorrow.

EXTRA CREDIT OPPORTUNITY - go to and watch the following video entitled "Teachers vs. texting." After watching this, view several of the following articles and write a detailed response concerning how this technology should not be allowed in the classroom or how it could be utilized and integrated into the classroom. This is due by Monday, April 26 by 11:59. You must cite your sources and include a works cited. Qualtiy work could earn up to 50 points of EC.

Articles to check out: These will just get you started. Please expand your search to articles outside of what is listed below.

Also, show up at 6:30 tomorrow morning for "Spring Cleaning" in Mr. Palo's classroom.


World History 4/22/10

In Class - Continue to review for CST History Exam next Monday and Tuesday.

Homework - Review for your CST.

American Government 4/21/10

In Class - Continue with group work. Hand out 12-Week grade sheets. These need to be signed and returned by Friday. Project paragraph due on Friday.

Homework - Research for your project. Signed grade sheet due on Friday. Project paragraph due on Friday.

World History 4/21/10

In Class - Recover from a long day of testing.

Homework - REVIEW for CST on Monday.

American Government 4/20/10

In Class - Hand back topics for final project. Begin working in class on your project paragraph. This is due Friday, April 23. NO QOW for this week.

Homework - Researching your topic for your final project.

World History 4/20/10

In Class - Review for CST. Turn in crossword puzzle over the Cold War.

Homework - None.

NOTE - If you have a "Duck and Cover" video, please turn it in.

American Government 4/19/10

In Class - Hand out and discuss final project. This is a group project. Before you leave today, I need a list of your group members' names along with your top five choices on topics. Project paragraph due by Friday, April 23.

Homework - Start planning/researching for your project.

World History 4/19/10

In Class - Continue to work on CST Review Packet. This is due before you leave. Hand out Cold War Crossword Puzzle. This is your homework for tomorrow.

Homework - Cold War Crossword Puzzle

Saturday, April 17, 2010

American Government 4/16/10

In Class - Continue to discuss the mental health issues of returning soldiers. Turn in article summary and reaction.

Homework - QOW due by 11:59 tonight.

World History 4/16/10

In Class - Continue class notes on the Cold War: Eisenhower, Domino Theory, Brinksmanship, Khrushschev, Vietnam, ICBM's, Space Race, Kennedy, Bay of Pigs, Cuban Missile Crisis.

Homework - CST Review Packet is due on Monday, April 19.

American Government 4/15/10

In Class - Wikileak video. Watch a short video clip regarding this leaked video concerning a 2007 attack on Iraqi civilians who at the time were thought to be insurgents. Continue to discuss the topic of our soldiers' mental health in times of war especially in situations where wrong decisions were made. Hand out article "Costs soar for compensating veterans with mental disorders." Read, summarize, and react to this article.

Homework - Summary and reaction to article and QOW due by Friday.

World History 4/15/10

In Class - Collect Korean War Quizzes. Use this class time to work on the CST Review Packet (due on Monday, April 19).

Homework - CST Review due on Monday, April 19.

EXTRA CREDIT - If you are doing the "Duck and Cover" video, although there is no due date for this, I would like these by Tuesday, April 20. This way, I can get your extra credit figured into your 12 week grade.

Thursday, April 15, 2010

American Government 4/14/10

In Class - Short video clips discussing the mental health of soldiers in Iraq and Afghanistan: PTSD. Group Work - Read articles concerning military suicides, mental health of soldiers when they return home. Come up with a list of questions about this topic. You will need to come up with the answers and turn them in by Friday.

Homework - Research your questions concerning this topic. QOW due on Friday.

World History 4/14/10

In Class - Discuss answers from the Korean War Video. Develop a quiz over the Korean War and Chinese Revolution (from notes and Chapter 15, Section 3). Must have 10 multiple choice questions, 4 fill in the blank, and one short answer. You must include the answers for this quiz. First Period - this is homework. Third and Fifth Periods - classwork and due before you leave. The quiz I select from each of these classes will not have to take the quiz.

Homework - Work on CST Review Packet - due on Monday.

Tuesday, April 13, 2010

American Government 4/13/10

In Class - Video: The Quake. Even though the earthquake in Haiti was several weeks ago, it seems to have fallen out of the public eye. This purpose of this video is to revitalize the tragedy and bring it back into the public eye.

Homework - QOW due on Friday, April 16.

Articles to check out:

World History 4/13/10

In Class - Video: Korean War - complete handout. There will be a short quiz tomorrow over the Korean War and Chinese Revolution. Study video notes and read Chapter 15, Section 3. Handout CST Review Packet.

Homework - Read Chapter 15, Section 3, study for quiz tomorrow, CST Review Packet is due on Monday, April 19.

Monday, April 12, 2010

American Government 4/12/10

In Class - Short video clips discussing Confederate History Month - Pride or Prejudice? Group discussion: come up with two arguments for and against the creation of such a month.

Homework - None.

QOW - Considering the aspects of Confederate History Month discussed in class today, do you think that this is a good idea? Construct a rational and educational argument or arguments based on the literature/videos below. Be sure to cite your sources. Remember, this is an extension of the classroom, and although I do not want to censor your speech, be sensitive as to how your word your arguments. This is due on Friday, April 16.

Articles to check out:

World History 4/12/10

In Class - Short Quiz (over Cold War notes and Chapter 15, Section 1). Continue group work consisting of questions and answers of US/Soviet Relations through Korean War.

Homework - None.

Friday, April 9, 2010

American Government 4/9/10

In Class - Finish the movie "Stand and Deliver." For Monday, come prepared to discuss some of the following political issues (see articles and videos below).

Homework - QOW posting due by 11:59 tonight.

NOTE - You want that extra credit that I gave to you because I didn't have an updated grade for you? Then you need to come prepared on Monday. Take a look at these articles/videos and earn that extra credit !

Articles/Videos to check out: (click on videos and search for the following titles)
"Divided over Confederate history"
"Why include slavery in proclomation"
"Marine captures what journalists don't"

World History 4/9/10

In Class - Partner up and discuss answers from the CST Review packet (handed out on Tuesday). Turn in the answer sheet. Group Work: Cold War Packet. Answer the questions from the reading packet concerning the Cold War. Read, discuss, then answer the questions. Hang onto these questions.

Homework - Read Chapter 15, Section 1. Prepare for a quiz on Monday over the class notes from Wednesday and Thursday and over the reading.

EXTRA CREDIT OPPORTUNITY - See posting from 4/8/10. This extra credit should be done in groups and you may work with people from my other classes. Even though there is no due date, I would like to have these done by Friday, April 16. Have fun!

Thursday, April 8, 2010

American Government 4/8/10

In Class - Continue watching movie "Stand and Deliver." Check my blog for some things we will be discussing tomorrow.

Homework - QOW response due on Friday.

Articles to check out: - the soccer ref I was telling you about in class! - "station donates money from racist advertisements"; Roland Martin: "Month Honors Terrorists"; Governor Apologizes for Slavery Omission; Confederate History Month Controversy

World History 4/8/10

In Class - Continue class notes concerning the Cold War. Watch the Civil Defense video "Duck and Cover." Hang onto CST Review, for I will collect them tomorrow.

Homework - Finish CST Review.

EXTRA CREDIT OPPORTUNITY - Make a more modern version of the "Duck and Cover" video. You may work in a group (no more than five people) and create at least a five minute video concerning what you have seen in the 1950's version. There is no due date for this. All videos must either be downloaded onto a DVD or onto a flash drive. The video will be shown to the class. Have fun, be creative, and duck and cover!

American Government 4/7/10

In Class - Considering this week's QOW, I thought it would be wise to find out more about the achievements in the classroom of Jaime Escalante. Begin watching "Stand and Deliver," an autobiography about Escalante's passion as an educator to do the unthinkable: teach a diverse, low SES group of students calculus.

Homework - QOW response due on Friday.

World History 4/7/10

In Class - Introduction to the Cold War. Class notes. Notebooks due today by 3:30.

Homework - Finish CST Review for tomorrow.

Tuesday, April 6, 2010

American Government 4/6/10

In Class - Discuss current events. Discuss issue of bullying in the classroom: several young kids have taken their own lives over the previous months due to excessive bullying that has taken place at school. Who is responsible? Parents? Teachers? Administrators? Students? Short video clips concerning this issue. Hand out article "School bullying activist: I know the terror Phoebe felt" by Jodee Blanco.

Homework - Read article and write a short reaction to this article. What can you (students) do to help eliminate this problem in an environment where students are supposed to feel safe? Also, introduce yourself to five people you do not know. Who knows, there may be a friendship in the making.

QOW - Since I am a softy regarding truly inspiring stories,read the following articles about Jaime Escalante. Write a reaction to these articles about the man and his mission to educate his students. Be sure to proofread your responses before submitting. This is due on Friday, April 9.

World History 4/6/10

In Class - Work Day: If you haven't taken either the test from World War II or the Benchmark, you will take those today. Work on organizing your notebook (due tomorrow by 3:00 pm). Hand out CST Review Packet with answer sheet. This is a cumulative review of test questions that you could see on your CST exam coming up in a few weeks. This assignment is due on Thursday, April 8.

Homework - Notebook due tomorrow. CST Review Packet due on Thursday.

NOTE - World War II retest will be on Wednesday morning @6:30 am. Be there on time, for I only have a limited number of tests and seats.